Sarah43 Posted November 4, 2009 Report Posted November 4, 2009 On 10/7/2009 at 12:51 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? Anger, if we do not forgive those who have angered us and move on, can fester and cause violence, including murder. The best way to get rid of anger is to own it, ask the Lord for willingness to forgive and move on. We may love those who offend us by understanding that they too are sinners who need the Lord's help. Sometimes it isn't possible to outwardly love the person who has sinned against us. One example is when that person is abusing us in some way and will use our love as an open door for more abuse. Forgiveness and asking for the Lord's protection is enough in this and other cases. Quote
iam4-1god Posted November 4, 2009 Report Posted November 4, 2009 Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? If we allow anger to sit and stew in our hearts, and don't try to resolve it and confess it, then it will turn to hatred. Then, when it turns to hatred, it is seen as murder in God's eyes. In order to rid our hearts of this anger, we need to confess to God and sak Him to heal us, and allow us to move away from the anger we feel. Sometimes we can go to the one that offended us, and sometimes we can't-God knows! We can count on God to help us do the right thing, and get past our emotions. Gloray! Quote
C Riv Posted November 5, 2009 Report Posted November 5, 2009 On 10/7/2009 at 12:51 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? I would say that anger follows the action that some how has hurt us which if not given to God will turn to hatred. We ourselves are of a sinful nature and without Christ in our hearts we can grow empty hearted and cold.Eventually anger festers and it becomes hatred which in time it festers also and leads to murder.Again if we keep Christ out of our hearts satan loves that because that gives him a foot hold, and that is all he needs. To get rid of stored up anger we have to surrender to God, then we can humble ourselves before Him. Only with the anointing,and the blessing of the Holy Spirit can we get rid of anger,and hatred.We turn all our issues to Christ and He will give us what we need to over come what lays on our hearts. It can be hard but have faith and believe in Him, He will deliver you.The more we surrender to Him the more He reveals our wrongs to us and gives us the strength and courage to hand it over to Him. Only with Christ can we love those who have offended us, we can not do this on our own. Quote
Magnus Posted November 6, 2009 Report Posted November 6, 2009 How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts?Without forgiveness, we have no means to quench our anger. Unresolved anger burns within us—consuming us—igniting hatred for the object of our anger. In what way do anger and hatred relate to murder?Unrestrained hatred robs us of rationality and sees murder as our rightful judgment against those who have wronged us. How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us?We need only to look to the cross and see what Jesus did for us. Wrongly accused and persecuted, he died for us, bearing our sins, so that our relationship with the Father might be eternally restored. We who have been forgiven so much, must put down our anger and forgive those who have offended and afflicted us. If we are truly saved people, others will recognize Jesus through our forgiveness. But if we withhold forgiveness, we are NOT his children. Click HERE to sponsor a child today Quote
csreeves Posted November 7, 2009 Report Posted November 7, 2009 On 10/7/2009 at 12:51 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? Anger inside causes us to grow into an intense hatred. To rid yourself of these felings by repentance. Quote
STEPHEN ROSS Posted November 8, 2009 Report Posted November 8, 2009 Anger when allowed to go unchecked can grow in our hearts and can develop into hatred and allow a murderous Spirit to enter in, I believe this is what happened to Cain. We all have a choice to forgive and let go of the offense,or to hold on to it and allow it to fester. In Cains case he was not only angry with Abel but he was also angry with God., and he chose to act on it. Quote
Don W Posted November 8, 2009 Report Posted November 8, 2009 We must flush out all of the ungodly anger within us towards those who have hurt us; confess them all and ask for God Quote
masika Posted November 8, 2009 Report Posted November 8, 2009 Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what way do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? Anger can turn into hate if you can't forgive and forget and also if you can not control your anger. We are to keep our emotions in control. Anger is a human, God given emotion, but when it becomes a problem we cannot control, it is a demonic spirit operating through a person. No believer should be under the control of demonic power in this way. To be out of control is to not be a good representative of Christ. Quote
charchar Posted November 8, 2009 Report Posted November 8, 2009 Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? Anger can turn into hatred in our hearts if we are not careful of being judgemental and not protecting our hearts from the things of this world. We must understand that if we are angry we must pray about everything and let God do what God will do. Anger and hatred relate to murder because in the book of Matthew is says that they are one. If we are anger about something we must not act like the world, we must repent and not let it become apart of our heart. I really do feel that as soon as something is said or done we must immediately look at this situation and say what is it Lord that I must see and learn from this. Please let me understand that this thing is not of You Lord but of the evil one. Search my heart and clean me, let me have eyes to see things in the spirit not in the natural. Guide my heart, mine and soul. In Jesus name Amen. Quote
