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Q4. (2 Timothy 4:5) Why does Paul command Timothy to "discharge all the duties of your ministry"? What is the work of an evangelist that Timothy is to do? What does the command in verse 5 mean to you personally?

It takes us giving our best and all in service to gain and maintain the edge which is necessary to continue pulling people in the right direction. . . Those who compromise the gospel or teach erroneous seem to never give up

  • 6 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Why does Paul command Timothy to "discharge all the duties of your ministry"? What is the work of an evangelist that Timothy is to do? What does the command in verse 5 mean to you personally?

We must fulfill all the fuctions of spreading the Word. We must teach, encourage, help, correct and so on. If we just bring people to God and don't help them to grow in Christ, they might easily be lost again, like the seed in shallow ground. We must do a complete job

  • 9 months later...

Q4. (2 Timothy 4:5) Why does Paul command Timothy to "discharge all the duties of your ministry"? What is the work of an evangelist that Timothy is to do? What does the command in verse 5 mean to you personally?         


Apparently Timothy may not have been carrying out all of his pastorial duties.  He was possibly discouraged, timid, tired, distracted, etc. However, it appears Paul had to help motivate Timothy to get his head back in the game.  The work of an evangelist is to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of the world.


Verse 5 applies to me just as it did to Timothy.

  • 5 months later...

4a)Paul urges Timothy to serve faithfully ¬ be put off by others or own tiredness,but put into action all the gifts of teaching, sharing gospel with unbelievers He has been equipped&trained to do.He is encouraging him to continue to reach’&teach others.


b)To teach&preach about Jesus&what he has done for us sinners.He is asked to not only to share gospel so they are saved,but to train them in the right way to live their lives.


c)This has reminded me to not flag in the responsibility I have been given,but being self-controlled persist through hardship,in living as Jesus asks and using all opportunities given to me to share about hope,love&peace that can be found in faith in Jesus,whatever the cost to me.

  • 10 years later...

Entire agency of God in the producing the Holy Bible. It was the Holy Spirit that guarantees the words and thoughts in the Holy Writ.

Apostle Paul knew that his time on earth was finishing, he fought the good fight of faith.  It was up to Timothy to carry on this God ordained ministry.  It was now imperative for Timothy to oppose fables and endless gnostic arguments for gnostic stories.   Timothy had to stop "vain jangling" of heterodox.

Timothy needed to make sure that his church was a soul saving station in Asia Minor.   It was imperative that the unadulterated WORD OF GOD was proclaimed demolishing imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.  As an evangelist, Timothy had to speak, and court martial any opposing vain and evil thoughts: all thinking contrary to virtue, and righteousness.

As an outdoor evangelistic preacher, Apostle Paul's words definitely hit home.   Being in New York City, I have to stand my ground with utmost zeal. As the New Year 2024 is about to start, I await the renewal of the Holy Spirit!

  • 2 months later...

Timothy was upset, worried and afraid for his future ... even his life. Paul is both calming and chastising Timothy by telling him to "keep his head." Timothy is to focus on his ministry which includes preaching/evangelizing and leading a church. He should expect to endure hardship and persecution and not be surprised by it ... with great patience.

So, to answer the question directly, Paul believes Timothy has taken his eyes of his ministry and therefore must refocus and reorient himself back to completing the duties of that ministry. 

The work of an evangelist is to make public declarations of Jesus' existence and mission, the saving message of Christ. Timothy is to do this, but in light of the previous passages before today's reading, he's to evangelize by "preaching the word ... with great patience and careful instructions."

The part that struck me was Paul's command to "endure hardship."  Paul didn't comfort Timothy; rather he told him to "buck it up." 

Personally, a strong sense of calling and purpose, a clear idea of what God wants me to do, would go a long way toward my willingness to "endure hardship." I'm praying to hear His calling on what's left of my life, to have a clear purpose and direction.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. (2 Timothy 4:5) Why does Paul command Timothy to "discharge all the duties of your ministry"?

