Craig Posted November 9, 2009 Report Posted November 9, 2009 Q1. (1 John 2:29-3:2) In what sense are we "children of God"? What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this "new birth"? How does the new birth change us? We are made spiritual children of God when we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour. Upon accepting Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit fills the believer creating a new perspective and worldview -- a new heart and mind. The Holy Spirit identifies with our spirit making us children of God. It is all about identification. Once I get saved I begin to idenfity with my Father in Heaven. I begin to take on the Mind of Christ. Quote
Debra M. Posted November 9, 2009 Report Posted November 9, 2009 In what sense are we "children of God"? Because our spirits have been given life. Therefore, we experience rebirth in a spiritual sense. Our spirits (before coming to salvation) were lifeless and without meaning, but once we become saved our spirits are made alive and meaningful and we become spirit beings that have a soul and body. What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this "new birth"? The Holy Spirit moves on the inside of us and sparks the life into our own spirit. He is that which brings life to our spirit. We are born into this earth with body and soul. However, we are reborn into this earth with spirit. The Holy Spirit becomes a witness (the evidence) with our own spirit, reconciling us to God the Father. What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this "new birth"? Our lives are governed by or controlled by our souls, before our spirit is given life. Once our spirit is given life, there is now another governing system within us that directs us in life. This new governing system (with the proper information) will begin to change the way we think and behave and is opposed to the old system. Quote
sweetpea Posted November 10, 2009 Report Posted November 10, 2009 Q1. (1 John 2:29-3:2) In what sense are we "children of God"? What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this "new birth"? How does the new birth change us? We are children of God by the sense that before we accepted Jesus in our lives we were dead in sin. Once we accepted Jesus, He gave us life in Him The Holy Spirit gives us new birth by changing our lives from inside out and directing our path. The new birth changes us by making us want to do good and to draw closer to Jesus and try to live the way Jesus wants us to Quote
Greta Posted November 12, 2009 Report Posted November 12, 2009 We are children of God because His Spirit lives in us. The Holy Spirit enters us when we receive Christ as our saviour. The Holy Spirit in us changes us, first by giving us an overwhelming love for God and then by making us righteous. Quote
linda bass Posted November 16, 2009 Report Posted November 16, 2009 We are "children of God" in the sense that when we accept Christ,we are adopted into God's family. What the Holy Spirit has to do with the "new birth" is that He testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. The new birth changes us in that it takes us out of Satan's kingdom of darkness and brings us into God's heavenly kingdom. Quote
Antwan Posted November 21, 2009 Report Posted November 21, 2009 Q1. (1 John 2:29-3:2) In what sense are we "children of God"? What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this "new birth"? How does the new birth change us? We are children of God, born of Him spiritually, when the Holy Spirit comes into our hearts, and we submit to His leadership and standards of righteous living. Quote
Commissioned Posted November 21, 2009 Report Posted November 21, 2009 Q1. (1 John 2:29-3:2) In what sense are we "children of God"? We are not children of God in some kind of general sense. But very specifically, we are children of God because God sent his Spirit into our hearts to bring new life. The Apostle Paul tells us of the gracious presence of God's Spirit in us when he says: "You received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, 'Abba, Father.' The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children." (Romans 8:15b-16). What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this "new birth"? The Holy Spirit is our conveyor to new birth in Christ. Jesus to Nicodemus that no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again,and He went on to say that, "Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, You must be born again" (John 3:6-7). How does the new birth change us? The new birth is a spiritual rather than natural birth. The Spirit gives birth to the spirit in man and the spirit of man is born again unto the spiritual things of God. No longer should there be desires for the control of the flesh but that of the Spirit and in continuous communion with the Holy Spirit, our Guide and Teacher. Quote
maddog Posted December 11, 2009 Report Posted December 11, 2009 Q1. (1 John 2:29-3:2) In what sense are we "children of God"? What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this "new birth"? How does the new birth change us? We are children of God when we carry ourselves justly and holy because He is holy. We should remember that the Holy Spirit was given to us to teach, guide, and remind us of the relationship we have with the Father and Christ. The Holy Spirit gives us a new birth because we come into the light from the dark. We are changed because the way we live and carry ourselves is "new." Our heart and souls have been given new life. Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted December 13, 2009 Report Posted December 13, 2009 Q1. (1 John 2:29-3:2) In what sense are we "children of God"? We are children of God because if we belive on Him and His righteousness we are born again as His child. What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this "new birth"? We are told that we must be born of water and the Spirit in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. The Spirit fills us with our new birth, this is not the physical birth of being born to our mother. How does the new birth change us? The new birth changes us because I am now a child of the King.....a changed person, new in God's eyes. Quote
