Debbie Cambridge Posted November 15, 2009 Report Posted November 15, 2009 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? Lawlessness shows up is many ways - pride that you can do it alone, rebellion, deliberate ignorance, which leads to hardening of the heart, and destruction. In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? It is not deferring to the God of the universe which is extremely short-sighted and narrow. It is also very selfish. Men are not perfect, so will fail and fall, we can only achieve rightousness through Jesus sacrifice of his life for our sin. Quote
linda bass Posted November 16, 2009 Report Posted November 16, 2009 How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude's and actions? A person who is willfully sinning will either have an attitude of rebellion or passive indifference. In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? An attitude of lawlessness demonstrates the refusal to obey Jesus' commands. In essence,it is rejecting Christ's Lordship over one's life. Quote
Antwan Posted November 21, 2009 Report Posted November 21, 2009 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? Lawlessness shows up in a person's attitude and actions when you see that they take sin lightly; to them, it is no big deal to sin; also, when one doesn't take God's authority seriously, this results in sin, or the disregarding of His standards of living He has set forth for the church. Quote
Commissioned Posted November 21, 2009 Report Posted November 21, 2009 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? Lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions when they perform acts contrary to the Decalogue or the laws God or pure and simple, when one sins. In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? An attitude of lawlessness is the cause of sin in our lives because ther an indifference to the laws of God. This indifference is an attitude that ignore the moral laws of God and denies the importance of sin. Quote
maddog Posted December 11, 2009 Report Posted December 11, 2009 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? Lawlessness shows up by an attitude of self-interest, ignoring the affects it causes. Just as long as I get mine. Lawlessness is the cause of sin because we are more interest in achieving what we want, and, we will obtain it by any means necessary. To live holy and rightious we must model our lives after Christ and not fall victim to the flesh. Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted December 15, 2009 Report Posted December 15, 2009 How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? Lawlessness shows up in a persons's life by indifference or outright rebellion. SIn takes on all forms, it is the act of saying that we are not accountable to God, our higher authority figure. In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? An attitude of lawlessness makes us desire to please no one above ourselves, thus sin steps in. We need to bow to the diety of God and saty in His word. Quote
browniiiii Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? We can be actively rebellous and have an attitude of "No one can tell me what to do", or passively rebellous and feel that there are such things as trival or meaningless sin. When we feel either way, we are saying we don't have to listen to what Jesus' has said. Quote
royk Posted May 16, 2010 Report Posted May 16, 2010 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? We know what is God's law and that we should "delight in the law of the Lord" If we are not delighting to obey his, it si because we don't love him enough and have not recognized our need for him and how we are lost without him. We can either hold onto this or reach for it until we are back in touch. While we are/were lost, our sin was not obvious, but now the most obvious sins are known to Breaking God's law is like asking to go to jail; now does that make any sense? Knowing Jesus is coming back, does it make sense to sin? Quote
anne1151 Posted March 1, 2011 Report Posted March 1, 2011 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? 1.A person would not recognize Gods law, would not obey His commandment. Would start to excuse and justify his sins and failings rather than asking for Jesus to intercede and forgive. 2.I persnally fght against just leaping in and starting to do things my wayrather than praying and waiting for Gods instruction. Not recognizing that God is supreme in all things. Thinking we are above sin, not being humble. Quote
Ramon Posted July 26, 2011 Report Posted July 26, 2011 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? Answer: 1.How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? 1 John 3:4- Whosoever G3956 committeth G4160 sin G266 transgresseth G4160 G458 also G2532 the law G458: for G2532 sin G266 is G2076 the transgression of the law G458. The Word SIN here is a NOUN: G266 ἁμαρτία hamartia (ham-ar-tee'-ah) noun 1. a sin {properly abstract} [from G264] KJV: offence, sin(-ful) Root(s): G264 What is a Noun Quote
servant for Christ Posted November 8, 2011 Report Posted November 8, 2011 Lawlessness will show up because they will continue in their sin. It is a cause of sin in our live because we are not obeying the law. Living the way we want to, thinking nothing is wrong with it. Living as if there is no law or ignoring what laws exist. Quote
