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Q3. (Ephesians 4:3) According to verse 3, who brings about the unity? Who is to maintain it? What is a "bond of peace," do you think? According to the wording in verse 3, is Christian unity to be a prime goal or a secondary goal for us? Exposition

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:blink: The Spirit brings this unity. We are to maintain the unity by focusing on God as our source for everything and not ourselves. The bond of peace is the unified presence that Christians can present to the world as we forget our differences and walk as Jesus walked. He loved everyone, Pharisees, Sadduccees, saints, sinners. No one was ignored or left out. He tried to bond them therefore this should be of primary importance to us.
:lol: The scriptures clearly states that the Holy Spirit keeps the unity. However we are to maintain the peace at all cost, this should be our primary goal. The bond of peace is what keeps us together in on accord and that is our Lord Jesus he is our bond of peace.

Unity... who brings it about... who maitains it... bond of peace... and is Unity a Primary or Secondary Goal?

Unity: to unite, to be in One's Likeness, never waivering.

God brings us to Unity in Him as His Likeness developes within each one.

We seek God to maintain the Unity in Him.

A "Bond of Peace" relates to me "Walking in The Gospel of Peace"... held in Bondage to the Word. No waivering or Compromising of the Word. Jesus was consumed by the word, therefore we must also be consumed by the Word.

This question of Primary or Secondary hit hard. For me the Unity of Him is Primary. The Unity of Us is secondary. I will try to explain.

God has told us in the last part of Revelation not to take from or add to the Word of God. We should uphold His Truth at all cost. This however Divides many. Our fears in upholding the Word at all cost (especially in a World that Compromises so easily) will hold us back from risking the freindship of another. We are afraid of Offending if we Speak what the Truth says. But if we are to Truly Love as God so loves us... then we must uphold the Truth of His Word and Speak it. Those of us who uphold the Word and speak the Pure Truth of His Word will find Unity in others, because this Unity is only Found in Him.

Our Focus should always be upon The Lord. When our Focus is out of place and upon others we fail... because we focus more on the Flesh and this brings about our own Flesh. As we concentrate on Him and allow Him to guide our path there is a peace within us; knowing He is truly is in control of all things. I would rather stand along side of a few who did not Compromise the word of God than to stand with a multitude of Compromise. The Few would be in Unity of Him and the Multitude would be in Unity to Compromise... compromise is sin.


(Ephesians 4:3) According to verse 3, who brings about the unity? Who is to maintain it?

The Holy Spirit brings about the unity .. And we are responsible to maintain unity.

What is a "bond of peace," do you think?

I believe it to be a covenant or an agreement .. An adhesive that holds things together.

According to the wording in verse 3, is Christian unity to be a prime goal or a secondary goal for us?

Endeavouring means working with patience and persistence .. So therefore, it must be a prime goal.

:o The Holy Spirit is the one who brings this unity....The Holy Spirit, being the Spirit of Jesus Himself. Without the in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit, we labour in vain, in trying to keep this unity. We are told to "endeavour"(try!) to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Jesus is called the "Prince of Peace", so our unity is based on Him, and Him alone. We are not united because of a specific denomination, nor church, we are as one, in Him, as He is in us. This bond we share, is Jesus Himself! :D As far as the last part of the question (prime goal or secondary goal), I'm assuming we are speaking of "Blood Bought" Christians here, so of course we are to endeavour to walk in unity as much as we can. Sometimes because of doctrine and practice's, this is a hard thing to do; Where do we draw the line? There are so many change's that have and are, taking place in God's House today....Are we to call ourself's "unified" with those that have brought heresy into God's House...because they call themselves Christians? (I don't feel it would be wisdom to go into these changes...those of you that have been saved any length of time, would know what I'm speaking of, so enough said.) Do we embrace those in unity, or not? A deep question! Are we not to stand on the portion of truth, God has given us each, and walk in the Light? I hear these questions often from young Christians, and would like to give an explanation, that is non-judgemental. So to answer the question, I would have to say it is a secondary goal....standing on the Truth, is first. Sometime's standing on the truth, is finding yourself standing alone.

The unity spoken of here is brought about by the Holy Spirit.

We, the members of the Church, are to maintain this unity, of course with the Spirit working in and through us. If we try to maintain this unity with our limited human power and discernment we set ourselves up for petty power struggles and ineffective fellowship.

The "bond of peace" is a way of unifying the church. We should have a peaceful relationship that is strong enough to withstand the attacks that come from both outside and within.

