saskheather Posted September 6, 2010 Report Posted September 6, 2010 The anti-christ at the end of the world will be more obvious than the little ones that creep into everyday life..but perhaps not much more dangerous to our souls. We must be on the alert, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to decern the true followers of Christ and listen to them only. This is not easy. Quote
anne1151 Posted February 19, 2011 Report Posted February 19, 2011 Q1. (1 John 2:18) What is this antichrist that John expects to come? What is the difference between the antichrist and antichrists in the church John is writing to? In what ways do we see the spirit of antichrist at work in our day? 1.The antichrist is satan, the devil. He is the opposite of Christ. 2. The antichrists are followers of the devil, whether openly worshiping him or inadvertantly following him. They are false teachers with no truth in them. They are satan filled rather than spirit filled. 3. the spirit of antichrist can be found in our friends, neighbors, and famiy. Anyone that tries to turn us from God, from Gods way. It can be found in our country's leaders that are leading our country into sin and away from God. antichrist can be found our ministers, the ones who don't preach the gospel. Thespirit of antichrist working is in US when we allow these things to happen Quote
Ramon Posted July 18, 2011 Report Posted July 18, 2011 Q1. (1 John 2:18) What is this antichrist that John expects to come? What is the difference between the antichrist and antichrists in the church John is writing to? In what ways do we see the spirit of antichrist at work in our day? Answer: 1.What is this antichrist that John expects to come? John is talking about,the Anti Christ from within the Church itself.Look at the following Verse: 1 John 2:19- They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us, because if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us Quote
Ramon Posted July 18, 2011 Report Posted July 18, 2011 [size="4"]Q1. (1 John 2:18) What is this antichrist that John expects to come? What is the difference between the antichrist and antichrists in the church John is writing to? In what ways do we see the spirit of antichrist at work in our day? Answer: 1.What is this antichrist that John expects to come? John is talking about,the Anti Christ from within the Church itself.Look at the following Verse: 1 John 2:19- They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us, because if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us Quote
Deborah Eberhard Posted October 25, 2011 Report Posted October 25, 2011 1) The anti-christ that John expects to come is the one that will stand in God's temple and be an abomination that causes desolation. 2) Anti-christs are any individuals not believing in Jesus Christ. There are many among us today. 'The anti-christ' will lead all unbelievers into following him and worshipping him. 3) The way that morals are constantly being tested and falling to the wayside is just one example of how we see the spirit of the anti-christ at work today. Quote
jacquie7 Posted April 9, 2012 Report Posted April 9, 2012 The antichrist John expects is an adversary of Jesus and a one who is a false prophet who will appear and perform signs and miracles that deceive people. The difference between the antichrist himself and the antichrists in the church is -- the “antichrist himself” is an end time opponent of God and Jesus the Messiah who has not yet been identified whereas the “antichrists in the church” are influenced by the “spirit of antichrist” and teach false doctrine. Today a cult would be an example of how the spirit of the antichrist operates and works today. Then there are those who deny that Jesus was God in the flesh, denying his deity. Quote
Craig Posted March 24, 2013 Report Posted March 24, 2013 Q1. (1 John 2:18) What is this antichrist that John expects to come? What is the difference between the antichrist and antichrists in the church John is writing to? In what ways do we see the spirit of antichrist at work in our day? The antichrist that John expects to come is the anti-messiah == the advisory of the messiah Jesus the Christ. A person who will teach false doctine to the church and ultimately claim to be the messiah. That person or being seems to be the man of lawlessness that Paul speaks of to the Thessalonians who will ultimately claim to be god and demand worship. He will have global control militarily, economically, politically, and all religions will be forced to worship him. See Rev. 13. In summary, John's readers has been taught that an antichrist would arise prior to the second coming of Christ and pretent to be Christ. The many antichrists spoken of in these verse refers to the false teachers who would teach a false christ and false gospel. Teachers who teach alternate doctrines as opposed to apostalic teaching as taught by Jesus. We live in a day where cults abound who dismiss Jesus as the Christ and where churches are compromising with the world on essential doctrines of the faith, i.e. inerracy of scripture, the nature and divinity of Jesus the Christ, supporting homosexuality, supporting same sex marriage, ordaining homosexual clergy, supporting abortion or being apathetic about it, confusion over the mission of the church, the denial of hell, everyone will be save, etc. It is as if the church and the world are the same. This is to name a few issues that have strayed off the beaten path of sound Christian doctrine. The antichrists are alive and well in the world today. