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The Spirit of God in us is greater than the spirit of false prophets/ teachers and indeed greater than Satan. This Awsome Being in us gives victory by strenghtening us (enpowering us) to overcome our enemies and satan. This should remove fear from us. God says in many verses in the Bible that we should not fear because:

a) He is with us.

B) He is our Helper.

c) Our battles are His own.

d) He will NEVER leave us nor forsake.

My faith is now renewed as I meditate in these thoghts. Praise God.

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" Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world!"

The Holy Spirit lives within us and is greater than anything satan can level against us! Even if we are fooled for a time, the Holy Spirit is faithful to rescue us and to remind us and get us on the lighted path again! Nothing will snatch us from our Father's hands! We are engaved there!


We are of God, We belong to Him. He who Lives in us is greater than he who is in the world.The Holy spirit resides in us. He will protect us from all evil. we will not fear our enemies or Satan.


Jesus and the Holy Spirit lives within us and as Jesus has overcome the World, then we can have victory over the

god of this world.

As the Scripture says

'' Greater is he that is within us , than he that is in the world''

We have overcome them because our lives have been redeemed by Jesus.

We will overcome them in the future by remaining anchored to our faith in Jesus Christ and abiding in the promises of God.

This truth when believed upon and walked in will overcome any fears as we know that Jesus is the Great Overcomer and he holds our lives in the Palm of His Hands where we are safe and secure in the Rock of all ages.


Q2. (1 John 4:4) What in us is greater than false prophets and even Satan? The power of the Holy Spirit

In what sense have we overcome them? We have overcome them by accepting Jesus, being anointed by the Holy Spirit and by following in the path of righteousness.

In what way will we overcome them in the future? We will continue to overcome them by continuing to follow Jesus and by continuing to be guided by the Holy Spirit.

How should this truth affect fear in our lives? It will conquer all fear.


god is in me and thatsthe greater truth i need.like jesus say every spirit that does not confess that jesus christ has come in the flesh is not of god.this is how we can detect the false teachers.they do not confess the jesus who laid down his life for us.


Q2. (1 John 4:4) What in us is greater than false prophets and even Satan? In what sense have we overcome them? In what way will we overcome them in the future? How should this truth affect fear in our lives?

The Holy Spirit is in us. We who have the Holy Spirit in us can over come the false prophets and teachers for He will show us who they are or what they are when confronted. We are of God and He has given us the Holy Spirit, as long as we remain in Him He will remain in us.Knowing that Christ is with me, H.S. is in me drives away the fear, for He is comforting. B)


Q2. (1 John 4:4) What in us is greater than false prophets and even Satan?

We have the Holy Spirit in us and God is greater than Satan.

In what sense have we overcome them?

We have overcome the power of Satan not by our own strength but by the strength of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.

In what way will we overcome them in the future? How should this truth affect fear in our lives?

We do not live in fear because we know that no matter how tempted we are or whatever happen in the future, God is with us and will give us the strength needed to overcome eveil and will win in all battles of life.


Q2. (1 John 4:4) What in us is greater than false prophets and even Satan? In what sense have we overcome them? In what way will we overcome them in the future? How should this truth affect fear in our lives?

The Spirit of God dwells in us, and that Spirit is more mighty than men of devils.

We have overcome them because we are born of God, taught of God, anointed of God, and so secured against infectious fatal delusions. God has his chosen, who shall not be mortally seduced.


Christ in us is greater than false prophets, Satan and the world.

We have overcome them because we are submitted to Christ and have become His children, renouncing the devil and all his works.

Our fear has been of Satan, and now we confess that Jesus lives in us and is greater that Satan, we know that we are above him and need take no notice of his lies.

Pure Love casts out all fear.



God in us, the Holy Spirit, is much greater than anyone in and part of the world and not of Christ Jesus, including all of the false prophets and even Satan; and we can only overcome them all by God the Holy Spirit


The Spirit of God within us is much greater than false prophets or even Satan.

We have overcome them in the sense that we have the upper hand.

We will overcome them in the future during the final battle between Christ and Satan.

This truth should cause us not to fear because God's power so far surpasses the power of Satan there is no comparison.


Q2. (1 John 4:4) What in us is greater than false prophets and even Satan? In what sense have we overcome them? In what way will we overcome them in the future? How should this truth affect fear in our lives?

The Holy Spirit in each believer is greater than false prophets and even Satan. With the indwelling Spirit we have overcome them because, "the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." (1 John 4:4). We will overcome them in the future because of the mighty power of the Holy Spirit. In Revelation we read that the false prophets and Satan are both defeated. The truth gives us the assurance that in every situation we can rest as conquerors in a battle where the victor is already predicted.


Q2. (1 John 4:4) What in us is greater than false prophets and even Satan? In what sense have we overcome them? In what way will we overcome them in the future? How should this truth affect fear in our lives?

The One Who is in us Christians is the Holy Spirit, who is God. He is greater than the spirit that is in the world, which is the Anti-Christ, who ultimately is the devil. Bottom line: God, who is in us, is far greater, and far more powerful than the devil, the one influencing the world. We are victorious over the spirit of error because we have the Spirit of Truth in us, that will lead us into the Truth and away from the lies/heresies of the Anti-Christ. In the future, we will be victorious in that the Truth will ultimately lead to God, and eternal life and bliss, while the ones who follow the spirit of the Anti-Christ are ultimately heading for destruction. This truth should comfort those under the control of the Holy Spirit and living in Truth, but for those who were beginning to listen to the heresies, it should have alerted them to get back unto the true path.


What in us is greater than false prophets and even Satan?

The love of God .. Jesus Christ. This knowledge that God gave us His Son to live in us and bring us into the truth, should eventually expose all the deception that the enemy strives to impart into our life.