browniiiii Posted January 20, 2010 Report Posted January 20, 2010 Q1. (1 John 2:29-3:2) In what sense are we "children of God"? What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this "new birth"? How does the new birth change us? We are children of God because He created us. Through the Holy Spirit we are born again This new birth gives us a new begining and a chance to live in the Kingdom of God Quote
royk Posted May 16, 2010 Report Posted May 16, 2010 Q1. (1 John 2:29-3:2) In what sense are we "children of God"? What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this "new birth"? How does the new birth change us? We are Father God's very own children and he is our very own father {Romans 8]. So we were born again into real life, eternal life. And we will be continually tested and expected to grow in faith, if we make the right choice. This is our joy to remain in Jesus, and he will remain in us. He is the Word, the life and the truth, the only real truth. With the new birth we can start ot see this and start to let God reign in our lives. He has a plan for each of us and it is the only real right-plan. What a blessing to be a child o God, and to have been made righteous by Jesus' blood. Quote
anne1151 Posted March 1, 2011 Report Posted March 1, 2011 Q1. (1 John 2:29-3:2) In what sense are we "children of God"? What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this "new birth"? How does the new birth change us? 1.In a spiritual sense, 2.God sent the Holy Spirit into us to lead us into our Fathers will, to keep us in our Fathers way. 3.Allows us to be Gods children rather than earthly children as long as we remain a Christian, loving God and serving Him we can call God, Father. Quote
Ramon Posted July 25, 2011 Report Posted July 25, 2011 Answer; 1. In what sense are we "children of God"? When we are born in the Spirit. There are two aspect for which we are Born..Born of the water(PHYSICAL BIRTH),and Born of the Spirit(BORN AGAIN SPIRIT)..The two birth must happen Quote
Deborah Eberhard Posted November 2, 2011 Report Posted November 2, 2011 In what sense are we "children of God"? We are children of God when we are reborn asking for forgiveness of our sins and receive the Holy Spirit into our hearts. What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this "new birth"? The Holy Spirit moves into us and resides in us making us no longer of this world, but reborn into God's Kingdom. How does the new birth change us? The new birth changes us completely. We become better aware of right and wrong. We tend to worry less knowing God is in control. We know the impossible is now possible with God guiding our lives. Quote
servant for Christ Posted November 8, 2011 Report Posted November 8, 2011 We are children of God when we are born again and the Spirit is living in us. Being a child of God is the highest privilege of our salvation. The Holy Spirit adopts us. God wants us to boe increasingly made aware through the Holy Spirit, the " Spirit of adoption" that we are His children. Holy Spirit agrees with our spirit that we are God's children. The new birth will change us because being a child of God is the basis for our faith and trust in God and our hope for the future. As children of God, we are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. The Spirit produces the cry Abba Father in our hearts and gives us the desire to be led by the Spirit. Being a child of God is the basis for our discipline by the Father and the reason we live to please God. God's ultimate goal in making us His children is to save us forever and to conform us to the image of His Son. Quote
jacquie7 Posted April 11, 2012 Report Posted April 11, 2012 In the sense that we are born again of God’s Spirit that He sent to live inside of us; we have received the Spirit of Sonship, and the Holy Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are children of God’s. This new birth changes us in that we become more like Jesus taking on His characteristics. We transform from worldly thinking and behaviors to Godly thinking and behaviors by the renewing of our minds. Quote
Craig Posted April 9, 2013 Report Posted April 9, 2013 Q1. (1 John 2:29-3:2) In what sense are we "children of God"? What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this "new birth"? How does the new birth change us? The born again believer's position in Christ makes him/her a child of God -- see Romans 5 and 8. John opens his gospel by saying: "But as many as received Him (Jesus), to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name." John 1:12 Flesh cannot be made into spirit. A person must experience a spiritual rebirth and that involves the presence of the Holy spirit within the very being of a person. The Holy Spirit illuminates the mind and spirit and creates an identity/relationship between the individual and God. It's the Holy Spirit that creates pressure and drive within the person to trust and obey God's Word, to lead a Godly, holy life, and to seek God's will for their life. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted May 18, 2013 Report Posted May 18, 2013 Q1. (1 John 2:29-3:2) In what sense are we "children of God"? We are the adopted children of God. When we accept Christ's sacrificial death and are united with Him in Baptism we become dead to sin and alive to God. With that adoption come all the rights and priveliges of sonship (or daughtership for the ladies) that go along with being children of God. We are brothers and sisters of Jesus Himself. What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this "new birth"? It is the Holy Spirit dwelling within us who brings us to life in Christ. "It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me" How does the new birth change us? We gradually become conformed to the likeness of God's Son, Jesus. And why not? We're family now!! Quote
