Marloes Posted September 18, 2009 Report Posted September 18, 2009 Jesus died for the people who believe Him. He died by the people who did not believe Him. I agree with Janet that Satan is most responsable for inspiring the Romans and the Jews to kill Him and inspiring us to sin. I do not think one can tell who of the earthly persons is most responsable. Thats comparing 'appels and pears' as we Dutch say. Quote
diana47 Posted October 3, 2009 Report Posted October 3, 2009 we all were responsible for jesus death.i know in my heart i want to live in unity with jesus. jesus was talking about the forgiveness of our debts,we are responible for our own debts,and for the faults we have,by improving to learn to forgive our sins,and our past mistakes we need to reach outto the scriptures and become closer to god. Quote
cinderella Posted November 12, 2009 Report Posted November 12, 2009 I think that it was everyone who was responible for killing Jesus that day. But it is important to remember that Jesus allowed Himself to be put on the cross.. He knew what was going to happen and it was in the plans of His Father from the day of His birth. WE bear a lot of responsibility in His death. It was for us in the present day and for all time that we live and the future sins. He loved us so much that He died for us then. and He does love us. Jesus was praying for us even then as He continues to stand in the gap for us in front of His Father. He is our advocate even today. The Cross was our beginning of His life for us. Quote
godschild7665 Posted November 27, 2009 Report Posted November 27, 2009 Q1. (Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? In what sense was Jesus praying for us? I've seen someone mention Adam,alone but did not see Eve. For I believe Eve was the first one who sinned and took the fruit that the serpent offered. She knew God had forbidden that one tree and all fruit from that tree. And she was the one who tempted Adam. So Not only did Jesus die for my sins past present and future, but yours as well. To really think of all Jesus did out of Gods love for us I am in awe. To see the pictures of The nails in his hands and seeing the pain and anguish in his face makes me want to cry because it's then I begin to realize the full meaning of dying for our sins. Thank you Father for loving us so much you gave Jesus to take our punishment and make us right and forgiven in your sight. Amen. Quote
WifeOfDarren Posted January 12, 2010 Report Posted January 12, 2010 This is a very difficult question to answer without absolutely playing into the semantics of it. Responsible for "killing" Jesus Quote
iam4-1god Posted February 9, 2010 Report Posted February 9, 2010 Q1. (Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? In what sense was Jesus praying for us? Jesus died for all of us. Before I was saved, I went lolly-gagging through life without a care as to what would happen to me when I die. After I got saved, and got to know God better, I realized that I would have been in a whole lot of trouble if I hadn't accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Jesus took on my sins-all of them-and bore the punishment Himself. But, until we come to that realization, Jesus wants God the Father to know that we are ignorant of our sins, and please be mindful of that. He wanted us covered so that when we do confess, the Father will be able to wash us clean and forgive us for being ignorant of our sins. Isn't that wonderful? God has us taken care of, even before we surrender! He loved us long before we loved Him! It just doesn't get any better than that! Amazing Grace-how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now I'm found-was blind, but now I see! Gloray!!!! Quote
Craig Posted February 20, 2010 Report Posted February 20, 2010 Q1. (Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? In what sense was Jesus praying for us? All of humanity is most responsible. Even though all the players (Roman leadership and soldiers, members of the Jewish religious council, the rabble, the High priests, etc.), who participated in the process of Jesus' trial, punishment, humiliation, and death on the cross were directly responsible at that moment in space and time, Jesus went to the cross for the salvation of humanity -- our sin put Him there as per God the Father. The basis of our salvation is forgiveness. Jesus was praying for our forgiveness and that forgiveness is realized when we accept Him as our personal Lord and Savior. Quote
WALT39 Posted February 26, 2010 Report Posted February 26, 2010 Q1. (Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? In what sense was Jesus praying for us? Luke 23:34 - Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? Pastor Ralph's commentary was very meaningful. As he listed each group, there were compelling arguments for each group. When he got to the group entitled as "You and I", it really hit home. I think all or most of us like to blame the others and it is so easy to blame the soldiers, Herod, Chief priests and scribes, and the Pharisees and Sadducees. When I look at myself, I know that at sometime in my life, I have acted like all of the groups. So all of us have some responsibility for His crucifixion. In what sense was Jesus praying for us? As I wrote above, I really did not think that the word "them" in Luke 23:34 refer to you and me. Upon mediating on this Scripture, He is praying for each one of us. The prayer that He said over 2000 years ago, still applies to each of us today. Jesus has not forgotten us and we can not forget Him. Quote