ANSWER: Paul knows that he will not survive his current imprisonment. So, he clearly and boldly charges Timothy. He commands him to hold to the faith he has seen and lived. Timothy can do this knowing that Paul has faithfully served God, expecting the heavenly rewards given to all of God's followers. For 3 years Paul had been training Timothy, and now he is passing the baton onto him and leaves Timothy four simple instructions for him and for us to follow. All we have to do is wake up every day and repeat the very same things. Nothing more than that.

Here are the 3 instructions given Timothy by Paul:

  1. First: In your ministry, keep your head. Don’t allow yourself to be “under the influence” of the chaos around you. Remain levelheaded. Show presence of mind in all situations. Stay free from the controlling influence of emotions and or desires.
  2. Second: In your ministry, endure hardship. Don’t be surprised when ministry gets hard. “Endure suffering.” Literally: endure every kind of suffering.
  3. Third, in your ministry, share the gospel. Make the preaching of the Good News and the sharing of the gospel your life’s work.
  4. Fourth: In your ministry, do whatever it takes. “Fulfill your ministry.” This means to accomplish something thoroughly and completely. Leave nothing on the table. Give it everything you’ve got. Bring it to completion holding back nothing. Stay at it until the task is completed.

God will hold us responsible as to how well we fulfill our responsibilities to this age and take advantage of our opportunities. We are strategic and our work is important. Life is short. Live every day as one who will give account. Get on with your work, because your work is important. We are to strive to be an example of the believers in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, and in purity.

What is the work of an evangelist that Timothy is to do?

ANSWER: The work of an evangelist that Timothy is to do is, he is to faithfully proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ; to make the sinner aware of his sins; to correct with compassion; to encourage with hope and to never lose hope in or belief that man is beyond redemption. This can only be accomplished when one is willing to fulfill his ministry. Paul goes on to speak of the effect the Christian witness must produce. He must convict. He must make the sinner aware of his sin. The first essential is to compel a man to see himself as he is.

  1. he must rebuke. A word of warning and rebuke would often save a brother from sin and shipwreck. But, that word must always be spoken as "brother setting brother right." It must be spoken with a consciousness of our common guilt. It is not our place to set ourselves up as moral judges of anyone; nonetheless it is our duty to speak that warning word when it needs to be spoken.
  2. he must exhort. No rebuke should ever be such that it drives a man to despair and takes the heart and the hope out of him. Not only must men be rebuked, they must also be encouraged. Further, the Christian duty of conviction, of rebuke and of encouragement, must be carried out with unwearied patience.

What does the command in verse 5 mean to you personally?

ANSWER: The commandment in verse 5 personally means to me that as a Christians, I should turn to God with my suffering, and He will be faithful to help me undergo every trial and overcome every temptation. I should learn and strive to have the same joy as Paul had during trials, knowing that suffering produces virtues such as endurance, godly character, and lively hope. Everyone can use their lives as if ministers. We should all be looking for opportunities to share the word, endure the afflictions associated with that, and fulfill our calling in Christ.

we are to teach and express

  1. sin as damning,
  2. the cross as necessary,
  3. the blood as cleansing,
  4. the resurrection as fact and
  5. the second coming as expected 

This means that I am to  teach/preach the doctrines of the Scriptures from, “In the beginning,” to “Surely I come quickly.” Forget those with itching ears and preach to those with itching hearts. It is not the teaching of fables that will turn the world to Christ. It is, however, the teaching/preaching of the Word by those of us who are willing to do the work of an evangelist that will turn many to righteousness.


Q4. (2 Timothy 4:5) Why does Paul command Timothy to "discharge all the duties of your ministry"? What is the work of an evangelist that Timothy is to do? What does the command in verse 5 mean to you personally?


It looked as if Timothy had slowed down in discharging his duties as an evangelist, hence the wakeup call from his Mentor – Paul.

Timothy's task was to preach the word of God in season and out of season. He was to rebuke and correct falsehood from false teachers and where need be, encourage those that need encouragement.  


Paul commanded Timothy to discharge all the duties of his ministry because his ministry involved more that just feeding the flock.  If he is to make full charge of his ministry in addition to feeding the flock he must know their state, care for them, warn them of approaching danger, administer ordinances, and doing all the duties belonging to it.  He does not seek his own things but the things of Christ, cheerfully and patiently suffer for Christ and His Gospel, and live an agreeable life and conversation.

