Pastor Ralph Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Why did Cain kill Abel? How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? Quote
pickledilly Posted October 31, 2009 Report Posted October 31, 2009 Cain harbored resentment because the LORD rejected his works and accepted his brother Abel's righteousness. This was because his heart was not pure and he evidently was not doing what was right before the LORD (Genesis 4:7). Even as the LORD counseled that sin was ready to consume him, Cain refused to examine his heart and deal with the true problem. He refused to humble himself. Instead, he turned his focus on the one who "made him look bad", the brother whose righteousness condemned his own iniquity, the goody-goody who was favored over him by the LORD. And in an escalation of his anger, perhaps with some sense of defending himself against the unrelenting conviction or to satisfy the raging jealousy that blinded all reason, Cain murdered Abel. The world - centered on human nature, desires, pleasures, and affairs - wants to define and "please" God in the way it chooses and holiness is not required. Even as the LORD counsels that sin is the threat, the world refuses to consider that the human heart is evil and desperately wicked, choosing instead to believe that ultimate goodness can be found within. The world refuses to humble itself before God, choosing instead to shake a defiant fist in His face and make the haughty declaration that we ourselves are wise and right. The world denies and dismisses the call to inner righteousness, choosing instead to justify itself with seething anger against such challenge. And as the world finds no peace for the burden of guilt, it attacks and seeks to destroy anything/everything/anyone/everyone that can be blamed. When someone comes along in direct contrast to that darkened mindset, the world recoils. Jesus came as the brilliant Light that revealed the darkness of lawlessness (in terms of lesson 4). It is painful, uncomfortable, and distressing to be exposed, examined, and condemned. So He was/is hated, despised, and summarily rejected. And Jesus made it clear that as we are transformed by the grace of His Spirit's indwelling presence to become like Him, we can expect no less. The world hates the Body of Christ. Quote
Stan Posted October 31, 2009 Report Posted October 31, 2009 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Why did Cain kill Abel? How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? I believe like Paul that Abel gave the more perfect sacrifice,when Adam and Eve were force from the garden because of their sin,God cursed the ground and did not remove that curse till Noah came from the ark. Adam had knowledge of the sacrifice God made for him when God gave them clothes from skins. Cain would have known this type of sacrifice so offering grain from ground cursed by God would have been unacceptable. He sinned and then became angry at Abel for having the better sacrifice. The story illiustrates Jesus teaching because it shows how our sin can cause our hearts to harden and the love of Christ to not be shown in our attitude toward others. We need the love of Christ in our heart so that we love the unlovable as He commanded. Quote
haar Posted October 31, 2009 Report Posted October 31, 2009 Cain resented Abel because God was pleased wih Abel's offering but rejeced Cain's. Cain's anger and jealousy agaist his brother led him to commit murder. The world hates us because our acts of righeousness expose their unrighteousness. This makes them angry and jealous of us. Quote
kenny Posted November 1, 2009 Report Posted November 1, 2009 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Why did Cain kill Abel? How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? I believe Cain like many people today despised his brother because he felt that God favored Abel. When it suits them, many people tend to forget that man has a free choice, instead they feel that God has dealt them a bad hand. Sadly the anger these people feel toward others, is actually a demonstration of their anger toward their non acceptance of God, which allows sin to rule their lives Man has always demanded a free will,(countries go to war over it) it's just a pity that many don't use it where it counts most, instead they think that by ridding their lives of all righteousness, they can justify themselves, hence the fact that Cain slew Abel, and the world persecutes the believer. God sent His only Son our Lord Jesus to pay for the sins of "ALL", not just a few. I pray that for once, all of those who cry out for the privilege of self determination, will use that free will and repent of their sins, and accept the all encompassing love and salvation of our Lord and Savior. Amen! Quote
hanks Posted November 1, 2009 Report Posted November 1, 2009 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Why did Cain kill Abel? How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? God rejected Cain Quote
open2itall Posted November 1, 2009 Report Posted November 1, 2009 Why did Cain resent Abel? Cain resented Able Quote
Marloes Posted November 1, 2009 Report Posted November 1, 2009 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Why did Cain kill Abel? How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? 1. Cain and Abel both had an offering to the Lord who accepted Abel's offer but rejected Cain's offer. Here, we can see that it was because Cain was not sincere. Cain was exposed to his own failure Quote
Patricia A Posted November 1, 2009 Report Posted November 1, 2009 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Why did Cain kill Abel? Cain resented Abel because Abel's offering was accepted by God and his offering was not accepted by God. He was jealous of his brother and this jealousy turned into hatred which led to murder How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? Those who know Christ as their Lord and Savior have hearts full of joy and love. This is contrary to the world and those who live according to world's values are jealous and this leads to hatred. Christians must show love and forgiveness and thus strive to show those who hate us the way to true joy. Quote
