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Confession means acknowledging/ admitting that we have done wrong agaist what God instructed us not to do. This is important because it is the right step towards restoration of our relationship with Him.

When we stop confession, our guilt leads to sickness of sould and body. It also leads to seperation from from God.

God has promised us that when we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will

a) Forgive us our sins.

B) Clense us from all unrighteousness.

Forgiveness conerns our salvation while purification is about our guilt. He saved us and continue to make us more and more like Christ by sanctification,

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Confession is turning from sin by telling the Lord and often times our Christion fried what we have done and turn from that sin. Confession should free us to have fellowship wiht Christ We need to confess and turn from that sin and be accountable to not return to it. God is faithful and true to forgive us and cleanse us from all wickedness. True confession is a commitment not to sin again. We should pray for strength not to sin again.


Dr. Ralph,confession means asking for forgiviness from God.Confessing our sins is mandantory,in our christian walk.

Because we all encounter small hidden sin each day,when we confess our sins God is gracious and pardons us, gives us strength,not to continue to sin.AND BE AWARE OF IT,IF ITS A SMALL SIN,NO MATTER SIS IS SIN.

Thats why i pray daily study the word,ask God for guiadance and directions in my life,to keep me on the right path.

So that i may not sin against God in any way,


Q3. (1 John 1:9) How would you define "confession"? Why is confessing our sins so important?

Confession as it relates to God is professing to Him and ourselves that we our sinners by nature and it is important that we seek forgiviness for known and unknown sins daily.

What happens to us if we stop confessing our sins?

When we stop confessing our sins then we believe that sin is not important then the love of God cease to exist in our hearts.

What are the promises given to us if we do confess our sins?

The promises are that we are deliver from the power and penality of sin.

How is forgiveness of sins different from cleansing?

The promises are we will be forgivin of all sins and unrighteousness. Forgiveness of sins is different from cleansing because one pardons(forgiveness) our sins and the other (cleansing)prumes our flaws and build character gradually.



Q3. (1 John 1:9) How would you define "confession"? Why is confessing our sins so important? What happens to us if we stop confessing our sins? What are the promises given to us if we do confess our sins? How is forgiveness of sins different from cleansing?

We must take responsibility for our sin by confessing it to God. Not confessing our sin, nullifies Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Confessing our sin allow us to come bodly before the Throne of god and be cleansed from it. Forgiveness means to "send off" or to dismiss our sin. Cleansing is removing our sin "as far as the East is from the West".


Q3. (1 John 1:9)

How would you define "confession"?

Why is confessing our sins so important?

What happens to us if we stop confessing our sins?

What are the promises given to us if we do confess our sins?

How is forgiveness of sins different from cleansing?

When we confess we admit and acknowledge our sins. It is by confessing our sins that we are able to walk day by day in fellowship with God and with our fellow believers. We must confess all our sins: the sins we have committed, even sins of neglect, our sins of thought, our secret sins, and public sins. We must drag them out into the open before God, and mention them by name. True confession involves forsaking of sins, we read in Proverbs 28:13,


How would you define "confession"? Why is confessing our sins so important? What happens to us if we stop confessing our sins?

Confession is a declacation of the our weakness to the power of sin and a declaration of the need of ultimate power of God to defeat the power of sin within us. If no confession, means we do not know our position under the power of sins, has no understanding of we are weak and need the power of God, then we still live in the power of sin. Stop to confess, continue in sin. Start to confess then God's power start to work within us to defeat the power of sin.

What are the promises given to us if we do confess our sins? How is forgiveness of sins different from cleansing?

God's promises if we confess sins are forgiveness and purification. Forgiveness gives us consideration that our position truly in light and truth. Purification should take places after that, i.e. change of mind and behaviour from sinful ones towards spiritual ones.


Q3. (1 John 1:9) How would you define "confession"? Why is confessing our sins so important? What happens to us if we stop confessing our sins? What are the promises given to us if we do confess our sins? How is forgiveness of sins different from cleansing?