Jesus is the Answer Posted December 21, 2013 Report Posted December 21, 2013 Being children of God is a unique priviledge whereby we have access to all the benefits, blessings , promises and provission of God by faith in Jesus Christ through the New Birth , by being Born of God , Born Again. We are all the Creation of God but only children of God by the New Birth . According to Scripture we enter the Kingdom of God (the family of God) by being Born Again . John 3:3-5 . Also John 1:11-13 (AMP.) "" He came to that which belonged to Him [to His own—His domain, creation, things, world], and they who were His own did not receive Him and did not welcome Him. But to as many as did receive and welcome Him, He gave the authority (power, privilege, right) to become the children of God, that is, to those who believe in (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) His name— Who owe their birth neither to bloods nor to the will of the flesh [that of physical impulse] nor to the will of man [that of a natural father], but to God. [They are born of God! Born Again!] "" The Holy Spirit draws us To Jesus and Comes into our lives when we are Born Again and testifies or agrees with our spirit that we are now the Children of God. The New Birth brings us into a father-child relationship with our heavenly Father . we were seperated from God because of sin but through the New Birth we begin a New Life as Children of God . Our desires and attitudes are towards pleasing our heavenly Father . we go from being Spiritually bankrupt to having all spiritual blessings in heavenly places , from spiritual death (eternal seperation from God) to eternal Life . PRAISE THE LORD . THANK YOU JESUS Quote
Old Jerry Posted February 10, 2014 Report Posted February 10, 2014 We are children of God in the sense that we have been adopted. Jesus has made it possible to be adopted into the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is part of the family and is in us to help us when we pray and to keep us on track of doing what God wants us to do. This will change us because we are going to want to be like Jesus. Quote
wifee Posted February 22, 2014 Report Posted February 22, 2014 1a)We are God’s spiritual children,Spiritual birth happens the moment when we first believed and receive Jesus as our Lord and saviour, God sent his Spirit of sonship into our hearts,the Spirit himself agrees /testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.The Holy Spirit adopts us. b)We are born again through His Spirit at work in us-'I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, You must be born again.'" (John 3:3-7) c)New birth means that we are a new creation through the blood of Jesus,we become righteous,no he difference between right&wrong,seek to live more in ways pleasing to God,right living as he has commanded us to,loving others,forgiving others when they offend us.2 Cor 5:17-So then, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; what is old has passed away, what is new has come. John 2:29 If you know that he is righteous, you know that everyone who does what is right has been born of him. John 4:24- God is spirit, and the people who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.In the future too when Jesus comes again,when he appears phaneroō) we shall be like him homoios,our resurrection bodies will be like his resurrection body,free of any sign of disease or sin,cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Quote
cezhead Posted March 4, 2015 Report Posted March 4, 2015 We are children of God because we have been adopted by Him and born again by the Holy Spirit living in us. This changes us because it helps us to see everything in a whole new perspective : God's perspective. If we have truly repented and the Holy Spirit lives in us, we will truly see everything in a new light. Quote
JSF Posted May 27, 2016 Report Posted May 27, 2016 In what sense are we "children of God"? What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this "new birth"? How does the new birth change us? God adopted us as sons through Jesus Christ. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. The Holy Spirit is who grants us faith and makes us alive spiritually. We are made new in the attitude of our minds. We put on the new self - created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Quote
Uncle Dave Posted March 21, 2017 Report Posted March 21, 2017 In what sense are we "children of God"? What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this "new birth"? Like Jesus said, we all have to be born of water AND the spirit. We come into this world by way of water but it is when we repent of sin that the Holy Spirit becomes part of us that we experience the new birth. It is by this new birth we become children of God. How does the new birth change us? This new birth changes us in that we are given a new kind of wisdom, one the world can never understand. We become strengthened against sin and no longer want to do things that are displeasing to God. Quote
hanks Posted May 13, 2018 Report Posted May 13, 2018 Q1. (1 John 2:29-3:2) In what sense are we "children of God"? What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this "new birth"? How does the new birth change us? In Romans 5:8 we read of God’s love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us; now on top of this He has made us His children! Not children in some distant future but now! All of this is truly mind boggling and reminds me of Psalm 8 where David asks “what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them.” If that is not enough, we inherit our Father’s estate and will be heirs with Jesus Christ. Amazing! Knowing that we are His children should encourage us to live as Jesus did. It is through the Holy Spirit that we are born again. We receive a new nature and are made fit for the kingdom of God – this spiritual birth occurs when we put our trust in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. His inward presence reminds us of who we are, encouraging us, and enabling us to live by His power (Acts 1:8). As believers, the Holy Spirit gives us the ability, and support to serve our Heavenly Father and bring glory to Him. Quote
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