Foofee's Nana Posted December 21, 2009 Report Posted December 21, 2009 Why did Cain resent Abel? Cain resented Abel because he was repentent of his sins, and tried to be obedient. Why did Cain kill Abel? His jealous rage took over.... How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? The story of Cain and Abel is explanatory because as Christians so many times we act in a hypocritical way rather than displaying love. Love is the key..... Quote
browniiiii Posted January 29, 2010 Report Posted January 29, 2010 (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Why did Cain kill Abel? How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? Because Abel's offering was accepted and Cain's was rejected. Cain was jealous of Abel because Abel was accepted because he was righteous, and Cain was rejected because he was not righteous. The world is jealous and hateful towards Christians because Christians are righteous and not of the world as the world is not righteous. Quote
royk Posted May 22, 2010 Report Posted May 22, 2010 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Why did Cain kill Abel? How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? Abel's sacrifice was accepted but Cain's was not. He was angry, he didn't look at himself to ask why/what am I doing/thinking/acting wrong. Instead he judged Abel and in anger killed him. This is such an extreme action, Cain was very disappointed in God's reaction to him and his sacrifice. He was jealous of his righteous brother and lost all reason to his actions. It made no sense to kill Cain, Able should have tired to emulate Cain and his ways, to talk to Cain and become more enlightened. Able was infected by the devil and th ways of the world. Quote
saskheather Posted September 20, 2010 Report Posted September 20, 2010 Cain resented Abel seeming to be more favoured. He got angry and jealous. We must realize that if we do what is right all the time(Well as best we can) others will be upset. Quote
anne1151 Posted March 9, 2011 Report Posted March 9, 2011 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Why did Cain kill Abel? How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? God favored Abel. God could see Cains heart and wasn't pleased wih the spirit in which he offered his sacrifice to God. 2. Jealousy caused his anger to overwhelm him. 3. The world ecognizes it's own sins when it sees the love of Jesus in us, our love for one another. Quote
Ramon Posted July 31, 2011 Report Posted July 31, 2011 Answer: 1. Why did Cain resent Abel? ? Why did Cain kill Abel? PRIDE IN ONESELF..(1 John 2:16- For all that [is] in the world, the **** of the flesh, and the **** of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world) Quote
servant for Christ Posted November 8, 2011 Report Posted November 8, 2011 Cain resented Abel because of his righteousness. He killed him because of hatred and jealousy. The world hates us because the see their sin, because they are not committed to God. Quote
jacquie7 Posted April 17, 2012 Report Posted April 17, 2012 God accepted Abel’s offering but not Cain’s. Cain killed Abel because of it and the fact that he was jealous of his brother’s righteousness. This illustrates Jesus’ explanation of why the world hates believers -- because Cain’s jealously of Abel’s righteousness (doing right by God) exposed his unrighteousness (not doing what was right by God), and this made him angry. Quote
Craig Posted April 13, 2013 Report Posted April 13, 2013 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Why did Cain kill Abel? How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? Cain resented Abel because God didn't accept Cain's offering due to his attitude and lack of repentence. God accepted Abel's offering because it was offered in righteousness and repentence. The Scripture tells us that Cain's works were evil and his brother's righteous. It is a basic principle in human life that wickedness hates righteousness and this explains why the world hates the believer. Cain didn't love his brother and hated that God accepted Abel's offering and not his. Cain's hatred and jealously lead to murdering his brother. A hatred of God taken out on Abel. God personally counseled Cain on doing what was right and being accepted. Cain chose to ignore God's advise and followed his own way which led to murder. The righteous life of the follower of Christ throws the wickedness of the unbeliever into sharp constrast. The world hates this exposure and instead of changing its wicked behavior, the world seeks to destroy what shows it up so clearly. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted May 25, 2013 Report Posted May 25, 2013 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Apparently Cain was not a righteous man. He was an unrepentant sinner. God favored Abel because he did what was right. God did actually warn Abel to stop sinning, but he didn't. Instead he murdered his brother because he was jealous of Abel receiving God's favor. Why did Cain kill Abel? God's acceptance of Abel's sacrifice, and of Abel in general, drove Cain to murder him. He was so consumed with jealousy that he allowed the spirit of murder to consume him. When we consider these two sons of Adam, who was still alive himself, were one generation removed from the creation of Mankind, it's frightening to see how far and how fast humans had fallen into sin! How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? The world, which is for the time being under the dominion of the evil one, will hate the righteous out of jealousy. When worldly people see God-fearing upright people doing what is right they feel ashamed and jealous; and rather than join them they'll try to either drag them down or destroy them. They did that to Jesus and they'll do that to us! We've been warned. Quote