Don W Posted March 1, 2010 Report Posted March 1, 2010 We all are responsible for putting Him on the cross and killing Him as He showed us His wonderfully great mercy when He forgave us for all of our sins and showed us His forgiveness by dying on the cross for our sins; and thus, He is praying for us as we have become His people and a part of His forever family, so that our sins are forgiven by His great awesome love towards us, and in bringing to Him our hearts and lives so that our heavenly Father answers His Son Quote
Commissioned Posted March 1, 2010 Report Posted March 1, 2010 Q1. (Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? In what sense was Jesus praying for us? Sinners are most responsible for killing Jesus. As born sinners we bear the responsibility in this. Jesus praying for us because of the full magnitude of our sin, we just do not understand; but Jesus died for us, the unrighteous. Quote
Delivered Posted March 11, 2010 Report Posted March 11, 2010 Q1.(Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? The question of Quote
Hender Posted March 27, 2010 Report Posted March 27, 2010 Q1. (Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? In what sense was Jesus praying for us? We all are responsible for killing Jesus because of our sin. We are responsible because we have sin and God to forgive us for our sin. Jesus did pray for us, because at one time we didn't know what we was doing. Quote
vanessa hennessey Posted June 29, 2010 Report Posted June 29, 2010 Q1. (Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? In what sense was Jesus praying for us? i think that the person most responsible for killing Jesus was Pilate (of course they all had a part to play) but he was the one who when the rubber met the road had the decision to make re Jesus' cuxifixion and decided to be popular and go with the crowd. Our responsibility is to accept that God allowed Jesus to did so that we could be brought back to relationship with him through asking him to forgive us for all the sins we have done. Jesus knew the future he knew 2000 years ago that people would continue to sin and turn away from him so he was not only praying for the people of the present but also those of the future. Quote
Ramon Posted November 30, 2010 Report Posted November 30, 2010 Q1. (Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? In what sense was Jesus praying for us? Answer: 1. Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? Man Sinful Nature is responsible. Jesus death is the payment,to redeem Man back to what God has intended Him to be. 1 John 2:2- And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world 2. What responsibility do you and I bear in this? I am more than equally responsible as anybody else..I fall short to the Glory of God Quote
Hector Roberts Posted February 28, 2011 Report Posted February 28, 2011 Q1. (Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? In what sense was Jesus praying for us? To me, it all started in the Garden as in Gen.3 The first Sin - Adam and Eve were responsible. And as a decendant of our first parents, I stood responsible - ie till He set me free by His death on the Cross. Therefore when Jesus prayed 'Father forgive them.." I believe, it is our first parents, Adam and Eve in whom consists the entire humanity. V21 says "God made garments of skin (the first sacrifice) for Adam and his wife and clothed them". But the forgiveness came from the Cross, by the blood of the Lamb... and now we are clothed in His Righteousness. Praise God Quote
Jubilee Posted March 3, 2011 Report Posted March 3, 2011 Q1. (Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? In what sense was Jesus praying for us? Many people continued to blame the death of Jesus on the Jews. By doing this I think they misunderstand the reason why Jesus came on earth. And by blaming the Jews too is like shifting the responsibility from themselves onto somebody else. I have to take responsibility for killing Jesus. I stand accused and he took my place. I cannot pay for my debt and he came to pay for me. Jesus was praying for us so that his father and our father will not hold our debts against us. Thank you Jesus for the Blood you shed for us. Quote
Patty Cason Posted March 10, 2011 Report Posted March 10, 2011 Q1. (Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? In what sense was Jesus praying for us? All of us are responsible for killing Jesus, not just the Roman soldiers or the sadducess and Pharisees, we are all guilty of self-righteousness, self-centeredness, placing all earthly and material things as more important then the love and worship of God. Jesus is asking our heavenly Father for mercy for us, to forgive us and for us to repent and make reparation for our sinfulness and to come to know our Lord in all of his Wisdom and Truth. Patty Quote
