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You cannot engage in an effective battle until you accurately assess your enemy. Once believers understand the reality of our natural lawless nature in conflict with our new spiritual righteousness, we will rightly discern the perversions of false teachers who downplay sin and its importance to God. The LORD's goal is not to pamper us with happiness and satisfaction, but to perfect us in holiness and sanctification.

A growing sense of righteousness will be evidenced in our attitudes and deeds. Evidently, the false teachers John referred to were marginalizing or ignoring the continuing work of the Spirit to bring inner sins to our attention and then guide us to appropriate confession that leads to receiving forgiveness and being purified. It seems they were teaching that once you're saved, you're done with no need to change your desires or activities. They apparently did not understand our personal responsibility to walk in the light, abide in Christ, operate in the anointing of the Spirit, and live rightly before the Father - all which require sacrifice of self and the passing things of this world.


False teaching can be recognized by those who are "born again." Any downplay of "sin" or the denying of it's existence or that "satan" is not a real enemy, waters down the gospel totally.

Not understanding that we are a work in process hinders the truth from being taught. We need to know how very bad we are & how very good He is & praise Him for paying for our sins! And we need to see ourselves as God sees us--in Jesus' covering of us. We do have a responsibility to keep our relationship with God clean & pure, recognizing He has & will forgive us when we seek to repent after confessing our current sins to Him.


The false teachers denied sin and its teaching...they were living their own rules of self. We know that those who do not do what is right are children of the devil and those who do live right are children of God


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

Sin is from the devil and not righteous. We have the seed imbedded so deep within us which is Jesus and he knows NO sin. False teachers fall away and can not keep teachings inside them through will or force. Praise be to God!


Jesus came to us with no Sin, The Devil was the start of sin he has always sinned.

Those who say that there is no sin, Are false teachers. Jesus came to abolish sin, he came to save us all from our sinful lives. So that we will live righteously and be with him in Heaven. If we do not stop sinning we are not Gods Child, we are the Devils child. This is the clear difference between Gods Children and The Devils Children.


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

Some teach that there is no sin. We can do whatever, and there are no consequences. No punishment. But, we know that there is no sin in Jesus, and we must be like Him. Jesus can not be in the presence of sin, and therefore, if we have sin in our lives, then we are separated from Him. When we fail, we must confess right away, and ask the Spirit to help us not go there again.


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers?

One who is lawless is actively rebelling against the law, like these false teachers. This is a strong indication that there is an absence of fellowship with Yahushua. A person who lives this lifestyle is already condemned and is therefore under the control of Yahowah


How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

John teachings are saying that... if we look at what a teacher does in life, we can tell if they have the Lord with them

"just as you can identify a tree by it's fruit, so you can identify people by their actions" The Sermon on the Mount

I feel I must add this.... There is a great danger in Demonising people by calling them antichrists or devils children. The danger is that we can over-react and get caught up in some evil energy that leads us to commit terrible crimes including murder. We must be careful about what streams of energy we step into. We need to be careful about how we react.

God willing, may our inner strength be always as strong as a mountain and yet as fragrant and soft as rose petals.


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

He is making the point that we are all sinners but that Christ died for our sins and sent His Holy Spirit to help us live our live for Him and to help us deal with the sin that remains in our lives helping to overcome as we are drawn closer to the Father. The false teacher were making lite of sin and the effect that it had on thise living in sin.


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10)

How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers?

What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

The false teachers did not emphasise the seriousness of sin, and because of this many people could be lulled into a false sense of complacency. They might feel that because of their outward conformity to accepted


How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

"just as you can identify a tree by it's fruit, so you can identify people by their actions" The Sermon on the Mount

John seems to be saying that they claimed to be righteous despite their sin.

John names them as antichrists and the devils children, these phrases bother me no end. There is nothing wrong in the phrases themselves... but there's something wrong in the way some people have used them to fuel infectious undercurrents in the masses and bringing about mob rule... a good example of this was during the dissolution of the Catholic Church in 16th century England, many Catholics were murdered. The story of one particular woman who was tortured to death rather than renounce her faith brings me to tears when ever I think about it.

Let us always be conscious of the light in our hearts


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

If we are born again, we know the Teacher. If we listen to the Teacher, we will not be led astray by false teachers. Just because we are saved doesn't mean we have to do nothing to purify ourselves, to prepare for His coming. I pray that I will live my life worthy to see His face when He comes.

1 John 2:6 He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers?

The false teachers were teaching incorrectly about sin, minimizing its' importance. John is clarifying that habitual sin is lawlessness and of the devil, and that true children of God who abide in Him and in obedience to Him, no longer deliberately, knowingly, and habitually commit and practice sin. John contrasts the difference between the righteous in Christ, and those who practice evil and lawlessness as a way of life.

