haar Posted October 28, 2009 Report Posted October 28, 2009 Lawlessness show up in a person's attitude through either active rebellion or passive indifference to God, His commands. In either case, it is sin. Quote
Jen Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? By living in continuous sin and being unrepentant we are lawless. We are outside the laws of God and doing what is wrong and not sorry about it. We are rejecting the holiness of God and therefore leading lives of sin which as in the days of the outlaws of the West (for example) leads to the tragic consequences due to those who break the law. And never forget our sin affects others and it maybe further reaching than we would ever think. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
Sarah43 Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? Pride and self determination reflect lawlessness, disobedience and shutting God from our hearts. This causes us to sin. We can do nothing else when we deny God. Quote
Delivered Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? One Quote
MarkH Posted October 30, 2009 Report Posted October 30, 2009 The reason Jesus came to earth was to free us so we did not have worry about keeping the law which God gave to Moses. God knew that we could not keep the law, even though men swore that they would keep it. While Jesus was on the earth He fulfilled the law. When we sin we place ourselves back under the law and we go further and further into breaking the law until we confess that only through the blood of Jesus are we cleansed from the law we cannot keep. Quote
Don W Posted October 30, 2009 Report Posted October 30, 2009 When that person refuses to acknowledge God as his Lord and Savior, and to go his own way and to do whatever he/she wants to do in their lives; this is the lawlessness of sin that shows in their attitudes as well as their actions; and it causes sin in our own lives, even though we are saved from sin by the precious blood of our Lord Jesus, we still have as human beings this attitude of lawlessness and sin in us; but praise be to God that He has saved us from all of these things and brought us to Him in giving us new lives in Christ Jesus! Amen! Quote
diana47 Posted October 30, 2009 Report Posted October 30, 2009 it is a matter of continual behavior, expressed by the present,continous tense. it is possibleto have sin even if there is no law.sin was in the world between the time of adam and moses,but this was before gods law had been given.thus it is not entirely accurate to say "that sin is a transgression of the law"but rather that sin is lawless.it is insubordination to god,wanting ones own way,and refusing to acknowledge the lord as rightfull sovereign.in essence it is placing ones own will above the will of god.it is oppostion to a living person who has the right to be obeyed. a christian cannot go on practicing sin,because that would be a complete denial of the purpose for which the lord jesus christ came into the world.to go on sin,therefore,is to live in utter disregard of the reason for his incarnation.again a christian cannot go on in sin because that would be a denial of the whose name he bears. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted October 31, 2009 Report Posted October 31, 2009 Lawlessness to me, deals with the commands Jesus gave. Love God above all things and love your neighbor as yourself. If you do these things, you will be in the will of God. Without loving God above all things, a person will go his/her own way, ignoring what they have learned of God and if we don't love others as ourselves, we are not living out the love of God we ourselves have received. The "attitudes" we get out of lawlessness is that we can operate outside of the will of God and that we can "talk" about religion, but we don't have to live it. We will, as Christians, be known for our love and not just with our "friends" but with some of those (like me!) that Jesus sought out to help and with that passion for seeing others come to Jesus who is their Savior and source of hope! So many times, the church has become so "cleaned up" we forget what it's all about. Quote
nurselaino Posted October 31, 2009 Report Posted October 31, 2009 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? 1Jn 3:4 Everyone who sins breaks God's law, because sin is the same as breaking God's law. Lawlessness shows up in both our attitudes and actions when we decide that God's laws are not for us. When we decide that we know best and have no further need to listen to our Creator. When we have that attitude and act on it we are saying that we no longer accept that Christ is Lord over our lives and that we can do well enough with out Him...we are saying that we know better. Quote
janel Posted October 31, 2009 Report Posted October 31, 2009 Q3 As we are born of the flesh, we tend to follow the things and style of the world and once off focus, we always deny our wrong doing, we start to point fingers and our attitude is more of the "I." So the phrase 'holy than thou' abides in us and nobody can tell or direct our actions. When we are above everything we are worshiping ourselves as God and tend to do things our own way not realising that this is against God's commandments and rejecting His Lordship over our life. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted November 1, 2009 Report Posted November 1, 2009 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? A person Quote
charchar Posted November 2, 2009 Report Posted November 2, 2009 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? Lawlessness show up in ones attitude and actions by them doing whatever there want and have no concern of the blessing of God and all that was done for us through grace and mercy. Many are not concern about what people say are think and this become a time when a Christian try to talk to them about the sin that is not pleasing with God. There will turn it around and make it seem like someone is judging them. That is usually a way for most to continue in doing what is not pleasing to God. Quote
masika Posted November 2, 2009 Report Posted November 2, 2009 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? The law of God given to man as a rule of life. God has given a law to men to regulate their conduct, and that whatever is a departure from that law in any way is held to be sin. The law measures our duty, and measures therefore the degree of guilt when it is not obeyed. The law determines what is right in all cases, and, of course, what is wrong when it is not complied with. The law is the expression of what is the will of God as to what we shall do; and when that is not done, there is sin. The law determines what we shall love or not love; when our passions and appetites shall be bounded and restrained, and to what extent they may be indulged; what shall be our motives and aims in living; how we shall act toward God and toward men; and whenever, in any of these respects, its requirements are not complied with, there is sin. This will include everything in relation to which the law is given, and will embrace what we omit to do when the law has commanded a thing to be done, as well as a positive act of transgression where the law has forbidden a thing. Quote
