Pastor Ralph Posted May 16, 2003 Report Posted May 16, 2003 Q5. (Ephesians 4:5) In what sense should "one baptism" unite us rather than divide us? How can we maintain the unity of the Spirit and still disagree with other Christian groups about the administration of baptism? Should striving for unity blur our faithfulness to Biblical understanding? How do we balance the two? Exposition Quote
Darleen Nelson Posted May 17, 2003 Report Posted May 17, 2003 One baptism means we have the obedience to be baptized as the scripture tells us. The great commission says baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost with no mention of the proper procedure. With disunity over the form of baptism used there can be no unity in the body. The examples of the form baptism took in the Bible are clear but the purpose of baptism which is to fulfill God's instructions is more important than the mode used. Quote
Sunshine Miller Posted May 22, 2003 Report Posted May 22, 2003 One Baptism, unite Us rather than to Divide? Maintain Unity of the Spirit? May or may not Disagree of the Administration of the Baptism?. Unity blur our Faithfulness to the Biblical Understanding? Finding a Balance. I believe in only what the Word says to us; I would say According to scripture there is a Baptism in water and a Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Jesus gave us an example on how He was to be Baptised; therefore Uniting us in His example... likemindedness. The Division is termed: to divide, cut, slice, separate. In essence we are Divided by a separation of the Word. Example: telling only part of a message and one would have many questions due to only revealing bits and pieces of the message. The Administration of the Baptism was set forth by the example of Jesus for us to follow. Unity to the Spirit is following in His ways. Unity to man can only Blur our faithfulness to Biblical Understanding; while all understanding of the Word is revealed to us by the One who calls Himself the Word. Jesus said that we not know of these things by way of our own understanding, but through the Knowledge of Him. Finding Balance in it all is to know that all Babes and Mature in Christ are growing and learning. Our path is the same, but the Focus is to look straight ahead; not to the right nor to the left or we lose sight of Him who is in the Lead. Once the focus is on man/woman we follow in their paths and not His one and only path. Lv, Sunshine Quote
Listener Posted May 23, 2003 Report Posted May 23, 2003 5aIn the sense that it is our outward confession of our faith in Jesus Christ to the world. 5bBy dwelling on the things we have in common; salvation through the shed blood of Jesus, his resurrection and the eternal life we have with him. 5cNo, it should not!. We have to realize that it is the Holy Spirit that gives the revelation and illumination of God's Word. It is the Holy Spirit's responsibility to convinced the world! We are to not forget that the Holy Spirit is capable! We just continued to walk in love, to pray one for the other and live the life that God will manifest himself through! . Of we walk upright, God will do the balancing! Trust Him. Remember that it is God who is able to keep us from falling and present us faultless in the presence of his glory! You, me and them! Quote
sangra Posted May 23, 2003 Report Posted May 23, 2003 In what sense should 'one baptism' unite us rather than divide us? In baptism we are sealed with the Holy Spirit, made members of the body of Christ, and called to his ministry in the world. Baptism is the symbolic death of our old lives and rebirth as new beings. Beings initiated into the fellowship of all believers, not into any particular denomination. In this sense there is only one baptism. How can we maintain unity of the Spirit and still disagree with other Christian groups re administration of baptism? The administration is academic. The most important thing is to understand the symbolism of using water - not how much is used or how it is administered. Should striving for unity blur our faithfulness to biblical understanding? Biblical understanding, it seems to me, is an ongoing process. In some things our understanding may be correct, but in others we may need to adapt our thinking. Remember how Peter had to admit his thinking on dietary restrictions no longer applied? And how Paul had to realise that baptism was for those uncircumcised as well as those circumcised? How do we balance the two? By allowing God to transform our minds. Quote
jaunita Posted May 23, 2003 Report Posted May 23, 2003 I believe Paul is speaking here, as in the previous verse's to the Ephesians, concerning unity between the Gentiles and the Jewish believer; Pointing out the fact that it is one faith, one baptizem, one God, in all. As for baptizem uniting us as believers, it should. For we as believers are baptized into Jesus, so in this we are, in Him. We are commanded to submit ourselve to baptizem, as Jesus submitted Himself to be baptized by John. Baptizem is a symbol of the dying of the "old man", and the raising up, (resurrection power) of the "new man" in Christ; If it be by emursion, or sprinkling. As far as our faithfulness, to Bibical understanding and unity, causing a conflict, I don't believe it should; But I know at times it can; I know we are not to write of personal experiance's here, but I will say this; From my own experiance, and things I believe God has taught me recently, the Word has to take first place, even before unity. If you ask different cult members if they are in unity, I'm sure they would say yes....those in the past that have even commited mass suicide, would say they were in unity also, so we need to be careful to not forsake God's word for the sake of unity. When we can say "For by ONE Spirit are we all baptized into one BODY, whether we be Jews or Gentiles; wether we be bond or free; and have been ALL made to drink into ONE Spirit"1COR:12:13.......There is unity! Quote