What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

They seemed to be teaching the error of Gnosticism, which as a philosophy of religion holds that matter is evil and spirit is good. (footnotes, Amplified Bible) It sounds like that led to the teaching that since the body is evil, the way to overcome sin is through knowledge, therefore eliminating the need for the Cross and Jesus' blood to cleanse us from our sin.

Interesting that all cults practice some form of denying the Cross as the way to Salvation and Eternal life, either through knowledge of their special books, doing the "works" the particular cults require, atoning for sin through ones own efforts, etc. The same old lies of the devil to lead people to hell. One cult teaches that hell doesn't exist...only 3 levels of Heaven, the highest level achieved through following all the tenets of the cult.


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

The Holy Spirit lives so completely within us and our daily walk and talk with the Lord helps ud to see those who teach falsely. We cannot be fooled by false teachers, the Lord is our strength and our shield.

We walk in the Light and the darkness cannot enfold us. We are strangers to the things of this world for we are the children of promise, ones who have been redeemed by the Precious blood of the Lamb.


False teaching minimises sin and its importance. Consequently those that believe such false teaching live lives of unrighteouness, disobeying the commands of the Lord. John tells them that such acts are evidence of lawlessness. He tells them that sin should be acknowledged and dealt with by every true Christian.

It is encouraging to note that even though true Christian do fall into sin, they are not lawless because the Holy Spirit in them battles against sinful tendencies and lead them to repentance.


It seems the false teachers were saying that what Jesus did on the cross for man had little to no affect on Christians. There were no change between the saved and the unsaved. They may have taught there was no difference between the righteous and the unrighteous.


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

Those who practice righteousness will be known by God as His Children, but believers who do not practice righteousness and decide to practice sinful ways will not be known as children of God.They were denying the doctrine of Christ yet claiming to know Him. They were claiming to have secret knowledge of the truth that led to salvation, known as GNOSTICISM. :rolleyes:


we cannot go on battle everyone sin,or manifest it either,john told us that we cannot sin and do lawfull wrongs to one another.john teaches us about love,law,and holy spirit.we are to become like jesus,and walk in his footsteps,

from the begininng of the christiandispensation,it has been taught that we should love to ones brother or sister is a divine obligation.love here is not used in the sense of friendliness or mere human affection,but it is divine love.it is loving others as christ loved us.


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers?

Righteousness is to be seen as fruit in a believer


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

False teachers did not teach about sin John's teaching tells about sin.. They seem to be teaching that we can sin and still live a righteous life


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

Q5.(1 John 3:3-10)

How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

From 1 Jo 3:4


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

1Jn 3:3 This hope makes us keep ourselves holy, just as Christ is holy.

1Jn 3:4 Everyone who sins breaks God's law, because sin is the same as breaking God's law.

1Jn 3:5 You know that Christ came to take away sins. He isn't sinful,

1Jn 3:6 and people who stay one in their hearts with him won't keep on sinning. If they do keep on sinning, they don't know Christ, and they have never seen him.

1Jn 3:7 Children, don't be fooled. Anyone who does right is good, just like Christ himself.

1Jn 3:8 Anyone who keeps on sinning belongs to the devil. He has sinned from the beginning, but the Son of God came to destroy all that he has done.

1Jn 3:9 God's children cannot keep on being sinful. His life-giving power lives in them and makes them his children, so that they cannot keep on sinning.

1Jn 3:10 You can tell God's children from the devil's children, because those who belong to the devil refuse to do right or to love each other.

False teachers may tell us that sin is not important...but the exact opposite is true. We have to search our lives daily to see what areas of our lives needs to be reexamined and the Holy Spirit is the one who helps us in this are.

False teachers also may tell us that we no longer can sin which again is not true so we have to always keep a watchful eye on our lives and know what the Lord sees as sin. False teachers play down the role of sin in righteous living where we are to continue to strive to be pure as Christ was pure


Q5 Born in Christ, we are empowered by God's Spirit living and working to form us in the

image of Christ. Thus with the help of the Holy Spirit, we will learn to walk and

follow the teachings of Christ. Daily renewing our minds and hearts to really want

to be good in the sight of God. As the Spirit leads and prompts us, we will be

strengthen so be ready to pick ourselves us each time we sin and with God's forgiving

love, we can reconcile ourselves to Him and to one another.

Sin is an earmark of the devil. The devil is forever ready to tempt us against God

and by using the Antichrist to detour our minds and hearts with their false teachings.

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