Guitar Jim Posted April 21, 2011 Report Posted April 21, 2011 Q5. (John 19:28) What do you learn from Jesus Quote
Dola Posted April 21, 2011 Report Posted April 21, 2011 Q5. (John 19:28) What do you learn from Jesus' Fifth Word: "I thirst"? What does this tell us about Jesus? What does this tell us about his experience on the cross? <!--coloro:#0000FF--><span style="color:#0000FF"><!--/coloro--><!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->I learned that Jesus was real human The fatigue which he had undergone, the grief he had felt, the heat of the day, and the loss of blood, were the natural causes of this thirst. This he would have borne without complaint; but he wished to give them the fullest proof of his being the Messiah, by distinctly marking how every thing relative to the Messiah, which had been written in the prophets, had its complete fulfilment in him. <!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><b></b><i></i> Quote
anne1151 Posted April 23, 2011 Report Posted April 23, 2011 Q5. (John 19:28) What do you learn from Jesus Quote
Highohfaith Posted February 19, 2012 Report Posted February 19, 2012 Q5. (John 19:28) What do you learn from Jesus' Fifth Word: "I thirst"? What does this tell us about Jesus? What does this tell us about his experience on the cross? What do you learn from Jesus' Fifth Word: "I thirst"? We learn Jesus was sent to earth in a fully physical sense. He was not 'just' spirit, He was sent to us by God in human form. Jesus is both fully divine and fully human. His humanity is essential to His work as our atoning sacrifice, High Priest, Mediator and King. His physical thirst was what any of us would feel in such a situation, but aside from being thirsty in a physical sense. He was also thirsty in a spiritual sense. This being the first time He had ever been seperated from His Father. His cry "I thirst" was meant both literally( in a physical sense) and figuratively (in a spiritual sense). *1 John 4:1-3 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits, whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. *2 John 1:7 I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. Jesus was fully human, as humans thirst, He also was thirsty. What does this tell us about Jesus? That He was a WILLING participant in fulfilling the scripture and committed by faith to His father will. for it had be written: "He poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors." (Isaiah 53:12) Surely Jesus knew of what was expected of Him from the beginning. He is fully aware of His Fathers will . He is fully aware of prophecy concerning His gruesome death upon a cross. He was not ignorant of scripture, nor prophecy, He clearly understood the will of His father. And as a dutiful, faithful, loving Son wanted to please His Father. What does this tell us about his experience on the cross? The suffering felt by Jesus (being of both human and Spirit) on the cross in unfathomable to us. We can't even imagine the kind of pain He is going through. Most of us, as humans, cry out at the least bit of suffering. The worst suffering and pain in our lives cannot remotely compare to the suffering Jesus felt on the cross. Not only did He suffer pain in human form, but He suffered immense pain as a result of being separated (spiritually) from His Father because of our iniquities. Jesus' experience on the cross is worst than any of us could even begin to imagine or understand. May it always be a reminder of the cost of our transgressions.Of the Grace which was paid to set us free. Quote
Commissioned Posted March 26, 2012 Report Posted March 26, 2012 Q5. (John 19:28) What do you learn from Jesus' Fifth Word: "I thirst"? To anyone who questioned whether or not Jesus was human in the flesh, these moments on the cross gives the answer. Jesus thirst for a drink was very human indeed. The 'Fifth Word' also tells us that Jesus' knowing the scriptures wanted to fulfill what was prophectically said about Him. Finally, He wanted to complete the assignment His Father had given him and He loudly proclaim the completion. What does this tell us about Jesus? To the very end He was concerned with completing the Father's will. What does this tell us about his experience on the cross? Jesus' experience on the cross says that He was concerned for the redemption of mankind. His concern pointed away from himself. Quote
rosegarden Posted April 10, 2012 Report Posted April 10, 2012 Q5. (John 19:28) What do you learn from Jesus� Fifth Word: �I thirst�? What does this tell us about Jesus? What does this tell us about his experience on the cross? 5.a.& b. The Fifth Word "I thirst" we learn that Jesus came in the flesh and had the same feelings as we do - he ate, drank, wept, slept. He was human. He was God/Man. He had to come in the flesh to represent us and pay the price for our sins, because we couldn't pay. He was the only One that could pay, for His blood was holy, the only sacrifice that could take away our sin. It was also a fullfilment of the scripture in John 19:28 c. His experience on the cross showed how much He loved us and was willing to suffer till the end being obedient unto death to pay the price for our sin. He perservered and did not give up till it was finished. He was comitted to doing the will of the Father. Quote
