Sandra K Posted November 15, 2009 Report Posted November 15, 2009 Q4. (1 John 3:6, 9) How does the presence of God's seed in us keep us from habitual lawlessness and sin? How does the Holy Spirit sanctify us and make us like Jesus? The Holy Spirit within me draws me to holiness against the power of my flesh which drives me to sin. The power of the HS is stronger and with my cooperation wins in that struggle (Gal 5). So then, I do not habitually sin. I become more like Jesus. Quote
linda bass Posted November 16, 2009 Report Posted November 16, 2009 The presence of God's seed in us keeps us from habitual lawlessness and sin in that we are prevented from continuing in habitual sin. The Holy Spirit strives against our sinful nature,thus our old sinful nature should no longer hold any sway over us. The way the Holy Spirit sanctifies us and makes us more like Jesus is by indwelling us and helping us to resist our sin nature. Quote
MarkH Posted November 17, 2009 Report Posted November 17, 2009 A planted seed will bear fruit. The fruit that grows shows what seed has been planted. If an avocado seed has been planted you won Quote
Antwan Posted November 21, 2009 Report Posted November 21, 2009 Q4. (1 John 3:6, 9) How does the presence of God's seed in us keep us from habitual lawlessness and sin? How does the Holy Spirit sanctify us and make us like Jesus? God's Seed within us, the Holy Spirit, keeps us from habitually sinning by convicting us of that sin--letting us see how ugly it really is spiritually. By Him living in us, over a lifetime, the Holy Spirit conforms us little by little into the image of Jesus, in the sense of His nature. We are gradually purified of the sinful nature and take on the characteristics of Christ (but one has to read the Word to know how Christ's nature is).The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin (what some may think of as their conscience bothering them) and promotes righteous living. Quote
Commissioned Posted November 21, 2009 Report Posted November 21, 2009 Q4. (1 John 3:6, 9) How does the presence of God's seed in us keep us from habitual lawlessness and sin? The presence of God's seed is in us working to cleanse our character and keeping us from habitual lawlessness and sin. How does the Holy Spirit sanctify us and make us like Jesus? The Holy Spirit is the deposit that seals us unto righteousness. The Spirit within us wars against sin in our human nature. That is what Paul is referring to in his letter to the Galatians: "So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature (sarx, "flesh"). For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want" (Galatians 5:16-17). Quote
maddog Posted December 11, 2009 Report Posted December 11, 2009 Q4. (1 John 3:6, 9) How does the presence of God's seed in us keep us from habitual lawlessness and sin? How does the Holy Spirit sanctify us and make us like Jesus? The H.S. abides within us to guide, teach, and remind us of who we belong to. The H.S. is our defense mechanism that wars against our sinful nature, as sin rises within. The H.S. fills us from the time of our regeneration to help us move closer to the devine. The more we move closer the closer we become like Jesus. Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted December 16, 2009 Report Posted December 16, 2009 How does the presence of God's seed in us keep us from habitual lawlessness and sin? Once we have God's seed in us, we do not want to keep living in the way we did before we were saved. We have been born of water through earthly parents but born of the Spirit, so we fight this battle daily. Our new spirit wants to be Christlike and we have become more keenly aware of what is and is not sin. How does the Holy Spirit sanctify us and make us like Jesus? The Holy Spirit has given us that sense of radar that makes, and keeps us aware of wrong doing. Not only as an alert but as our conscience, before perhaps we did things with no thought as to whether they were sin or offensive to God, but now we have an awakened awareness. Quote
browniiiii Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 (1 John 3:6, 9) How does the presence of God's seed in us keep us from habitual lawlessness and sin? How does the Holy Spirit sanctify us and make us like Jesus? It keeps us from continually repeating sins and change our ways. The Holy Spirit helps us to be aware of when we are about to sin and turn from it. Quote
