sditoka Posted November 17, 2009 Report Posted November 17, 2009 Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father? The world is the system that humanity designs for its own selfish ends and which is regularly inhabited and controlled by demonic forces. We see how the world although knowing that humanity could just share its resources and rid the world of famine and starvation, instead stockpile its grain or focus on armaments. We see how the world's financial systems is so lopsided whereby the top of the corporate ladder (who are already very rich) get millions of dollars in bonuses whilst the homeless depend on charities and religious organisations for their next meal. We see how nations continue to manufacture arms and ship off surplus weapons to war torn, famine stricken third world nations when what they needed were shiploads of grain and intervention of its brothers and sisters in their hopeless situation. The love of the world are the activities and things that I place an unhealthy interest in, which consume my time and resources and eventually distracts me from my time with the LORD. It always leads to a weakening or a break in our fellowship with the LORD because we spend so much time pursuing our worldly interests.If we spend so much time doing something in the world, then I would not have much time with the LORD. Whatever I spend my time doing, is what I value doing. If I value my time in the world more than my time with GOD, then something has gone horribly wrong with my life and shortly after,it will begin to manifest itself because I would have broken fellowhip with the LORD. This applies quite aptly for things and gadgets and memberships of alumnis and clubs as well. Some of these things are not bad in themselves, but if we find ourselves valuing them more than our time with the LORD, then we had better have another look at our priorities and backtrack to where we sidetracked and return to the loving arms of our Saviour and LORD. Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 The world can be the actual planet, but to me it is all is the different temptaions that we fall into. The kind of love that keeps us apart from God is that attitude of having a good worries about tomorrow, live it up. When we do this we separate ourselves from that close relationship with the Father. Quote
maddog Posted December 8, 2009 Report Posted December 8, 2009 Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father? The love of the flesh, eyes, and the pride of life, is of the world and is the world. This carnal love can't exist with spiritual love. We should have agape love, unmerited love, love because God has told us to love our neighbor as ourself. Quote
servant for Christ Posted December 10, 2009 Report Posted December 10, 2009 Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father? The world John is talking about is the evil desire and sin that is so much a part of human existence. Turning away from God and godly values. The love of the world that seep us from God is when our mind is consumed by the world and we become selfish. We no longer have God's love. Quote
royk Posted May 1, 2010 Report Posted May 1, 2010 Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father? Jesus said, love me first and then love others, don't think of yourself as I will give you what you need. Loving or wanting 'things' of any kind and making them important has the potential to block our love of God. He said give up everything and follow me to his disciples. We in this world seem unready to do this, we hang on to things insecure and feel we 'need them.' Making them nothing compared to needing God, recognizing that we will be BLESSED when we recognize and accept that we are "poor in spirit" [1st beatitude] is a big help to embrace this truth. This can help us see and feel what is truly important. Also being logical about it is one thing but to feel God's love and let that give us the security we need is also part of it. All these worldly things can't make us happy, it is just not worth it compared to God's love. Best to put Him first ro be ready to have an unfulfilled life; it is that simple, black ro white, light or dark. Quote
Marloes Posted June 27, 2010 Report Posted June 27, 2010 Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father? With Quote
anne1151 Posted February 12, 2011 Report Posted February 12, 2011 Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father? 1.Not the planet earth, for it was made by God and is good, but the things of the world which can lead us away from God. Desires for "stuff" that control a person to the exclusion of God. Worshiping things rather than God is worldly. 2. Love of anything, especially self, that keeps us from focusing our love and committment toward God. Drifting away from God in our search for material goods rather than eternal life Quote
Ramon Posted July 12, 2011 Report Posted July 12, 2011 Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father? Answer: 1.What is "the world" in verses 15-16? The World means anything that is against the obedience of Jesus,those who exalt themselves above God..these are the things that Paul called Quote