The work of an evangelist that Timothy is to do as Paul's deputy is to water the Church he planted.  He was to preside over the church the apostle had planted till they were settled under a standing ministry.  He was to preach peace ,pardon, righteousness, life and salvation alone by Jesus Christ through the free grace of God.

Like Timothy I must preach peace, pardon, righteous, life and salvation alone by Jesus Christ.  I must tell people their faults, reprove, rebuke, and convince wicked people of the danger of their wicked course, endeavoring to bring them to repentance.


Q4. Sometimes we can become complacent, we loose the passion we had, maybe through discouragement or being tired from being in one situation for a long time. In these verses Paul is encouraging Timothy to fulfill diligently all of his ministry. Maybe Timothy was neglecting some area of his duties. It could have been an area that he found difficult, it is so much easier to do the things that we find easier to do, or it maybe the things that we are good at, to the detriment of other areas just as important. Paul is trying to encourage Timothy to work hard on all the areas of his ministry. 
Timothy is to keep his head in all situations, not to be misled by false teachings but to be resolute to keep his head and preach the right message. Endure hardship, even if some of the people don’t want to hear the truth of the gospel, Timothy must persist in telling out God’s truth, no matter what the consequences are. He must preach and teach truth from the Scriptures, he must pray for his congregation and be available to them to lead and guide them. Timothy must faithfully fulfil his ministry. 
The work I do I must do with all my heart in the best way that I can. All to the Glory of God. 


Q4. (2 Timothy 4:5)

Why does Paul command Timothy to "discharge all the duties of your ministry"?

To do introspect and to determine the purpose of ministry so that he (Timothy)can service with diligence in ministry.  

What is the work of an evangelist that Timothy is to do?

To preach and teach sound doctrine so that people can convicted by HOLY SPIRIT and receive CHRIST.

What does the command in verse 5 mean to you personally?

To do thing at the right time at the right place ordered by GOD.


Paul s  Timothy to be watchful in all things,to endure hardship and to continue fulfilling the purposes of his call to ministry inspite of opposition and even persecution.

Timothy is to proclaim the gospels to win people to Christ and to train them in righteousness as an evangelist.

Personally I have to obey the command of Jesus in Matt 28: 19 , doing the great commission.

  • 2 weeks later...

Paul knew that if Timothy started to listen to the false teachers that he might be swayed to their teaching. So, he needed to attend to the duties of ministering. Timothy is to teach the Word and the word only. He is also to live by the Word. Verse 5 is telling to keep on track and not to wonder from it.  


Apostle Paul knew that his earthly journey was coming to an end; he was burdened by the thought of heterodox false teachers thar would come into the church. Timothy could not take a passive approach to the ministry; the dangers were too great.  He had to be proactive when it came to his role as a Pastor/Evangelist.

Timothy had a serious mission to win the lost for Christ.   His church was a soul saving station in Ephesus. Many were still caught up in idol worship, and going to various idol temples.   Many were still in bondage to the pagan cult of Diana.  Mystery religions still had a hold on the lives of many souls.

Verse 5 speaks volumes to me!  Indeed many miles were travelled, endured hardships along the way while evangelizing without a steady assistant.   Making full proof of one's ministry is not all fun and games; much prayer and forgoing many family activities are realities for the true Gospel preacher.  Being bi-vocational is very demanding.


Q4. (2 TIMOTHY 4:5) 
Why does Paul command Timothy to "discharge all the duties of your ministry"? What is the work of an evangelist that Timothy is to do? What does the command in verse 5 mean to you personally? 
Meaning that Timothy should fulfil his ministry, God’s plan for him, by devoting all of his talents and efforts to finishing the work at hand. Nothing must get in the way or try to stop Timothy from fulfilling his ministry to the full. He was to do the work of preaching the gospel to the best of his abilities, and not be distracted; knowing that God will provide the strength and the means. As an evangelist his work is to focus on preaching the gospel and not to get sidetracked or involved in meaningless myths, lies, false teachings, and arguments. He must spread the good news to as many people as possible for them to hear the truth, which is the same duty I have to the Lord, only not being a preacher, in a more minor way. I am to stand up for our Lord, not to get tired or discouraged, but always to be there for Him. 

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