Pastor Ralph Posted May 16, 2003 Report Posted May 16, 2003 Q1. (Ephesians 4:1) What does "living a life worthy of your calling" in 4:1 have to do with maintaining unity in the Church in verses 2-6? What is "worthy" about unity? What is "worthy" about separation from fellow Christians? What is our "calling"? Exposition Quote
Darleen Nelson Posted May 17, 2003 Report Posted May 17, 2003 Being in unity does not just happen. It takes conscious effort and can often be hard work. It requires putting others first, recognizing differences, being committed to disagreeing without being disagreeable. We are all one in the Spirit, have one future, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one Gos so let us dwell on the things that unite us and not our differences. This is what we are called to do. Quote
jaunita Posted May 18, 2003 Report Posted May 18, 2003 "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are NOT your own?..."For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which ARE GOD'S" 1COR.6:19, 20. After coming to the Lord, and accepting Him as saviour, we no longer belong to our selves, we have been bought by the the precious blood spilled on calvery. And as such, we are ambassadors of Christ....representing Him on earth, to the world. The world (lost) watch us; they watch the church to see "just what is different about you?" When the lost see the same bickering and "in-home" fighting going on in God's house; the same way of living, by those who profess to know God, they ask "what is the difference, where is the change". In this we bring a reproach on the name of the Lord. We as Christians, are to show a better way...Love, forgiveness and unity in Christ. Does this mean we won't, or don't have difference's? no, it just means we have a different way...God's way, of dealing with them. Paul never hesitated to rebuke or reprove those believers that had strayed from the truth....all in love. We all must be willing to accept correction, in love, for no one, still in the flesh (which we all are, and will continue to be so, until we leave here!) know it all...."For now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face; now I know in part but then shall I know even as also I am known" 1COR13:12 In a dog eat dog world, which we live in today, showing the love of Christ to the world....and each other (unity in Him!) is important; in this we are fulfilling our first calling, to love the Lord God with all your heart, and your neighbor as your self. Quote
retired Posted May 19, 2003 Report Posted May 19, 2003 That old song I used to sing as a child says it pretty well "red or yellow, black or white we are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world." Jesus loves all of us, He proved that with His redemptive work on the cross. There are variations in the worship the Name of Jesus, but He is still the Lord of all. He wants us to unite and work together, think what a force we could be if all Christians worked together for the same goal instead of infighting. If we all tithed, there would be no hunger. If we all stood together we could outlaw practices that Christians find objectionable. What a voting block we could be! One strand is weak, two strands together are stronger, hundreds or thousands of strands woven together make a powerful force. It is the same with the Christians, and we have the power of the Holy Spirit on our side . Quote
Sunshine Miller Posted May 19, 2003 Report Posted May 19, 2003 Since the Temple is each one of us and since every one who is Abiding in Him make up the Kingdom of God... the way to live is in His Righteousness by His Standards. Unity comes to those who are living as He directs for us to live. This to me means in His Likeness... of One Mind... of One Spirit. Unfortunately we do not always live with One Mind, One Spirit and of His Likeness. So much division, going this way and that way... we set ourselves up for a Fall. We are worthy by His Standards if we are Living by His Standards. We are called unto Him, to follow Him, to Abide in Him... Unity is Uniting... and the only way we are able to Unite is to be of a Like Mind. This does not mean that no one ever disagrees... but we need to be of a Like Mind when it comes to God... and His Word. Worthy of this Unity I believe comes from dying of anything that the Fesh may desire and only desiring what God desires for them and everyone else. God is the most important part of it all... and even as we come together (Unite) we are there because of Him... to do as He Chooses, as He directs, as He leads. Quote
sangra Posted May 19, 2003 Report Posted May 19, 2003 What does 'living a life worthy of your calling' have to do with maintaining unity in the church? Jesus called me to follow him and I have done so. Therefore, my living needs to reflect the One whom I follow. Sometimes it's a struggle and I don't always get it right, but I am grateful that Jesus called me and mindful that he has called many, many others as well, who no doubt also struggle from time to time. It's important for me to learn to accept them as they are - fellow children of God - and to try not to judge them. What is worthy about unity? Taking the meaning of worthy as equating to appropriate, I think it is appropriate that Christians live in unity as a witness to the unconverted that we are living out the gospel of Jesus, namely that he came to unite all people and to re-unite all to God. What is worthy about separation from fellow Christians? It is not worthy of our calling to allow divisions to occur, since we have the one Creator, Redeemer and Spirit, let us concentrate on the things we hold in common. What is our calling? Our calling is from Christ to follow him. Quote
