Pastor Ralph Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 Q5. (1 John 2:26-27) If we have the Holy Spirit, why do we need teachers in the church? How does the role of the anointing differ from the Holy Spirit's spiritual gift of teaching? Quote
Eudora Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 Q5. (1 John 2:26-27) If we have the Holy Spirit, why do we need teachers in the church? Both Quote
l.a. Posted October 17, 2009 Report Posted October 17, 2009 Q5. (1 John 2:26-27) If we have the Holy Spirit, why do we need teachers in the church? How does the role of the anointing differ from the Holy Spirit's spiritual gift of teaching? I am glad we have teachers and others in the church to receive further insight to scriptures. Many times I can find a passage that is confusing and gain further revelation from hearing another person's perspective on the same scripture passage. From here, I depend on the Holy Spirit to confirm the insight within me. These can be real 'aha!' moments. Quote
arkansasneva Posted October 17, 2009 Report Posted October 17, 2009 Q5. (1 John 2:26-27) If we have the Holy Spirit, why do we need teachers in the church? How does the role of the anointing differ from the Holy Spirit's spiritual gift of teaching? WE NEED BOTH BUT WE ARE NOT TO RELY ON MAN. THEY ARE LEAD BY THE HOLY SPIRIT AND GIVING WHAT THEY HAVE RECEIVED. BUT WE ARE NOT TO RELY SOLELY ON WHAT MAN SAYS. WE ARE TO SEEK THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR OURSELF Quote
JPS Posted October 18, 2009 Report Posted October 18, 2009 God has placed teachers in the church to equipt us.... the Holy Spirit reveals to others possibly things that we dont fully understand. When we hear these teachings the Holy Spirit will reveal all truths so we as believers are responsible to research these teachings to make sure they are not from another antichrist Quote
charisbarak Posted October 20, 2009 Report Posted October 20, 2009 We need teachers to guide us into the meanings of scripture. The teacher should be Spirit led. A good teacher will always encourage his students to check on what he has told them to see if it is true. It is a gift that God has given to the church. The anointing gives us the basic truth and shows us Jesus. The gift of teaching builds upon our own study of the Word. In fact, the Holy Spirit will also guide there as well, giving us discernment as to whether or not the teacher is teaching the truth!! Quote
medillon Posted October 20, 2009 Report Posted October 20, 2009 . (1 John 2:26-27) If we have the Holy Spirit, why do we need teachers in the church? How does the role of the anointing differ from the Holy Spirit's spiritual gift of teaching? We only need teachers for this reason...(Eph 4:11-13 NLT) He is the one who gave these gifts to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. {12} Their responsibility is to equip God's people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ, {13} until we come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God's Son that we will be mature and full grown in the Lord, measuring up to the full stature of Christ. The anointing equips us for service and the Holy Spirit's gift of Teaching is beneficial to us through the anointing of the teacher. Quote
pickledilly Posted October 20, 2009 Report Posted October 20, 2009 The Holy Spirit uses the Word to convict sinners and grow believers into maturity. As humans, we certainly need instruction in God's Word. The Body of Christ ranges from spiritual babies to seasoned veterans, with people at every conceivable stage of growth and maturity! God gives spiritual gifts to every Christian, and some are given a supernatural ability to discern and educate. A suitable teacher, under the Spirit's direction, offers Christian experience and deep study to those who may not have as much of either. But only the One who gave the Word can teach the inner man how to rightly understand and personally apply what s/he has heard. He alone can expertly wield the Sword of Truth to divide soul and spirit (Hebrews 4:12). This comes through the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit in a believer, our anointing. So, to me, here is a simple understanding of the difference. This anointment with the Spirit is for His work to develop Christ's character in us and His spiritual giftings are for His outer works in ministering to the Body of Christ through us. In the context of this question, the Spirit uses teachers with their divine endowments to instruct others in the Word, but only the Spirit Himself can give divine inspiration, discernment, wisdom, and direction for educating believers how to live it out in the way that pleases the LORD. The problem John specifically addressed was antichrist teachers who deny the Father and the Son. We certainly must reject them! The Holy Spirit always teaches in truth, which is always in agreement with His Word. Quote
BJB123 Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 In addition to the Holy Spirit, we need spirit led teachers to help explain the scriptures that we may not fully understand. The anointed teacher will help prepare the Saint for ministry. Teachers are very special and have received the anointing to teach. I thank God for the teachers I have had over the years that have helped me and given me more understanding of the Word. Quote