Old Jerry Posted February 17, 2014 Report Posted February 17, 2014 Cain resented Abel because Abel's offering was accepted by God and Cain’s wasn’t. Cain killed Abel because God accepted Abel’s offering and not his. The story of Cain and Abel illustrates Jesus’ explanation of why the world hates us because we are accepted by God. We have something to look forward to when we die and they don’t. Quote
wifee Posted March 21, 2014 Report Posted March 21, 2014 1a)Cain resents Abel because God favoured Abel’s first fruits offering of an animal sacrifice and rejected Cain’s cereal offering. b)Cain killed Abel when he allowed his jealous sinful thoughts of Cain to develop into sinful action of murder. Sin creates more sin if it is nor repented of and washed away. c)Abel obeying God making Cain jealous,shows how Christians seeking to live as God has asked of us, can make clear to the world their choice to live in sinful ways,making them feel uncomfortable aware of sinful choices they’ve made and they are jealous of the peace, freedom in Christ,security,pleasure from true joy that Christians feel when living out of love of God,and in his path of light. Quote
cezhead Posted March 10, 2015 Report Posted March 10, 2015 Cain resented Abel for much the same reason much of the world resents those of us who put our faith in Jesus : the see righteousness. Of course they don't see our righteousness, they see God's righteousness in us. Cain killed Abel in hopes of getting his inheritance This backfired of course because their father would not bless him. I have experienced this to a certain extent in my own family. I have two older brothers and neither one of them have spoken to me in over 8 years and part of the reason is, I believe, my faith. Quote
JSF Posted June 1, 2016 Report Posted June 1, 2016 Why did Cain resent Abel? Why did Cain kill Abel? How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? Cain resented Abel because he was envious that God accepted Abel's sacrifice, but not Cain's. His actions were evil, but Abel's were righteous. Abel's righteousness exposed Cain's unrighteousness. If the world hated and persecuted Jesus - who is righteous, the world will hate and persecute His followers. Quote
Anstey Jeremiah Posted February 8, 2017 Report Posted February 8, 2017 I can site two biblical scriptures or maybe three to clear up the story of Cain and Abel; Heb. 11:4 says by faith Abel's sacrifice was better. scripture says "faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God - indicating that They were told/taught how to worship God properly, it stands to reason that Cain did not do as told. Secondly Gen 4:3-5 said while Abel offered some of the firstborn of his flock (with the emphasis on first), Cain offered some fruits (not first fruits) which is unacceptable in the sight of God. when we combine all these scriptures we get at least biblical explanation for Cain's actions and behavior. God also gave Cain the opportunity to do better viz. he extended grace to Cain so that He could do better. history I believe has recorded that Roman society resented Christians when they realized that Christians were changing their behavior, not taking part in their orgies and their hedonistic lifestyles. They took offense as to how this made them look. It's the same in the world today; Non-Christians and even those who struggle with Christianity resents faithful Christians only because it makes them look like heathens and shows up their unbelief, in turn they respond by persecution. Psalm 50:16-22 describes them and the situation correctly. Quote
Uncle Dave Posted March 29, 2017 Report Posted March 29, 2017 Why did Cain resent Abel? Cain resented Abel because Abel was living a righteous life and Cain was not. Righteousness and evil are two very complete opposites which can’t sit beside each other without conflict. Why did Cain kill Abel? Cain killed Abel out of jealousy over the fact that God accepted Abel’s offering and not his. Abel gave his offering with a righteous heart and Cain with an evil one. Cain was not willing to repent of his evils. How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? Because when we repent of our past, strive to live a sin-free, righteous type life, it is but a short time before the world is against you. Atleast in my case it happened that way. I was working in the woods (logging) snow was on the ground and we had been working long days and when I mentioned that I had decided to make some changes in my life it only took minutes before I became known as the “new hypocrite” with the crew and the language like taking God’s name intensified to a fever pitch and people were actually upset with me because I showed up to go to work early without a hangover and at that time I was “educated” by the unknowing on the subject of why the church was a joke. I may not have been as righteous as Abel but I was quickly surrounded by Cain’s brothers and everything I did made somebody mad. Quote
