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Q4. (1 John 2:1-2) What assurance does John give us if we do sin? How does this comfort us? How does it make us want to avoid sin?

We have an advocate, which is Jesus Christ who paid a penalty for our sins. It comforts me to know that Jesus loves me so much that He died for me. And He will never forsake me. This helps me to want to avoid sin because I imagine Jesus crying when I sin and smiling when I am obedient. I want to please God and glorify Him with everything I say and do. I love to brag on Him because He is my Savior and friend.

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John promises us that when we sin, we have a Savior who will intercede us, pleading for our forgivenss. My forgiveness is not dependant on my confession of each and every sin that I ever commit - many I don't even realize until much later that they were sin! What a comfort to know that because I am Christ's "client" and He is "on retainer" for me, that He is always ready to go to court for me and plead my case! Satan often uses our sins as a way to try to get our focus off of our wonderful Savior - and to cause the Christian to be less effective in his spiritual walk by being burdened with guilt. Yes, guilt is necessary, and I know that my sins are horrible, filty rags - BUT, if I only focus on those things, then I can never do what the Spirit would have for me to do, because I continue to wallow in bondage to the sins. I want to avoid deliberate sin because I know that it causes me to be farther away from fellowship with my Savior and other Christians, and causes me to be ineffectual in my witness and life of sanctification.


Q4. (1 John 2:1-2) What assurance does John give us if we do sin? How does this comfort us? How does it make us want to avoid sin?

What assurance does John give us if we do sin? John explains to us that we are that have a fellowship with Jesus, if we confess our sins He covers them through His shed blood. How does this confort us? To know that we have a Loving and Holy Father above who wishes all of us to be with Him for eternity is more than I can express into words of my own. Praise Him!!! How does it make us want to avoid sin? Sin brings you into darkeness, where there is crying, pain, sorrow, depression, anxiety, fear, and all that is evil, there is no light of hope. To live as Christ brings joy, peace, kindness, love, hope and everlasting life.


john teaching the love of the lord and that we are forgiven as we go to him ,through his blood and dying on the cross for our sins we are loved and forgiven


Q4. (1 John 2:1-2) What assurance does John give us if we do sin? How does this comfort us? How does it make us want to avoid sin?

Q4. (1 John 2:1-2)

What assurance does John give us if we do sin?

John assures us


What assurance does John give us if we do sin?

that the Lord Jesus Christ, is our link to God and that through Him we are forgiven

How does this comfort us?

we understand we are loved

How does it make us want to avoid sin?

out of love we want to avoid sin


To people who feel condemned John offers reassurance. When you know that you have sinned do not give up hope, the best defence attorney is pleading your case with Jesus our Advocate. He is just and ready to forgive if we are confronted with sin.


Q4. (1 John 2:1-2) What assurance does John give us if we do sin? How does this comfort us? How does it make us want to avoid sin?

we have an advocate with the Father. It make my heart glad to know that if I sin that are forgiven when I repent and turn away from them. I dont want to have anything to do with anything that looks like sin.

Q4. (1 John 2:1-2) What assurance does John give us if we do sin? How does this comfort us? How does it make us want to avoid sin?

John assures us that we have Jesus who speak in our behalf to the father for use when we sin. Sometime I feel this give many people and excuse to sin, but I'm grateful that Jesus bared all of our sin on the cross, that He paid the price and what a price to pay. I'm grateful for that, now we all have a chance to get it right and live truly as Christian. I don't want God to be made with me. Jesus did something that no one could are would have ever done for each of us. We should try hard to live our days reading the words of God, praying, fasting and loving each other. Showing the fruits of the spirit in all that we do and say.


If we do sin, we have an advocate - Jesus who will intercede for us. It is comforting to know that He has covered my sins, but I also know that for love of Jesus and what He sacrificed for me, I do not want to sin. I want to obey Him. Practically too, I have learned that God's plan for my life is the best plan, and when I get outside of His covering I only make my life worse, not better. So I want to stay in His protection and obedient to Him.



Q4. (1 John 2:1-2) What assurance does John give us if we do sin? How does this comfort us? How does it make us want to avoid sin?

If we do sin we have an advocate to intercede for us. I am grateful for this blesssing and it is a comfort. It is a comfort that if I sin that there is a way back and that is through Jesus Christ. This make me not want to sin becasue of the love God has shown to me and I love Him when I am obedient. Through Jesus Christ I am not a bondage to sin.


that we have an avccate with our father and holy spirit,that we need to remeber if we sin we didnt fail our lord,just repent and try to live by the word live for our lord.

no more sinning,lets begin by confess our sin to our lord,and believe it.

hes is my lord and i know im not perfect but god accepts me.


Q4. (1 John 2:1-2) What assurance does John give us if we do sin? How does this comfort us? How does it make us want to avoid sin?

If we sin, Jesus is there to intercede on our behalf before God. Jesus is forever arguing our case before God because he loves us so much and wants us to be reconcile with God. The more you sin the farther away from God you become. Therefore if you avoid sin, you will naturally be closer to God and be able to hear and focus on what he wants to do for you and more importantly, what you can do for Him.


Q4. (1 John 2:1-2) What assurance does John give us if we do sin? How does this comfort us? How does it make us want to avoid sin?

Jesus died in our stead He became separated from His father and in doing so paid the price for sin that all may know salvation.In that moment of absolute darkness and separation from the Father Christ our King absorbed the full wrath of God and by grace, salvation is freely available to all who seek it.

When I think of the price that was paid for my pardon and knowing that in obeying His commandments will lead me away from sin, this is the road I choose to walk.

Living without my Savior to me is not an option, I praise His name and thank Him, in His separation I became a joint heir with Him.