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted May 13, 2013 Report Posted May 13, 2013 Q1. (1 John 2:18) What is this antichrist that John expects to come? John prophesied more than any other about the ultimate opponent of God and his Messiah Jesus. The antichrist will try to establish himself as God and deceive the world into worshipping him instead of God. He will make war, in a way we don't fully understand, against the people of God. He will have real and terrifying power. Jesus Himself warned us to flee when we see that the antichrist has set up the idol . . . the abomination that causes desolation . . . in the temple of God. We won't be able to stand against him ourselves. But praise God, Jesus WILL stand and ultimately and utterly defeat the antichrist. His destruction is a foregone conclusion. What is the difference between the antichrist and antichrists in the church John is writing to? THE antichrist has yet to come. However there are many "antichrists" busliy trying to tear down the teachings of God as found in the Bible by distorting them and explaining them erroneously. These antichrists are claiming that Jesus isn't really God the Son and that He wasn't a true human being but a supernatural being who was sinless. As such, Jesus couldn't have died and been resurrected, they claim. In what ways do we see the spirit of antichrist at work in our day? Today we have many who deny the Godhood of Jesus. They claim He became the Messiah only when He'd been baptized by John the Baptist. Before that, they say he was an ordinary man. There are others who say God created Jesus, that Jesus wasn't always with God and the same as God. They even have their own translation of the Bible to support that, with quite a few altered passages that differ subtly from the true Word of God. Then there is the whole spiritualistic movement these days. Eastern religions have permeated Christianity to an extent and their whole "man seeking to become a god" way of thinking is distorting the thinking of millions. Quote
wifee Posted January 29, 2014 Report Posted January 29, 2014 1a)Scripture speaks of an antichrist figure in different forms that will be revealed in the end times,as an opponent of God and Jesus his Messaih e.g "the ruler who will come" (Daniel 9:26a) and who will set up in the temple "an abomination that causes desolation" (Daniel 9:27). "the man of lawlessness" who’ll set himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). Paul insists this figure not yet appeared in the world (2 Thessalonians 2:7). antichrist figure as the "beast coming out of the sea" (Revelation 13:1), who acts as a puppet of Satan (13: 4), makes war against Christian‘s (13:7), and causes the unbelievers to worship him (13:8).Jesus says(Matthew 24:15)when you see figure standing in the holy place 'the abomination that causes desolation,you are to flee. b)They are both adverseries of Christ leading people to worship Satan.Difference is the antichrists in the church have been influenced by "the spirit of the antichrist" (4:3).Paul taught "the secret power of lawlessness is already at work" (2 Thessalonians 2:7), even though the man of lawlessness had not been revealed. The effect of his spirit affected the church.It was 2 fold,they taught false doctrine that denied Jesus was God in the flesh and promoted lawless lives of Christians. c)We see evidence of antichrist at work tempting and causing believers to carryout immoral behaviours unbecoming of Christians. The father of lies is busy deceiving &leading people astray,need to allow Holy Spirit to lead us in right path. Quote
Old Jerry Posted February 3, 2014 Report Posted February 3, 2014 The antichrist that John expects to come is going to be somebody against the church that has a great influence on the world. To the best of his ability he will turn everybody against Christ. The difference between that antichrist and the antichrists in the church that John is writing to is that the antichrist is in this case is just a few people talking against Jesus. The antichrist that is to come will have influence over the whole world. The ways that we see the spirit of antichrist at work in our day is all the court rulings that go against the principles of the bible. People are not attending church and they aren’t reading their Bible. They have moved into this world and are enjoying all that it has to give to them. Quote