Sandra K Posted November 2, 2009 Report Posted November 2, 2009 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? Lawlessness shows up in an attitude when the person decides that God has no reign over them. It is a disregard for God. This attitude causes a person to do what he wants...and much of that is sinful. Quote
Paul H Posted November 2, 2009 Report Posted November 2, 2009 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? It shows up as an attitude of rebellion against God and His commands. In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? The attitude is one of no one else can tell me what to do, in other words I make up the rules and am a law unto myself. This itself is lawlessness, and leads to sin. Quote
Magnus Posted November 3, 2009 Report Posted November 3, 2009 [*]How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions?Our lawlessness shows up when we rationalize our rebellion; when we make excuses for our actions; when we put ourselves above God. [*]In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives?We are all broken people, born into Adam, and we are by that nature unrestrained by the law. When we are born anew, we are no longer in Adam, but in Christ Quote
Jesus Freak Posted November 4, 2009 Report Posted November 4, 2009 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? Lawlessness show's up in the form of pride, judgement and self worth. Proverbs 3:34 says God mocks proud mockers but gives grace to the humble. It's imperative that we stay in the Spirit and avoid the flesh, lest we give in to it. "Do not let sin reign in your body so that you obey it's evil desires." Rom. 6:12 Truly, anything that compromises our righteousness in Him, is detrimental to our walk and demands repentance and prayer. As we let the world seep in our lives, sin becomes common place and make us almost numb to it, or worse tolerant of it. Therefore whatever vices, idols, weakness we each suffer from, the best thing it to rid yourself of it. Testimony: I've been unemployed for over a year, seeking diligently. God spoke to me through a minister last week, convicting me of watching worldly t.v. shows. I laid t.v. down and in 4 days I got a job. Praise God! He wants all of our time, beloved. Quote
STEPHEN ROSS Posted November 4, 2009 Report Posted November 4, 2009 Lawlessness shows up in our lives when our attitudes are contrary to Gods word and they become a habitual practice in our lives affecting our walk with Christ . Much of society today is governed by a Spirit of Lawlessness in the World, with the disintegration of the family unit and an attitude that we need to tolerate everything and accept every practice whether it be good or evil. An attitude of Lawlessness can creep into our lives when we start to compromise, and accept worldly values as the norm. Quote
iam4-1god Posted November 5, 2009 Report Posted November 5, 2009 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? When we think we can do something ourselves-we don't need help, or when we don't respond well to instruction. Sometimes when we are told that we need to improve at work, or that we didn't do something right, and we get angry. All these things, and more will fester, and cause resentment, and cause the need for revenge, or some other sin to rise up and overtake us, if we don't watch ourselves. Confess and repent-that is the key! Quote
csreeves Posted November 7, 2009 Report Posted November 7, 2009 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? Sinners love sinning this world is full of murders, robbers, and the like. This is lawlessness sin run amoke. Sin is a normal part of being human, but God's children repent. To repend is to say I am sorry with a a sorrowful heart and then we turn from our sins to follow God by being more like God. Quote
MAMA Posted November 7, 2009 Report Posted November 7, 2009 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? Lawlessness shows up in a person' attitude and action when he/she believe that because sin is inherented from the fall we could never be free from sin; therefore there is no need to repent. The attitude of lawlessness is the cause of sin in our lives when we confess to be Christians while in church and act another way at work , home or school. We cant' be doubleminded we must be obedient to God's law;repent daily, and live holy. Patricia Quote
sweetpea Posted November 10, 2009 Report Posted November 10, 2009 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? Lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions through pride and jealousies, bad temper and such. When we do not repent and when we feel that what we are doing is not really 'that bad.' Quote
Debra M. Posted November 12, 2009 Report Posted November 12, 2009 How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? Lawlessness can be a result of not understanding who we are in Christ. 1 John 3:3 says that those that have the hope (expected good) of His salvation will have the desire to become a better person. There are many reasons why a person continues to remain in their practices of sin. When we call on Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, He cleans up our act so that we can begin to live and maintain a righteous lifestyle. Without understanding or accepting or believing our salvation, we will continue our old lifelstyle because our mindsets are not changed and this leads to attitudes and actions of lawlessness. Change is a constant and progressive lifestyle for the Christian. Though salvation is instant, sanctification is not. It is a work in progress. In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? Lawlessness does not take the Word of God seriously. Lawlessness is a mindset that abuses our salvation. Lawlessness is the result of an unchanged and unrenewed mind. Change and renewal require prayer and time spent in the Word of God, seeking to understand the salvation process. Sin begins with a thought and lawlessness is an undisciplined and unregenerate thought. Lawlessness is thinking like the world thinks. Quote
Greta Posted November 12, 2009 Report Posted November 12, 2009 Lawlessness shows up in a person's attitude and actions when we refuse to obey Jesus. When we go our own way instead of His. An attitude of lawlessness is an attitude of sin. Quote
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