NASHVILLE071995 Posted May 19, 2003 Report Posted May 19, 2003 We are the representatives of Christ we must demonstrate the love of Christ as our Lord demonstrated to us at the Cross. It is probably one of the most difficult things to do with some brothers/sisters is to keep unity but very possible through Christ. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. If we can not show unity among ourselves than we are no different than any other social organization. As the body of Christ becomes United we can do the work that God has called us to do which is Evangelize make disciples and win this lost and dying world for Christ. Quote
Helen Williams Posted May 19, 2003 Report Posted May 19, 2003 Living a life worthy of your calling is living a life daily that is worthy of being call a christian, a child of God. Each of us has a personal responsibility. If each christian would work on self this would maintain unity in the church. In this way we would be in position the help others. Our calling is to follow Christ. The "Word" says whosoever will let him come, this is the same for all. Let us be responsibile and live the life that is fitting and deserving of our calling. If we do this there will be unity in the church. Quote
DebChats Posted May 19, 2003 Report Posted May 19, 2003 (Ephesians 4:1) What does "living a life worthy of your calling" in 4:1 have to do with maintaining unity in the Church in verses 2-6? In verse 4:1, Paul is telling the church that they must stand out from the crowd, so to speak. That they must not be and do as the world is and does .. In the verses 2-6, Paul is explaining certain character traits a Christian must practice in order to stand out from the crowd. What is "worthy" about unity? Unity is comprised of the body of Christ. What is "worthy" about separation from fellow Christians? The separation enables each of us to have separate gifts to contribute to the body of Christ. What is our "calling"? Our calling is coming into the truth of 'salvation'. Quote
Sgt_Z_Squad Posted May 20, 2003 Report Posted May 20, 2003 1a.) (Ephesians 4:1) What does "living a life worthy of your calling" in 4:1 have to do with maintaining unity in the Church in verses 2-6? 1a.) Not only to talk the talk but to walk the walk. Ninety per cent of our witnessing to others is by our personal lives and day to day interaction. When people see you, do they know you are a follower of Jesus by your actions and your life? John exhorts us to live as "Children of Light" and that we should love one another. Have you ever seen loving people not in unity? There maybe differences of opinion, but there is unity of purpose and goals. 1b.) Quote
Pat Beckner Posted May 20, 2003 Report Posted May 20, 2003 I am "called" as a child of God, a joint heir with Jesus Christ. The church is His body so my attitudes should be that of peace and unity in the church...reflecting God's love and patience to all. Unity is worthy because the body cannot accomplish anything without it. Seperation from fellow Christians causes the body to not grow properly. We must be humble, gentle, patient,loving and peaceful to accomplish the bond of peace....unity. I suppose that some of these attributes are more difficult to accomplish in one member than in another but If we have the love right, we will be willing to go to the limits in the other areas. Sometimes it is difficult to be patient with someone we percieve as "in the wrong" Quote
Julie Posted May 20, 2003 Report Posted May 20, 2003 Living a life worthy of our calling is to walk or follow Christ, we have an ongoing relationship with Christ, we desire to be Christ-like, we begin to develop this character when we are saved, and it is not completed until we go to Heaven, this change in character comes by the grace of God and is never earned, if you trust Christ as your saviour then you have been saved by God's grace. The transforming grace of God is found in Christ, and will give us power for the work Christ has for us, and then we can serve the Lord acceptably. In Church we all come together as one, the church is the body of Christ, and we are maturing in that body, we come together as one with no divisions. The only separation is the seperation from sin, we are to be one,("I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in then and you in me.") We are to be a source of grace or strength to others, we are to build one another up in faith, and this can't be done without following Christ. Quote
Linda Stanley Posted May 21, 2003 Report Posted May 21, 2003 Paul says,"Because there is one body unity does not just happen,we have to work at it.Often diffrences among people can lead to devision.We should remember what unites us.Our Calling is to spread the Good News of Salvation. Quote
luray mcclung Posted May 22, 2003 Report Posted May 22, 2003 Q1 Living a life worthy or your calling and maintaining unity in the church go hand in hand. Everyone's living worthy of his calling in the unity of the church advances God's Kingdom. Since I enjoy sports, I think of the calling, although the calling in Ephesians is more serious, analogous to a position on a softball team. Each position requires different skills. Some may not become pitchers. Still others would have no desire to play catcher behind home plate. The outfielders must be human vacuum cleaners with strong arms. Although the kinds of skills vary, there must be unity before there can be meaningful victory. So it is with the church. Paul uses the body to make his point. b. I may be off base...oops..., but I see the worthiness of unity deriving itself from the Unity of the Spirit and from the calling of one hope. c. Can anything be worthy about the separation from fellow Christians, except that when we are separated, we still cling to one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and father of all and the encouragement that He is over, through, and in all? Or the worthiness of separation may relate to separate gifts of the Spirit which is good. d. Our calling , again, is to the one HOPE. lmc Quote