Lion of Grace Posted April 11, 2011 Report Posted April 11, 2011 I'll answer with a song: It was my sin that was responsible for Jesus death and Jesus was praying for mercy for me when I didn't deserve any. When He should have been pardoned, I was. When I should have been punished, He was. The chosen one was put to death, so I could come. How Deep The Fathers Love For Us How deep the Father's love for us, How vast beyond all measure That He should give His only Son To make a wretch His treasure How great the pain of searing loss, The Father turns His face away As wounds which mar the chosen One, Bring many sons to glory Behold the Man upon a cross, My sin upon His shoulders Ashamed I hear my mocking voice, Call out among the scoffers It was my sin that held Him there Until it was accomplished His dying breath has brought me life I know that it is finished I will not boast in anything No gifts, no power, no wisdom But I will boast in Jesus Christ His death and resurrection Why should I gain from His reward? I cannot give an answer But this I know with all my heart His wounds have paid my ransom Quote
Dola Posted April 11, 2011 Report Posted April 11, 2011 Q1. (Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? In what sense was Jesus praying for us? The whole world is responsible for the killing of Jesus on that Cross. But had not Jesus allowed it we would not have any way to pay for our sins and could never been Reconciled back to God!! Thank you Jesus for washing me white as snow with your Blood!! love DG <>< Quote
suelaubscher Posted April 11, 2011 Report Posted April 11, 2011 Q1. (Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? In what sense was Jesus praying for us? The love of God truelly led me to repent and to see that if I had of been the only one alive I would have crucified Jesus myself...I had trampled Him underfoot my whole life and did not believe a single word He had said or that He was even the Son of God...I was educated in a catholic convent, went to church every Sunday, regularly took the sacraments, taught catechism for ten years in a large Catholic Cathedral in Pietermaritzburg...yet I did not believe, I did not obey, I resented God's WORD Jesus...I would have killed him eventually...I did life my own way...I had truelly taken my independence from God. BUT He is such a merciful Father and He led me to see this all and when I did my heart was broken. I could not believe what I had done all my "good" life...what a pharisee I was. In our unregenerated condition we are all party to His crucifiction...our silence and apathy is a lethal as hammering in the nails...thrusting the spear into His heart. Jesus prayed for us, His Father heard Him and we have been saved by grace. Jesus died an undeserved death BUT if He had not prayed for us we would have died a very deserved death and been in hell this moment. We did commit the murder of God...JESUS IS GOD...the most terrible crime, the most undeserved crime. If Jesus had not prayed His innocent blood would have forever been on our hands. Quote
RodR Posted April 11, 2011 Report Posted April 11, 2011 In a sense, God is responsible for the death of His son. Only God could have allowed it, only He could have stopped it. It was His love for you and me that made Jesus' death necessary. We can never fully understand His love from a human perspective. Jesus was born crucified. His purpose from birth was to die for the sins of mankind. "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me." Quote
Dola Posted April 12, 2011 Report Posted April 12, 2011 Q1. (Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? In what sense was Jesus praying for us? I was the most resoniblie for the death of Jesus on the cross because He cared for me and wanted me to live with him forever more! I Thanks you Jesus for saving me and washing me white as snow!! Love DG <>< Quote
haar Posted April 13, 2011 Report Posted April 13, 2011 Q1. (Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? In what sense was Jesus praying for us? We the grand children of Adam were responsiple for killing Jesus. Adam sin made all of us snners, seperated from God and condemned to eternal death. But God loved us that much that he son had die to take our place on the cross. Jesus prayed for the soldiers, scribes and the leaders of the day who plotted to kill him because of jealousy and hatred. He also prayed for us because we were the root cause of his suffering and death. Quote
Dola Posted April 14, 2011 Report Posted April 14, 2011 Q1. (Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? In what sense was Jesus praying for us? We the grand children of Adam were responsiple for killing Jesus. Adam sin made all of us snners, seperated from God and condemned to eternal death. But God loved us that much that he son had die to take our place on the cross. Jesus prayed for the soldiers, scribes and the leaders of the day who plotted to kill him because of jealousy and hatred. He also prayed for us because we were the root cause of his suffering and death. Quote
Dola Posted April 14, 2011 Report Posted April 14, 2011 Q1. (Luke 23:34) Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? In what sense was Jesus praying for us? We the grand children of Adam were responsiple for killing Jesus. Adam sin made all of us snners, seperated from God and condemned to eternal death. But God loved us that much that he son had die to take our place on the cross. Jesus prayed for the soldiers, scribes and the leaders of the day who plotted to kill him because of jealousy and hatred. He also prayed for us because we were the root cause of his suffering and death. Amen Love DG <>< Quote
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