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Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us?

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Anger is the root of hatred. When anger erupts it's meant to be a flash that is dealt with and done with, taking action to correct a wrong but cooling the heat of emotion before the sun goes down (Ephesians 4:26). But when we choose to let it sit in the heart and then we begin to fan it, anger smolders and begins to release poisons. Displeasure, harshness, offense, and bitterness chronically flood the heart, and if there's no intervention the toxic environment will ignite the ultimate flame of hatred. Hatred is a hardening process, scorching the heart into a fixed shell that no longer chooses to think, speak, and act in accordance with the highest good for another (my definition of love). This condition of hatred will desire death to anything good for the person we believe has transgressed us. In 3:15, John reminded us of Jesus' own warning from Matthew 5 that in the eyes of the LORD, a desire for such death is every bit as evil as the actual act of murder.

The process for recovery from this is in 1 John 1:8-9. The first step in getting rid of stored-up anger in our own hearts is to recognize the truth, call it what it is, and own up to it - without rationalizations or excuses. Regardless of what another person may have done (or what we may simply perceive was done), each person bears responsibility for our individual response. This will be the time for confession, as you come into agreement that this is actually sin against the LORD. As you accept His promised forgiveness, He is ready and waiting to cleanse as He sets to work to help you extinguish the hatred and dig out that smoldering ember of anger. It has helped me to know that nowhere does Scripture say one must trust or even like the offender, but that we are called to be conduits of His love. As we release the anger and let His grace flow, we'll even be able to see the way He sees, looking beyond the deed to understand the need of that person. And we'll develop the compassionate spirit that is ready and eager to forgive if/when the offender reaches repentance.


Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us?

by allowing it to grow and become hardened in our hearts, when we keep it there protected and remind ourselves of it daily,it changes our heart and cause the love that God placed there to be lost. If we pray and seek God's forgiveness and allow the hurt to heal and give up our need to hate then the love for our brothers will grow and the Spirit of God will help us to learn to forgive.


Anger turns into hatred in our hearts when we let it fester into bitterness and don't deal with it.

Anger which turns into hatred & bitterness can overpower us when it is on our minds all the time, and tends to grow into murder.

We can get rid of the anger in our hearts by confessing it & giving it up to God. We should actually do this before going to bed at night. We can also deliberately pray regularly for the person offending us.


Anger can turn into hatred in our hearts when we fail to forgive, but hold on to hanger for long time. This turns into hatred eventully.

Anger can turn into hatred when we do not forgive. The spirit that controls anger is the same spirit that influences or causes murder. This explains why Cain murdered Abel. He was angry that his offering was not accepte by God while that of Abel was accepted. This anger turned into hatred and eventually turned into murder.

We can get rid of strong anger from our hearts by asking the Lord God to help us to forgive the person we are holding the grudge agaisnt. Only by the enabling of the Holy Spirit of God can we forgive from our hearts and then love the person who offended us.


Q2. (1 John 3:15)

How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts?

In what way do anger and hatred relate to murder?

How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us?

Anger can easily turn into deep bitterness and if we are not careful into hatred. Often it is but a small step from hatred to murder. I have found that if I forgive those who have done me wrong and also sincerely pray for them, my anger towards them eventually disappears.


We feel strong, in control, when we're angry. But really, we're not. I think anger is often an expression of fear. The same with hatred.....a fear that we are not in control, but someone else is. Or of something we don't understand. We compensate by sitting in a judgement seat when we hate. To avoid festering hatred we must see our own need, our own lack, our own weaknesses. That we have no right to judge and hate another. And when someone cruelly takes advantage of us we must learn to see the cross in living color, and see the Servant washing the feet of his betrayer. And the one who would deny Him. And all those who would sleep, or run away, when He needed them the most.


Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us?

Hate and anger how quickly they grow into something so very evil. Every one knows the power of hate, we see its horrible evidence each day across our world, evil has ne respect to age or creed.

Thank you Lord that you have shown us by your grace to turn hate to love and anger to reconciliation.


If anger gets manifested into the heart, it can turn into hatred and a hardened heart.

If a person allows hate and anger to rule their hearts, then a spirit of murder pops in.

A person must repent and ask God for forgiveness. They must pray and seek God daily.


Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts?

If in my heart are emotions of anger without any cause, it is a red flag to me. I have to evaluate what is in my heart. This world offers many reasons for me to be angry, I must evaluate the condition of my heart, is anger resulting from jealousy,or stemming from the emotions of the flesh? God called me to come out of the flesh, if I don


Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us?

Q2. (1 John 3:15)

How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what way do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us?

Allowing anger to grow in the heart is the way to making it turn into hatred. When anger grows into hatred it may lead to murder. To overcome this we must always remember God is love. God manifested His love to us by sending us Christ. If we can think of Christ on the Cross, dying for us, then we will understand what LOVE is and we will be able to exercise love on our own scale.


Anyone who Hates his brother in Christ is at heart a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding within him.