Pat Beckner Posted May 23, 2003 Report Posted May 23, 2003 just something intresting i found about unity.........Romans 12 vs 1 I beseech you therefore bretheren,by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies [plural] a living sacrafice [singular] Together we make a living sacrafice...1 unit.... Quote
Julie Posted May 23, 2003 Report Posted May 23, 2003 We are all baptised by One Spirit so there is no division, through the bond of peace is how to maintain this unity, there should be no blurring of Biblical understanding, there is only one way, and it is not man's way, if you have any confusion about anything just look in the Bible the answer for every question is there . We can balance things by maintaining unity with the seven elements. Quote
mindy Posted May 23, 2003 Report Posted May 23, 2003 Baptism is a dying to self and rising to new life. Most often our disagreements stem from defending our own position or opinion. Remeber that when Jesus was accused He offered no defense. I think that is probably our difficulty with allowing others to be wrong and still love them, we know that kind of love leads to a cross. Very few of us are ready to take our baptism all the way. Quote
Helen Williams Posted May 23, 2003 Report Posted May 23, 2003 Baptism maybe done differently among christian but not to cause division. We all believe that through baptism we are united to Christ. There is an outer appearnce of baptism(with water) but there has to be an inner baptism(Holy Spirit) if we are true believers united to Christ. We can agree/disagree on many thing even the adminstration of baptism. We need to study how to administer baptism properly. If we are followers of Christ, He has always shown us the way. Striving for unity should not blur our faithfulness to Biblical understand because we should focus on pleasing God not man. Regardless of our likes and dislikes God's Word does not change and our steps should be ordered according to his word. Pray for wisdom only God can give and most of all get understanding. Quote
DebChats Posted May 23, 2003 Report Posted May 23, 2003 (Ephesians 4:5) In what sense should "one baptism" unite us rather than divide us? In the sense that we get baptized because Jesus was baptized and we are following His lead. How can we maintain the unity of the Spirit and still disagree with other Christian groups about the administration of baptism? We maintain the unity by remembering that salvation does not happen when we are baptized .. We must keep our focus on Jesus first. Remembering WHY we are being baptized should help us to discuss 'the correct baptism' without hostility. Should striving for unity blur our faithfulness to Biblical understanding? It sure seems like it might if we are not strong in the Word. And I believe it can if we get into the 'wrong crowd'. There will always be disagreements about the Word in some instances .. But there are false doctrines out there and this is where we must use discernment. Discern false doctrine from simple 'disagreement'. How do we balance the two? We keep our focus on Jesus. Quote
retired Posted May 23, 2003 Report Posted May 23, 2003 There should be no problem here. Although men have developed different traditions regarding baptisim, there is only one God and that is who we have to please. No matter how far apart our traditions are, it doesn't matter. Because we all who are Christians believe in the same God Almighty. It does not matter whether we sprinkle or immerse, whether we baptize an infant, a youth or an adult. We are giving our will to the same God. We are following His instructions. This should not divide us. Quote
bjcollin Posted May 23, 2003 Report Posted May 23, 2003 Q5. (Ephesians 4:5) In what sense should "one baptism" unite us rather than divide us? How can we maintain the unity of the Spirit and still disagree with other Christian groups about the administration of baptism? Should striving for unity blur our faithfulness to Biblical understanding? How do we balance the two? Exposition The unity is that we agree that Baptism is commanded by God in scripture. The differences in administration are ok as long as we agree on following the action and what it represents in our lives. Striving for unity should never blur our faithfulness to Biblical understanding. Our relationship with God and learning about Him through the Word unlocks the door to walking in the Spirit which will bring about unity. It is not unity for the sake of unity, but unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. I think the meaning of "unity" in this context is not clearly defined. Unity in this case doesn't mean I will do and say and like everything the same as you do because we are in unity. I think unity has more to do with the Holy Spirit living within me because I am a Christian and the Holy Spirit living within you because you are a Christian being bonded together in agreement (unity of the Spirit) through peace. Quote
