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Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers?

John's teaching on sin and righteousness is in opposition to the teaching of the false teachers. John teaches that sin is lawlessness and lawless deed, that sin is not trivial, so that Christian must purify themselves from sin, that they cannot go on sinning

What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

They is teaching that sin is trivial and not important to live righteous in him, that sinning do not relate to breaking law, so that Christians can keep on or go on sinning, are not a must to purify themselves

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Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

We are not all God's children as some teach. Jesus told some they were of their father the devil. There are distinct differences between the two.

Those who are of God practice (and I like the word practice) righteousness and love the brethren. It is very simple.

God Bless!!


Numbers 6:24-26




Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living? The false teachers were teaching that sin was not important and that it was possible to continue to sin and still remain a Christian. John makes it clear throughout this passage that this is not correct when he says in 3:10 " This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor does anyone who does not love his brother" and again in 3:9 "Those who have been born of God do not sin because God's seed abides in them; they cannot sin because they have been born of God" and in verse 4 "Everyone who commits sin is guilty of lawlessness; sin is lawlessness" and in verse 8 "Everyone who commits sin is a child of the devil" and in verse 6 "no one who abides in Him sins; no one who sins has either seen Him or known Him". In short, John leaves no room for doubt in this passage about his feelings on this issue! For me, the critical message in this whole passage apart from the obvious one referred to in the verses quoted above is that contained in 3:2 and 3 where John explains that we will become like God when He is revealed to us. At that point He will be revealed to us and we will become like Him and "all who have this hope in Him purify themselves, just as He is pure!" To me what this is saying is that we are working, with the influence of the Holy Spirit in us, to that end and as such are a work in progress, with progress being perhaps the most important aspect of this.

  • How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?False teachers always reinterpret sin... "Did God really say that..." Or they excuse sinful behavior under the label of "situational ethics". For Christians it's a black/white issue. It's either sin or it isn't. John's message is that true Christians don't habitually and deliberately sin. We can't have fellowship with Christ if we walk in the darkness.


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Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

The Spirit teaches us all things and brings us the truth, via the Word and His wisdom when false teachers present themselves. The false teachers were preaching it was ok to be like the world and see Jesus as just a man and not the Son of God.


Johns teaching on Sin and righteousness clearly outlines that one who habitually sins does not belong to God, where as the attitude of the false teachers of the day were that light and darkness were compatable and acceptable.

I like what Magnus said about false teachers always misinterpreting Sin.

False teachers and those who are opposed to the Bible and what it teaches always want to water down the truth of the Scriptures to suit themselves .

This sort of attitude is very much prevalent in society today where if it feels good do it regardless of the cosequences.


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

The sons of God know that their Lord is of purer eyes than to allow any thing unholy and impure to dwell with him. It is the hope of hypocrites, not of the sons of God, that makes allowance for gratifying impure desires and lusts. May we be followers of him as his dear children, thus show our sense of his unspeakable mercy, and express that obedient, grateful, humble mind which becomes us. Sin is the rejecting the Divine law. In him, that is, in Christ, was no sin. All the sinless weaknesses that were consequences of the fall, he took; that is, all those infirmities of mind or body which subject man to suffering, and expose him to temptation. But our moral infirmities, our proneness to sin, he had not. He that abides in Christ, continues not in the practice of sin. Renouncing sin is the great proof of spiritual union with, continuance in, and saving knowledge of the Lord Christ. Beware of self-deceit. He that doeth righteousness is righteous, and to be a follower of Christ, shows an interest by faith in his obedience and sufferings. But a man cannot act like the devil, and at the same time be a disciple of Christ Jesus. Let us not serve or indulge what the Son of God came to destroy. To be born of God is to be inwardly renewed by the power of the Spirit of God. Renewing grace is an abiding principle. Religion is not an art, a matter of dexterity and skill, but a new nature. And the regenerate person cannot sin as he did before he was born of God, and as others do who are not born again. There is that light in his mind, which shows him the evil and malignity of sin. There is that bias upon his heart, which disposes him to loathe and hate sin. There is the spiritual principle that opposes sinful acts. And there is repentance for sin, if committed. It goes against him to sin with forethought. The children of God and the children of the devil have their distinct characters. The seed of the serpent are known by neglect of religion, and by their hating real Christians. He only is righteous before God, as a justified believer, who is taught and disposed to righteousness by the Holy Spirit. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil. May all professors of the gospel lay these truths to heart, and try themselves by them.


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

Some teach that we shouldn't worry about sin-it doesn't matter. We don't have to confess anything, because we are alright. This just isn't true! Righteous living is paramount in receiving the promise. God's word plainly states that we cannot enter the kingdom if we sin. So, we can know the truth and receive the promise because we study our Bible and we can lead others to the truth. Also, we can get forgiveness when we do fail, and we will fail. God is good! Children of God are so blessed!!!


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

False teachers are shown clearly through the seed of God within us that they aren't from God thus allowing us the prividalge of knowing.


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

John is basicly telling them that to be a child od God you must work hard on not sinning. We are not without sin but our sins become more subtle when we become save. The fact that we our fighting against it proves we our children of God. We cannot ignore sin as the false prophet has stated.

