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  • 2 years later...

2a)The crown of righteousness represents the eternal reward,achieved at great cost to Jesus when our works in service are examined at Christ’s judgement seat and have shown righteousness.Jesus has cleansed us&replacing our filthy rags that come short of the glory of God


b)To all those who have battled over many struggles likePaul enduring faithfully in service for Him,not giving up,but longing for the hope of glory at His returnRev3:11 holding fast to what we have so not robbed of our crown


.c)For all we have done for Him in His strength,powered byHS to run the race before us, faith proven as endure hardships keeping eyes fixed on Jesus& giving God glory for His work in us.

  • 10 years later...

The rewards in heaven that are waiting in heaven for those that prove true to Christ during their earthly pilgrimages. Paul will be rewarded for his Apostolic efforts.

To all that love Christ's appearing.

Basis of receiving this Crown:.  surrendered unto the Lord.  We cannot be found wanting; we must have the mind of Christ.   Daily sanctification is absolutely necessary to receive this Crown.  Christ taught about degrees of damnation and degrees of heavenly rewards.  The saints will be rewarded according to their works (Matthew 10:41-42; 16:27; Romans 14:10-12; Revelation 22:12). We will be judged as servants (Romans 14:2; 2 Corinthians 5:10; 1 Corinthians 3:11-15).  Let 2024 be a time of purging of self; we need to be fit for Master's use.

  • 2 months later...

The crown of righteousness represents God's acknowledgement of our finishing the race. It's not just a participation trophy, but an award for persistence, self-discipline and relentless racing.

This crown is given to the ones who race and finish, which only happens as they LONG for Him.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q2. (2 Timothy 4:8)

What does the "crown of righteousness" represent?

It is the reward kept aside to be given us on that day, that consists of righteousness, purchased at great cost by the blood of Jesus.

To whom is it given?

To all who have longed for HIS appearing.

On what basis is it awarded?

Only to those who belong to our LORD JESUS CHRIST, purchased at great cost by the blood of Jesus.


The crown of righteousness represents the throne of glory and kingdom inherited by the saints who are raised to sit among princes.  It is called a crown of righteousness because it sones through the righteousness of Christ.  It is that which gives right to it because it is obtained and possessed in a righteous way and bot by force or usurpation.  It is God the Father's free gift to His Children, what they are born heirs unto and are made suitable for through regenerating and sanctifying grace, and have a legal title to through the righteousness of Jesus Christ.  It may be expressive of the perfect holiness and righteousness of the heavenly state and of the saints in it, wherein will dwell nothing but righteous persons who are entirely without sin.  Our holiness and righteousness there will be perfected and will be our crown.

It is given to those chosen in Christ Jesus and redeemed by His blood and sanctified by His Spirit. Those who know, believe and love both Christ and Hos appearing.

It is awarded on the basis of our living in obedience to the will of God and Christ Jesus because we love Him and are looking with great expectation for His appearing.


Q2. (2 Timothy 4:8) What does the "crown of righteousness" represent?

ANSWER: The Crown of Righteousness is mentioned in 2 Timothy 4:8, and is promised to "those who love and anticipate" the Second Coming of Christ. These Christians desire intimacy with God.

The Crown of Righteousness:

  1. The Crown of Righteousness will be handed out to certain believers at the Judgment Seat of Christ, together with the other crowns.
  2. The Crown of Righteousness is the Winner's Crown - also known as the Overcomer's Crown or the Victor's Crown.
  3. It's a crown for those who finish their race.
  4. This is not a crown just for being saved and made righteous by believing in Jesus.
  5. The Crown of Righteousness is given to all those who look forward to His return…those who fight the good fight of faith, who have finished the race and who have kept the faith.

To whom is it (the Crown of Righteousness) given?

ANSWER: This crown is specially designated for those who longed for Jesus’ appearing and lived holy lives in anticipation of His return. This is the crown that Paul referred to when he wrote about his own death and the crown that Jesus would give to him. If anyone will receive the crown of righteousness, there are at least three things to do according to Paul. These are …:

  1. Fight The Good Fight: In the Christian journey, there is always a fight to fight and it is a good fight of faith. (1 Timothy 6:12) The Christian life is often represented as a conflict or warfare.
  2. Finish The Race: To receive the crown of righteousness, there is a course to follow and it must be followed to the finishing line.
  3. Keep The Faith: As we fight the good fight, striving to finish the course, we must also ensure we keep the faith. We must hold fast without wavering our profession of faith. Our faith must be kept pure and incorrupt against all opposition.

On what basis is it (the Crown of Righteousness) awarded?

ANSWER: It is given to those individuals who demonstrate "self-denial and perseverance Just like trophies, rings, and plaques are given to sports heroes or winning teams in sports, God apparently is going to be doing the same thing in heaven. He will be giving out certain types of crowns for the people who were willing to go that extra mile, who were willing to give that extra special effort in whatever God had called them to do.

These crowns will be a special reward that will be rewarding excellence and maximum effort. These crowns will also be incorruptible and will last for all of eternity. They will be a special mark and a special token given by our Lord to honor and reward all of those who have faithfully served Him in this life, way above and beyond what the average would have considered doing for Him.



The crown of righteousness which Paul refered to is an award kept in heaven  for those who have lived the righteous life Christ has purchased for them on the cross of Calvary. A precious and eternal reward promised to those who have loved and served Him faithfully on earth and brought glory to His sacrificial death and resurrection. 



Q2. The crown of righteousness is the crown made up of Jesus’s righteousness which will be given to those who have longed for Him and have fought the good fight and kept the faith. This will be given to all who have followed Jesus and have longed for and prepared for His return. 


Q2. (2 Timothy 4:8) What does the "crown of righteousness" represent? To whom is it given? On what basis is it awarded?


I think it is a crown for faithful service to the Lord.

Like in the case of Paul, it is crown for winning souls and standing firm despite great persecution. It is crown for perseverance.


This is prize for all the efforts of Paul's ministry. This crown is for the person who proves true.  It is in view, not in current possession by the believer.  The Christian must be obedient and preserve in his calling; he must work out his salvation in trembling and fear.


The “crown of righteousness” represents us followers of Jesus and sticking with it in thick in thin. This crown is given to those who have been waiting for it. The award is based on Jesus forgiving our sins.


Q2. (2 TIMOTHY 4:8) 
What does the "crown of righteousness" represent? To whom is it given? On what basis is it awarded? 
It is a reward, a symbol of victory and honour, stored in heaven for each believer (2:5), who has fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith. Safely stored and carefully guarded with all our other heavenly treasure (Mat 6:20). It is given to all true believers who have shown righteousness in their service and faithfulness to God and His Word. It is a righteous crown which our Saviour Jesus Christ earned for us on the cross; a free gift of eternal life based on His righteousness, not ours. A righteousness obtained through faith in Jesus Christ (Rom 3:22); reserved for all who love Jesus Christ. It is also an inheritance that can never perish, spoil, or fade, with our name on it, kept in heaven for us (1 Pet 1:4). An inheritance we will receive on the day of the Lord’s return – the day of His appearance. 

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