royk Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 Q4. (1 John 3:6, 9) How does the presence of God's seed in us keep us from habitual lawlessness and sin? How does the Holy Spirit sanctify us and make us like Jesus? We need to remind ourselves that we have this seed, we can confess our faith out loud and allow the Holy Spirit of God to work in us. This is all part of God's plan for those that he has chosen. It is even why those of us how do this study right not are actually doing it. It is the work o God's seed in us, it is that inward reminder at work. It is the review of this exact lesson and this exact question, it is God's see in us leading us to the right way of thinking and acting. For some of us it takes more than for others, due to our past history and what we are going to overcome, with God's help, with His grace. We are blessed to do this study right now,and it is part o what we need to come closer to God and to be sanctified by the Holy Spirit in us. It changes our behavior and our desires, and it is something that can not be stopped, it is God's will that will overcome the flesh and desire of the world in us. Quote
anne1151 Posted March 1, 2011 Report Posted March 1, 2011 Q4. (1 John 3:6, 9) How does the presence of God's seed in us keep us from habitual lawlessness and sin? How does the Holy Spirit sanctify us and make us like Jesus? 1. Lets us recognize that we are sinning, and hurts our heart so we won't keep repeating the same sins over and over. 2. Enables us to recognize our sins, makes us repentant and aids us in praying for forgiveness Quote
Ramon Posted July 28, 2011 Report Posted July 28, 2011 Q4. (1 John 3:6, 9) How does the presence of God's seed in us keep us from habitual lawlessness and sin? How does the Holy Spirit sanctify us and make us like Jesus? Answer: 1.How does the presence of God's seed in us keep us from habitual lawlessness and sin? By Knowing that I am greatly Loved,that God loves me,irregardless of my goodness,but THAT GOD LOVES ME BECAUSE OF WHAT JESUS HAS DONE.. AND KNOWING,AND BELIEVING THAT I AM GREATLY LOVE,IT WILL SET ME FREE TO RIGHT LIVING Quote
servant for Christ Posted November 8, 2011 Report Posted November 8, 2011 By faith, the indwelling Christ, the power of the Holyh Spirit, and the written Word, all believers can live moment by moment free from offense and sin against God. The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin and helps us to keep in check with ourselves, to live in a right relationship with God. Quote
Deborah Eberhard Posted November 8, 2011 Report Posted November 8, 2011 How does the presence of god's seed in us keep us from habitual lawlessness and sin? I am so very new to this, but I can truly confess that having the seed of the Holy Spirit planted inside of me has made a HUGE difference in my life! I know that it is completely by the power of the Holy Spirit that I do not give in to sin or temptation the way that I once did prior. I do not even fully understand this myself, it has been an incredible, amazing experience that I so desire to share with anyone and everyone that I am able to! Before I received Christ into my life, I still studied the Word, I still attended church on Sunday's, but something big was still missing. I hadn't handed over full control of my life to Him. I still thought I was the one steering, I knew I needed guidance, but was completely unaware of the fact I needed Him to guide EVERYTHING! I had to completely hand my life over, and lose everything about me that I thought made me as a person. I had to believe that "God is in control". I needed to trust and have FAITH and believe in Jesus. I don't know how many others have witnessed this, but I attended church and didn't even really know who Jesus was. I listened to the sermons, I even paid close attention and wrote notes during service. I read bits and pieces of scripture, but I never really took the time to get to know God or Jesus or even what the Holy Spirit was. You have to wonder, how can you attend church for so many years and still not have a clue who God is, who Jesus is? But, you can! It wasn't until I fully read the Bible that I got aquainted with God, that I really began to understand. It wasn't until I took that journey with Jesus and His disciples through reading the Word that I got to know who Jesus was, and what the Holy Spirit is and what each of their roles plays in my life. How can you build a lasting relationship with someone without ever really knowing them? You most likely can't. I know there are so many people out there that have obstacles in their way that are causing them from reading the Word and getting to know their savior, but I cannot impress upon you heavily enough how important it is for you to understand, and to understand all the facts as they are written! And you will still continue to learn each and every day for the remainder of your life. We can't just read the Bible once and be done with it. We have to continue to read and re-read, and re-read for the remainder of our lives. This is how we will come to truly know Jesus, this is how we are fed. How does the Holy Spirit sanctify us and make us like Jesus? The Holy Spirit continues to work within us, dwelling within and preventing us from continuing in sin. This is an ongoing process that we need to understand doesn't happen overnight. Quote