tgandy Posted May 19, 2014 Report Posted May 19, 2014 John expects the antichrist to come, but is not yet revealed. Enemies of Christ, false doctrine that denied Jesus was God in human form and immoral behavior. However in Revelation, the antichrist was revealed to John as the beast rising from the sea. The antichrist, the enemies of the church that are in the church now is not THE antichrist but influenced by the spirit of the antichrist. The antichrist is at work even now. The antichrist will come an is an abomination that causes total desolation. The antichrist is at work in the squabbling, the undermining acts that are performed by members of a congregation that tear down a church. These people are under the influence of the antichrist. Quote
cezhead Posted February 25, 2015 Report Posted February 25, 2015 THE antichrist is a spirit which will come into the world and mark the beginning of the end times. It is this spirit that will start the movement against those who worship Jesus as the Christ, very much the way Islam teaches. Antichrists in the church are those who deny Jesus is the Christ. My opinion is that antichrists are anyone who denies ANYTHING in scripture. Antichrists are everywhere in our daily lives : the aforementioned Islamists, atheists, Bill Maher, even other religions or cults such as Mormons. Quote
JSF Posted May 24, 2016 Report Posted May 24, 2016 What is this antichrist that John expects to come? What is the difference between the antichrist and antichrists in the church John is writing to? In what ways do we see the spirit of antichrist at work in our day? I do know know what or who the antichrist is or will be. I do not think we can claim to know. I do think we have already had a number of "anti-christs". The spirit of antichrist is active in our world and culture today, more and more aggressively against Christ, the Word, His people and morality. Quote
Uncle Dave Posted March 12, 2017 Report Posted March 12, 2017 What is this antichrist that John expects to come? The fact that the word “antichrist” means "adversary of the Messiah," along with the fact that John is talking about “the” antichrist, I have to go with the fact that this antichrist to come is none other than Satan himself. There is no greater adversary of Jesus Christ than Satan. He comes to an end being thrown into the lake of fire with the beast and false prophet as described in Revelation 20:10. The antichrist, being Satan would be the one whose spirit is in the antichrists who were in the church John was writing to, that is, the antichrists were people who were trying to preach Satan’s perverted version of the gospel. What is the difference between the antichrist and antichrists in the church John is writing to? In what ways do we see the spirit of antichrist at work in our day? If one was making a list, it would be much shorter if we included only the ways we don’t see the spirit of antichrist at work. Beginning with the 10 commandments which Christians so believe to be the Word of God, how many are actually respected, that is, followed? How many no longer have meaning, and, if questioned would only receive a rebuke of many, many words like one would expect from the best of trial lawyers? Quote
hanks Posted May 3, 2018 Report Posted May 3, 2018 Q1. (1 John 2:18) What is this antichrist that John expects to come? What is the difference between the antichrist and antichrists in the church John is writing to? In what ways do we see the spirit of antichrist at work in our day? John warns about an antichrist that will arise prior to the coming of Christ and pretend to be Christ. This is the antichrist mentioned in Daniel 9:26-27 (referred to by Jesus in Matthew 24:15), Revelation 13, and 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 - the one who will proclaim that he is God. Then, there are also the other antichrists John refers to, the false teachers that were in the church during his time, and are in the church even today. These are false teachers who offer a false Jesus and a false gospel. They are enemies of our Lord Jesus, and fake Church leaders that are opposed to Christ and His truth – they are most dangerous because of their ability to pretend to be what they are not. It is remarkable that today there are so many who deny Jesus Christ – perhaps a warning that the coming of the Saviour is near. We can identify them all by their lifestyles and their **** for money and material things. True believers are led by the Holy Spirit, and can stand against false teachers and the Antichrist. Quote
haar Posted June 28, 2018 Report Posted June 28, 2018 Q1. (1 John 2:18) Q. What is this antichrist that John expects to come? A. He is the adversary, the opponent of Jesus Christ Q. What is the difference between the antichrist and antichrists in the church John is writing to? A. The Antichrist is Satan who is yet to come while the antichrist in the church are those possessed with the spirit of the antichrist who go about carrying out acts as that of the antichrist namely denying the God nature of Christ and carry out acts of ungodliness in the church Q. In what ways do we see the spirit of antichrist at work in our day? A. Denying that Jesus is God and carrying acts of immorality and ungodliness Quote