Deborah Eberhard Posted October 20, 2011 Report Posted October 20, 2011 The world is the devil's playground. When giving into the ways of this world, we are allowing ourselves to be manipulated and controlled by satan. Money, greed, selfish desires are all examples of loving something of this world that takes our eyes and hearts off of Jesus. If you truly love in the way God designed you to love, you realize everything in this world is merely temporary. It's the things unseen with the naked eye, but felt with the heart that are eternal and everlasting. This life is a mere breath, gone in the blink of an eye, nothing that we feel we 'own' in a material sense on this earth will go to heaven with us. Quote
jacquie7 Posted March 26, 2012 Report Posted March 26, 2012 The “world” is cravings of sinful man, **** of the eyes, and boasting of what one has and does. These things refer to human and demonic existence at odds with and hostile towards God (worldly realm against the heavenly realm). The love, high esteem, satisfaction of things, or taking pleasure in attaching ourselves to possessions that will one day no longer exist keeps us from loving the Father. Quote
Craig Posted March 21, 2013 Report Posted March 21, 2013 Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father? The world John talks about is the system which man has built up in an effort to make himself happy without Christ. A human society/system both human and/or demonic organized on wrong principles in which the Lord Jesus Christ is not welcomed or loved. A society or civilization that is organized on and characterized by base desires, false values, and egoism. The all consuming love of the world is the love of self and this kind of love separates us from the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted May 9, 2013 Report Posted May 9, 2013 Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? The desire for worldly things. Things that we hope will satisfy the craving of the flesh, like sexual fulfillment and physical pleasure. Things that we hope will satisfy the ambitions we have, like wealth, power, position, fame, and the admiration of others. Things that we hope will establish us and provide a legacy that will endure and cause us to be remembered after we pass on. In some translations these worldly desires are referred to as the **** of the flesh, the **** of the eyes, and the pride of life. The very things Satan tempted Jesus with. What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father? When we place too much emphasis on acquiring things and on building our little empire, that focus takes us away from whom we're supposed to be focusing on . . . God Himself. Quote
wifee Posted December 29, 2013 Report Posted December 29, 2013 3a)The worldly realm that is in rebellion against the heavenly realm.Jesus refers to Satan as "the prince of this world" (John 12:31a; 14:30; 16:11) "worldly" and "worldliness" John is describing this devil-may-care rejection of godly values and of devotion to the Lord that abounds in our secular society today.While pleasure itself isn't wrong, when our minds are consumed by the pleasure we can derive from a person or things, we are no longer loving, but become selfish hedonists Quote
Old Jerry Posted January 29, 2014 Report Posted January 29, 2014 The world is those things that we crave that are not in God’s will. The world is the love for money, love for possessions, and ****. Those these are not all the things that distract us from God it is the things that I can think of right now. Quote
tgandy Posted May 18, 2014 Report Posted May 18, 2014 "The world" in verses 15-16 refers to that which is not godly. That which takes your time, energy and love away from God. Anything that we put above God is of the world and it keeps us from loving the Father. Quote
cezhead Posted February 19, 2015 Report Posted February 19, 2015 The "world" in this context is our society and it's ideology and culture which are enmity with God. The world has chosen it's own way instead of the way of the Lord and every day we pay the price with murder, abortion, etc. , etc. To "love" the world is to prefer it's ways and methods and morals over that of God's. In this sense we are worshiping Satan because anything that takes on more importance or preference than God is an idol, and by giving ourselves to this system we worship it. Quote
smithj77 Posted October 12, 2015 Report Posted October 12, 2015 Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father? The world, or cosmos, here is referring to a lifestyle of worldliness as opposed to a lifestyle of Godliness. It makes me think of the sinful items listed in Galations 5:19 19 The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. Love of these types of things stand against what God wants of us. They separate us from God. Quote
JSF Posted May 20, 2016 Report Posted May 20, 2016 What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father? "The world" is the culture around us and the things of it that are opposed to God or draw us away from God. Our attention is so easily drawn from the things of God to the attraction of "stuff", desires for things that are not godly, and philosphies that are at odds with those of the Word (pride, self-glory, entitlement, total freedom of how to live, selfishness). Quote
