Magnus Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 Why is our fellowship with fellow Christians so often just on a surface level? How can we have fellowship at a deeper level in Christ?Our fellowship skims along at the surface because we are shamed and embarrassed, and we fear that our relationships with others will be broken if they knew the truth about our inward man. Only when we find someone who is in a far worse condition will we allow light to enter into our lives. To drive to a deeper level requires us to trust others with our condition, knowing it is Christ alone that we seek to please. What would it take in your Christian group or your relationships with other believers to deepen your level of fellowship so it is authentically Christian?We must keep our gaze upon the cross, and not get wrapped up in receiving approval from others. Christ placed us in community to grow our faith, and only by releasing control over to Him will we realize the level of fellowship He intends for us. Click HERE to sponsor a child today Quote
pickledilly Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 Our Christian fellowship is often so shallow because we're individually lacking in the primary unifying factor of personal fellowship with the Father and Christ. When my relationship with God lacks depth, I have little to share or relate with other believers beyond the surface level. A deeper level of fellowship with Christ requires honesty, focus, and time (just like any other relationship in life). Attention to His Word and an open channel of constant communication are the foundation. But the most basic key, at least for me, is being real with Christ by inviting Him to control every thought and deed as I exercise faith through obedience. I think a Christian group will grow deeper relationships in direct proportion to how much each individual is growing deeper in Christ. Authentic Christianity can only come from/through Christ genuinely at work in us, not from/through us putting on a charade to each other. Quote
Paul H Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 Q1. (1 John 1:3-4, 6-7) Why is our fellowship with fellow Christians so often just on a surface level? I think that most human relationships are only on a surface level. We are afraid to get deeper than that because we feel threatened and vunerable that if we get too deep it may somehow be used against us. There is a reason for that general feeling when we are talking about human relationships outside the family of Christ; it is borne out of bitter experience!! This general experience of human relationships has an effect on how we view our relationships with fellow Christaians, although it shouldn't. In Christ's family, this feeling of threat or vunerability should not exist though provided that we are all in true christian love and fellowship with one another and with God. How can we have fellowship at a deeper level in Christ? What would it take in your Christian group or your relationships with other believers to deepen your level of fellowship so it is authentically Christian? Through Christian love of God and of each other. This takes honesty, understanding, openess, understanding, forgiveness, humility - in fact look at the life of Jesus and you can see what it takes! In a human setting of a church community, it takes time to achieve, but in Christ it can be achieved. Quote
Jeannie Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 Q1. (1 John 1:3-4, 6-7) Why is our fellowship with fellow Christians so often just on a surface level? How can we have fellowship at a deeper level in Christ? What would it take in your Christian group or your relationships with other believers to deepen your level of fellowship so it is authentically Christian? Q1. Why is our fellowship with fellow Christians so often just on a surface level? I believe it's because of the distraction we are exposed to in America today, so many false teachings and people pulling God/Christ down to their level or lower, and because of this many Christians are being swayed by lies and believe that it doesn't matter if they have sin in their lifes, because we are all saved by "Grace", and are ignorant to the truth about what the Commandment to love one another means. How can we have fellowship at a deeper level in Christ? To read Scripture daily, believe in the Word of God and desire to know and grow in Him more. What would it take in your Christian group or your relationships with other believers to deepen your level of fellowship so it is authentically Christian? To love each other as Christ has loved us and encourage in build up each other in God's Word. To "be there" when a fellow believer is in need and think of ourselves less than the other. Quote
cdk Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 Q1. (1 John 1:3-4, 6-7) Why is our fellowship with fellow Christians so often just on a surface level? How can we have fellowship at a deeper level in Christ? What would it take in your Christian group or your relationships with other believers to deepen your level of fellowship so it is authentically Christian? Quote
cdk Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 people are at different levels with thier walk with the lord . some are drinking milk , and some are mature , some have a more difficult time with relating to one another, to make it better is to share and read and study together for a deeper walk . lots of prayer ,and patience , and understanding . Quote
wondering04 Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 As with any group there are those in the Church that have superficial relations and others who seek the deeper relations. Only, if we focus on Christ, can we ever hope to get beyond the superficial. 1 John speaks of Jesus as the Word. Our pastor often tells us that as people come into the church and get more Word into their lives, then the sin comes out, and they become more transparent in Christ. If we are more externally focused we have the fleshly issues of pride, ****, emotions, judgment, etc. start in play. Only when we seek Christ and seek to be more like Him, can we grow closer IN CHRIST. The truth is that we are all part of the Body of Christ, and God did not make us to be Lone Rangers. Heather Quote
