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  On 10/7/2009 at 12:27 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father?

The world is everything that found therein, like people or humanity and the things

or ornaments orderly found therein as well as the earth. Our desire or crave, which

is "The **** of the flesh". The focus of our eyes, whether good or bad we called it

"The **** of the eyes", and the "The pride of life" which

focus for self exaltation.

Genesis 3:6.



What is "the world" in verses 15-16?

I think the world is everything but God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father?

We are to love the Father with the same kind of love that He loves us with.

Do you know the Father loves you no matter what you do? He love you the same if you are the best Christian or if you are the most evil person in the world.

I know the human mind can't believe that but it true.

When we become believers He puts that love in us so we can love other like He loves us.

But I say; I don't love like that. I think the reason why we don't love like that is because we are not confident in the Fathers love.

If we relax and live in the Father love, His love will flow out of us. Just trust and obey.

Love of the world is to put anything first before the Fathers love.

I mean anything our life, prayer, bible reading, church, family, job and money.

Father just wont be in second place to anything else in your life.

  On 10/7/2009 at 12:27 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father?

the world is everything that is found in the universe, the planet, world system, humanity and ways of the world, thing like worldly people, evil desires, pleasures.

  On 10/7/2009 at 12:27 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father?

The world is the materialism, the sinfullness, the wickedness of man, that rule in todays world. What keeps us from

loving the father is the temptations in which we succumb our weakedness.


The world is the entire system which everyone in living in.

Anything that we crave in our flesh and takes the place of God in our lives is "loving the world."


Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? A world that is owned by the evil one, designed to look good and be pleasing to the eyes. A world that is desired to make us wise. A world all decorated in an orderly arrangement appealing to our fleshy senses. After all, Yahowah Elohim created it. But we were not meant to stay in the grips of this worlds powers or it

  On 10/7/2009 at 12:27 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father?



1. Craving for physical pleasure.. preoccupation with gratifying physical desires 2)craving for everything we see coveting and accumulating things, bowing to the god of materialism and 3) pride in our achievements and possessions-obsession with one's status or importance. Knowing that this evil world will end and give you the courage to deny yourself temporary pleasures in this world in order to enjoy what God has promised for eternity

  On 10/7/2009 at 12:27 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father?

It seems a simple question to ask what is ones "world view." But, in reality God challenges us with the first verse of Holy Scripture to take a stand and be at odds with "the world." Do we have a biblical world view of creation, or do we accept the teaching of "scientific" evolution?

Do we believe that man is basically good, and when given the chance to choose between good and evil will choose good? Or, do we believe the story God tells through Moses about the fall of humanity?

Our belief systems dictate our behaviors. What we highly "esteem," take "satisfaction" from, or "take pleasure in" form the foundation of our beliefs. John warns us to not love the world or the things in the world. Why? Because the beliefs of the world have their genesis in man's sin nature. Man in his fallen state is a slave to sin and incapable of a single righteous (Godly) thought.

As new persons in Christ, John is telling his readers to discern the teaching they are receiving to determine from where it springs. If it is not from the Father, it purpose is to separate us from Him!


Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16?

By "worldly" and "worldliness" John is describing the devil-may-care rejection of godly values and of devotion to the Lord that abounds in secular society today.

What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father?

Love of "the world" that keeps us from loving the Father is worldly desires that consume us so much that we reject godly values and cater to secular ideals.


Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father?

I believe like Pastor that is is the people of the world and the pleasures that we often see them involved in. Love of the world is our sinful nature telling us that we much have thing we don't even need, the desire for pleasures and the ******* for thing keeps us from being truly devoted to God and His plan for us.


The world is anything or person that we think of more than God( usually begins in the heart) There are several attitudes

+cravingfor physical pleasure...... preoccupation with gradifying physical desires

*craving for everthing we see......covetingandaccumulating things, bowingtothe godofmaterialism

*pride inour achievements and possessions..obession with ones status or importance....



the answer is just in the question: the "world" is everything that pretend to take the first place in our heart, the place that belongs only to our creator. no other wife should come in my bed, except 'my wife', so no other 'god' should come in my heart, except my God. Jesus quotes the OT saying: 'Love your the Lord your God with all your strength, all your soul, all your heart' (body, mind, soul and spirit). whoever, or whatever comes first in my heart is an 'idole' and all this I must separate from: that is the world. It has nothing to do with pleasure or wealth or belongings... All this I can and should enjoy, as long as it doesn't prevent me from putting my God at the first place.