bjcollin Posted May 22, 2003 Report Posted May 22, 2003 Q1. (Ephesians 4:1) What does "living a life worthy of your calling" in 4:1 have to do with maintaining unity in the Church in verses 2-6? What is "worthy" about unity? What is "worthy" about separation from fellow Christians? What is our "calling"? Exposition Abraham Lincoln said "A house divided against itself cannot stand." This was a paraphrase of what Jesus said in Matthew 12:25 "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand." A lack of unity in the body of Christ is one of the things that can destroy us in our Christian mission here on earth. Yes, we are each a different part of the body, but all of the parts of the body have to work in unision to get the job done. I agree with what Linda Stanley said in this forum, it takes real work to be unified. The power of God that flows when unity is present is what is worthy about unity. I don't think that there is any worthiness about separation from fellow Christians unless they are not following after Christ. According to these verses in Ephesians 4, our calling is to live a life worthy of our calling and to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Quote
Listener Posted May 22, 2003 Report Posted May 22, 2003 1aLiving a lige wothy of your calling has EVERYTHING to do with maintaining unity in the Church. First of all, Christ prayer to the Father in John 17 stress oneness - In in them and you in me, in order that they may become one and perfectly united, that the world may know and [definitely] recognize that you sent me and that you have loved them [even] as you have loved me. Conducting oneself is approplriate for the callingAs cited in Phil. 1:27 - Only be sure as citizens so to conduct yourselves [that] your manner of life [will be] worthy of the good news (the Gospel) of Christ are standing firm in united spirit and purpose, striving side by side, contending with a single mind for the faith of the Gospel. We need to walk worthy of God who has called us into his kingdom and glory. The kingdom is worthy, the glory is worthy because God is worthy. We are in his kingdom for His glory! 1bThe impact that unity brings to the kingdom and glory of God. It is vital to show the world how good and h ow pleasant for brethren to dwell together in unity. It will bring such an anointing to the church as the precious oil poured on the head, that ran doiwn on the beard, even the head of Aaron [the first high priest] that come down upon the collor and skirts of his garments (consecrating the whole body) for the service of the Lord (Psalm 133) Being united. we will let our lights shine; we will be the salt of the earth; we will know how to give an answer of the hope thqt is in us; we will let our words be with grace and seasoned; we will display the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives; we will walk as children of light and we will bring GLORY to God! 1cThere is absolutely no worthiness about the separation from fellow christians. We are all children of God through faith in Jesus Christ. Christ is not divided. As Paul stated - Some indeed preached Christ even of envy and strife and some also of good will - the one preach Christ of contention, not sincerly, supposing to add affliction to my bonds, but the other of love -- nevertheless CHRIST IS PREASCHED! 1dOur calling is to salvation and eternal life via redemption. It is a high and holy calling - it is from God who is worthy to received glory and honor! In this calling we were presdestined to conform to the image of Christ. We are called to follow in His steps.. to walk even as he suffer for his namesake because all things work together for good to them that love God and iwho are called according to his purpose. Quote
Mike Dickinson Posted May 26, 2003 Report Posted May 26, 2003 Q1. (Ephesians 4:1) What does "living a life worthy of your calling" in 4:1 have to do with maintaining unity in the Church in verses 2-6? I think there are times I take it forgranted that I have been Quote
leo Posted May 30, 2003 Report Posted May 30, 2003 It sounds pretty simple but unity is very difficult to achieve. To be united as a body means that the members have to make a conscious effort to help each other out. It requires them to look out for each other and help those who require assistance. It means that they will have face certain instances when they will have to go beyond their limitations and go the extra mile in order for them to be able to keep their unity intact. It means that they will have to face certain challenges that will test their bond and their stability - tests that they usually do not have to undergo if they act as separate, independent units in a society. But one they are able to overcome those struggles, the experience will make them stronger and strengthen their bond as a group. This is our calling, this is what we were called to do. Quote
bergerjones Posted June 1, 2003 Report Posted June 1, 2003 Unity in the Church - I appreciated your exposition on this lesson. We do have no right to judge our neighbor - other doctrines, other denominations. If someone professes to love our God - the Fther, the son, the Holy Spirit - who am I to say otherwise. We must diminish the "I" and stress others - loving them as ourselves. The Bible's main thrust ios love, fove for Christ, love for each other. So let's go for it! Question # 1 "A life worthy of your calling" is explained in verses 2 - 6. Alone we can never be worthy of anything. but in Christ we can do it - loving each other, helping each other, supporting, tolerating, understanding each other. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." If we love the same Lord, the same Jesus, we will be led by the same Holy Spirit. Whether we like it or not we are of one body, one unity. We must love each other with kindness, tender hearted and forgiving each other. Our calling is to "accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative," striving to send out His light to all the world - our world - that His will be accomplished. Petty differences will be overcome. We have "one God and Father of us all, who is above all, through all and in all." We are to spread this Good News, each in our own way. Quote