Craig Posted November 9, 2009 Report Posted November 9, 2009 On 10/7/2009 at 12:51 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? Allowing anger to remain in our hearts will allow it to turn into a bitterness that often leads to destructive behavior hurting others as well as ourselves. Anger can turn into hatred leading to murder. Stored-up anger can be released by confessing the anger to God and asking for the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome the anger. Forgiving another or asking forgiveness of another may be required to rid oneself of anger. We need to intentionally practice love as defined in I Cor. 13 as a way of life. Love removes anger from our hearts. Quote
nurselaino Posted November 9, 2009 Report Posted November 9, 2009 Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what way do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? 1Jn 3:15 If you hate each other, you are murderers, and we know that murderers do not have eternal life. Anger is very much like a cancer. Sitting in our hearts, with us dwelling on it, mulling it over, increasing the feelings it turns into hatred. Holding onto the anger keeps us from thinking out what is really important...Jesus. Anger and hatred are the feelings behind the action...which ultimately will end in murder if the feelings are not reigned in. I believe that it is only with the help of the Holy Spirit that we can rid ourselves of this stored up anger. He will give us the wisdom and the strength to battle and overcome these feelings. Quote
diana47 Posted November 10, 2009 Report Posted November 10, 2009 anger can easily turn into haterd if we dont becarefull,god wants us to turn away from hate and anger cause it does us no good to be selfish.we need to love everyone including ourselfand love thy neighbor. Quote
sweetpea Posted November 10, 2009 Report Posted November 10, 2009 On 10/7/2009 at 12:51 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? Anger can turn into hatred in our hearts when we dwell on it day and night, and when we don't repent of our anger. Anger turns into hate, and when that happens, the devil is there waiting to pounce and to encourage you to seek revenge. We can get rid of stored-up anger by repenting of our anger and praying for the one who has offended us. Jesus said , "Pray for those who persecute you". Quote
l.a. Posted November 11, 2009 Report Posted November 11, 2009 On 10/7/2009 at 12:51 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? I think that anger can lead to resentement if we do not consciously deal with it the way Jesus taught us to. So many times we focus on how an action effected 'us.' When this happens, boy are we in trouble! It does not take long when the very thought of the individual directly correlates with the offensive action. Jesus showed us the better way; forgive thoughs who hurt you, pray for those who persecute you. I have found that if I am obedient to His teaching and pray for the person I am hurt by, His grace covers me and I (eventually) find forgiveness in my heart. What a wonderful Savior we serve! Quote
MAMA Posted November 13, 2009 Report Posted November 13, 2009 Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? Anger is a God given emotion. Its alright to be angry if a child gets hits by a car and the driver leaves the scene; you are angry enough to get the color, make and tags of the car. Angry quickly turns to hate when the child dies and the scene keeps playing over and over in your mind, you began to store up hatred in your heart for that person. We must forgive our brothers and ask God forgiviness of our sins so that we may love those who have offended us. Patricia Quote
Greta Posted November 15, 2009 Report Posted November 15, 2009 Anger can turn to hatred in our hearts when we dwell on it, rehersing our anger again and again. Anger and hatred relate to murder because by this time we have stored up so much bitterness towards the person, that there is poison in us. We get rid of the stored up anger by confessing our sin to God, then by forgiving the person we are angry with, forgiving ourselves and then praying for the other person - and asking God's help to love him/her. Quote
linda bass Posted November 16, 2009 Report Posted November 16, 2009 Anger can turn into hatred in our hearts when we hold onto it instead of letting go. Anger then becomes a resident bitterness within us that eventually turns into hatred against those who have wronged or offended us. Anger and hatred relate to murder in that they all are the result of the same spirit. The attitude of anger and hatred,if allowed to fester will eventually lead to the action of murder. We get rid of stored up anger in our hearts by forgiving those brothers and sisters who have wronged or offended us. God commands us to rid our souls of the unforgiveness that manifests itself in harbored anger. When we let go of anger and forgive fellow believers we have a grudge against, we can then love them in the way Jesus' has called us to. Quote
