Pastor Ralph Posted February 2, 2009 Report Posted February 2, 2009 Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? Quote
JanMary Posted March 7, 2009 Report Posted March 7, 2009 Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? If we fear persecution or even rejection, we will stay silent to avoid discomfort. Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? I love this definition: It's where my will "crosses" His will. I saw a drawing of this and His will is the vertical "pillar", and mine is the "cross" bar. To carry His cross means my will is in complete subjection to His. When I went under the water at my baptism, I was identifying with Jesus in His death. Now I no longer live, but Jesus in me. My will or the old JanMary is dead, and to pick up the cross means I allow and follow His will daily. Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? I think it's both surrender and persecution, because following Him in obedience will eventually lead to persecution. Quote
Elwood C O'Dell Posted March 8, 2009 Report Posted March 8, 2009 Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? If one intends to follow Christ as a Christian, the truth of the matter is that somewhere, sometime, in some way you will face persecution. If we are unwilling to deal with this, realize and accept the truth of the situation, and take our stand for Him during it, then our witness to others will falter. Our witness is the greatest when we remain true to him during the adverse times of life and persecution. Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? To take up his cross is to simply walk as Christ would walk in every situation which we encounter on a daily basis. Walking as He would walk, doing as He would do, speaking as He would speak even during the adversities of life, which very well could contain persecution. Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? He could very well be talking about persecution when referring to the cross. If you are a Christian it will happen. Quote
iam4-1god Posted March 8, 2009 Report Posted March 8, 2009 Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? If we are focused on the persecution, and not the carrying of the cross, then we will not be effective witnesses. It is not just about persecution-it is also about being obedient and trusting in God to be with us and help us through the trouble. Stepping out in faith and helping others find Jesus is the most important thing. It is not about me-it is about God and His will. Quote
charisbarak Posted March 8, 2009 Report Posted March 8, 2009 Our witness is hindered/cut short when we live in fear of persecution. I like JanMary's description of carrying our cross. We need to be in subjection to Jesus & His will. We need to readily obey--new life--in Him! Yes, His will to touch special peoples might lead to persecution. It is already in many far-eastern countries. To them it is an honor to be found worthy to be persecuted as Jesus was. Quote
Snaps Posted March 11, 2009 Report Posted March 11, 2009 Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? If we don't accept that there will be persecution, then every time it turns up we will be floored and tempted to avoid it by diluting our faith, or by bending our interests to those of our persecutors. This amounts to denial of Christ, or unbelief, and may lead us to give up the faith altogether. It means that friends (those who persecute us) or our convenience are more important to us than Jesus Himself. This is idolatry because. like Judas, we are turning our back on Jesus who is the ultimate Truth. Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? It means that we have dealt with the shame potential and will always stand with Jesus, whatever the circumstances are that stand against Him. It means we "know whom we have believed, and are persuaded that He is able to keep that which we have committed until that day". It means we have managed to take in the bigger picture and are not limited to the small, self-serving thinking that predominates in the world around us. It means that we know Jesus, and that He is able to take us through the valley of the shadow of death if we pass that way, His rod and staff for comfort, the annointing rests upon us, the table of His abundance is before us, His goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our lives and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. (Ps 23). It means that we fear the Lord above everyone and everything else, and have developed a backbone in faith. It means we have truly entered into partnership with the Most High, and adopted His ways, and see things increasingly from His perspective. This is having the mind of Christ. The world is likely to hand us a cross of major difficulty and rejection (perhaps the thing most feared by humans in their carnal nature), but we can take that in His Name, and handle it faithfully, knowing that He has received us in His holy temple. In other words our hearts are truly with Him, and His glorious purpose, not based in building an earthly powerbase or reputation. Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? I think Jesus is talking about the whole of Christian living which includes elements of persecution. Life under the shadow of the cross has its savage difficulties, but also it's divine moments of joy and exhilaration, of love and peace, of vision and purpose. As Psalm 23 indicates, the Valley of the Shadow of Death brings with it experiences that you just can't get anywhere else, experiences of God's amazing ability to get us through, to show us new and wonderful things, to bring us His peace through the turmoil, to renew Life, to bring great good out of the bad situation, to know the intimacy and great glory of God's salvation, to provide strength where we can only see weakness. His Life begins under the shadow of the Cross. That is what Christianity is all about - victory. If you don't have a battle, then you don't have a victory. The battle strategy is the Lord's, and we get to share the spoils of the victories. Quote
Stan Posted March 11, 2009 Report Posted March 11, 2009 Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? It make us weak in our faith, as we speak out in our faith, God's word it becomes stronger in us making our lives closer to what God intended for them to be if we deny that and coalong with the status que we become like the world losing site on God and His plan for our life. Taking up one's cross is facing the battle daily of spreading the Good News with those around us. The Good News is not to be hidden away but shared so as we share we become strong in faith towarde God and want to fulfill His calling on our life. Jesus is talking about the hard ship faced when we come in contact with those around us that refuse to believe and are taken over by the **** of the world. Quote