Liza Posted June 3, 2003 Report Posted June 3, 2003 Living out a life that is completely worthy of our calling would result in us producing the fruit of the Spirit, which would in turn, result us being united. It is only by remembering the price Jesus paid constantly, that we can live worthy of that price. He did so out of love and this knowledge would help us to be gracious to the sinful, kind to the undeserving, loving to all. Hence unity would be preserved. We are called to live in godly love. Quote
Dennis Hatlestad Posted June 5, 2003 Report Posted June 5, 2003 Keeping unity is a tough job because it is hard to please everyone so we should we should please our Lord and Savior and not man. Quote
Reeallen Posted June 7, 2003 Report Posted June 7, 2003 Living a life worthy of your calling is to walk circumspectly before the Lord and walk in your calling. We should be able to display this worthy living everyday because we are a child of the king. If God calls you to be a teacher, be the best you can be and do it gracefully and to the best of your ability. We must remember that we are in the world, but we are not of the world. Unity is the oneness of God and we must strive to keep it in the church by showing love to our fellow man and keep it flowing. There will be some hard times but we must continue to show the oneness of God by showing meekness and love towards one another. Separation from fellow Christians should not be especially if we believe in the oneness of God. If we allow separation in the church, that will cause a "di-vision" and we know that that is of the devil. Amos 3:3 says, how can two walk together except they be agreed? Our calling is to follow Jesus, live according to his words and make new disciples for the kingdom of God. There is no way we are going to heaven by ourselves, so we have to spread the word of God all over. Quote
cnbarnes Posted June 11, 2003 Report Posted June 11, 2003 I great you with the Love of God! Living a life worhty of your calling is to walk like Christ. We when signed on as a solider of His army, we must then realize that we represent Him. We are to treat everyone with the Love of God. Always carrying ourselves in a upright position. We are to walk as the princes and princesses He created us to be. We are to be holy in our thinking and in our speech. We are the only Jesus that some will ever see. We must always let the Light of Jesus burn in our hearts, "let your light so shine that men will see your good works." When we treat everyone right and walk in that light, people will be attracted to us and want to be a part of those things that we are a part of in the Lord. What is worthy of our calling is exemplified by Paul in Romans 8:28, that all things work together for the good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose. We are all called according to His purpose and therefore we must work together that purpose in love and in unity. We come into fellowship first with God and then with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Our walk and attitude determines whether we will be able to come into unity with others. Separation from fellow Christians is against God. The Word says, " . . . not forsaking our own assembling together, as the custom of some is, but exhorting one another, and so much the more, as ye see the day drawing nigh." - HEB. 10:25 The scripture speaks for itself. Separation for the body does not bring about unity and it is a false sense of security. I know that I draw strength from fellowshipping with saints. If they have been separate from me, how can I be worthy of my calling and I'm not with the saints! Our calling is to tell everyone about a Savior who wants to love them and keep them. Tell them that He died for us that we might be free. That He paid the price for our sins so that we would not have to. God is truly amazing! Quote
Derek Posted August 20, 2003 Report Posted August 20, 2003 Living a life worthy of your calling is amplified by Paul to include maintaining the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. We are called to love one another - this is the new commandment of the Lord Jesus, and this is included the life worth of Him (Col.1:10). Nevertheless, although I too have learned much through my 79 years (55 as a Christian believer) having been Methodist, Brethren, Baptist and now Anglican by denomination, it is important to maintain discipline in the Church. In one place Paul emphasises our responsibility to separate ourselves from those who continue unrepentant in sin. It is questionable whether we should continue in fellowship with those who reject the plain teaching of Scripture, even though we should admit the possibility that our "interpretation" may be different from another brother or sister in Christ. The present problems regarding homosexuality in the Anglican Communion are apposite! We are called to be saints - i.e. holy, separated ones. Quote
Willa Posted September 12, 2003 Report Posted September 12, 2003 Christ came that we all might be one in Him. When we bicker and quarrel then His desire for the Church is not accomplished. Quote
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