Uncle Dave Posted March 8, 2017 Report Posted March 8, 2017 What is "the world" in verses 15-16? By “the world” John is referring to the demonic presence that is ever-so-present among us. The fact that most people follow the worldly ways, is a big clue to this answer. People are getting more evil as we progress closer to the final day, just like Jesus said. Things that were shunned or looked down on 50 years back are common place now, in fact, lately there are laws being passed which testify to this. The U.S. is as bad, or maybe even worse than ancient civilizations which offered children to their Gods to appease them and today it happens for no other reason that hate for children who they consider to be a “fixable” accident if dealt with before born….. What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father? This could range from gambling, sexual immorality, and the many other things Satan has lead people to think they love as a distraction to keep them from knowing the source of love and what it really is. Quote
hanks Posted April 25, 2018 Report Posted April 25, 2018 Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father? The world referred to here is everything on earth that is against Christ; any part of our life in which the Lord Jesus is not loved and welcomed. I have heard it defined as “human society insofar as it is organized on wrong principles, and characterized by base desires, false values, and egoism.” I like the way Dr Ralph puts it: “the worldly realm that is in rebellion against the heavenly realm.” We are plainly warned not to love the world or the things that are in the world, for the simple reason that love for the world is not compatible with love for the Father. John is not saying we must not love the created earth itself; he is referring to our worldly view towards life. All that the world has to offer may be described as the **** of the flesh, the **** of the eyes, and the pride of life. All that that comes from our evil nature, like our carnal bodily appetites, are the **** of the flesh. Then, there are the evil desires that arise from what we see – the **** of the eyes. Pride of life refers to our unholy ambition for self-display and self-glory. I have heard it said that the weed in the garden of life is “self”. Quote
haar Posted June 28, 2018 Report Posted June 28, 2018 Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) Q. What is "the world" in verses 15-16? A. The term "world " here means system, structure, activities, people and agents of darkness that are oppose to God and His truth. It means any thing or act that is not in line to godliness. Q. What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father? A. The things which we crave such **** of the flesh, sexual immorality and any thing we cherish and indulge in that does not please the Lord is that refers to as- the love of the world. Quote
Reuben Posted August 25, 2021 Report Posted August 25, 2021 Q3. (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father? "The world" is all the earthly things that we face in our every day lives. Some of it may not even be opposed to God, like keeping a job, doing sport, practice a hobby. We are surrounded by "the world", at home ,at work, in our car, on that holiday, etc. It will distract us from God, as it is always there to entertain, please, fulfil or satisfy our human nature, and desires. " It becomes a problem when "The world" can consume us , our time, our thinking and our actions, or if we part take in it when it opposes God. It is then when we get distant from God, and it could keep us from loving God as dearly as we should. Quote
Krissi Posted November 23, 2021 Report Posted November 23, 2021 What is "the world" in verses 15-16? What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father? The world is everything that opposes God but it's not just an idea, like evil, but can include people, structures, ideologies, etc. What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father? Anything that pulls me away from the Father is worldly love. My problem with this is that my biggest spiritual problem is my own mind, that is, my thought life. Am I a part of the world? Does my imagination, when it goes off on tangents, deny God? I think it does, but I'm not sure it's a part of the world. I'm saved. My thoughts, therefore, are being sanctified. When I love power or influence, I'm participating in the world's values, but it's ME that's participating. I choose to delve into worldly ideas. Maybe the world is different for all of us. My "world" may not be the same as yours. It seems, almost that the world is composed of the things and ideas that tempt me away from God. -- Quote
Rob Mc. Posted May 31, 2022 Report Posted May 31, 2022 (1 John 2:15-16) What is "the world" in verses 15-16? The world is all of the various other "gods" that man tends to worship, such as sex outside marriage, worldly goods, the love of money, covetousness, power over others, etc. What kind of love of "the world" keeps us from loving the Father? The blind love that humans have for their "wants" versus their "needs." Seeking pleasure in life at the cost of (possibly) losing our promise of eternal life (the effort of trying to serve two masters). Quote
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