hanks Posted May 20, 2018 Report Posted May 20, 2018 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Why did Cain kill Abel? How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? Cain resented Abel because God accepted Abel’s offering and not his. Cain saw Abel’s relationship with God as a threat, for God had spoken of Abel as a righteous man and Cain felt God had rejected him. This resulted in him rebelling against God by not recognizing God’s authority, and becoming insanely jealous of his brother. In his mind this was reason enough for his jealousy and hatred towards his brother. In the end, Cain failed to control his envy of Abel – finally murdering him. We see this in the world today where the greatest problem is rebellion against God (Romans 1:18-22). This explains why our love is often met with hatred (v 13). All around the world believers are being persecuted, imprisoned, and even martyred by ideologies that are opposed to God. Those living in a right relationship with the Lord are often hated by the world, for no other reason than that by living for God, we make them painfully aware of their shortcomings and immoral ways. They also often perceive us as hypocrites - they hate this holier than thou attitude. Sometimes I feel they have reason to hate us. Especially when I notice the jealousy, backbiting, and slandering in our churches today Quote
haar Posted June 30, 2018 Report Posted June 30, 2018 Q1. (1 John 3:12-15) Q. Why did Cain resent Abel? A. Because accepted his brother's sacrifice and did not accept his own. Q. Why did Cain kill Abel? A. His jealousy and anger triggered the spirit of murder Q. How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus'explanation of why the world hates us? A. The world hates us because of several reasons including our holier than thou attitude. But one other reason is that our righteous ways exposes the world's unrighteousness thereby attracting their anger that often lead to murder. Quote
Reuben Posted September 13, 2021 Report Posted September 13, 2021 Why did Cain resent Abel? Why did Cain kill Abel? How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? Cain was jealous of Abel because God was not satisfied with his offering , because he was not doing it out of love and wanting. The Bible says that he was angry, and his face was downcast, and there had to be wrong in his life as God ask him why he does not do what is right. It was not about what was offered but the heart of the person doing so. Cain killed him because the opposite of love is hate, and the spirit of hate extends to murder. He hated his brother because he could not stand that his brother lived a righteous life , and that God favoured Abel more because of this. How sad. Today we see exactly the same in our daily lives. People who do not know God, or choose NOT to know Him, despise anything Godly, as it reveals and exposes their lawlessness. "After all, nobody can tell me I am wrong! I am a law unto myself! Who gives you the right! This is the world ." Like Cain they do not love the righteous and hate those living in a relationship with God. This is why love is so crucial and will allow us to live to please the Father as we love Him, and automatically will love one another. I may not like some people but that is not hating them, it still means I love them enough to tolerate at pray for them. Jesus also reminds us that the student is not better than the master, therefore as much as they hated our Master, that is how they will hate us. Quote
Krissi Posted December 12, 2021 Report Posted December 12, 2021 Why didn't God protect the righteous Abel? That's what I want to know. Abel brought God his gift-sacrifice, his heart was right, God accepted his offering ... and he was murdered. Why does God allow these sorts of things to happen to those who try to do good and actually please Him? I'm not focusing on Cain, but Abel. Okay, I'll look at Cain, now. Cain was angry at the situation and the preferential treatment God gave Abel -- anger is the desire to hurt someone. Then that bottle blew open. Hatred morphed into murder. He did what he had thought -- all deeds, good or bad, start in the mind. Jesus didn't seem to think that Abel deserved more or was unfairly treated by God. I think people hate Christians because we implicitly are rejecting them, just as God rejected Cain's sacrifice. They feel our rejection, a rejection of their values and, yes, persons as it's impossible to separate a person from his or her sin. Our rejection angers them. Thus, they strike out at us. Quote
Rob Mc. Posted June 19, 2022 Report Posted June 19, 2022 (1 John 3:12-15) Why did Cain resent Abel? Cain resented him because God accepted Abel’s offering while also shunning Cain’s own. Cain was weak and veered towards sinning, while Abel was righteous and so found favor in God’s sight. Why did Cain kill Abel? Cain was jealous of Abel. Instead of looking inward at himself, he lashed out at his brother. His anger led to murder, because he couldn’t control his emotions. How does the story of Cain and Abel illustrate Jesus' explanation of why the world hates us? In today’s world, Christians are shunned and hated because when they look at us, they see a negative reflection of themselves. As we try to live life by moving away from sin, they are rushing headlong into sin, caused in part by their reluctance to open their hearts and listen for God to call them. Like Cain, their emotions cause them to lash out at us, resulting in “shame (on their behavior), anger, hatred -- and persecution…” Quote
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