jacquie7 Posted April 13, 2012 Report Posted April 13, 2012 God’s Spirit in us is the presence inside of us that keeps us from habitual lawlessness and sin. This presence makes the believer not want to continue in sin because the Holy Spirit works against our sinful nature. He lives in us and gives us new minds and hearts, and helps us to become more like Jesus. He renews our minds everyday so that we began to think and act differently. Quote
Craig Posted April 13, 2013 Report Posted April 13, 2013 Q4. (1 John 3:6, 9) How does the presence of God's seed in us keep us from habitual lawlessness and sin? How does the Holy Spirit sanctify us and make us like Jesus? The indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit within a believer exerts pressure/conviction toward holiness and a movement from lawlessness and sin. The Holy Spirit's presence in the believer's life is a tranforming power. Over time this divine relationship transforms the believer into a Christ-like human-being. This being the sactificiation process. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted May 22, 2013 Report Posted May 22, 2013 Q4. (1 John 3:6, 9) How does the presence of God's seed in us keep us from habitual lawlessness and sin? The Holy Spirit in us is striving against our old nature and will continue to do so, hopefully, until we are conformed to the likeness of Jesus, God's Son. We have to do our part and submit to God. We can't expect God to keep us pure if we continue to simply give in to temptation at every opportunity. Habits are hard to break, that's why they're called habits. There is a disturbing verse in the Bible where it states that God's Spirit will not always strive with man. If we continue to wilfully rebel and not follow the teaching of Scripture and continue to go our own way God may give up on us. He's said He will never leave us or forsake us but if we exercise our God-given free will and forsake Him . . . I myself am struggling at the moment. I've been involved with a woman whom I know is bad for me. She's been a Christian herself and still claims to believe and follow Jesus, but she's an alcoholic and an adultress, not only with me. While claiming to be an active Christian years ago she was also dealing drugs. I ended the relationship not long ago and the temptation to go back is intense. I fight it every day. I ask God to make me stop missing her and to help me to stop thinking about her. How does the Holy Spirit sanctify us and make us like Jesus? As we submit to God's leading throught the Holy Spirit in us and learn from the Bible the right way to live, we should gradually be conformed to the likeness if Jesus. That's my goal. Quote
Old Jerry Posted February 12, 2014 Report Posted February 12, 2014 I think that the presence of God’s seed in us keeps us from habitual lawlessness and sin because we will be trying to go against his will. We know his will because of God’s seed and the study of the Bible. Quote
wifee Posted March 7, 2014 Report Posted March 7, 2014 4a)The Holy Spirit comes to live within us when we are converted,claiming Jesus as our Lord&saviour. He is the new nature of God living in us,the annointing 1John2:20,the seal of the Spirit 2Corinthians1:22. He steers us by His prompts to not automatically do want we want,the desires of our human sinful nature,which is opposed to the Spirit.He helps us know the difference between wrong& right.Therefore our sinful nature does not have full power when God’s seed is in us.God’s seed being Holy Spirit in us works to opposes sin&prevents from habitual lawlessness&sin b)The Holy Spirit works within us making real the forgiveness we have through God’s grace.He overpowers the voices of evil one,&,cleanses our character from sin,gradually sactifying us,refining us through experiences God leads us through.HS in us moulds our character to be more like Jesus Quote
wifee Posted March 7, 2014 Report Posted March 7, 2014 4a)The Holy Spirit comes to live within us when we are converted,claiming Jesus as our Lord&saviour. He is the new nature of God living in us,the annointing 1John2:20,the seal of the Spirit 2Corinthians1:22. He steers us by His prompts to not automatically do want we want,the desires of our human sinful nature,which is opposed to the Spirit.He helps us know the difference between wrong& right.Therefore our sinful nature does not have full power when God’s seed is in us.God’s seed being Holy Spirit in us works to opposes sin&prevents from habitual lawlessness&sin b)The Holy Spirit works within us making real the forgiveness we have through God’s grace.He overpowers the voices of evil one,&,cleanses our character from sin,gradually sactifying us,refining us through experiences God leads us through.HS in us moulds our character to be more like Jesus Quote