Hate can cause someone to do dreadful things, such as murder. Also it comes from The evil one. We must Pray and ask God for forgiveness, when we get so angry that we start to lose control. we must fight this with our whole being.

Asking God for his help. If we ask God for help, he will be very close to us. and he will help us. We should leave it with God, he will take care of it for us.


Anger can turn into bitterness and harden our hearts, so that we loose our tenderness and we become calloused in our hearts and in our minds.

Anger and hatred relate to murder, because we no longer have love in our hearts towards those who have hurt us. We think of justice and vengeance and even though we may not physically murder, we murder in other ways. Gossiping or slandering or undermining a person and ruining their reputations. We end up hating them. We can get rid of stored up anger by taking it to God. I know when I confess my feelings of anger, I lay them at the feet of Jesus and ask Him to deal with the person and to help me have the fruit of the Spirit towards them. I also have had the experience of God showing me my own shortcomings in what I'm angry at another about. When I see that in myself and know the forgiveness I've been given, I'm more ready to forgive another with gratitude to God.




Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us?

How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? Anger against someone who has wronged you is an evil cancer within you and will eventually turn into hate.

In what way do anger and hatred relate to murder? At the root of murder are two sources; anger and hate.

How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? We must learn to forgive those who have wronged us. We must exhibit a Christ-like character and forgive. Not just verbally, but in our hearts and minds. Remember, God know our every thought and feelings. This is the only way we can find peace.


Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us?

Over the years anger is something I have battled with, I have found that by prayer and constant reading and study of Gods word the battle is being won. Whenever I feel anger toward someone, and in some cases vent that anger toward them, I will try to always ask for their forgiveness. This is something that I have only recently started to do and I believe it is because I have been convicted by the Holy Spirit to do so. In asking for forgiveness, and this is often from people who have seriously offended or ridiculed me, it has started a process of healing in my life and I find myself being drawn ever closer to God.

When anger starts to get in the way of love it starts to change our personalities and those who are not yet saved may be driven away from salvation by our actions, and this in itself can be construed as murder.


Anger and bitterness toward someone even if we treat them well will grow like a cancer. Anger and hatared in the heart is also like murder of the heart and we must decide to forgive this person because we cannot love this person as Jesus has called us to do so until we forgive them... It is through the Holy Spirit that we are able to do this...


Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts?

Unconfessed, undealt with anger can simmer into resentment, then harden into bitterness and rage, and boil over into hatred.

In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder?

Anger and hatred are the seeds which can produce the fruit of murder.....we can "murder" someone in our heart/mind, without physically committing the act. John said anyone who hates his brother in Christ is at heart a murderer.

How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us?

My experience with this and what God taught me to do is this: In a vicious attack by a "Christian" employer, who falsely accused our daughter of committing check fraud, and who ran to the pastor of the church we were attending and to all of the church leaders with the lie. One of the deacons went to the bank and repeated the accusation, the checking account was seized, leaving our daughter without funds or access to her account. At the time, our daughter was unemployed, having resigned prior to the accusation because she'd seen a pattern of lying , and noticed some strange financial maneuvers which were unethical. She resigned without giving a reason. She had also just been diagnosed with a lump in her breast, her car had caught on fire in a parking lot and was destroyed, then the replacement car was stolen...on and on it went, with one attack after another.

I'd grown up in a violent home with a raging Father and was terrified of anger, so I repressed any feelings of anger. At most I admitted to "being a little annoyed". After becoming a Christian, I received some poor teaching, that "all anger is sin"....which fit into my dysfunctional background further enabling me to stay in denial about being angry and to feel self righteous about it. At first when this accusation came and was spread around the church and business community, I was confident that it would be resolved in a timely way and she would be vindicated. The accuser was on the drama team, and was able to cry on command, and for an entire year, this situation dragged on, as power hungry, immature and unspiritual "deacons" interviewed, dawdled, etc. At one point the accuser confessed that she'd "made a mistake in accusing" our daughter, but when faced with the consequences, she recanted her confession in another tearful display, and nothing was done! Our daughter was left to deal with the bank on her own, we left the church, and at this point I was overcome with hatred and the awareness that I was thankful we didn't own a gun! For the first time in my life I understood how someone could feel so enraged and victimized that one could actually pull the trigger. It scared the snot out of me, and I had to learn how to deal with this new emotion of anger, which had simmered into rage and hatred. I quickly got into Christian counseling to deal with all of this....

(one year later, the accuser attacked the employee who'd replaced our daughter, with the same accusation, and the truth finally came out that the "Christian" employer was a drug addict who was embezzling money until discrepancies were discovered, then she would blame her employee. Her husband divorced her, she lost custody of her child, was disgraced at the church, but never apologized to our daughter for the year of heartbreak and trauma she'd caused her and our family, who were seen as pariahs, and shunned, nor did the church apologize to our daughter for their inept and biased treatment. (The accuser was well known and on staff there, while we were unknown newcomers.) The money seized was never restored to her either.)