Felix Ako Anang Posted June 19, 2019 Report Posted June 19, 2019 The antichrist that John expects to come are those who pretend to be part of God's true church, but as John writes in verse 19'"they went out of from us but they were not of us. The antichrist are deceives who have gone out into the world who do not confess Christ Jesus as coming in the flesh . This is a deceiver and an antichrist. 2 John 7. Antichrist are those who are against the true Christ Teaching and preaching of another Gosple is the spirit operating now Quote
Reuben Posted August 30, 2021 Report Posted August 30, 2021 Q1. (1 John 2:18) What is this antichrist that John expects to come? What is the difference between the antichrist and antichrists in the church John is writing to? In what ways do we see the spirit of antichrist at work in our day? John refers to the antichrist that Daniel prophesied about, that is still to come and rule, and deceive the world and persecute Christians. The abomination that causes desolation in the temple of God. This antichrist is a person that is yet to reveal himself, the beast from the sea as described in Revelation, but the antichrists in the church are those who are in the church but walk in darkness. They are the ones that teach a happy go lucky, lets apply this and that text as we see fit to suit us. The false teachers. I am still frustrated by churches I attend ,and each one has its own little identity that makes them " the right one", and good people accepting the man made rituals and traditions in these churches as gospel. What astonishes me is that the teachers/pastors/priests, in these churches should know very clearly what scripture says, and warns us about, but they still cling to doctrine from Bible college of this and that church, and then sign oaths to stick to the program.? It is in these ways from the days of John writing to the churches that we already see the spirit of the antichrist at work in the world, and if we look in almost every country in the world how the moral compass, and Biblical principles have been watered down, or abolished it is clear that the prince of this world is at work, and working hard because his time is running out. Stay strong, uphold the truth. Quote
Krissi Posted November 26, 2021 Report Posted November 26, 2021 What is this antichrist that John expects to come? No one knows for sure, but it seems to me -- I'm not well informed -- that the antiChrist comes in a physical form, as a person or persons, and as an idea or ideology, the spirit of the antiChrist" both of which are contrary to Christ's teaching. What is the difference between the antichrist and antichrists in the church John is writing to? Some think that there will be many anti-Christs before the final, big anti-Christ. I can surely list people that I think are diabolical, but does this rise to the level of being an anti-Christ? We all do anti-Christ things (that's sin) and yet there must be people who are so saturated with sin that their lives and being are against God. In what ways do we see the spirit of antichrist at work in our day? In my opinion, totalitarian-like pressures among environmentalists, who seek to transform and control the economy through exaggerated environmental claims, and the COVID vaccine which is not about a virus but about compliance and control, getting us to accept that the state has ownership over our bodies. I am struck, in John's passages, how Jew-centric is the antiChrist -- setting up and defiling the temple, etc. -- and wonder if there are two parallel tracks at the end, one for Jews and one for Christians. Quote
Rob Mc. Posted June 6, 2022 Report Posted June 6, 2022 (1 John 2:18) What is this antichrist that John expects to come? He is telling us that a false Christ will come at the end of days. There will be “godly” signs and miracles performed to sway the believers towards this false messiah. What is the difference between the antichrist and antichrists in the church John is writing to? THE antichrist will be a nationwide (worldwide) figure, leading a centralized new “religion.” He will appear on the scene at once (rise to ‘fame’ from practically nowhere), supported by the governments and spiritual leaders of that day. The false prophets in the church are more localized, and are leading the perversion and falling away from the ground up. In what ways do we see the spirit of antichrist at work in our day? In simple terms, in the decadence and sinfulness of today’s world. Many former Christians have been led back into lasciviousness behavior, and many worldly nations’ leadership/governments are leading the way. Quote
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