sengabira Posted January 19, 2013 Report Posted January 19, 2013 Q5. (John 19:28) What do you learn from Jesus' Fifth Word: "I thirst"? What does this tell us about Jesus? What does this tell us about his experience on the cross? I learned that Jesus was real human The fatigue which he had undergone, the grief he had felt, the heat of the day, and the loss of blood, were the natural causes of this thirst. This he would have borne without complaint; but he wished to give them the fullest proof of his being the Messiah, by distinctly marking how every thing relative to the Messiah, which had been written in the prophets, had its complete fulfilment in him. Great Quote
robertprice Posted March 20, 2013 Report Posted March 20, 2013 We learn that there was no doubt at all that Jesus was a human being in addition to His divine status. He chose to cast the latter aside in His crucifixation to experience the full force of a horrible death in order to satisfy the just requirements of God's Law, in that 'there can be no remission for sins except by the shedding of blood'. So Jesus was love and kindness to the human race right up to His end. His experience on the cross was in compliance with the Father's will, as a result of which we now all enjoy fellowship with Him. In short, it was the love of Christ that dignified His death. Quote
Jen Posted March 25, 2013 Report Posted March 25, 2013 Q5. (John 19:28) What do you learn from Jesus' Fifth Word: "I thirst"? What does this tell us about Jesus? What does this tell us about his experience on the cross? It reminds us that though fully God , Jesus was also fully man. He suffered as fully man in the physical sense. There is a book titled What Jesus Saw From The Cross that I saw in a book store. I opened it to a page that gave a graphic description of what happened to Jesus body as He hung on the cross. I almost passed out in the store. I had to sit down in the aisle. I believe only someone sinless could have behaved as Christ did in the midst of such agonies including the spiritual separation from His perfect union with God and the Holy Spirit. Perfect love and fellowship and left in the dark painful world of sin. Even the drink on the sponge was bitter. Should give us an even better sense of what we are in the flesh. God Bless Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
Craig Posted September 21, 2013 Report Posted September 21, 2013 Q5. (John 19:28) What do you learn from Jesus� Fifth Word: �I thirst�? What does this tell us about Jesus? What does this tell us about his experience on the cross?            One expression of Jesus' humanity while hanging on the cross after tremendous physical torture, beating, and pain was that he was thirsty and he expressed that reality. The fact that Jesus was divinity does not negate the fact that he was walking in this world in a human body subject to human biology and its needs. Both good and bad.  Jesus' experience on the cross was painful and sorrowful. Both physically and spiritually.   Quote
tgandy Posted February 28, 2014 Report Posted February 28, 2014 Jesus' fifth word tells me he WAS both human and divine. The human required fluids to drink.  Jesus had to fulfill the scriptures and was very conscious of this. The 6 hours on the cross had taken its toll. In order to fulfill the scriptures he needed a drink to wet his lips and throat. This enabled him to cry out the final words. Quote
JoanG Posted February 5, 2015 Report Posted February 5, 2015 Once again, Jesus was letting us know that He was indeed human and not heavenly. He was feeling all the effects of the sacrifice He was making for us and our sins. We see that her wanted to fulfill all of the Old Testament prophecies that concerned Him and His life and His death. His love for us was so great that He endured all of this for us. Quote
josepherd Posted February 11, 2015 Report Posted February 11, 2015 Jesus was not immune to physical need or pain. Jesus bore the excruciating pain on the cross to the full extent. That makes me overwhelmingly sorry and grateful to Jesus. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted February 15, 2015 Report Posted February 15, 2015 Q5. (John 19:28) What do you learn from Jesus� Fifth Word: �I thirst�? What does this tell us about Jesus? What does this tell us about his experience on the cross? We learn from Jesus 5th word "I thirst" that he was human, with all the scourging and torment  plus crucifixion the loss of blood and body fluids, he would indeed be dehydrated and thirsty. The 5th word also tells us that Jesus died on the cross for us and our sins. He fulfilled his Father's will. Jesus experience on the cross was gruesome to say the least. He spiritually was left alone while on the cross, because though he he knew no sin he became sin for our transgressions. The heavenly Father who is Holy and can not look upon sin, separated himself from Jesus while he hung on the cross.   Quote