csreeves Posted October 8, 2009 Report Posted October 8, 2009 Q1. (1 John 1:3-4, 6-7) Why is our fellowship with fellow Christians so often just on a surface level? How can we have fellowship at a deeper level in Christ? What would it take in your Christian group or your relationships with other believers to deepen your level of fellowship so it is authentically Christian? Many people are to attached to the world to be honest about their sins and to repent. They hide their sins thinking they are hiding from God. Some even deny that they sin realizing they are not in the Light. To be in the Light one must be honest and repent. This isn't the popular way instead they love the darkness and God says they are not his followers. We must be accountable and this means allowing yourself to open and honest with fellow Christians. In my fellowship we hold each other accountable for we are not ashamed of the fact that we sin for we are human and not divine. Quote
Eudora Posted October 8, 2009 Report Posted October 8, 2009 Q1. (1 John 1:3-4, 6-7) Why is our fellowship with fellow Christians so often just on a surface level? We haven Quote
annamma mathew Posted October 9, 2009 Report Posted October 9, 2009 The basic feeling of fellowship is the most divine quality of god - Love . When we love others as we love ourselves as Jesus taught us , our fellowship with fellow christians will be a deep relation . We can have fellowship at a deeper level.Salvation of all the fellow christians will help us have fellowship at a deeper level in Christ . We cannot be in fellowship with God when we are doing or thinking those things which are evil.Fellowship with god is excercised in prayer . More quality time spent in prayer will deepen the level of fellowship . Quote
Craig Posted October 9, 2009 Report Posted October 9, 2009 Q1. (1 John 1:3-4, 6-7) Why is our fellowship with fellow Christians so often just on a surface level? How can we have fellowship at a deeper level in Christ? What would it take in your Christian group or your relationships with other believers to deepen your level of fellowship so it is authentically Christian? Too many Christians conceal themselves behind a mask. They are afraid to become transparent. I tell my congregation to throw the mask away because we already know about each other in that as Paul wrote: "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." So there is nothing to hide. No body is flawless. Throw the mask away. We attain what we throw ourselves into. If I want true fellowship with other believers then I go for it with deliberation knowing that Jesus is with me. Quote
Eudora Posted October 10, 2009 Report Posted October 10, 2009 Q1. (1 John 1:3-4, 6-7) Why is our fellowship with fellow Christians so often just on a surface level? How can we have fellowship at a deeper level in Christ? What would it take in your Christian group or your relationships with other believers to deepen your level of fellowship so it is authentically Christian? I've often had conversations with other Christians who don't seem to have Jesus as the center of their life...Lordship. From their conversation, I can tell that the world is more important to them. I think that if the two people have the same worldview and love of the Lord, true Christian fellowship does occur. In the Bible studies that I teach I have several motives--to win them to Christ, and to disciple them toward a strong commitment to the Lord. GOD has blessed every group I have led and they grow and yearn for more of Him. I think every teacher or mentor or friend should guide every person to a committed life in the LORD. Isn't that just amazing? ... You didn't need to write the Purpose Driven Life to know your calling.... Keep up the great work for the Kingdom of the Lord is at hand... Treasures and more treasures being stored up... YAHOO Quote
Jo621 Posted October 10, 2009 Report Posted October 10, 2009 Q1. (1 John 1:3-4, 6-7) Why is our fellowship with fellow Christians so often just on a surface level? How can we have fellowship at a deeper level in Christ? What would it take in your Christian group or your relationships with other believers to deepen your level of fellowship so it is authentically Christian? It's much easier to just put up a wall with other Christians because we don't want to get hurt, and let our true feelings be known. Once we are willing to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and direct our steps, we will be willing to reach out in love with other believers to share what God has done in our lives. Oftentimes we have to learn to reach outside our own selves, to ask the Lord to help us see others as He does, to be sensitive to others needs, focusing on what is happening in their lives, and allowing the Lord to prod us, moving us with his love and compassion. Quote
Sarah43 Posted October 10, 2009 Report Posted October 10, 2009 Q1. (1 John 1:3-4, 6-7) Why is our fellowship with fellow Christians so often just on a surface level? How can we have fellowship at a deeper level in Christ? What would it take in your Christian group or your relationships with other believers to deepen your level of fellowship so it is authentically Christian? We believe, I think, that going to church and knowing the Word, is enough. We go and study the Word but we don't share the particulars of our lives sometimes because we are afraid that, if they know our struggles with sin, others will think we are not really Christians, that we are not perfect. Only Christ is perfect. I was discussing someone I know and have some strife with to my pastor, and I complained, pettily enough, that this person "has a church face, but is a different (more sinful?) person outside of church." My pastor enlightened me by telling me we all have a church face. Every single one of us. Discussing our struggles with sin with other Christians, praying with them and asking for Spirit to inform and direct us is accountability. Accountability is walking the walk, not just talking the talk. Quote
janel Posted October 11, 2009 Report Posted October 11, 2009 Q1. (1 John 1:3-4, 6-7) Why is our fellowship with fellow Christians so often just on a surface level? How can we have fellowship at a deeper level in Christ? What would it take in your Christian group or your relationships with other believers to deepen your level of fellowship so it is authentically Christian? Quote
