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  On 9/30/2009 at 5:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (1 John 1:5-7) What is the result when a Christian walks in darkness, that is, continues willfully to do what he or she knows to be wrong? How does this involve self-deception? What is the result, according to verse 7, when we walk in the light? How do we get back into the light if we sin?

I believe what he is saying here is that if I walk in darkness I also walk alone, not even the prince of darkness will be at my side. Also if I choose to walk in the light I will choose to have fellowship with other Christians. This fellowship is necessary for two purposes, for aid and instruction.

2 Tim. 2:4 1In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: 2Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage

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  On 9/30/2009 at 5:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (1 John 1:5-7) What is the result when a Christian walks in darkness, that is, continues willfully to do what he or she knows to be wrong? How does this involve self-deception? What is the result, according to verse 7, when we walk in the light? How do we get back into the light if we sin?

Sin is anything that separates us from God whether it is by omission or commission. Continual willful disobedience is deliberate defiance to our Father and Creator, resulting in separation from Him. We deceive ourselves by thinking we can get by this time or He loves me so He will just naturally forgive me. Sin leads me into darkness,separation and lack of fellowship with my Lord and Savour. When I "walk in the light" I have fellowship with My Lord, our relationship grows into intimacy only because the blood of Jesus purifies me from my sin. It is only when I confess my sins, and choose to walk with Him in His light, that I can no longer experience separation, but enjoy close relationship with my Lord.

  On 9/30/2009 at 5:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (1 John 1:5-7) What is the result when a Christian walks in darkness, that is, continues willfully to do what he or she knows to be wrong? How does this involve self-deception? What is the result, according to verse 7, when we walk in the light? How do we get back into the light if we sin?

In I John 1:5-7ff walking in darkness is to disassociate with one another on the terms of principles or philosophies. one group of people were so concerned about the sinfulness that they disassociated just to be righteous. This is were John comes in three times to assure them that they can never do anything about their sinfulness but in Christ they become righteous therefore the Lord who is light or righteous to forgive them deals with their sin. Putting the question of sin behind them, they in fact have to move forwards in fellowship. The question is whether we accept or deny our sinfulness. The one who denies lives in darkness, self deceptive and has no place for God. But the one who accepts his sinfulness not just in his deeds ands thoughts but in his being then he is able to make a meaningful fellowship with one another and our sins are dealt with by Jesus who in forgiveness removes the guilt and purifies ie., to enlighten us, to throw light on us of the ill effects of sin and intercedes so that we might be strong even amidst our falling down/weaknesses.


Q2. (1 John 1:5-7) What is the result when a Christian walks in darkness, that is, continues willfully to do what he or she knows to be wrong? How does this involve self-deception? What is the result, according to verse 7, when we walk in the light? How do we get back into the light if we sin?

I am reminded of Matthew 7:21-23. I feel the supreme problem is that we are not one with God. We choose to sin and it causes separation. If not addressed it can lead to disownment. We can not glory ourselves by satisfying our own needs, lusts, desires, etc. We must constantly search our ways with scripture as the level. If not we cannot say we walk in light, the fact is we walk in darkness. In that is the greatest lie and we only fool ourselves.

When we choose to walk in the light we acknowledge Him and strive to be as He is. This is what being a Christian is all about. If we find that our actions fall short we must confess them and ask forgiveness. He will forgive, He is merciful and wants no one to perish. Yet, we should not commit the same sin again. Having learned and gaining forgiveness our future actions should be free of repetition. I say "should" because of the human element and our weakness to the flesh.

Daily time with God in study, prayer, and self examination will allow the Holy Spirit to feed us as we have need. Fellowship with other believer's will also add strength due to the fact that we may see ourselves in their actions. What we have learned can assist them and also us. In this there is also great accountability as we share and pray for one another.