Linda Stanley Posted May 24, 2003 Report Posted May 24, 2003 It is not the way a person is Baptized or their age.It is that we all believe that through baptisn we are united to Christ.When we toss it around on what form of baptism is to be used,is not good for new converts.So,if your church sprinkles,or uses emmersion,it is what we believe is right in our faith.We all should study on how to administer baptism properly to new converts. We are commanded to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.We are not commanded to seperate from other Christians,but from the sin of unbelievers (2 Cor.6:17-7:1~~We should pray always and ask for direction. Quote
linda bass Posted May 24, 2003 Report Posted May 24, 2003 We are all united to Christ no matter what form of baptism is used. When Christians fight over whether or not someone is a believer based on the way that person was baptised, we are being foolish and petty. We need to study the proper way to baptize new believers. We don't need to use baptism as a way of dividing the body of Christ. Quote
Sgt_Z_Squad Posted May 24, 2003 Report Posted May 24, 2003 5a.) (Ephesians 4:5) In what sense should "one baptism" unite us rather than divide us? 2a.) We are baptized in Spirit into the life saving grace through Jesus Christ. 2b.)How can we maintain the unity of the Spirit and still disagree with other Christian groups about the administration of baptism? 2b.) Rememberig that baptism is not a condition for salvation. It is being obedient. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is a gift of God--not by works, so tha no one can boast." Ephesians 2:8-9 2c.)Should striving for unity blur our faithfulness to Biblical understanding? 2c.) No. "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." 1 Peter 3:15 2d.)How do we balance the two? Study, study study. "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." 1 Timothy 2:15 Quote
luray mcclung Posted May 26, 2003 Report Posted May 26, 2003 Pastor Ralph, I may completely miss the mark on this question; however, I got to thinking of the symbolism of "one baptism", not only by water or the Spirit. I thought about the scripture from Mark's gospel when James and John wanted seats of honor when Jesus asked what he could do for them. He did not rebuke the two, but asked if they could indeed drink the cup or be baptized with the same baptism Christ experienced (see Mark 10: 38-39). This baptism may have been emersion in a sea of calamity. That one baptism personally unites, not divides, the believers in that all have seen troubled times and those experiences bring significant bonds of understanding to the relationship we have with Christ and other believers. b. We can maintain unity of spirit through the bond of peace. Hopefully, when disagreement occurs, there is healthy open discussion at administrative board meetings, none of which should ever be opened without the very presence of God and the sweet Holy Spirit. Often, disagreement may come from a misunderstanding or loss of vision for the body of Christ. Romans 8:28 can be a comforting verse if anyone is experiencing disagreement in the church. c. Striving for unity should not blur our faithfulness but rather increase our faith walk. d. A balance of unity and faithfulness is accomplished through much prayer and supplication, Bible Study, and a vision for God's church and the body of believers. lmc Quote
jbwalya Posted May 30, 2003 Report Posted May 30, 2003 Q5. (Ephesians 4:5) In what sense should "one baptism" unite us rather than divide us? You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. Gal 3:26-27(NIV) One baptism is a mirrow expression of saying One body. Thus one baptism should unite us because in baptism we all get united to one body of the Lord Jesus Christ. How can we maintain the unity of the Spirit and still disagree with other Christian groups about the administration of baptism? If I truly understand what real baptism is, I should say there is no need for us to focus so much on the outward administration of it and miss the real thing. We are likely to get out of focus if we concentrate on the shadow of water baptism and but we shall be united if we concentrate on the truth of baptism found only when we unite ourselves to Christ by faith. It is like putting so much emphasis on how the wedding should be organised and missing the real thing about marriage. Should striving for unity blur our faithfulness to Biblical understanding? How do we balance the two? We can not sacrifice the teaching of Scripture just for the sake of dead unity because even for unity to to function it needs the good grounds of the word of God, which is the sword of the Holy Spirit who ultimately gives us peace. However, every disaggreement must be do in love, with gentileness and patience. Quote
leo Posted May 31, 2003 Report Posted May 31, 2003 One baptism tells us that we should not pay much attention to how the baptism is administered. Rather, we should concentrate on the fact that we are baptised in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. This means that we are united in the name of our Lord and therefore should work as one for Him. Although we should not our faithfulness to the Bible because of this, we shoudl also note that there is not absolute commandment on how to administer baptism to a person. If there was, then I guess we wouldn't have this problem now would we? Quote