Ok, I would define confession as admitting our sins to God and acknowledging to Him that we are sinful beings. Also confession is also acknowledging that we need God to forgive us and we need a Savior!

Confessing our sins is important because we need to see for ourselves the need of forgivness. If we cannot see or deny that we are sinful we will not see the need to confess. We won't see the need for a Savior or forgivness as well. 1 John 1:9 does indeed show us Gods' 2 promises (to forgive us of our sins and to purify us from all unrighteousness), however before the promises we see "IF we confess our sins..."

If we stop confessing our sins, we are over looking the importance of confession again, making our sins against God unimportant. I think if we stop confessing our sins that we are/or could be in danger of a hardened heart towards God.

The promises given to us if we confess our sins are "God is faithful and just, and He will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness".

Forgiveness of sins = salvation.

Cleansing us = sanctification!


Confession is admitting to God that we have sinned and have broken one of His laws or commandments.

Confessing our sins is important because it is vital for the healing of our souls. We need to confession our sins so that our fellowship with the Lord will remain unbroken.

If we stop confessing our sins,then the love in our heart for God will dry up and we will lose the vitality of the Holy Spirit. Also our prayer life will suffer. Scripture points out that if we have unconfessed sin in our life then God will not hear our prayers.

Forgiveness of sins is different from cleansing in that forgiveness means after confession God treats us as if that sin we confessed never happened. Cleansing means God is removing the unrighteousness from our soul and gradually dealing with our character flaws.

I have often heard I John 1:9 referred to as "the Christian's bar of soup." As a young Christian,I don't know how many times I asked Jesus to save me. Once I learned about this verse,I realized that I only needed to ask Jesus to be my Savior just once. I learned that whenever I sin,I just need to confess that sin to God and ask His forgiveness.


Q3. (1 John 1:9) How would you define "confession"? Why is confessing our sins so important? What happens to us if we stop confessing our sins? What are the promises given to us if we do confess our sins? How is forgiveness of sins different from cleansing?

Confession is after sinning and from a deep sense of our guilt, impurity, and helplessness, we humble ourselves before God, acknowledging our iniquity, his holiness, and our own utter helplessness, and implore mercy for his sake who has died for us.

Confession is supposed to free us to enjoy fellowship with Christ. It should ease our consciences and lighten our cares. But some Christians do not understand how it works. They feel so guilty that they confess the same sins over and over; then they wonder if they might have forgotten something. Other Christians believe that God forgives them when they confess, but if they died with unconfessed sins, they would be forever lost. These Christians do not understand that God wants to forgive us. He allowed his beloved Son to die just so he could offer us pardon. When we come to Christ, he forgives all the sins we have committed or will ever commit. We don


Q3. (1 John 1:9) How would you define "confession"? Why is confessing our sins so important? What happens to us if we stop confessing our sins? What are the promises given to us if we do confess our sins? How is forgiveness of sins different from cleansing?

1. Confession is the sincere and honest admission of our sins.

2. We should confess our sins so that they will be open before God and ourselves, even though He knows them already.

3. If we stop confessing our sins, we are consumed with guilt and our conscience beats us up. We don't feel free to go before God in prayer.

4. If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us of our sins.

5. Forgiveness is to pardon you from sin and cleasing is to make you clean or purify you from sin.


Q3. (1 John 1:9) How would you define "confession"? Why is confessing our sins so important? What happens to us if we stop confessing our sins? What are the promises given to us if we do confess our sins? How is forgiveness of sins different from cleansing?

I would define "confession" as being honest with God and others about who we are, all of who we are, the good and the bad, but especially fessing up to our faults to God and fellow believers.

Confession of sins is important, because it allows God to forgive and cleanse us of the sin. In addition, in confessing, we are not only honest with God and others, but we are preventing self-deception.

If confession of sin stops, the one who doesn't confess, and their relationship to God and His church are again strained.

If we confess our sins, God can be trusted to forgive us and cleanse us from sin.