Deborah Eberhard Posted November 8, 2011 Report Posted November 8, 2011 How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? For me this was a difficult reality to face up to. I never realized how selfish I was and how my attitude effected the outcome of so many things. When we develop a true love for Jesus, and become well aware of who He really is, we better understand how our attitudes need to be changed. You really ask yourself before acting out on something, "What would Jesus do?" He wouldn't lie, cheat, or steal. And He certainly wouldn't act on selfish motivation when making any choice or decision. If He did, we most likely wouldn't be receiving the forgiveness we receive. When people say "I don't want to do that, it's not fair." I think to myself, Jesus probably didn't want to hang on that cross and die for all of our selfish, evil ways either, but HE DID, for us. In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? If we create our own set of rules and decide what we feel is just or unjust, it only leads to selfishness, and out of selfishness nothing good comes. We are bound to sin when we think of only ourselves. You need to have the same gentle, kind, loving, caring attitude that Jesus possessed. When you love someone, you treat them with kindness, and gentleness, and you can still teach them right from wrong. Look at all we have learned from Him!!! Quote
jacquie7 Posted April 13, 2012 Report Posted April 13, 2012 Lawlessness appears in ones’ attitude and actions when one continues to sin, is rebellious and self-willed. A lawless attitude causes sin in our lives in a sense that lawlessness is opposition to God; the person continues sin and does not repent or confess their sins, nor are they sorry for their sin. They don’t accept God’s authority to define right or wrong over their lives. Quote
Craig Posted April 13, 2013 Report Posted April 13, 2013 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? Simply put, sin is lawlessness in that it is insubordination to God, wanting one's own way -- my way -- refusing to acknowledge the Lord as rightful Sovereign. In essense it is placing one's own will above the will of God. It is opposition to a Living Person who has the right to be obeyed. The act of placing one's will and desires -- right or wrong, good or bad -- (whatever that means), above God's will is lawlessness which is sin. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted May 20, 2013 Report Posted May 20, 2013 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? I'm sure we've all met people who proudly say: No one can tell me what to do. When someone tries to, I just do the opposite. That's lawlessness, rebellion . . . not only against man but against God . . . and pride at work right there. My old boss at work years ago was the worst example of a human being I ever met. He was the most contrary, arrogant, hateful, blasphemous, envious, and just downright ornery person I've ever known in my life. He walked his own path and revelled in his ability to do that. I prayed for him daily for God to soften him for any number of reasons. I wanted to lead him to Christ and also I wanted God to help me not to kill him with my own hands just for being him! Then one day he just died. Had a massive heart attack and was dead in seconds. I asked God prayerfully why He'd allowed Bill to die before I'd been able to even get the opportunity to discuss the things of the Lord with him because he was just too ornery to be approached. The Bible verse that came into my head was this: "My Spirit will not always strive with man." This was in January 1991. Later that year our country of Australia went into a bad economic recession. Bill was receiving sly money from the boss for overtime not worked. It was hush money so he wouldn't rat the branch's bosses out to the head office for their own crooked ways. It was truly a nest of vipers where I worked. When the directive came down from head office to stop all overtime, they would have had to stop Bill's sly payments. He was getting an extra couple hundred dollars a week. That would have made him so insufferable . . . and he would have taken that frustration out on me. I believe God killed Bill so that I wouldn't do it myself. I used to go home some nights shaking with rage at his treatment of me and was almsot at breaking point as it was. Now he's in hell where he belongs. The Bible clearly says that such people will be gnashing their teeth in the darkness. That's the punishment for lawlessness. I can't think of a better example of how lawlessness shows up in a person's attitude and actions. In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? Lawlessness IS sin. Simple as that. While we have the attitude that we're in the driver's seat and we have ultimate control over our own destiny and we'll decide how we behave and treat others, we're living in rebellion against God and He hates that. Quote
Old Jerry Posted February 12, 2014 Report Posted February 12, 2014 Lawlessness shows up in a person’s attitude and actions because he doesn’t think that he has to obey common courtesies. If it is a common courtesy to remove your hat they leave it on. They never thank people for what they have done for them. The sense that the attitude of lawlessness is the cause of our sins in our lives is that we don’t honor God and we are always doing things our way and not God’s way. Quote
wifee Posted February 22, 2014 Report Posted February 22, 2014 3a)Lawlessness is shown through us not caring about others feelings,indifference to authority, eogo,impatience,laziness, arrogance,uneasy way, living to please self regardless of the consequences, stubborness, self-sufficiency,wilful,allowing self to be deceived by earthly desires&worldly temptations instead of living to please God according to His Royal law of love, I like Bill Bright’s description of sin."This self-will, characterized by an attitude of active rebellion or passive indifference, is an evidence of what the Bible calls sin."19 b)Attitude of lawlessness an inner rebellion of God&His law of love is a base cause of sin, when we put ourself,our thoughts&actions,before God,and loving others in all we do and say.When my will crosses God’s but I dont submit to God as Jesus did.Life without God’s law,brings sin and destruction of self&other,not a way to prepare for Jesus return.. Quote
JSF Posted May 27, 2016 Report Posted May 27, 2016 How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? People can become openly rebellious against any rules or laws that limit them. We have seen much lawlessness lately in society. Lawlessness is idolatry. It is putting ourselves in the place of the ultimate guide and judge. Quote