TheMusicLady Posted November 1, 2009 Report Posted November 1, 2009 Bitterness, selfishness, and unforgiveness are sins that destroy all relationships beginning with our Heavenly Father and filters down to our earthly family and friends. Cain was bitter because God accepted Abel's gift rather than his own. Selfishness controlled his attitude and unforgiveness grew into hatred and murder of his own brother. Abel maintained a humble attitude toward God and his brother. Look at all relationships in the Bible and now. See if any of these three sins exist and the results of them. Quote
s8nfighter Posted November 1, 2009 Report Posted November 1, 2009 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Why did Cain kill Abel? How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? If I have a picture of the perfect person next to a mirror on the wall where I can compare myself to that picture; and if my desire is to be like the image of that picture, I have to make a choice. I can choose to work to become like that image, change the image, or try and destroy it. I don't know what Cain did first. Maybe he tried to overcome the sin in his life as God instructed him to do. (Gen. 4:7 But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.") NIV Maybe he tried to shift the blame like his parents did. Gen. 3:11 "And he said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?" 12 The man said, "The woman you put here with me--she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it." 13 Then the Lord God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?" The woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate." (NIV) All I know is that he finally decided to destroy the image of the person he felt he could not be, that image was his brother. False teaching tries to change the image of Christ Jesus. To deny Christ is to try and destroy the reality of Him. If by the grace of God someone sees the image of Christ in me and hates me for it, it is not me that they hate but the image of Christ and their comparisons to that image they really hate. Darrell Quote
Elwood C O'Dell Posted November 1, 2009 Report Posted November 1, 2009 Cain resented Abel because God accepted Abel Quote
e. Gary Posted November 1, 2009 Report Posted November 1, 2009 Cain resented Abel because God was pleased wih Abel's offering but rejeced Cain's. Cain's anger and jealousy agaist his brother led him to commit murder. The world hates us because our acts of righeousness expose their unrighteousness. This makes them angry and jealous of us. The word "world" implies another relegion and we Christian is righteous. The implication is not correct. Hope you realize that. Quote
Delivered Posted November 1, 2009 Report Posted November 1, 2009 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? (Hebrew 11:4) Cain resented Abel because Abels offering was one of faith offering up to God a better sacrifice than Cain did. An offering given in faith is seen as a righteous offering, God did not have the same respect for Cains offering, hatred was in Cains heart instead of faith The lesson for me to learn is not about hatred between the world and Gods children, it is a lesson about hatred between brethren, with each other. The world has plenty of hate, I, we believers must not hold onto hatred for the brethren, if we hold onto it, it will give way for Satan to take control, rooting in us bitterness, anger, instead of LOVE, a righteous deed offered up to God. Why did Cain kill Abel? Because hatred took root in Cains heart, he didnt heed Gods warning and he slew his brother. God does not except our offerings if they are not given in faith with the root word being LOVE. (Psalm 40:6-8) Sacrifices and offerings are not what please you God; gifts and payment for sin are not what you demand. But you made me willing to listen and obey. And so, I said, "I am here to do what is Written about me in the book, where it says, 'I enjoy pleasing you. Your Law is in my heart.' I have to ask myself What is rooted in my heart, is it love for God given through my obedience to following His Law, or is it to the worlds philosophy?" (Matthew 5:19) If you reject even the least important command in the Law and teach others to do the same, you will be the least important person in the kingdom of heaven. But if you obey and teach others its commands, you will have an important place in the kingdom. How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? The worlds ruler is still Satan, he is out to kill and destroy our faith (Genesis 3:15) tells me Because of sin, disobedience to Gods law, God put great enmity, great hatred between the serpent and his seed and the Woman, the Messiah and His seed, the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This is why the world hates those that belong to God; hatred comes from Satan, love comes from God, and those that belong to God are to reflect His love to the world, in how we love. The worlds philosophy - there is no right or wrong, do what you think is right, while Christ is reminding the believer, we are not of this world, so dont be surprised when they hate you when you do not go along with their thinking. Quote
Lionbait Posted November 1, 2009 Report Posted November 1, 2009 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Why did Cain kill Abel? How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? Hate..Hate our world is in a mess because of it, death has had a free hand because of it, families and friends have destroyed each other because of it. Strangers who have never met kill each other in the name of colour or religion, but its hate that detroys us. Jesus seen this horrible emotion in us and coupled with evil it had the power to destroy. That was until our Saviour displayed to us a new emotion, the emotion of love and forgiveness, hate can grow under LOve it is finished. The world hates us because we are no longer of this world or its ways, love is everything love will overcome. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted November 1, 2009 Report Posted November 1, 2009 Cain resented Able because the sacrifice he offered to God was not accepted as Able's had been. Cain killed Able because of jealousy and hatred. Why does the world hate us? They see in us a relationship with God that can not be overcome. We are rooted and grounded in love and we know God is on our side. Though we may suffer for awhile in many things, God always wins and the world (as much as it doesn't want to see) recognizes it because the world will constantly move against us and God's work in us. Eventually though, every battle is won and the world has to admit defeat. That being repeated over time, does foster jealousy and hatred, even murder, but can also cause eyes to see and hearts to cry out and say " Who is your God? I want Him!" Quote