The difference between (God's)forgiveness and cleansing, is that God's forgiveness concerns Him not holding us to the verdict of sin we have committed; through the blood of Jesus, we do not have to pay the price required for sin. Cleansing refers to God helping us overcome the sin that we are in so that we don't have to go back to it, as well as washing our conscience, so we don't have to bare the burden of the guilt of sin.


How would you define "confession"?

It is the exposing of recognized sin. Speaking aloud an inward conviction. To utter an open declaration. Admitting fault or wrongdoing. Acknowledging truth. Without controversy. (The word 'confess' can be used in either a positive or negative note. Such as confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior .. But we are speaking here of the word's meaning in 1 John 1:9.)

Why is confessing our sins so important and what happens to us if we stop confessing our sins?

We must take responsibility and accountability for our lives as Christians. To continue practicing sin without confessing can lead to a hardened heart and self condemnation. A 'guilt complex' so to speak. Confession can lead to repentance and the opposite could be true as well .. No confession could mean no repentance. However, once we have made Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior .. We have been assured that our sins are forgiven .. Past, present and future. His grace is greater than our sin. And confession becomes healthy maintenance for our spiritual lives, but not necessary for cleansing us from unrighteousness.

What are the promises given to us if we do confess our sins?


How is forgiveness of sins different from cleansing?

Forgiveness is something anyone is capable of doing and is even commanded by God. Cleansing can only be done by Jesus Christ. Forgiveness appears to dwell in time .. But cleansing is eternal and covers past present and future. Forgiveness was before the blood of Christ. God cannot inhabit a heart of forgiveness, but He does inhabit a heart that is cleansed. Holiness is achieved only through cleansing. Forgiveness does not deal with the power of sin .. Cleansing does. Many churches today, practice repentance without remission. This results in a tragic loss of power.


Q3. (1 John 1:9) How would you define "confession"? Why is confessing our sins so important? What happens to us if we stop confessing our sins? What are the promises given to us if we do confess our sins? How is forgiveness of sins different from cleansing?

Confession is telling on yourself. It's important to confess, because God can't stand sin-He can't be in the presence of sin. If we stop confessing, then God won't even hear our prayers, much less answer them. If we confess, then He will forgive us. Cleansing is washing ALL our sins away- confessing is asking forgiveness for a specific sin.


Q3. (1 John 1:9) How would you define "confession"? Why is confessing our sins so important? What happens to us if we stop confessing our sins? What are the promises given to us if we do confess our sins? How is forgiveness of sins different from cleansing?

I belive that if we confess our sins that he will forgive us of our sins, like he says in his word. his word is not a lie, all we half to do is be trueful from our heart, an mean it from our heart.cause wecant be clean from our sins until we confess. once we confess it cleans us. he ppurify us then we will be clean. he will forgive us,our sins. once he forgive you then he for cleans you. you cant have one with out the other


To confess means to admit to something. Confessing to our sins is vital to our souls, if we stop acknowledge our sins our hearts dries up for God. He promises to forgive our sins, to purity us from all upright. Forgiveness means to release from the legal or moral obligation of consequence. Cleaning means to purity, to make clean.


Q3. (1 John 1:9) How would you define "confession"? Why is confessing our sins so important? What happens to us if we stop confessing our sins? What are the promises given to us if we do confess our sins? How is forgiveness of sins different from cleansing?

Confession is agreeing with God that what is sin, is sin. It is consenting to our being wrong and focused on self. It is important because unless you first recognize your sinfulness, you will not let God move to change. The promise is God will forgive and cleanse. Forgiveness is not being counted against us, it is being redeemed. Cleasing is the ongoing process of santification, of having impurity removed, overcoming the areas of selfishness.


Q3. (1 John 1:9) How would you define "confession"? Why is confessing our sins so important? What happens to us if we stop confessing our sins? What are the promises given to us if we do confess our sins? How is forgiveness of sins different from cleansing?