  On 9/30/2009 at 5:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (1 John 1:5-7) What is the result when a Christian walks in darkness, that is, continues willfully to do what he or she knows to be wrong? How does this involve self-deception? What is the result, according to verse 7, when we walk in the light? How do we get back into the light if we sin?


Q2. (1 John 1:5-7) What is the result when a Christian walks in darkness, that is, continues willfully to do what he or she knows to be wrong? How does this involve self-deception? What is the result, according to verse 7, when we walk in the light? How do we get back into the light if we sin?

verse 6 says: If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not live according to the truth; 7 but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin." (1:5-7) So then, if I do say I walk in the Lord's way, I am lying. And, yes, this is self-deception!! Almost always when I sin in my words, I am convicted and correct what I say to be the truth. But there are sins that I put up with and do not make the effort in God to be free from. I want to be free....

I do not believe that I do not sin...I understand from the Spirit when I sin. When I ask for forgiveness, God is faithful to the blood of Jesus to forgive and cleanse me.

I need today to take care of my sin by facing God honestly and asking to be free of it!!!

It would be helpful if people replying to the questions would apply the scripture to themselves. I am a Bible teacher and love teaching the Word...but in a forum such as this, we should spend our time answering the question instead of trying to teach others the scriptures.


Hi Brother's

I have seen in my own observation, that most people ask for forgiveness; yet maintain a lifestyle that is contrary to the word of God. We not only have to be forgiven, but look at vs. 7,we have to also be cleansed form our sins which the blood of Christ will do. I pray so much for our fellow Christians, that we not be deceived in believing you can make it to heaven with sin in your life. Thank God that we will soon be free from this world of trials and temptations.

God Bless You;

Mike McCue


What is the result when a Christian walks in darkness, that is, continues willfully to do what he or she knows to be wrong?

we distant ourselves form God and live in a hell of our own making

How does this involve self-deception?

we may think that we do nothing wrong

we may say that a little bit of sin wont be bad, that it wont affect us.

we may say its impossible to be perfect, so why bother trying.

we may say it wont matter because Ill get forgiven afterwards.

we may think that He didnt mean us, that it somehow doesnt apply to us

Be ye perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect Jesus believes in us

What is the result, according to verse 7, when we walk in the light?

we are at ease and have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

How do we get back into the light if we sin?

we have to reach out to that which is held high

we have to recognise and acknowledge our wrong doing

with heartfelt pray we have to ache for forgiveness

Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled


If there is no repentance then we have eternal damnation. Psalm 66:18 reveals to us why some prayers are not answered when we have this secret sin (self deception) "If I regard iniquity in my haert the LORD will not hear me" Unanswered prayers.

When we continue to walk as Christians should we can enjoy true fellowship with the Body of Christ and when the devil temps us we can with the help of the blood of Jesus resist those temptations.

  On 9/30/2009 at 5:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (1 John 1:5-7) What is the result when a Christian walks in darkness, that is, continues willfully to do what he or she knows to be wrong? How does this involve self-deception? What is the result, according to verse 7, when we walk in the light? How do we get back into the light if we sin?

When a Christian continues to willfully do what he/she knows is wrong they are separated from God by their sin. The Spirit tells us we are wrong, and deep down we know it and as a result we tend to pull away or hide from God as Adam and Eve did in the garden. If we don't own up to it, we convince ourselves it wasn't so bad, that we could have done something worse. Truth is that stealing a piece of candy is just as bad as murdering someone. Our deception pulls us further from our Heavenly Father. However, if we confess our sin and turn from it and back to God, we again have a relationship with God and can continue to grow.

  On 9/30/2009 at 5:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (1 John 1:5-7) What is the result when a Christian walks in darkness, that is, continues willfully to do what he or she knows to be wrong? How does this involve self-deception? What is the result, according to verse 7, when we walk in the light? How do we get back into the light if we sin?