The false teachers were teaching that sin is unimportant. John states that anything that is contrary to God, is of the devil, even if appears to be positive. We are to reject that which is false, and to help those in the body who have been led astray.



Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

The false teachers were downplaying sin as if it wasn't serious in the life of a believer. In fact, they were teaching that the material world and the flesh within it are evil and the spiritual is only good and pure. No matter what one did, the flesh was evil. So, it doesn't really matter what we do in the flesh. The spiritual was the only important thing. However, this teaching is contrary to the Word of God. He expects us to live pure, rightous, and noble lives in this world and in the flesh.


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

We need to know our enemy of the soul. We do that by learning from God's word and through prayer and meditation. The Holy Spirit helps us to know false teachers by their fruits. We need to verify each scripture that these teachers preach on.

The false teachers were making out that some sins were not really that bad and God would not judge us for that. Meaning that some sins are okay and some are not


John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage show us that with the help of the Holy Spirit we can identify false teaching and have nothing to do with it.

We must confess all sin as quickly as possible and endeavour to live righteously.



How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers?

Knowing we have a Savior that overcame the flesh and lives inside of us, gives us reason to believe that we have what we need in us to overcome the flesh. Understanding that the Father sees us clothed in righteousness (regardless of our works or lack thereof), should give us incentive to wear this righteousness with a sense of honor and gratefulness. We know that we do not have to rely on the dictates of our flesh, because our Savior is greater than our flesh and has imputed this righteousness onto us, allowing us to see ourselves in a victorious and overcoming manner. What we see in ourselves will be what we practice in our daily lives. Where our attention is, there will our lives become directed towards.

What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

The false teachers believed in dualism which claims that escaping sin is impossible and practiced sinful living is inevitable since the flesh cannot be conquered in any way shape or form. These teachers taught that the spirit of a man/woman is the only good part of them and since they were still in the flesh, they were to be slaves to the flesh until death (which would be departure from the flesh). These false teachers taught that righteousness was unattainable as long as the spirit of man was guided by and subject to the flesh.


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers?

The false teachers were watering down the importance of fighting sin in our lives through the Holy Spirit. Jesus came to die for our sin, so their teaching would negate everything Jesus came to do for us in his sacrifice. John warns us to beware.

What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

That the body is weak and sinful, but your spirit couldn't be contaminated. Dualisam - not taking responsibility for our sinful nature and saying it's impossible to discipline the flesh. This is of course untrue, as we need to gain victory through Jesus and the Holy Spirt over all sin and live our faith.


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

John's teaching here on sin and righteousness relates to the teaching of the false teachers who said/taught that you could sin any time you wanted and it was not a sign of not knowing the Lord. They taught that righteous living didn't matter. Sin was trival. Pastor Wilson says that they were following a Jesus of their own invention.


John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relates to combatting false teachers in that it points out the difference between true Christian doctrine that admits sin exists and strives against it. The false teachers taught a false doctrine that minimized sin and the importance of repentence.


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

John's message on sin and righteousness combats the false doctrine by pointing out the stark difference between the two, and their oppositions to one another, rather than making light of sin, as if it doesn't matter to sin, which is what the false teachers seemed to be teaching. If one is truly in God, their sins will bother them; they will be convicted by the Holy Spirit, which is the first step away from sinning; those that take sin lightly are not of God, but the devil, and only deceiving themselves. I think what John is saying, too, is look at the natures: those opposed to sin and attempting to rid themselves of it are born of God and are taking on His nature gradually, which is also opposed to sin; those that continue to purposely sin are of the devil.


Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers?

John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers as he points out the importance of acknowledging sin and striving for righteousness; whereas the false teachers minimized sin and its importance.

What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

The seemed to be minimizing the importance of the believer avoiding sin in his daily life.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

The false teacher's doctrine on sin is that living according to the flesh is of no importance, so why worry. John reminds us that sin and righteousness can't occupy the same space. Sin is death and righteousness is eternal salvation. John is saying don't forget what you know to follow those who teach doctrine that is opposed to what you know.


How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? John is saying that anyone who breaks the law is sinning. We can try to cover what we do, but in acts of even paasive behavior we sin if we are in that attitiude.

What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

If we stay in righteous living it keeps our mind in a higher place and we want to stay away from sin.

  • 1 month later...

(1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

John is teaching us to know the difference between true and false docterine, by the acts and teachings of teachers, anyone who is living righteous is loving is brother is of God, anyone who is not is of the devil.

False doctorine teaches that sin is of little importance, and it is ok to satisfy the flesh.

  • 3 months later...

Q5. (1 John 3:3-10) How does John's teaching on sin and righteousness in this passage relate to combating the false teachers? What did they seem to be teaching about sin and righteous living?

In this world today with TV, and today's morals, there are far too many7 false teachers that consume our time. We are surrounded by such falseness, and also by the pleasures of the world. Those who were/are false teachers suggest that sin is not bad, that is it is normal part of the world. It is a dangerous attitude to have, it can only lead to death. For those who believe there is nothing else, they will get what they believe in. Heaven help us all, as we are all sinners.

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