BJB123 Posted November 2, 2009 Report Posted November 2, 2009 Cain was jealous of Abel and Abel's relationship with God. Cain 's hatred toward Abel led him to a spirit of murder. The worldly people dislike/hate Christians. The worldly people live in sin and do not have any understanding of righteousness nor do they have any interest in finding out. Quote
charisbarak Posted November 2, 2009 Report Posted November 2, 2009 Cain resented Abel because he knew Abel's sacrifice was righteous & his was not. Cain killed Abel because he was angry with God and his brother. The world tries to put out the light that exposes sin in the world. That's why Jesus was hated and they see Christ in us. Quote
jmlhopeful Posted November 2, 2009 Report Posted November 2, 2009 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Why did Cain kill Abel? How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? Why did Cain resent Abel? Abel Quote
Jen Posted November 2, 2009 Report Posted November 2, 2009 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Why did Cain kill Abel? How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? Abel's offering was looked upon favorably by God while Cain's was not. Here is the start of a heart problem for Cain. He was jealous and angry. Maybe hurt. Cain didn't restrain his ill feelings but rather gave in to them and the result was the first murder. Matthew Henry says "Sin indulged, knows no bounds." " Ill-will will teach us to hate and revenge what we should admire". Oh what a lesson for us. Let each of us have a teachable spirit and be quick to forgive. Matthew Henry goes on to say "He infers that it is no wonder that good men are so served now, v. 13. The serpentine nature still continues in the world. Wonder not then that the serpentine world hates and hisses at you." Please let us pray for each other that when that old serpent hisses at us that we should be innocent as doves in our handling of those matters sent along our way. God Bless all of you!!! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
JanMary Posted November 2, 2009 Report Posted November 2, 2009 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Why did Cain kill Abel? Cain resented and killed Abel because he was jealous of him. Abel may have had a special place in Adam and Eve's heart because he was righteous, to start the seed of resentment growing. We tend to hate the object of favor, rather than the one who extends favor, as in the case of Joseph's brothers. They despised Joseph, rather than their father Jacob who adored and favored Joseph, and wanted to kill or destroy get rid of him. Anger and jealousy seethed into bitterness and hatred until Cain murdered Abel. Satan's first attempt to destroy the righteous lineage of Messiah Jesus. It seems clear to me that God had shown them what He wanted in the way of a sacrifice, since they knew to offer sacrifices to Him. (The first sacrifice was shedding the blood of the animal God killed to cover Adam and Eve's nakedness/ sin of disobedience in the Garden of Eden). Adam and Eve surely understood why God "covered their sin" and kicked them out of the Garden. It seems reasonable that they told the children about the blood sacrifice which replaced the work of their hands...the leaves they sewed together to hide behind. Abel followed suit and sacrificed "the first born of his flock and the fat portions." In my opinion this shows prior knowledge of how to sacrifice since this pattern is laid down from then on in the Old Testament. Cain rebelled and chose to give something he had grown ("leaves sewn together"...the work of his own hands "or the sweat of his brow") from the ground which had been cursed after the fall of Adam and Eve.( Genesis 3:17 ) God accepted Abel's sacrifice, and Cain was resentful that "God respected and had regard for Abel and for his offering." How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? The world hates righteousness because it sees it's own evil in the reflection of God's glory, has no desire to change it's ways, so hates and wants to destroy that which brings conviction of sin and unrighteousness. Cain, as in the unrighteous today want to "work their way to approval" through good works, (sewing their version of fig leaves together) which have nothing to do with "being right with God", through His Son Jesus' sacrifice and death on the cross. Nearly all cults and non Christian religions depend upon works of the flesh to reach or appease God. This was shown when Sarah Palin was suddenly in the political spotlight, holding her Down's Syndrome baby. Women who claimed to be for "women's rights" attacked her like a pack of wolves, finally revealing that by "rights" they meant the "right to kill the unborn". Her presence with her "less than perfect" baby, convicted them of their evil, unrighteous motives and promotion of the slaughter of millions of unborn babies. Quote
Moises Posted November 2, 2009 Report Posted November 2, 2009 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Why did Cain kill Abel? How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Cain resent his brother Abel because Abel chose to offer to God the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions whilst he (Cain) did not take care about his offering to God. Gen. 4:3-4 Quote
Eudora Posted November 2, 2009 Report Posted November 2, 2009 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Genesis 4: 3-7 Quote
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