wifee Posted March 7, 2014 Report Posted March 7, 2014 4a)The Holy Spirit comes to live within us when we are converted,claiming Jesus as our Lord&saviour. He is the new nature of God living in us,the annointing 1John2:20,the seal of the Spirit 2Corinthians1:22. He steers us by His prompts to not automatically do want we want,the desires of our human sinful nature,which is opposed to the Spirit.He helps us know the difference between wrong& right.Therefore our sinful nature does not have full power when God’s seed is in us.God’s seed being Holy Spirit in us works to opposes sin&prevents from habitual lawlessness&sin b)The Holy Spirit works within us making real the forgiveness we have through God’s grace.He overpowers the voices of evil one,&,cleanses our character from sin,gradually sactifying us,refining us through experiences God leads us through.HS in us moulds our character to be more like Jesus Quote
cezhead Posted March 4, 2015 Report Posted March 4, 2015 God's seed in us causes us to see things from his perspective instead of the world's. Instead of moral relativism, we see what is good and bad and make choices which reflect the will of God. The Holy spirit is our helper and He empowers us to get back up when we fall. Quote
JSF Posted May 31, 2016 Report Posted May 31, 2016 How does the presence of God's seed in us keep us from habitual lawlessness and sin? How does the Holy Spirit sanctify us and make us like Jesus? We can't help "sinning" but we can do something about "continuing in sin". Our consciences are pricked by the Spirit in us to yield to Him and not continue to willfully sin. The Holy Spirit sanctifies us through the Word. We will never escape sin on this earth but He is working in us to cleanse us and make us more like Jesus and keep us in a state of repentance. Quote
Uncle Dave Posted March 23, 2017 Report Posted March 23, 2017 How does the presence of God's seed in us keep us from habitual lawlessness and sin? How does the Holy Spirit sanctify us and make us like Jesus? These are two questions so closely related I think it much easier to answer them simultaneously. I too, believe that God’s seed in us is the Holy Spirit. With that seed in us, the Bible says we cannot sin. Going along with what the original Greek writing meant I see it something more akin to the best radar system ever activated detecting sin around us. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin and the fact that if God’s seed is really in us we no longer want to sin and remain more aware of what we’re doing and without even thinking about it we stick to a narrower road. It is, however that “without even thinking about it” that gets us in trouble (sin). While the radar is constantly keeping us aware, much like a missile it might be guiding, the missile is in a constantly changing environment which can quickly, though un-intended, bring unwanted results. Unlike the missile though, the conviction the Holy Spirit lays on us gives us another chance to start over by confessing our mistake (sin). What a wonderful God we have ! Quote
hanks Posted May 13, 2018 Report Posted May 13, 2018 Q4. (1 John 3:6, 9) How does the presence of God's seed in us keep us from habitual lawlessness and sin? How does the Holy Spirit sanctify us and make us like Jesus? When a person is born again they receive the Holy Spirit as God’s seed in them. One could say that a new life has now been planted in the heart of the believer and this results in spiritual growth. The Christian, then, will not and cannot yield to sin because of that divine principle in his heart. We find our origin and existence in God, and we know that God is our Father, whereas the person who practices sin has the devil as his father. We remember what Jesus said, “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit” (Mat 7:18). John by using the present tenses of the Greek verbs is saying that the believer cannot practice habitual sin; not that the believer will never commit a sinful act but that he will not persist in sin. If a person habitually sins, it is an indication that they have not been born again. The Holy Spirit works hard to change us and make us more and more like Jesus. Chipping away all the ugly parts day by day. Ultimately He brings about a complete transformation – a definite moral change occurs in our lives. In Titus 3:5 we read about our washing, regeneration, and renewal by the Holy Spirit. I read once that this is not the same as putting new clothes on a person, but rather putting a new person in the clothes – the power of the new spiritual life keeps us from yielding to a life of sin. Quote
haar Posted June 29, 2018 Report Posted June 29, 2018 Q4. (1 John 3:6, 9) How does the presence of God's seed in us keep us from habitual lawlessness and sin? A. The Holy Spirit is the Seed in us. He helps us through His power to resist sin so that it will not cause us to sin habitually making us lawless Q. How does the Holy Spirit sanctify us and make us like Jesus? A. His power in us cleanses our spirits and souls from sin and its filth on us. Quote
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