bergerjones Posted June 1, 2003 Report Posted June 1, 2003 Baptism is how we are formally united with Christ. The method or age is not the important issue. When one becomes baptised, he/she is united with other Christians as part of the church of Christ, part of the body of Christ. We need to be always mindful that baptism is the union with Christ, not the method itself. We all take in food for nourishment. The food itself or the method of eating is not the important thing. Unity comes when Christians are striving to live according to the scriptures, believing in Christ as the means to salvation, serving Him in this world. We are not to separate ourselves from other Christians but rather from the sins of unbelievers. We are not to judge other Christians. God will be the judge. When we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, listen to the Holy Spirit, and live according to His Word as found in the Bible, we will have Unity of Spirit in the bond of peace. Unity comes when each of us strives to live a life of love as expressed in the scriptures. When we love one another - caring for each other, nourishing and nurturing each other - truly doing for each other as we would have others do unto us - Unity of Spirit in the Bond of Peace will be achieved. Loving Christ leads us to faithfulness in reading the Bible and following God's Word as the map for our lives - and again Unity within Christ's Church will be achieved. Quote
Dennis Hatlestad Posted June 5, 2003 Report Posted June 5, 2003 Baptism is burying the old life in the watery grave and arising a new body in Christ. We should encourage instead of discouraging one that wants to be baptised and surround them in love as Christ did us whe we accepted Him. Quote
Reeallen Posted June 7, 2003 Report Posted June 7, 2003 In what sense should "one baptism" unite us rather than divide us? one baptism should unite us rather than divide us because we need to understand Matthew 3:16-17-" And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water; and lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him, (17) And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. This wii be in the sense of his burial and resurrection. We can maintain the unity of the spirit and still disagree with other Christians group about the administration of baptism by letting them know that Jesus gave the command in Matthew 28:19. Striving for unity should not blur our faithfulness to Biblical understanding because we should exhibit a passion for the word of God as stated in Luke 24:45, " then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures". We balance the two by searching the scriptures daily with an open heart and applying the word of God to our every day lives with understanding so we can maintain the unity of the spirit in God's house. Quote
cnbarnes Posted June 17, 2003 Report Posted June 17, 2003 I look at one baptism to unite us in that we were united in Christ. Adopted by the Father into His family. We are united in that we died to our sins (immersed) and we rose to to be justified with the Lord (rising out of the water), making all those who belong to Him part of the same family. I don't really care what people say the form of baptism should be. I care what scripture says. I believe that none of us has the right to take away or add to what scripture says. We are to be obedient to what it says, and not justify why we or disobedient to the scripture. I don't think we should compromise what the Word says to bring about unity. The true unity first comes in the form of obedience to God's Word and then when we accomplish this we can be unified together. I don't think there is any balance if it doesn't line up with what the Word says. The balance is to follow the Word. Quote
Derek Posted August 23, 2003 Report Posted August 23, 2003 Luke 3:16Â John answered them all, "I baptise you with water. But one more powerful than I will come, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. When we speak of one baptism, which do we mean, John's baptism or the baptism of Christ? If we are speaking of baptism with water then Romans chapter 6 speaks of baptism as being buried and raised in a figure. Is the "baptism" of a child in its infancy truly in the context of "one faith, one baptism", or are we speaking of believers' baptism? On the other hand there can be no disagreement between believers on the baptism of Christ since if we have not received the Holy Spirit we do not belong to Christ (Rom. 8:9) In spite of this I do not feel that the waters of baptism should divide believers. In some churches there is confirmation, when a mature decision can be made on the question whether or not to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. In love we are able to disagree on our interpretation of Scripture but I do not believe we should STRIVE for unity. I believe we should allow the Holy Spirit to draw us together and not resist His work in us. True unity comes through the organism of the Body not through organizations of men. Quote
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