1. Talking about things you done good or bad

2. It help to lead us from sin

3. We live a life of sin

4.GOD will purify us from all unrightusness

5.It will allow JESUS to ender our hearts




Q3. (1 John 1:9) How would you define "confession"?

Confessing is owning up to the fact we have disobeyed the Lord - either voluntary or involuntarily.

Why is confessing our sins so important? Because HE is GOD and we are not - our relationship and power for service (the presence of the Holy Spirit) depend on us being clean vessels for HIS service.

What happens to us if we stop confessing our sins? SIN in our lives separates us from God - HE is holy and cannot tolerate the presence of sin. Therefore we lose our precious anointing and our power PLUS we lose the Spirit's fruit. Life becomes very ordinary and sad.

What are the promises given to us if we do confess our sins? He hears and forgives! Done deal - Hallelujah!

How is forgiveness of sins different from cleansing? We need more than forgiveness - we need the sin and the power to sin taken out of lives (cleansed).



Confession is acknowledging and owning up and it is important to confess our sins because we must admit we have done wrong before we can move on.

If we don't confess our sins, they will accumalate and remain unforgiven.

We are promiced forgiveness and cleansing if we confess our sins. Forgiveness releases us from a moral obligation and cleansing makes up pure again.

Love from Greta



How would you define "confession"? Why is confessing our sins so important? What happens to us if we stop confessing our sins? What are the promises given to us if we do confess our sins? How is forgiveness of sins different from cleansing?

Confession is stating truthfully, the wrongdoing that you have committed. It is important to confess, so that we may ask God for forgiveness, and we may not continue walking in darkness. If we stop confessing our sins, we will not be not be forgiven until we do, thus we will continue walking in darkness. God promised us taht if we confess our sins, He will forgive us our sins, as well as cleanse us from all unrightousness. Forgiveness is forgiving us our sins we have committed. Cleansing us in wiping out our character flaws which prevent us from being more like Jesus. Forgiveness is for our salvation, cleansing is sactification


Q3. (1 John 1:9) How would you define "confession"? Why is confessing our sins so important? What happens to us if we stop confessing our sins? What are the promises given to us if we do confess our sins? How is forgiveness of sins different from cleansing?

Confession is the act of owning up and admitting guilt to GOD as well as the injured party in the natural realm, that one has fallen short of GOD's standard of holiness. It is done with humility and a contrite heart. If we stop confessing our sins, then they accumulate and the condition of the heart deteriorates just like a home that is overflowing with trash and filth due to a lack of cleaning. Just as an unhygienic environment contribute to a further worsening of the conditions in a home, so does the lack of confession attract worse afflictions upon the heart. Both become diseased and in need of a thorough cleaning up. Our promise in verse 9 is that "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. Forgiveness means being released from legal or moral obligation or consequence; we are released from our sins completely. Cleansing means that we are purified, made and declared clean.

  • 2 weeks later...

Confession is the act of saying something.....to acknowlege. We need to confess our sins so that we can be real with ourself and in order to have forgiveness we need to be honest. It is easy to try and push the things we do under a rug.....but in order to have forgiveness we need to admit.

If we confess our sin God is faithfull to forgive us and cleanse us. If we do not confess our sin, we begin to lose the closeness and fellowship we have with Christ, we become that child who is sneaking away from the parent.

Forgiveness is dealing with our personal relationship....God forgives and forgets. Cleanising is an on-going project that deals with our soul and everyday walk.


Q3. (1 John 1:9) How would you define "confession"? Why is confessing our sins so important? What happens to us if we stop confessing our sins? What are the promises given to us if we do confess our sins? How is forgiveness of sins different from cleansing?

I would define confessiion as an acknowledgement of guilt and sin. Confessing our sins is important because it opens the door for God's forgiving and cleansing light to purify our hearts. If we stop confessing our sins, we are loosing our relationship with God. We are denying him. The promises are that God will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. Forgiveness is by and reconciliation with God, cleansing is removal of guilt and the destruction of the power of sin in order to live lives of holiness.

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