Sarah43 Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 Q5. (1 John 2:26-27) If we have the Holy Spirit, why do we need teachers in the church? How does the role of the anointing differ from the Holy Spirit's spiritual gift of teaching? We do need teachers in the church, but we must beware and use the inward dwelling spirit of Christ as the ultimate and final teacher. We are all human. We can all stray, and lead others to stray. Only Christ is perfect. I think of a story my husband told me about a church he used to attend, where the pastor himself seduced a women of his congregation, or maybe she was the originator of temptation. Who started it does not matter. Neither one helped the other and identified Satan for who he was. Neither sought the Holy Spirit to help them. Anointing is a symbol of the indwelling Spirit. Quote
open2itall Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 If we have the Holy Spirit, why do we need teachers in the church? The Holy Spirit starts the process that will sanctify our natures, and enable us to live righteously. It Quote
s8nfighter Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 Q5. (1 John 2:26-27) If we have the Holy Spirit, why do we need teachers in the church? How does the role of the anointing differ from the Holy Spirit's spiritual gift of teaching? That is a good question, why do we need teachers in the church? Jesus says that there will be many who come to lead His sheep away with false doctrines. Paul was in prison, because he taught the truth about the gospel, when he wrote to Timothy. He answered both your questions here. Hold on to the pattern of wholesome teaching you learned from me Quote
Guest gener Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 Q5. (1 John 2:26-27) If we have the Holy Spirit, why do we need teachers in the church? How does the role of the anointing differ from the Holy Spirit's spiritual gift of teaching? We really need teacher in the church we are all not teacher, teaching is a gift from God if we use it in the right way it help us edify the faith of the weak. Annointing is a sacred act to do something spicific, while the spiritual gift is something you have to develop to be use for the church welfare, annointing and Holy Spirit's spiritual gifts work hand in hand. Gener Quote
hanks Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 Q5. (1 John 2:26-27) If we have the Holy Spirit, why do we need teachers in the church? How does the role of the anointing differ from the Holy Spirit's spiritual gift of teaching? Christians do not need any teaching apart from what is found in the Word of God as to the truth of God. John wrote concerning false teachers as a warning. We received the anointing from the Lord Jesus, and the anointing is the Holy Spirit that abides in us. John is not saying we do not need Christian teachers in the church, rather he is saying there is no need for additional truth. With the Word of God in our hands and the Spirit of God in our hearts, we have all that we need for instruction in the truth of God. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 We do need teachers in the church and I needed them more when I was younger in the faith. There was so much I didn't understand and was grateful for help in discerning truth and finding that in the Bible. But there was a warning there also. There were people trying to teach me untruths also! So, remaining in close communion with God was imperative, because I did have the Holy Spirit who led me through some pretty difficult times to show me I could not, nor should ever, rely on any man, woman or teacher to lead me in all truth! The role of anointing differs from the gift of teaching, in that it refers to (in this passage)an anointing by the Holy Spirit. It indicates that believers have an anointing from " The Holy One" and indicates that when we are anointed, we are rendered holy and set apart for God. This enables us by the Holy Spirit to possess a knowledge of all truths. The "gift of teaching" is given on an individual basis to help believers, find the truths for our instruction. This is possible through the Holy Spirit and "the anointing" he has given us that has enabled us to understand! Good teachers to me were not the ones who wanted to mindlessly "feed me" but were ones who understood my own annointing and taught me where to find the truth and encouraged me to "grow up" in the faith to practice what I had been annointed to do...... live by the Spirit! Quote
JanMary Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 Q5. (1 John 2:26-27) If we have the Holy Spirit, why do we need teachers in the church? Teachers equip and train us for ministry, though we are not to rely on them for our "feeding" but rather to enrich and expand on what we read and study in our Bible reading. We are to listen with ears to hear, and yet with wisdom...checking as the Bereans in Acts 17:11 did, "receiving the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." How does the role of the anointing differ from the Holy Spirit's spiritual gift of teaching? John speaks of the anointing we as believers all received at salvation (the unction to function), but not all believers have the gift of teaching. The gifts of the Spirit are distributed as He wills, to fit us into the body. "We are parts of one another mutually dependent on one another, having gifts that differ according to the grace given us." (Rom.12:5) The anointing helps us to apply the teaching of others in our lives as He conforms us into the image of Christ, and to then be able to go out and minister to others. Quote