Debra M. Posted November 17, 2009 Report Posted November 17, 2009 How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? Left unchecked, unrighteous anger is the door that opens up and allows hate to enter into our hearts. Anyone can understand that to replay over and over in our minds, or to focus on when we feel wronged, can result in our anger growing and intensifying, so much so, that the only thing that becomes evident to us is what we are feeling. And these feelings will eventually produce hatred, which usually takes action. John is not speaking of the feeling of love or hate, but the actual action that love or hate induces. (And recognizing this feeling BEFORE it can take action, is the key to control.) In what way do anger and hatred relate to murder? Murder is the result of a controlling and active force that can be instigated or perpetutated by anger and hatred. How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those that have offended us? Keep our focus and attention off of the offense and onto the Words of God. Giving His Word priority and first place in our lives. Practicing random acts of kindness and love towards others. Speaking an edifying comment to another (even when we feel like screaming insults). Confessing God's Word over our life (e.g. Greater is He that is in me than he in the world .. I can do all things through Christ .. and so forth) Meditating on God's love for us, until we begin to FEEL His love. Quote
Sandra K Posted November 19, 2009 Report Posted November 19, 2009 On 10/7/2009 at 12:51 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? If I am angry and do nothing about it, it will fester and the energy of anger will settle within me to be bitterness. At that point, I have moved far from God. This anger has turned into a murderous attitude...very dangerous. Anger is like a keeps growing and taking over our attitude and actions. Then we could release that great energy of anger in the form of murder. What we/I must do is keep check on situations that anger me and turn to the Lord THEN and confess that sinful attitude and ask for forgiveness. I must do this until I am able to ask the Lord to bless that person...that is a great check to see if I have really forgiven (the Lord tells us to bless those who have persecuted us.) Quote
Antwan Posted November 21, 2009 Report Posted November 21, 2009 On 10/7/2009 at 12:51 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? Anger turns into hatred when the situation that bred the anamosity is not dealt with, providing opportunity for bitterness to take root. In the past (and I admit that I still struggle with it in some situations with some people), I learned that if you hate someone, the motive to murder them is always there. When you are angry and hate someone, you want vengence, and murder would be the ultimate vengence. To get rid of hidden bitterness, the situation that causes the conflict should be resolved between the two parties involved, as well as praying that God heals one of that bitterness; that's also commanded in Scripture, that if you stand praying, or offering a gift to God, if you have offended anyone, or someone has offended you, go and make peace, then go make your offering to God; that bitterness against a fellow brother/sister or human also affects relationship with God. Quote
Commissioned Posted November 21, 2009 Report Posted November 21, 2009 On 10/7/2009 at 12:51 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? When we hold onto anger, it becomes a resident bitterness within us, that bitterness turns to hatred toward the cause of the anger. Jesus related anger to murder when He said, "You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.' But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment...." (Matthew 5:21-22a). John also related anger to murder when he said, "Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him" (1 John 3:15). We get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us by forgiving the offender. Quote
maddog Posted December 12, 2009 Report Posted December 12, 2009 On 10/7/2009 at 12:51 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? Uncontrolled and non-repentant anger will birth hatred in our hearts. Hatred and murder are related because they are caused by the same evil spirit. As we live a lawless life, the evil one will continue to grow within us. We can ask God to help us get rid of the hatred. We can pray for the one we hate and for ourselves. Apologizing to the one we have difficulty with, because God has helped us remember Jesus loved all. And, if we say we are like Christ, we need to get rid of the hate and love those who love us, and, those who dispise us. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted December 21, 2009 Report Posted December 21, 2009 On 10/7/2009 at 12:51 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? We hold onto anger, or harbor anger so that it produces hatred in our hearts In what way do anger and hatred relate to murder? The spirit that underlies anger and hatred and murder is exactly the same How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? We must forgive those who offended us Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted December 21, 2009 Report Posted December 21, 2009 How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? If we hold onto anger and let it grow and seethe within us, it eventually turns to hatred. In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? Anger and hatred relate to murder as an attitude....and murder then becomes the outward action. If we feel these raw emotions they can manifest to an action. How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? We can rid ourselves of this anger by forgiving others of the wrongs that we hold against them, and by asking that we be forgiven for this attitude. Quote
browniiiii Posted January 29, 2010 Report Posted January 29, 2010 (1 John 3:15) How can anger turn into hatred in our hearts? In what ways do anger and hatred relate to murder? How can we get rid of stored-up anger in our hearts so that we may love those who have offended us? If we hold on to anger, it seethes and turns into hatred. Anger and hatred come from the same spirit as murder, in order to murder someone you have to be angry and hate them. Repent daily, forgive our offenders and ask for forgiveness ourselves. Quote
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