masika Posted March 11, 2009 Report Posted March 11, 2009 Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? People who obey God and live for Christ will be persecuted. Don Quote
JustJeff Posted March 11, 2009 Report Posted March 11, 2009 Fear of rejection or harm causes us to withdraw from opportunities to witness. When we pick up our cross daily we are effectively "crucifying" ourselves. As the Lord died in the flesh on the cross so do we when we follow His command. With self out of the way we are free from all fear. Quote
Jen Posted March 11, 2009 Report Posted March 11, 2009 Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? If we fail to accept the inevitability of persecution we will be caught by surprise and possibly fall away or refrain from speaking the truth. To carry his cross means to the death if that is God's will. That is what Christ carried His cross for, to die for our sins so we might be redeemed. Jesus was speaking of persecutions maybe to the point of death ( possibly a very cruel and painful death). The Bible says the righteous man has many troubles but the Lord delivers him out of them all. That deliverance might be in our going home to live with Him through a torturous death. WE need to grow deeper in the Lord if we want to be able to bear up. We need to pray for each other!! God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
hanks Posted March 11, 2009 Report Posted March 11, 2009 Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? Persecution is an integral part of a devout Christian life. When we are called upon to go through deep waters, we might be tempted to think that we have failed the Lord or that the Lord is displeased with us for some reason. However, we must remember that persecution is inevitable for all of us who desire to live in a godly manner. Our godly life exposes the wickedness of others, and instead of repenting of their ungodliness and turning to Christ, they seek to destroy the one who has shown them up for what they really are. For this reason we are often persecuted. Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? Is Jesus talking about persecution - or something else? To take up the cross means to deliberately choose the kind of life Jesus lived. We are to deny self and willingly recognize His lordship in every area of our life. Secondly, He taught that a true disciple must carry his own cross and follow Him. Here again this means that we must live the type of life which Christ lived when He was here on earth - a life of self-denial, humiliation, and persecution. We can expect some kind of satanic opposition. Quote
Delivered Posted March 12, 2009 Report Posted March 12, 2009 Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? The failure to accept whatever may come our way as a Christian, is a failure to except this free gift of eternal life with God. We are called to live godly lives, and when we deny following after Christ, we become as the rest of the world, self is ruling. Following after Christ is an honor, the world cannot give. Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? Because of the atonement of Christ, we are called to deny self. Physical persecution certainly could play a big part in a Christian's life. The believer may face punishment of various sorts for believing in the living God and His laws. Looking at the disciples, they faced death for their faith. Look at history with the torture and death given to the Jewish people, all because of their faith in the one true God, the God we have been reconciled to. Look at the death and punishments given to the true believers in the Messiah, the Son of God, history is full of believers persecuted for their faith. Look out for false teaching, those who preach only a bless me God message, for I deserve it. Look for those who teach, to follow after God, you may have a cross to carry, but, the reward is eternal life with the Father, a life of righteousness. Today, we see God's name taken in vain and immorality flowing freely in the world, with no care about God's righteous laws, His laws that are to be written on our hearts. Yes, if we are not willing to take up our cross, we might hear Christ say, "I don't know you." Quote
McCollum Posted March 12, 2009 Report Posted March 12, 2009 Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? That when we follow Christ Jesus we must put a side our own desires and conveniences and curry our cross with Him every day and keep close to Christ Jesus. For no one can be a disciple of Christ Jesus who does not carry their own cross and follow Jesus Christ daily. Quote
kenny Posted March 12, 2009 Report Posted March 12, 2009 Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? I believe that as Christians we often modify our daily walk with the Lord to suit our circumstances, in other words we just go with the flow. We adapt our beliefs to fit in with the surrounding chaos and pleasures of life. There always seems to be some verse in scripture that can back up our actions and definitely a multitude of agreeing fans. Why do we do this? To gain acceptance in society and to show others that little if no change is needed when becoming a Christian. How far from the truth is this? When repentance itself stands for change. I believe that today Christians may feel that persecution is a thing of the past, but when you look around in our first world societies it is rife, but in a more psychological manner. We are afraid of what others may say if they see a big change and don Quote
Soomee Posted March 12, 2009 Report Posted March 12, 2009 We run away or "go hiding" without confronting the issue or people who persecute us. We are interested in "comfort" but God is in our "character". Why do we avoid? Because in our natural it is too much to handle. That shows our lack of faith. We should be aware that God's grace is sufficient for us. Cross is a symbol of suffering for unbelievers but for the believers it is the ultimate victory. Therefore when we are intersted in victory then we need to submit ourselves to His will. "Thy will be done" daily/every moment. Quote
spazzo47 Posted March 13, 2009 Report Posted March 13, 2009 Failure is one of the greatest fears people have. I think it stems from the embarassment that we feel from other people and their views of us. That's what persection is, it's not being accepted by the people because of some belief or attribute that we have (or don't have). OUr whole witness and how we live our lives is going to run contrary to how others think the world works. The world tells us that not only is it okay to have sex before marriage, but it's normal and right. Right now I sit backstage at a play where 4 characters laugh at the Christian character because she holds that belief. As a 32 year old single woman, every night I hear that line, I want to scream (thankfully the show closes on Sunday). It's when we give into the pressure of that persecution that we start compromising and backsliding. I think taking up His cross and carrying His cross means loving people and taking their scorn like Jesus did. Jesus didn't say the popular things to say. He told people the truth, not what they wanted to hear. He also showed love to the people who didn't see themselves as lovable. Quote