I find this fascinating in light of the study done in Romans esp Rom 7:14-25. As I grow and develop I find sin in my life that I was not aware was sin. I have some strongholds that I am struggling to overcome even with the Spirit's help. If I wilfully sin, like Adam and Eve, I find barriers between me and God. If I don't seek out the source then gradually I grow away from Him. Eventually I become so used to it, I don't see it as sin and lose my salvation.

If it is a stronghold then I continue to fight in Jesus' strength til I overcome.

Once I have sinned, I need to go to Jesus for forgiveness and TO TURN MY BACK UPON THE SIN. This brings me into the Light. To stay in the Light, I MUST stay in fellowship with God.


i think when a person is walking in darkness they cant found their way back,unless you have faith and can help them.

there is not and easy way for us to slip and fall back into the darkness,we have to be strong with our faith and hand it over to god.,give me all your problems and ill be walking with you,that when i know jesus is walking with me

  On 9/30/2009 at 5:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (1 John 1:5-7) What is the result when a Christian walks in darkness, that is, continues willfully to do what he or she knows to be wrong? How does this involve self-deception? What is the result, according to verse 7, when we walk in the light? How do we get back into the light if we sin?

It is sad to be a born again and walk in darkness, no joy, no growth and little or no fellowship with the Lord. When we walk in the Light the Lord walks with us and we increase our joy and strenght of fellowship.

Thankfully we have a forgiving Saviour and one who loves and cares.

Read Gods word more, fellowship more, pray and talk more with our Lord.


Q2. (1 John 1:5-7) What is the result when a Christian walks in darkness, that is, continues willfully to do what he or she knows to be wrong?

The result is that our fellowship with God and other believers is broken, because we are fellowshipping with the devil in his shroud of darkness and the lies with which he blinds. This also results in a "seared" conscience and inability to "see" and "hear" truth which will set us free. Instead of God being our stronghold against the devil, we are held captive in the stronghold of darkness and sin.

How does this involve self-deception?

To walk in darkness and deny that we are sinners, is to call God a liar, deny the power of and need for the cleansing blood of Christ, and to participate with the Prince of darkness who is the father of lies.

I love Jeremiah's explanation for self deception. "The heart is deceitful above all things, and it is exceedingly perverse and corrupt and severely, mortally sick! Who can know it, perceive, understand, be acquainted with his own heart and mind?" Jer.17:9

Like David, I've learned this, to ask God to search and know my heart...we have the Holy Spirit to convict us...if we'll yield to His correction.

What is the result, according to verse 7, when we walk in the light?

Thank God, He understands and sees our hearts, and will restore us to the Light when we turn to Him and confess our sins! In a cleansed state of heart and mind, fellowship with God and with other believers is restored, and the Lord is once again our stronghold.

How do we get back into the light if we sin?

Confession and repentance of our sins, and He is faithful to cleanse us from sin and all unrighteousness.

  On 9/30/2009 at 5:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (1 John 1:5-7) What is the result when a Christian walks in darkness, that is, continues willfully to do what he or she knows to be wrong? How does this involve self-deception? What is the result, according to verse 7, when we walk in the light? How do we get back into the light if we sin?

Q2 - (1 John 1:5-7)

  On 9/30/2009 at 5:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (1 John 1:5-7) What is the result when a Christian walks in darkness, that is, continues willfully to do what he or she knows to be wrong? How does this involve self-deception? What is the result, according to verse 7, when we walk in the light? How do we get back into the light if we sin?

Q2 - (1 John 1:5-7)

  On 9/30/2009 at 5:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (1 John 1:5-7) What is the result when a Christian walks in darkness, that is, continues willfully to do what he or she knows to be wrong? How does this involve self-deception? What is the result, according to verse 7, when we walk in the light? How do we get back into the light if we sin?

Q2 - (1 John 1:5-7)

  On 9/30/2009 at 5:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (1 John 1:5-7) What is the result when a Christian walks in darkness, that is, continues willfully to do what he or she knows to be wrong? How does this involve self-deception? What is the result, according to verse 7, when we walk in the light? How do we get back into the light if we sin?