Moises Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 Q5. (1 John 2:26-27) If we have the Holy Spirit, why do we need teachers in the church? How does the role of the anointing differ from the Holy Spirit's spiritual gift of teaching? Q5. (1 John 2:26-27) If we have the Holy Spirit, why do we need teachers in the church? How does the role of the anointing differ from the Holy Spirit's spiritual gift of teaching? The Holy Spirit will always be there. Teachers will be among us as many as the Spirit will want them to be, other gifted people will be there too. Are we not dependant upon each other? Are we not to live in communion with other people? Is diversity not enriching? That is why the Spirit gives us different gifts. Quote
hawktress Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 Q5. (1 John 2:26-27) If we have the Holy Spirit, why do we need teachers in the church? How does the role of the anointing differ from the Holy Spirit's spiritual gift of teaching? Unity (one spirit)and so we re-affirm our findings and beliefs from our personal daily fellowship and studies with Lord, and we have sound doctrine not false. Need teachers for new believers to build on their new faith.. The Church - Body of Christ is for fellowship, reaffirmation, teaching and accountability. ie.. A while back, in a five day period three different times, two preachers (two different denominations) and one book (preacher another denomination), all spoke the same message on Grieving the Holy Spirit. It was amazing. And it's an interesting passage. Sometimes our opinions might vary on speculation of the time period in the passage or sometimes we may disagree on small issues. I have found the overall message with the Holy Spirit is consistent from passage to passage, doesn't matter what denomination. Quote
cdk Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 Q5. (1 John 2:26-27) If we have the Holy Spirit, why do we need teachers in the church? How does the role of the anointing differ from the Holy Spirit's spiritual gift of teaching? Quote
cdk Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 Q5. (1 John 2:26-27) If we have the Holy Spirit, why do we need teachers in the church? How does the role of the anointing differ from the Holy Spirit's spiritual gift of teaching? Quote
cdk Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 i think its helpfull to have other people of the body of christ with the holy spirit and what the lord has given to them to give us more insight on the scripture. Quote
MarkH Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 We are the body of Christ. In the world people are born without all the limbs and parts of the body, (some are born with extra). These persons learn to do with out the missing limbs; it would be easier if they had the missing limb to function; the same with the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-14 tells us the body of Christ has apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. They are needed for us to become perfect; to edify the body, to get the work of God done in the way God wants it done. Once this is done we will have unity in the faith and become perfect men and women. We won Quote
nurselaino Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 Q5. (1 John 2:26-27) If we have the Holy Spirit, why do we need teachers in the church? How does the role of the anointing differ from the Holy Spirit's spiritual gift of teaching? 1Jn 2:26 I'm writing to you about those who are trying to deceive you. 1Jn 2:27 The anointing you received from Christ lives in you. You don't need anyone to teach you something else. Instead, Christ's anointing teaches you about everything. His anointing is true and contains no lie. So live in Christ as he taught you to do. God gave to some the gift of teaching to help in equipping all believers in spreading the gospel and living our lives for Christ. It is up to us to use judgment on what we hear and see if it stands up to what the Lord teaches. The Holy Spirit's anointing guides us in the way we are to shows to us the truth while teaching from those who have received it as a spiritual gift is taking what the Holy Spirit is showing us and helping us to be equipped to add it to our lives. We should never rely completely on what others have to say but we need to take the teachings and apply them to our lives. Quote
Lionbait Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 Q5. (1 John 2:26-27) If we have the Holy Spirit, why do we need teachers in the church? How does the role of the anointing differ from the Holy Spirit's spiritual gift of teaching? We need those who have been gifted to build us up, but the Holy Spirit is our guide and campanion directing us through what is right and waht is wrong Quote
MarkH Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 Q5. (1 John 2:26-27) If we have the Holy Spirit, why do we need teachers in the church? Both Quote
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