I believe the wording of the verse infers Christian unity to be a primary goal. Our individual survival and spiritual maturity is dependent on this unity.


Who brings about this unity and who is to maintain it?

It is the Holy Spirit working in each believer who allows this unity to come about. Therefore, the christian community in general and myself in particular have the power to maintain or destroy this unity.

What is the bond of peace and is unity to be a primary or secondary goal?

Taking the word sundesmos (bond) to mean shackled together gives me an image of a chain gang. In a sense, Christians are also bound together with chains - of love, not iron. Being bound together requires harmony, love and peace and a certain rhythm lest we all fall in a heap. Just one person out of step (unity) in a chain gang and there would be chaos (lack of peace). Therefore, I believe that unity must be one of the most important goals of a christian community.

3a.)  (Ephesians 4:3) According to verse 3, who brings about the unity?

3a.) The Holy Spirit.

3b.)  Who is to maintain it?

3b.) Believers.

3c.)  What is a "bond of peace," do you think?

3c.) A commitment, or agreement.

3d.)  According to the wording in verse 3, is Christian unity to be a prime goal or a secondary goal for us?

3d.) Primary goal. "I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought." 1 Corinthians 1:10 B)


:rolleyes: Verse 3 - Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

Who brings about the unity - the Holy Spirit.

Who is to maintain it - we are through the bond of peace.

What is a "bond of peace"? That is what happens when we follow the Great Commandment. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment". And the second is like it: "Love your neighbor as yoursef. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Matthew 22:37-40

According to the wording in verse 3, is Christian Unity to be a prime goal or a secondary goal for us. It is a primary goal. Even if we just go from verse 3 it would be a primary goal because we are told to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. When we refer back to the words of Jesus himself and the Great Commandment we have been given instructions as to exactly what God wants us to do.

Again, in Hosea 12:6 But you must return to your God; maintain love and justice, and wait for your God always.

So there is no way that this is anything but a primary goal. Using the concordance in the back of the Bible there are other references I am sure if I took time to look, but I think I got my point across.

. :wub::wub::wub:


To build unity is one of the Holy Spirit's important roles.We have to be willing to be led and do our part to keep peace.We do that by focusing on God,not on ourselves.Christian unity should be our prime goal.The church has to be in unity and stick together as believers.Each believer has God given abilities that can strengthen the whole body.We must work together.


This unity comes from the spirit of God. This us no reason to boast about how we brought unity in the church. Even though we didn't bring about unity of the church, we all have the responsibility of maintaining unity. This is a united effort of all christians.

A "bond of peace" is what bring us together in a unified relationship. The world should see this unity if we are letting our like shine. We all have differences but we are one body in christ.


I also agree that the Spirit is who brings about the unity, and we are to maintain it, this should be a primary goal.

I think the bond of peace is attending church, for Paul is urging this and speaking to the churches, urging the keeping of the unity, for we are united together at church, "through the bond of peace", the body of Christ.


Q3. According to EPH. 4:3, the Spirit brings about unity. b. We Christians must make every effort to keep the unity and maintain it.

c. The bond of peace ties us together in perfect unity.

d. In verse 3, Christian unity is top priority, a primary goal. Paul gives a direction, "make every effort", NOT "if you think of it," or "when you can," or "part of the time/efforts". lmc


The Holy Spirit is the one who brings about unity among believers. Christians are to work hard to maintain unity with other believers.

A bond of peace is that which brings various entities into a unified relationship or a united bond.

Christian unity should be a prime goal for all believers


3aThe Holy Spirit brings about the unity. We are to maintain it by yielding to Him! He is the one who was sent to guide us into all truth, to bring all things to our remembrance, to show us things to come - to name just a few.

3bThe bond of peae is rought abut through unity. It will hold everything togher like "glue".Peace is distrubed when we sin, when we are not walking in love with one another,.When we walk in love, peace is maintained. The Bible instructs us that as much as lieth within us to live peacefully with all men; to seek peace and to pursue it!

3cChristian unity is PRIMARY for us! There must be no scisms in the body of Christ. We are all members of one body! Our source in accomplishing this primary goal is through and by the Holy Spirit.

Think about the unity of the Godhead!

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (Ephesians 4:3) According to verse 3, who brings about the unity? Who is to maintain it? What is a "bond of peace," do you think? According to the wording in verse 3, is Christian unity to be a prime goal or a secondary goal for us? Exposition

Ephesians 4:3 "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." The Holy Spirit brings about the unity, but we are to maintain the unity.

