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Q2. (1 John 2:12-14) John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers." Why do you think he takes time to encourage them? In what ways does he encourage them?

Children in Christ knows that God is their Father. It will be the glory of young persons to be strong in Christ, and His Grace. By the word of God they over come the devil.

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Though I was a trifle distressed that John omitted to mention women at any stage,I guess in this passage he is really referring to believers at various stages of life; he has simplified it from Shakespeare's Seven Ages to John's three basic stages.

No matter at what stage of life one is , one can always do with some encouragement.And John's obviously understood that.And it's good for us to remember to encourage others.


Q2. (1 John 2:12-14) John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers." Why do you think he takes time to encourage them?

The reason he takes time to encourage them is - they are in need of encouragement, at various times we too will find ourselves in need of encouragement, God calls us to encourage one another along the way.

They being believers of various degrees of faith and increasing growth in the Lord, are encouraged with words of truth spoken


John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers." Why do you think he takes time to encourage them? In what ways does he encourage them?

he sees them as haveing an understanding of what is important

and therefore John wants to encourage them

he encourages them by saying how they all know God in their own way, according to their ability.

with the children, he points out that they are forgiven, (this is something of great significance to new Christians)

with the young, he points out the strength that lives within, (Jesus is leading them by the hand)

with the fathers, he points out their relationship with God, (it's like it has always been there, it just is. Forever and ever)


Q2. (1 John 2:12-14) John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers." Why do you think he takes time to encourage them? In what ways does he encourage them?

There are 3 stages of mental, physical and spiritual growth development and all of this

correspond to the 3 stages of our physical, mental development.

Chidren, are innocent of the materialistic side of the world. They are not exposed to the sins

that young adult men do., and lastly the father who must have learned a lot of experiences

in life have different expousure to sin.

The approached of Jesus are as follows:

Father must be knowledgable where God came from, from the begining.

The young adult, need to learn more about God and must spiritually journey to

learn more about God, the offenses we made againts God

The Children are innocent, and have little knowledge of sin.


Q2. (1 John 2:12-14) John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers." Why do you think he takes time to encourage them? In what ways does he encourage them?

TO CHILDREN: The joy of knowing that your sins are forgiven. This is a great miracle of having your sins forgiven.

TO YOUNGMEN: They are strong and they have the energy to overcome the evil one. They are strong because of the Word of God in them. David supports this by saying that youngmen can be victorious by keeping God's Word in their hearts. (Psalm 119:11).

TO FATHERS: They know God from the beginning. Kowledge is power and knowledge of God is more powerful. The knowledge of God and His power is the secret of success and victory.


Q2. (1 John 2:12-14) John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers." Why do you think he takes time to encourage them? In what ways does he encourage them?

Q2. (1 John 2:12-14)

John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers." Why do you think he takes time to encourage them? In what ways does he encourage them?

I see this encouragement of John as a reminder to them so that they may not slip. In the beginning of the chapter, in 1Jo2:1 John says [/b]


Q2. (1 John 2:12-14) John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers." Why do you think he takes time to encourage them? In what ways does he encourage them?

All of our spiritual life and walk with God, we need encouragement. We are constantly being bombarded with the ways of the world. During the time of John, false teachers had entered the church and John was determined to combat the heresies of these teachers. His encouraging words were to keep them strong in their faith. He spoke to each group according to their maturity in their walk with God. As children, he encourages them to win battles against temptation. As young men, he encourages them to stay strong in the Lord as they move from victory to victory. As fathers who are mature in their walk, they are encouraged to teach the young. Today we are still in the same fight and we need to stay strong in our walk because the world is pulling farther and farther away from God.


John shows us that at each stage of the christian life there are different levels of encouragement that is required. The child life is one where we have to be reminded that our past sins are truly forgiven and this is through Christ. Sometimes the devil tries to suggest to us that this is not so. At the young man stage we know that our past sins were forgiven now being more mature we have the word of God continually at our finger tips (strong)to resist the devil's temptations . Then the father (elder) stage is just the constant reminder of the relationship with God the Father and who was always there throughout the Christian walk


John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers." Why do you think he takes time to encourage them? He is taking time to address and encourage the whole church and hence all Christians by addressing his encouragement to all levels of spiritual development. Coming from someone like John, who must have been a very important figure in the early church which he was addressing, this encouragement must have been a fantastic morale boost for those receiving it.

In what ways does he encourage them? (i) Their sins have been forgiven; (ii) They know Him (God) who is from the beginning; (iii) They have conquered evil; (iv) they are strong and the word of God abides in them; (v) They know the Father;



Q2. (1 John 2:12-14) John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers." Why do you think he takes time to encourage them? In what ways does he encourage them?

John takes times to encourage these different age groups as they represent different levels of maturity in the Christian walk. All stages need this encourages. He reminds them that God forgives our sins, that He is our Father and has been with us since the beginning of time and that He will be with us through all the adversies of life. We need to continue to encourage our brothers and sisters without regard for which level of maturity they are in in their Christian walk.


Q2. (1 John 2:12-14) John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers." Why do you think he takes time to encourage them? In what ways does he encourage them?

I believe that John is taking us through all the stages of Spiritual life. We are children when we first believe and need the milk of the Word, being taught by the Word. Grow into young men, capable of understanding more, eating the meat of the Word. As fathers, we should have matured to the spiritual stature of being teachers responsible for giving back our knowledge and experience. Encouragement brings strength and confidence to our faith. John spplauds their overcoming, giving them confidence to press on.