Q2 - (1 John 1:5-7)


A CHRISTIAN WALKING IN DARKNESS; "walking" seems to imply a 'way of life'. I don't think that is what Pastor Wilson is talking about because the

book is written to Christians. Christians can walk in darkness but not for too long because Father God will discipline them. He has mirades of

ways of doing that; none are painless. He takes responsibility as our Father to keep us on track; of course, we can choose to disobey and suffer

the discipline of our loving Heavenly Father. If we are truly born again, we will offend first our conscience. Failing that, the Holy Spirit can

give us 'checks' in our spirit to let us know He is not pleased. I John 1:9 calls us to repent. We remember that on the cross, Jesus "became sin for

us that He might give us the righteousness of God" I Cor. He suffered for us and gave us His righteousness. We are forever perfect in God's sight.

Sin causes us to experience the 'deaths' it brings such as consequences. True Christians don't want to sin; we want to please our Father in all

things. Thank God He loves even me.


Q2. (1 John 1:5-7) What is the result when a Christian walks in darkness, that is, continues willfully to do what he or she knows to be wrong? How does this involve self-deception? What is the result, according to verse 7, when we walk in the light? How do we get back into the light if we sin?

1Jn 1:5 Now the message that we have heard from his Son and announce is this: God is light, and there is no darkness at all in him.

1Jn 1:6 If, then, we say that we have fellowship with him, yet at the same time live in the darkness, we are lying both in our words and in our actions.

1Jn 1:7 But if we live in the light---just as he is in the light---then we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from every sin.

When we confess that we know Christ but yet continue to willingly sin without regards to what we are doing we are not only lying to ourselves both in words and deeds...We cannot have two masters. By accepting Christ as our Lord He is to be Master over our lives...we are His slave...He has told us time and time not to sin. By walking in sin and seeing it not as a problem we deceive ourselves. To get back and make things right with the Lord we need to ask for forgiveness and also keep away from the sin we are being forgiven...it may be hard but that is why the Holy Spirit abides in us...for spiritual guidance and help.

  On 9/30/2009 at 5:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (1 John 1:5-7) What is the result when a Christian walks in darkness, that is, continues willfully to do what he or she knows to be wrong? How does this involve self-deception? What is the result, according to verse 7, when we walk in the light? How do we get back into the light if we sin?


If we walk in darkness, the love of God is not in us. A Christian is what he or she is because of Christ. He cannot be a christian without Christ. We can get back to the light through faith in Jesus.


Christ is the light. Anyone who follws Christ follows or walks in the light. If he or she walks in darkness the light of God is not in him. He cannot in the first place call himself a Christian. It is only when we are in Christ that we can walk in the light. If you are walking in darkness you need to believe in Jesus the Light of the world so that you can walk in the light.


Jesus is the light of the world. Anyone who walk in darkness is not of God. The love of God is not in you. If we sin, we must repent and walk back into the grace of God.


Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the LORD. Psalm 119:1

In his Epistles, John says if we declare Christ as Lord, have a relationship with Him, but still walk in the darkness of disobedience, how can we be Christian? (1 John 1:6; 2:4) A Christian who denies essential doctrine would be an apostate, which means to reject the truth.

It is imperative that when we say we are a follower of Christ, our character and behaviors reflect Him and His call to us to the best of our abilities which includes our temperament. If we are in leadership, this is even more imperative! We demonstrate Character and integrity when we do what we say and act out what we believe; if not, we are hypocrites, and woe to us for being one (Matt. 23)!

Our call is to do as we teach, to do as we say, and to act as we teach others to act. Integrity is of the utmost importance for the Christian leader (1 Thess. 2: 10-12; 2 Peter 1-11)! Why? Because, hypocrisy gives people a false impression of God! Insincerity gives people a false impression of who we are called to be; it nullifies integrity and character! Because, God is holy, righteous and just; God exercises grace.

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