In what sense have we overcome them?

We have the truth. This truth is like a light that shines on the deception that the darkness holds. The world is a dark place where one cannot find their way until they have accepted Jesus Christ into their lives. This light (truth) overcomes and exposes the darkness.

In what way will we overcome them in the future?

When we remain actively pursuing the things of God, we will remain in the truth. We cannot be deceived, as long as we know the truth.

How should this truth affect fear in our lives?

Faith and fear are opposing forces. Faith is believing what God says and acting on His Word. Fear does not believe God. When faith is present fear must flee.


Q2. (1 John 4:4) What in us is greater than false prophets and even Satan? In what sense have we overcome them? In what way will we overcome them in the future? How should this truth affect fear in our lives?

The love of God and the Holy Spirit within us is greater than any false prophets and even Satan. God is the truth and light; and the we overcome them by continuing the study of Gods' word; and apply it in our lives which means loving and serving others. We will overcome in the future because, Jesus will come back for the church and believer as a reigning King; and locked up the devil and all of His followers i,e false prophets, unbelievers etc... Whats seen is temporary and whats unseen is permanent. The truth affect fear in our lives because we know that we all must die one day; but the dead in Christ will live in eternity forever.



What is in us who is greater than false prophets or Satan is the Comforter which came at the first Pentecost. With the Holy Spirit in us we know that we will overcome any and all obstacles in our lives. There is nothing we can


Q2. (1 John 4:4) What in us is greater than false prophets and even Satan? In what sense have we overcome them? In what way will we overcome them in the future? How should this truth affect fear in our lives?

The Holy Spirit of God dwells in the believer and is greater than false prophets and Satan. The believer has overcome the forces of satan and the world in that the transforming power of the Holy Spirit within us is helping us to overcome our sinful nature and the forces of this world now and in the future. Our growth in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ propels us in overcoming satan, sin, and this world. We should fear nothing but God.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. (1 John 4:4) What in us is greater than false prophets and even Satan? In what sense have we overcome them? In what way will we overcome them in the future? How should this truth affect fear in our lives?

The Spirit of God resides in us and is greater than anything against us. We have overcome the dark side by living holy lives and living by the directions, teachings, and guidance through the revelations we receive fom the Holy Spirit. Because we know that what we have in us is greater than anything in the world, we do not need to fear. We need only to trust in God's word.


Q2. (1 John 4:4) What in us is greater than false prophets and even Satan? In what sense have we overcome them? In what way will we overcome them in the future? How should this truth affect fear in our lives?

What in us is greater than false prophets and even Satan?

Holy Spirit

In what sense have we overcome them?

We have been born of God because of our trust in Christ Jesus

In what way will we overcome them in the future?

We keep holding our faith. We continue trusting in Christ.

How should this truth affect fear in our lives?

This truth should remove our fear in our lives


What in us is greater than false prophets and even Satan?

The mighty Spirit of the Living God.....

In what sense have we overcome them?

We have overcome these enemies because we have the One true Spirit in us, and it trumps all other hands.

In what way will we overcome them in the future?

We will prevail in all all battles with Satan....we are greater than the enemy because of the Spirit of truth.

How should this truth affect fear in our lives?

We should live in victory and not be defeated.

  • 5 months later...

Q2. (1 John 4:4) What in us is greater than false prophets and even Satan? In what sense have we overcome them? In what way will we overcome them in the future? How should this truth affect fear in our lives?

"He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world.... by the blood of Jesus Christ I overcome all the works of the devil..."

We can and should call upon God's redeeming power, the spirit that lives in us. We ask for God to put this spirit in greater and greater control in our lives, until we have become a full fledged follower of what God asks us to do today, and what he'll ask us to do tomorrow.

To say we become fearless is the summation of all this, for as God is with us, who can be against us? It doesn't matter how they are they can't hurt us.

  • 5 months later...

The Spirit of God that is in us is more powerful than any other power of darkness. This is what makes us to overcome now and to overcome permanently when jesus returns to gather us in power and victory for the kingdom of the most high God.

This encourages me and gives me boldness to go about without fear of the evil one.

  • 4 months later...

Q2. (1 John 4:4) What in us is greater than false prophets and even Satan? In what sense have we overcome them? In what way will we overcome them in the future? How should this truth affect fear in our lives?

1. The Holy Spirit of God

2. By choosing to worship the one true God and by welcoming the Holy Spirit.

3. By letting God battle for us. No one, no foe is stronger.

4. We don't have to be afraid, we just lean on God and trust Him

  • 4 months later...

Q2. (1 John 4:4) What in us is greater than false prophets and even Satan? In what sense have we overcome them? In what way will we overcome them in the future? How should this truth affect fear in our lives?


1. What in us is greater than false prophets and even Satan?

JESUS..no comparison…Phil 2:9-11- 2:9 As a result God exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name,2:10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow– in heaven and on earth and under the earth – 2:11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

2. In what sense have we overcome them?

IT IS NOT US WHO OVERCOME…IT IS JESUS IN US.(Romans 8:37-No, in all these things we have complete victory through him who loved us!)THE HOLY SPIRIT WHOM HE SEND TO BE OUR COMFORTER..

3.In what way will we overcome them in the future?

Jesus in us is the same yesterday,today and forever-Heb 13:8…..If we overcome them through Jesus Today,we will overcome them in Future and even forever…

4.How should this truth affect fear in our lives?


1 John 4:16-17- And we have come to know and to believe the love that God has in us. God is love, and the one who resides in love resides in God, and God resides in him. 4:17 By this love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment, because just as Jesus44 is, so also are we in this world

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