In counseling I learned to recognize when I'm angry, and to journal about the anger and what is causing the emotion, rather than nuking the person "in the hot seat"....then to give God the anger, and to forgive the individual(s) I'm angry with. When able to do in love, to go to the offender to talk about the situation and to seek reconciliation (Reconciliation isn't possible if the offender is unrepentant or unsafe, as in the case of an abuser...in such cases forgiveness is enough.)This isn't a quick process in some cases, but it is effective. Anger is a God given emotion meant to alert us to abuse, injustice, old emotional wounds which need to be healed and forgiven, etc. and to take some kind of positive action. Anger only becomes sin when it is left to simmer into hatred. Undealt with, it can cause sickness and mental issues in the one who harbors the anger. In this situation I kept journaling and dealing with all of the tentacles of anger this produced, until I was able to pray FOR those involved, rather than ABOUT them. It took several years to get free of all of the emotional pain and to be able to completely release it. The Lord also used this to dig down into my past abuses and injustices to heal them as well. God is the AWESOME healer of body, soul and spirit!!!


Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts?

A thistle or two gone to seed can ruin a whole garden in no time. If we keep a sharp eye out for the weed, then we can cut it off and burn it before it takes it’s shape in the garden. I don’t know if you all have seen a thistle grow to it’s fullest capacity, but they are tall and have a beautiful flower. Looks can be deceiving as we know, And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14

Anger is a short lived appetite and it doesn’t feed us anything good, in fact just the opposite. Remember Esau? He later regretted feeding his appetite, but by then it was too late. He had already traded away his blessing. We can do that.. this stuff is written in scripture so that we learn from other people’s mistakes. If we let anger go by the way side with out repentance, it will begin to fester into so much more and we don’t need more sin, we need more of Yahushua and He can’t be associated with evil. He is Holy!

In what way do anger and hatred relate to murder?

They both feed the power of destruction and it’s behaviors.

How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who

have offended us?

Seek Yahushua’s guidance in prayer. In prayer there is a connection between what Yahushua does and what we do. We can't get forgiveness from Yahushua, for instance, without also forgiving others. If we refuse to do our part, we cut ourself off from Yahushua’s part.

NOTE TO JANMARY: I sympathize with your past dilemma, but praise God with you on the outcome. Most often folks forget that if God can wash and cleanse the beaches all around the world, twice a day, He can certainly cleanse the soul.


Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us?

Since we still have the old nature in us the natural tendency of that nature is to go from anger to hate and if not checked to murder. It is a terrible state of the unconverted human heart. Matthew Henry says "Hatred of the person is a hatred of life and welfare and naturally tends to desire the extinction of it". I don't believe it is wrong to get angry with injustice but we need to recognise the need, because of our natural darkness, to express the anger in a way that comes out of our new nature. Our new nature says we are to forgive how many times? It meant continous. We need to put the focus on God, confess our own sin and recognise that God allowed this and He can work it for the good no matter how grievous the hurt is. We need to pray for those who hurt us and we need to remember Ephesians 6 and putting on the whole armor of God. We need to remember that we are in a battle against the powers of darkness not flesh and blood. We need to thank God that He has redeemed us from that former dark life and we are now the children of light.

As always I have work to do in all these areas. It's so important for us to pray for one another. I need prayer. Please and I am sure many others feel the same way.

Thank you Lord for redeeming us, for the new nature you planted in us. Help it to grow through the work of your precious Holy Spirit. Help us to remember that you have equipped us with armor for the battle and we need to put it on. We don't know when the arrows of the evil one will catch us offguard. It takes only an instant to make a terrible mistake. Keep us routed and grounded in the faith of our Lord and Savior. Thank you for each one on this study. May we all grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior. May Your Name be glorified in these studies and may there be sould for You. May the Lamb have that which He suffered for. And lead us safely home.

In Jesus name,


God Bless you all!!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us?

Anger,hate and murder are of the same evil spirit. When we let anger fester inside, instead of giving it to God, it quickly consumes the heart. What's is in the heart always come out and if we hate anyone the Word says we are guilty of murder. Mat 5:21,22 True forgiveness and repentance is what sets us free from sin and purifies our hearts so we can be free to love the ones who have wronged us.


Q2 When anger gets into a person and if it goes uncheck, it will slowly creep inside the

system and deteriorates which in turn churn up hatred in our hearts. As we continue

to harbour anger and hatred in us, we allow our weak flesh to take control and produce

an unforgiving spirit which will eventually lead to murder. Just like a diabetic

person who has a sore on the leg and did not attend to the wound, slowly but surely

the sore will get worst. If still unattended to, germs and bacteria can creep in and

when it goes out of hand, the leg will eventually be amputated.

If we want God to forgive us our sins we need to forgive those who have sinned against

us. We need to flush our souls of the unforgiveness that manifests itself in harboured

anger. We need God's graces and strength to overcome these weaknesses in us. We need

to come before Jesus to allow His healing love overflow into us so that once filled to

the brink we can allow it to overflow and reach out to others especially to share it

with those who have offended us.

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