  On 10/7/2009 at 12:27 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father?

The World is however not the people with all their weaknesses and strengths but is the rejection of God and the non-recognition of His works amidst us. We were there and were redeemed to live in the Light therefore we should never retreat to that world. The temporal but exciting offers of the world are ever pleasing to the senses of man and is capable of engulfing within it. This kind of love towards the world keeps us away from the Love of the Father.


The "world" speaks of the nature, desires, pleasures, and affairs of natural creation as opposed to those of the Creator and His spiritual realm. If our devotion is to the things of the world, then we are crippled with darkened tunnel vision that prevents us from realizing the surpassing greatness of Him and His realm. When our focus is on these worldly things, they become our driving motivation and desire. They become more important to us than what the Father has said is important. We grieve Him by allowing them to become the object of our love. We dishonor Him as we seek them for our contentment, source, and satisfaction. But these things are transient and are even now passing away, leaving us empty and disappointed.

"If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." Conversely, we could say that if anyone loves the Father, the love of the world is not in him. We battle the nature of the flesh until we are delivered from it in death, but the attachments and cravings for the pleasures of the world lessen and die as we focus on our Father and allow His divine love to grow greater within us. And Love never fails us!


Q3. ans.

The world here does not refer to the physical creation but to all aspects of reality that are opposed to and opposed to God. It refers tothe things in god's creation that pulls us away from away from our divine Creators's holiness, and thus, from living in totally under the grip of the devil.

b] This evil love of the **** of the world and to get carried away by this **** is to move further away from God and become a part of that which opposes Him.This becomes concrete in wicked desires or base appetite for things forbidden by the Holy Creator.

  On 10/7/2009 at 12:27 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father?

There would be absolutely nothing in "the world" which would keep us from loving the Father IF that world was Eden. Subsequent to the fall of Adam the world has become sin laden. Every living thing has been subject to Satan's defilement. If not, there would be no need for a new heaven and a new earth.

Clinging to the things of this world is clinging to sin. We are new persons in Christ Jesus called to be in this world, but not of this world. Our hearts, minds, souls and strength are to now be focused on being holy. Our work is to shed sin from our lives.

Heaven forbid that we would continue to live in sin so that the grace of God would be all the more evident. Heaven forbid that we not understand our full responsibility for the reason Christ died on the Cross!

He died a horrible death because of me. I am the reason for His crucifixion. How could I not expect that continued rebellion (active sin in my life)would keep me from loving the Father?

  On 10/7/2009 at 12:27 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father?

Q3. (1 John 2:15-16)

What is "the world" in verses 15-16?

1Jo.2:16 states:

  On 10/7/2009 at 12:27 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father?

Q3. (1 John 2:15-16)

What is "the world" in verses 15-16?

1Jo.2:16 states:

  On 10/7/2009 at 12:27 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father?

The 'world 'would refer, I think ,to all those aspects of life on earth which are not in keeping with the fruits of the Spirit... the materialism, the yearning for physical pleasure and comfort, the self centred nature of people are all of the world.

Naturally when we are so bent on satisfying our insatiable appetites,we are kept from loving the Father as we ought.Self-control, generosity of spirit, humility are all pretty unworldly and in need of cultivation.


Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16?

The "fallen" world and it's people; that which operates apart from God's Word and opposses God and His children. The **** of the eyes, the **** of the flesh and the pride of life.

What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father?

'The love which craves to satisfy the sin nature with the "pleasures of this world'. The love of ME, more than HIM.

  On 10/7/2009 at 12:27 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father?

The "world" refers to the those who rebel and/or hate God and His precepts.

Our own motives have to be checked regularly for if we have any selfish ambitions we are not doing the will of God but rather the will of satan.


What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father? The World here means what is commonly referred to as the way of the world, that is the way that human's live and behave which is contrary and hostile to the ways of God. Of course, all of us are human and therefore have and will continue to have human experiences and pleasures, but as Christians, we are in the World, but not of it. We have human experiences, emotions and pleasures, but the centre of our lives and our whole existence is not this, but God.

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