PathFinder51 Posted April 2, 2015 Report Posted April 2, 2015 What do you learn from Jesus; Fifth Word: "I thirst"?  Jesus died in the flesh for us and for our sins  Christ would rather court an affront than see any prophecy unfulfilled.  This should satisfy us under all our trials, that the will of God is done, and the word of God accomplished.  What does this tell us about Jesus?  Jesus has come in the flesh; He is able to sympathize with our human frailties; His human blood was shed for our sins; and He was fully God and fully Man. These are biblical truths that cannot be denied. What does this tell us about his experience on the cross?  This was tangible physical suffering, of which extreme thirst and physical exhaustion were a part. And yet he does not want to die without a final word. He asks for something to drink to wet his lips for this final effort. Quote
van Posted April 4, 2015 Report Posted April 4, 2015 Jesus Christ was fully human and fully divine. When He said He thirst that shows His human side that we can all relate. Jesus was tired, getting weak and very thirsty. Yet, what He endured for us no other human can ever have endured that type of suffering. Jesus showed us from he cross both sides of Himself, human and divine. That's true love to lay down your life like Jesus did and didn't get angry or upset. Quote
blezed Posted April 5, 2015 Report Posted April 5, 2015 (John 19:28) What do you learn from Jesus� Fifth Word: �I thirst�? What does this tell us about Jesus? What does this tell us about his experience on the cross?          We learn from Jesus's Fifth Word his physical humanity, his awareness of the scriptures and his determination to complete his task. Jesus love for us, He willingly suffered on the cross pain and humiliation to save us all. Quote
van Posted April 5, 2015 Report Posted April 5, 2015 I learn that He was fully human at that time on the cross. He had to be in order for our sins to be forgiven. He thirst, was afraid, weak and in a lot of pain. I cold never endure what He was able to do. Thank you Lord Jesus. Quote
bwhite2 Posted August 16, 2015 Report Posted August 16, 2015 ?1. "I thirst" shows a human need for liquid for our bodies. Jesus was an angelic being that came to Earth in human form-flesh and blood- the human body needs liquid to survive. Jesus is showing us his human need. Â ?2. &3. Jesus's love for us is great. He allowed himself to be tortured and endured the physical pain to fulfill the prophecy that God had laid out to save us from our sins. Quote
Annelle Posted February 15, 2016 Report Posted February 15, 2016 Q5. (John 19:28) What do you learn from Jesus' Fifth Word: "I thirst"? What does this tell us about Jesus? What does this tell us about his experience on the cross?  Jesus suffered like a human being, thereby confirming that He was fully human just as He also was fully God. He was thirsty and in pain physically. Quote
Konki Posted March 16, 2016 Report Posted March 16, 2016 The fifth word spoken by Jesus from the cross"I Thirst" shows his human side. He is suffering a physical death, and experiencing all the pains that go with it. Jesus was both human-Mortal and God-Immortal. Jesus spoke these words to fulfill the scriptures. Ps.69:21. Jesus in those two words spoken from the cross ,directs us to think about our own need for a saviour,to thirst for living water. We need to recognise our own thirst and help those around us who are hungry and thirsty. The message of the cross is clear for there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Quote
Old Jerry Posted October 14, 2016 Report Posted October 14, 2016 I learned that Jesus was human and He did suffer for my sins. I think that He asked for the drink so that He would be able to speak His last words loud and clear. This tells me that Jesus was committed to the end of His human life. This experience on the cross taught me I need to be committed to God just as much as Jesus is. Quote
elaineer Posted April 4, 2017 Report Posted April 4, 2017 Jesus was human when he was put on the cross.He was fulfilling prophecy.We forget that Jesus was flesh same as us. We should go on our knees and thank Him for the sacrifice he took upon himself for our sins. Quote
Bailey Posted March 15, 2019 Report Posted March 15, 2019 Q5. ( John 19:28) What do you learn from Jesus' Fifth Word: "I Thirst"? This lesson brings home the closer of death. That faze where your love one looks at you and I am surprise that Jesus could speak given the amount of pain he was in. Even though the solder showed compassion by giving Jesus the soaked sponge, because he didn't have to, make he felt that bitter wine would help Jesus. The pain and suffering no one man could endure. Quote
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