ob75 Posted March 13, 2009 Report Posted March 13, 2009 I work with a woman who reads the Bible openly but shows little evidence of a changed heart.. this is the world in which Christ followers exist..the tension between taking up our cross daily and going along so as not to make waves..Pray for daily strength as we all strive to make the Truth known by our actions and loving words of care for others..I really liked what Snaps had to say about taking up the Cross "...we have managed to take in the bigger picture and are not limited to the small, self-serving thinking that predominates in the world around us." Thank You, Jesus!!! Help us with this call to make Your Truth known in all circumstances.. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted March 14, 2009 Report Posted March 14, 2009 Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? A failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinders our witness in this way: we will not give our witness in the way that it should be done if we know in it will cause us enduring persecutions To "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27) means to endure whatever consequences of following Jesus, that is, sufferings as results of denying ourselves or of not indulging in our sinful desires, and ones concerning persecution as result of our witness Quote
Patriciaa Posted March 14, 2009 Report Posted March 14, 2009 Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? If we do not accept the inevitability of persecution we probably won't stand firm in our beliefs and won't be willing to share the gospel. We will be more concerned about persecution for unbelievers. To take up the cross daily means to stand firm as we reach out to others in love even when we are persecuted and when there are trials involved in living a Godly life. Jesus means accepting persecution and to remember as we live in this world that we do not let the values of the world guide our daily walk. Quote
Sasquatch Posted March 21, 2009 Report Posted March 21, 2009 How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? In 3 Timothy 10-12, Paul gives examples of his persecution and explains that everyone who wants to live a godly life will be persecuted. As it is scripture, it hinders our witness if we do not accept the Word, believe it, and put into action in our lives. Fear of persecution or suffering is a me thing. My wife reminds me in a wonderful way when we talk about our problems/persecutions "Honey, it is not about you". Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? It keeps me on track to think that God made me with a specific design for his purpose. If I am carrying the mail for the Lord, no external elements can harm me. This is a very difficult time in our world. People are losing their jobs, their homes, and their confidence in our leaders. It is easy to fall into bad thought patterns. In my negative or dark times, I jump out of bed in the morning and slap my hands together and shout "What a great day to go out and serve the Lord!" It gets me going. Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? Paul writes, "no servant is greater than his master". Christ died to give us eternal life. Paul was stoned and left for dead. We each bear our own cross and undergo persecution for our belief in God with a servant's heart. Helen Keller once said "True happiness is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose." Fidelity to our purpose in life is the best medicine. Quote
servant for Christ Posted March 23, 2009 Report Posted March 23, 2009 Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? The failure to accept our persecution can hinder our witness because we will not be ab le to tell how God brought us through that persecution, our faith will not grow, and we will not trust the Lord. To tak up our cross daily is to deny ourselves completely. To deny our own selfish desires and let God have complete control of our life. We are tdo suffer like Christ suffered. Jesus is talking about persecution in our faith, in battle against sin, against satan and the powers of darkness, against reproach, hatred, and ridicule of the world, by separting ourselves from the world. Quote
nerraw20 Posted March 31, 2009 Report Posted March 31, 2009 Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? Failure to accept the inevitability of persecution will cause one to be silent or lose heart when it comes. The cross stands for the life lived in obedience to Christ. Walking in humility, laboring for Him, and eventually persecution. Quote
Mrstoler Posted May 17, 2009 Report Posted May 17, 2009 Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? I we fail to accept the fact that we will be persecuted for be a Christian we will be afraid to witness for Christ. Quote
Marloes Posted November 18, 2009 Report Posted November 18, 2009 Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? A good example is Peter: when people asked him if he knew Jesus, he was so afraid he said no. If we are too afraid, this can keep us from being a good witness. Jesus talks about whatever it takes to follow Him. Many times it will mean persecution: in North-Korea it means a concentration camp, in other countries moslims who become christian are hanged, ... In my country it means that many people will mock you for being so retarded. Besides this, we have to give up many things. My every-day-problem is that He doesn't allow me to hurt people who hurt me - that I can't call them bad things in return or beat them. Quote
Commissioned Posted December 15, 2009 Report Posted December 15, 2009 Q4. (2 Timothy 3:10-12) How does a failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness? Just what does it mean to "take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23) and to "carry his cross" (Luke 14:27)? Is Jesus talking about persecution -- or something else? A failure to accept the inevitability of persecution hinder our witness because as Christians persecutions will come. The only way in which persecution will not come is when we hid our faith to appear as those who have not accepted Christ as Savior. To "take up his cross daily" in Luke 9:23 and "Carry his cross," in Luke 14:27 are admonishments to us to expect that we will bear a burden; the burden of being persecuted, the burden of the cares and worries of this world; to do so and not buckle under the pressure. Persecution is part of the burden that Christians are called upon to bear. Quote
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