Bond - 4886 sundesmos {soon'-des-mos}

1) that which binds together, a band, bond

1a) of ligaments by which the members of the human body

are united together

2) that which is bound together, a bundle

Peace - 1515 eirene {i-ray'-nay}

probably from a primary verb eiro (to join);

1) a state of national tranquillity

1a) exemption from the rage and havoc of war

2) peace between individuals, i.e. harmony, concord

3) security, safety, prosperity, felicity, (because peace and

harmony make and keep things safe and prosperous)

4) of the Messiah's peace

4a) the way that leads to peace (salvation)

5) of Christianity, the tranquil state of a soul assured of its

salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and

content with its earthly lot, of whatsoever sort that is

6) the blessed state of devout and upright men after death

Romans 8:6 "The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace;"

Phillipians 4:7 "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

It is hard to describe, but there just is a peace when you come into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. I think that this common bond of peace that we have as Christians is given to us by the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. When we make every effort to pass this peace given to us by the Holy Spirit on to others, especially other Christians, we are promoting the unity of the Spirit. The words "make every effort" causes this to be a primary goal for us.


Q3. (Ephesians 4:3) According to verse 3, who brings about the unity?

For as long as we remain at one with the spirit, it is through God


Q3. (Ephesians 4:3) According to verse 3, who brings about the unity?

The Holy Spirit brings unity in the body of believers since all the attitudes and charateristics that bring about unity are part the fruit of Holy Spirit.

Who is to maintain it?

We the believers have to maintain the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace by yielding to counsel of the Holy Spirit.

What is a "bond of peace," do you think?

The bond of peace is that which brings people into a unified relationship. Jesus is our bond of peace. Thus we submit to one another out of revelence for Christ.

In Christ we have one Lord, one baptism, one hope and one God and Father of us all.

According to the wording in verse 3, is Christian unity to be a prime goal or a secondary goal for us?

Oh yes! It has to be our prime goal because if we live in unity, then we shall be able to minister to the world about the love of Christ. Thus we have to make every effort to live in unity and make the joy of the Lord complete.

How blessed it is when brothers dwell in unity...there the Lord commanded a blessing!


The Holy Spirit will bring about this unity for without the Holy Spirit, we will not be able to unite ourselves into one body no matter how hard we try. Our Bond of Peace will be Jesus Christ because He is the center of the church. He is the reason why we have the church and why we have our congregation. It is because of these reasons that Christian unity should be a primary goal for all of us...and I do mean all of us. ;)


The Holy Spirit brings peace and because of Him we can have unity. The Holy Spirit is our active link with God. Through Him we can maintain unity because we all listen to Him and respond as He leads us.

The bond of peace is when we are one in the spirit, one in the Lord. We can be calm, restful, at peace within ourselves and others because His grace grants us peace.

Christian Unity is like happiness. We cannot earn it or work for it. If we are working to bring love - the Light of Jesus - to all those around us, to all the world, working to love and nurture each other - Christian Unity will be here. It will be alive and well because all Christians will love each other as well as all those around them.


The Spirit brings about the unity. We are to maintain it . The bond of peace is what makes the church one, We are all part of one body, bound by the Spirit in peace.


The Spirit of God brings about the unity and we are commanded to maintain it.

The bond of peace is the binding together to form unity with our brothers and sisters, so the Holy Spirit can work freely in our lives.

Christian unity should be a primary goal for us. Matthew 18:20 says "For

where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." That's why Christian unity need to be our primary goal so we can keep the Holy Spirit working.


:D Greetings all!

The way I look at it is that we are to make every effort to bring about unity. But it is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that we are able to do it. Paul lets us know that it is not an easy task to do and we of ourselves would never be able to accomplish it alone. We need the assistance of the Holy Spirit.

We are to do what is necessary to maintain unity. With all that is within us, we are to strive, work at keeping the unity. It is here where the characterists and attitudes we are to have come into play. These help us to maintain unity.

Bond of peace means that which is connecting believers together. It is that which brings all of us together, no matter what demonominaton, no matter what race, creed or

Christian unity is a prime goal for the believer. It is so important that the words used have purpose and meaning, it is the glue that binds us together. :D

  • 2 months later...

The Spirit of God is the author of our unity, but we are to maintain it. We are joined together indisollubly as the Body of Christ and the Body is at peace because it is in Christ. We are to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit... but, to me, this does not make it the prime goal although it should be an important or a prime goal

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