janel Posted October 11, 2009 Report Posted October 11, 2009 Our fellowship with fellow Christians so often just on a surface level is because we are not accustomed to one another and the trust is not built. Some may not be open to share and may feel uncomfortable at the start. As humans we have a lot of fears and doubts. Whether there is sincerity, will I trust you not to relate my sharing outside the group? There are so many questions running in our little mind. Because we are of the flesh, our focus is more of self than of God. If we learn and become more like Christ, the nature in us will be transformed thus allowing God's spirit to work and lead us. The sharing on the 'word of God' builds us up. It guides us to be a better Christians and be able to walk and live life in the way of Christ. As we immersed ourselves in Christ each day our hearts will be sincere even though we met with obstacles. We need to be patient with one another and forgive. These we need from the strength of God in order to build small communities with our fellow Christians. Quote
haar Posted October 11, 2009 Report Posted October 11, 2009 Our fellowsship with one one another is dry because we have no fellowship withe the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and is not based on truth. We can only have deep Christian fellowship with one another if we commit our lives to Christ, walk in the light and not to live in sin Quote
Athanasius the Egyptian Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 Lack of real fellowship with fellow Christians reveals a lack of Kingdom vision, because we can't accomplish God's purposes for our lives alone. It is only as we live, pray, labor and believe in unity with other Christians that we will see His plans and purposes for our lives, our churches and our communities come to fruition. If you're off by yourself, or with other believers only on Sunday morning, clearly you are not "Seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness." What does it take to deepen our level of fellowship with other believers so it is authentically Christian? In a word, I would say; "vision." When we catch the vision for what the Lord wants to do in our lives and what He wants to use us to do in this world, we can't help but realize that we need each other and that we have to work together. Quote
MAMA Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 Q1. (1 John 1:3-4, 6-7) Why is our fellowship with fellow Christians so often just on a surface level? How can we have fellowship at a deeper level in Christ? What would it take in your Christian group or your relationships with other believers to deepen your level of fellowship so it is authentically Christian? Fellowship is often surface level because we dont take the time to get to know one another. We speak and fellowship with people that we know and feel comfortable with. We can have fellowship at a deeper level in Christ by taking time to ask, someone you donot know;How are you doing? and listen while they talk. Your relationship/fellowship with Christ must be authentic in order to develop an authentic Christian relationship with others. We do this by spending personal time with God, praying, studying and applying the Word of God in our everyday lives. God Bless Patricia Quote
john andrews Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 Q1. (1 John 1:3-4, 6-7) Why is our fellowship with fellow Christians so often just on a surface level? How can we have fellowship at a deeper level in Christ? What would it take in your Christian group or your relationships with other believers to deepen your level of fellowship so it is authentically Christian? People profess to know Christ and are in a lukewarm condition. However, fellowship is NOT like it supposed to be because many are still in darkness. If we deny Christ, He will deny us also. Quote
john andrews Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 Many profess to know Christ but still walk in darkness and love that of the world. We must put Christ first and walk in His light and keep close fellowship with Him so we can do so with others. If we deny Him he will deny us before the Father. Quote
Jeanie Posted October 13, 2009 Report Posted October 13, 2009 first in order tofellow ship and love your brethen, you need a personal relation with GOD the father and Jsus Christ.then we can become as one, we must be for real for true fellowship, we can only do this through prayer and having faith, Quote
godsanointed523 Posted October 13, 2009 Report Posted October 13, 2009 why is fellowship with fellow christians so often just on surface level?How can we have fellowship at a deeper level in Christ? What would it take in your christian group or your relationships with other believers to deepen your level of fellowship so it is authentically Christian? it is often on surface level cause having fellowship with Christians is us having things in common with Christ cause if we truly walk in light then we should be able to be true brothers and sisters in the Lord. We can have fellowship with each other by walking in truth and love together in love for Christ. I mean if we truly have God and the Jesus then that is very important to do and pray,seeking God together is how it can go deeper. it is about genuine and honest fellowship with Christ and in Christ. Quote
truefaith Posted October 14, 2009 Report Posted October 14, 2009 Q1. (1 John 1:3-4, 6-7) Why is our fellowship with fellow Christians so often just on a surface level? I could say that there are many reasons why? but, It could be narrowed down to the level of commitment in the obedience to GOD: 1 Quote
masika Posted October 14, 2009 Report Posted October 14, 2009 Q1. (1 John 1:3-4, 6-7) Why is our fellowship with fellow Christians so often just on a surface level? How can we have fellowship at a deeper level in Christ? What would it take in your Christian group or your relationships with other believers to deepen your level of fellowship so it is authentically Christian? John writes about having fellowship with other believers. There are three principles behind true Christian fellowship: First, our fellowship is grounded in the testimony of God Quote
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