Uncle Dave Posted March 23, 2017 Report Posted March 23, 2017 How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? There are many ways lawlessness shows, for example, the way one talks (and of course what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart) It could be anything from talking bad about someone, drinking, smoking, drugs, shoplifting, using God’s name in vain, or anything which is against the law (and these days one must pay mind to the fact that things that should be against the law aren’t and getting to be where things that shouldn’t are). In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? Because attitude is more a state of mind type of thing of thing and it is in the mind actions are born. Although a thought does not always turn into an action, it is the mind (heart) with a lawless attitude where the actions are born. The problem with a thought in a lawless mind is just the kind of thing Satan likes to find. If that Godless thought is in the right mind at the right time (Satan loves to “create the perfect moment”), a chain reaction begins to take place and the next thing you know is a sin has occurred. Jesus said that if a man looks at a woman with **** in his heart he has already committed adultery so the Christian needs to bridle his/her thoughts before the thoughts occur and possibly turn into an additional sin. Quote
hanks Posted May 13, 2018 Report Posted May 13, 2018 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? We see lawlessness in a person when they continually disobey God. They only want their own way, and refuse to acknowledge our Lord’s authority over them. Their attitudes and actions are in opposition to God’s law and they show no respect for Him at all. At the same time, they are placing their own will above the will of God - deliberately rejecting our Lord’s standards. I feel these attitudes and actions of lawlessness, are the actual sin - the rejection God and His laws. They do not take Him seriously, as well as their denial of the seriousness of sin – this is the sin in their lives, they are placing themselves above Him. Quote
haar Posted June 29, 2018 Report Posted June 29, 2018 Q3. (1 John 3:4) Q. How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? A. It shows up in defiance, refusal to do what is right or taking lightly the command given by God Q. In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives?A. Lawlessness is refusal to obey laws made by the authority and such acts of disobedience is sin Quote
Reuben Posted September 9, 2021 Report Posted September 9, 2021 Q3. (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? A person that is lawless, shows it in their attitude by the way they go about in their daily lives , being blatantly sinful and not seeing anything wrong with their doings. They will wilfully transgress Gods law and keep doing so without seeing how wrong they are in breaking Gods law. You may even have some knowing how wrong their actions are but could not care. It is the attitude of self will being more important than Gods will. This will make us disregard what God tells us to do and actively rebel against this, or passively be indifferent to it. This is when we are lawless, and sin dominates in our lives. Quote
Krissi Posted December 7, 2021 Report Posted December 7, 2021 How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? Attitude is thought. Thought precedes action. The law is something you think about before you do. It has to pass through the prism of mind before it becomes action. So the "attitude of lawlessness" necessarily precedes the act of sinning in either deed or thought. I wonder if there is a difference between lawlessness and disobeying the law. 1) In the one case, a person is ignorant of the stated or written law, even though it is "written on the heart" as conscience. Sins done from this sort of lawlessness seem less culpable and egregious. 2) In the other case, a person willfully shuns the law and chooses to do what he knows in his heart to be wrong. That seems to be a more pointed sin, one that thumbs God purposely and pridefully. Maybe it doesn't matter, but I'd think God would look at intent, and some intentions are more anti-God and anti-law than others. I try not to speed too much, but at times, I willfully break the law this way. I'm in a hurry and hope I don't get caught. In my life, particularly my thought life, I have far more serious sins than speeding, and at times, I willfully break what I know is God's law. God's law takes on a bigger role than just the commandments, here. Loving neighbour and God is another set of commandments, boiled down to the essence. But there are smaller commands, unwritten, that the Holy Spirit speaks through scripture, prayer or just everyday spiritual living. Those laws are easy to break. They're more like His will than a law, but any prompting of God is like law to humans. Quote
Rob Mc. Posted June 14, 2022 Report Posted June 14, 2022 (1 John 3:4) How does lawlessness show up in a person's attitude and actions? Sin is an attitude, an attitude that leads to either action or inaction. When our “Me-first” attitude is “action,” we place ourselves first, above God, and do the behaviors that we want to do. When the attitude is “inaction,” we find ourselves in situations where sinful behaviors are taking place, and we passively accept the behaviors and do not act to remove ourselves. In what sense is an attitude of lawlessness the cause of sin in our lives? Because we have this sinful attitude, we are rejecting God by actively or inactively stating that we can do OK in life without Christ’s help. We forget how our lives were so much less fulfilling before we first accepted Christ. We’re tired of trying, so we fall away instead of increasing our efforts to get more of Jesus in our lives. We will learn, one way or the other, hopefully before it is too late (and we run out of lamp oil). Quote
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