Thak you Jesus all Glory be to You.


Q4. (1 John 2:1-2) What assurance does John give us if we do sin? How does this comfort us? How does it make us want to avoid sin?

John gives us the assurance that if we do sin we have a way back to the Father through the sacrifice of Jesus, and that he took on not only my sins but also the Sins of the whole of humanity.

Oh how I love Jesus that he took on the penalty that was due to me and all mankind so that I could have a relationship with God.

It is comforting to know that Jesus is continually interceding for humanity and pleading our case before the Father.

We want to avoid sin because of our love for God and the knowledge of what it cost Jesus.


Q4. (1 John 2:1-2) What assurance does John give us if we do sin?

> How does this comfort us? How does it make us want to avoid sin?



Q4. (1 John 2:1-2) What assurance does John give us if we do sin? How does this comfort us? How does it make us want to avoid sin?

Jesus is the atoning sacrifice (hilasmos). He is also continuously a Spokesman for us before God on our behalf. Jesus has paid for our sins and given us grace. If we try to pay for our sins we are asking for justice but this could never be accomplished. Jesus has already provided our justice.


Jesus intercedes for us, He stands in the gap literally. I am comforted by this because who better to intercede? But it makes me aware that my name may be brought up to the Father a lot, and who wants THAT kind of attention?


Q4. (1 John 2:1-2) What assurance does John give us if we do sin?

The assurance of complete forgiveness, freedom from guilt and alienation and restored relationship with our Father. (Justified: Just as if I'd never sinned)

How does this comfort us?

The knowledge that my "crime" has been atoned for...that I don't have to pay (couldn't anyway), by beating myself up, or hiding from God. Not only am I cleansed and forgiven, God will not punish me, or give me the silent treatment. He has cast all my sins into the depths of the sea. (Micah 7:19, Psalm 103:12), and as Corrie Ten Boom used to say, "then He puts out a no fishing sign". IT IS FINISHED!

How does it make us want to avoid sin?

I want the unbroken relationship. I love the Lord and don't want to offend, hurt, or sin against Him. I love the light and hate the darkness I once walked in. I know He loves and delights in me and there is nothing I can ever do to change that, but I want Him to smile. There are consequences to sin, and having experienced some, I want to avoid them. (Chuck Smith said once "sin is like hammering a nail in a board. When we are forgiven, the nail is removed completely, but a "scar" remains." For me, those "scars" are the consequences.)


Q4. (1 John 2:1-2) What assurance does John give us if we do sin? How does this comfort us? How does it make us want to avoid sin?

John tells me in 1 John chapter 2 that if I do sin, I have Jesus to intercede for me, to defend me, who has already made the sacrifice for my sin. This comforts me in that God knows I will mess up at times and that nothing I can do will make up for it. He loved me enough to want to have me with Him, with nothing standing between us, so He sent His son to willingly sacrifice His earthly life so that I may have a relationship with His father. I know that God truly loves me. As a result I want to please God, to make Jesus' sacrifice worth the cost. I want to make them both proud of my actions and choices.


Q4. (1 John 2:1-2) What assurance does John give us if we do sin? How does this comfort us? How does it make us want to avoid sin?

John assures us that Jesus continually intercedes for us. This is so important because even if we don't want to sin we still have the sin nature in us and we fall short in many areas. I want Jesus to be pleased with me and I desire to have fellowship with Him and how can I have that if I deliberately do that which displeases Him and causes Him grief.

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


John assures us that if we sin, if we are christian we have one who speaks to the father in our defense Jesus Christ, is on our side!

The comfort comes in, in knowing that as human we are not perfect and will sin at some point, upon repentance we are forgiven.

We are encouraged to be Christ like in our walk,and without sin, Jesus paid the ultimate price for us, with His life.


What Assurance does John give us if we do sin?

That Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and will stand before the Father in Righteousness for us.

How does this comfort us?

The grace that is given to us by Jesus's standing before the Father for us goes against all that the world believes. It is a huge comfort to know we are Saved!

How does it make us want to avoid Sin?

As I grow as a Christian the Holy Spirit is showing me my sin, and I recognise it more quickly now. I am also recognising old habits that are sin. It still doesn't make me feel very comforable, but I do feel as though I am being changed into what God planned for me to be. I've got a long way to go, but I have a peace in knowing that God is in control of my life.


Q4. (1 John 2:1-2) What assurance does John give us if we do sin? Re-assurance! John is letting us know that there is only One God who is our mediator. This I think is just one of the reasons He came to us as a man, so that by having taken upon Him that nature of man which is common to all men, He had satisfied for all types of men, and made intercession for all those different types, whose sin is one.

How does this comfort us? Because He is the atoning sacrifice for all sin, we can now know that Gods wrath is not spent on us anymore because Yahushua satisfied Gods wrath. He satisfied the requirement because He paid the wage of our sin. He fulfilled the laws requirement that He set us free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. He completely removed our sin and when we sin from our conversion point on, it is up to us to repent and keep moving forward, believing that He is faithful and just to forgive us of our repentant heart.

How does it make us want to avoid sin? For me, I dont like seeing Him suffer. Knowing that He was separated from God on my behalf, and came to die for my sin, makes me not want to sin anymore and when I do, I feel so yucky that I cant even stand myself. I remember though that if I dont hurry up and get it all spewed out of me, I will get spewed out. I have this image in my head that I have never been able to get rid of. I see Him closing the doors of time as it runs out and He takes one glimpse back at those who are left behind and He weeps because His love for them is strong and He agonizes over their fate. I dont want to be one of those that He died for and didnt recognize that it was all for me that He suffered.

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