I think that one reason God through John takes the time to encourage these three groups is to provide yet another example of discipleship within His word. None of us who are alive, regardless of spiritual maturity has "made it" or has reached the ultimate perfection of spiritual maturity. We are all still on a journey and we need encouragement. We are being negatively encouraged by the enemy and we need positive encouragement from our brothers and sisters and mentors in Christ, literally encouragement from God through these people, to press on toward the mark of the high calling in Jesus Christ.

John encourages by simply reminding these groups who they are, that they are strong in the Lord, that they know the everlasting One, that He lives within them. The negative encouragement from the enemy is lies about how the Lord doesn't care for us, doesn't remember us, isn't in us...it is filled with doubt. We need the positive encouragement and reminders of the TRUTH in this battle we are in.


Q2. (1 John 2:12-14) John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers." Why do you think he takes time to encourage them? In what ways does he encourage them?

As Christians, we are supposed to encourage each other, see Hebrews !0:24-26 (And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:

25Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

26For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins) to help each other stay on the path of Christ.

John encourages by reminding all that Christ's sacrifice has saved them, that they are strong, that they do know God the father, can overcome Satan, and have the Spirit in them.


Q2. (1 John 2:12-14) John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers." Why do you think he takes time to encourage them? In what ways does he encourage them?

John looks at others in 3 age goups: (1)little chidren--"new believers" (2) "Young Men"--Believers who have youth and enthusiasm, and (3) "Fathers"--muture believers. All of us need encouragement when times get worse.


John encourages each group of Christians in the church because his desire for all of them is to love one-another by serving each other and following his example of encouragement with each other in the church; and he does so by reminding them that because of Jesus Christ their sins are all forgiven them for Christ


John took time to encourage each group because he knew that Christians were in danger of being mislead by false teachers that were trying to misdirect them. He wanted to guard them with the truth that each group (age level) had come to know and he wanted to encourage them in those truths as opposed to what others were trying to convince them of.

He assured the children of forgiveness of sin through Jesus. That they indeed did know their Father in Heaven. He assured the young men that they were strong in their faith and that the Word of God lived in them and they had overcome the evil one. He assured the fathers of the truth they had known from the beginning.

He took the time to encourage them to strengthen them in reminding them of what they knew to be the truth so they could stand against any falsehood trying to consume them or make them doubt what they knew to be true.

I'm always thankful, when I question things that are brought (even into the church) to be considered, that the Holy Spirit leads me to truth or reminds me of truth or I have others who assure me in my faith. I can go on considering carefully grounded in Christ.


Q2. (1 John 2:12-14)

John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers."

Why do you think he takes time to encourage them?

In what ways does he encourage them?

John knows that the Christians are in various stages of growth and therefore takes time to encourage each group. Doing it this way will have more impact per group. Initially he encourages all Christians, that we have complete remission of our sins; our sins are forgiven for His name's sake. He now speaks to the


Q2. (1 John 2:12-14) John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers." Why do you think he takes time to encourage them? In what ways does he encourage them?

John is writing to encourage them because he loves them. He encourages spiritual growth and he reminds them of what they have overcome already. He understands discouragement and doesn't want them to remain spiritual infants but to progress in the faith. I enjoyed a sentence by J Vernon McGee which says "In some churches you feel as if you are in a spiritual nursery! Although the folk are physically fullgrown, some of them with gray hair, they are still spiritually immature."

Let's keep on learning and growing, reading the Word and praying especially for each one on this study.

May God Bless you all with spiritual wisdom and understanding!

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q2. (1 John 2:12-14) John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers." Why do you think he takes time to encourage them? In what ways does he encourage them?

John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers." Why do you think he takes time to encourage them?

It is because they have false claims, or heretical teachings from the false teachers, which can contaminate or corrupt the true teachings, or true faith that they have had.

In what ways does he encourage them?

He offers them the promises and inducements that they have received because of their status in Christ


Q2. (1 John 2:12-14) John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers." Why do you think he takes time to encourage them? In what ways does he encourage them? I feel it was important that John encouraged them because it all represent us as we mature in our personal relationships, that as we grow will be continue to face situation in our lives but the same God that was with us as a child is with us through all stages of our life. John tells us basically to keep the faith, trust God, he tell us that our sins are forgiven and not to let the evil out take our focus of our strength because we are strong and he have already been defeated.


John encourages the different groups because he knows that whether we are children, young men , or Fathers that we all need to know of his love and forgiveness and that we are all equally important to the Father.

In our journey of faith we all at times need to be encouraged whatever our level in Him.


Q2. (1 John 2:12-14) John encourages "children," "young men," and "fathers." Why do you think he takes time to encourage them? In what ways does he encourage them?

New believers in Christ are full of so much excitement in knowing their sins have been forgiven. Yet it doesn't take long for the enemy of our souls to throw doubt and condemnation at us, once we are not around other believers. It takes constant tending to, and feeding on God's Word and fellowship with others to encourage one in their new walk with Christ. When one is young, they are full of strength, ready to fight the good fight of faith, and able to endure. Yet they too need to be encouraged to continue to fight, and not let down their guard. Oftentimes they are more apt to be the ones ready to step out, full of vigor and enthusiasm and work for the Lord. The enemy thrives on trying to tear down one who is seeking to follow and serve the Lord, causing them to doubt themselves, so they will eventually just give up. The mature saints or believers are those who are "seasoned" in the service of the Lord, having walked many hard places. Yet they need to be encouraged that they are still needed, and that what they have gone through can and will be of value to others, who have yet to face those challenges. They have much wisdom and knowledge to share to those who are young in the Lord, and those who are just joining the family of God.

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