Pastor Ralph Posted October 21, 2009 Report Posted October 21, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? Quote
pickledilly Posted November 13, 2009 Report Posted November 13, 2009 Life is the eternal essence of I AM. In keeping with His eternal nature, this life dwells in the Son of God - indeed He is its source. "This life" is our eternal existence with the LORD once we are redeemed by Christ and are united to Him/infused by Him through the Holy Spirit. The Christian Church is not the source of this life, but is its container and manifest presence on earth. His Church is composed of the members of the Body of Christ, all who have been integrated with Him and His eternal life. "This life" - His own eternal life - becomes our own! Religion is man's attempt to reach God. The unrighteous works to makes itself holy, but the ultimate empty end is failure and death to the spirit. Relationship is His outreach to man. This personal God has made all the provision, He is the One who offers the opportunity for restoration, and He alone can transform us to holiness. Think about how we gain energy from each other in human interactions. This relationship we have with God is where the exciting force of life originates. We need to be teaching and living the glorious display of life's triumph over death because we are to be the example on earth of what will be in eternity! People can have solid faith in all kinds of things. My father-in-law, who I mentioned in Q1, spent years placing his faith in an institution of church. But laws, rituals, and traditions of man were empty and powerless - and dead - when the time came for that institution to prove itself in his time of crisis. Faith in Jesus means that one chooses to rest the full weight of trust in the person of Christ - who He is and what He has done to redeem, transform, equip, and secure all who believe in Him for eternity with Him. Quote
Magnus Posted November 15, 2009 Report Posted November 15, 2009 What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion?Those that pursue a life within the Christian Church, pursue a life with other "believers", not Christ. In the church they enjoy the social aspects of like-minded people, but they do not "enjoy" a relationship with Christ. For them life in the Christian Church is little different that life in the Country Club, or life in the Tennis Leagues.Life in His Son is a relational commitment, forged in repentance and cast in a growing longing to praise Him and bring glory to His name. It is permanently heart changing. When we act out of conformity to God's rules, we are practicing religion. When our obedience to God springs from the heart out of love, respect, thankfulness, appreciation, and reverence, our relationship radiates the fullness of our faith in Him.To teach a faith in Jesus requires us to preach the Gospel, and live out the Gospel... making Christ the basis of all that we do... taking the blessings and grace He has bestowed upon us, and passing His blessings and grace onto others. What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"?When we have faith in Jesus are actions spring from the blessings He has poured into our lives... the forgiveness we received, the righteousness we exchanged for our sins, our adoption as heirs into His family, and our glorification to become like Jesus. Faith in Jesus is based entirely on what He did for us at the cross. Faith in anything else (works, baptism, "the prayer") is false teaching. Click HERE to sponsor a child today Quote
iam4-1god Posted November 15, 2009 Report Posted November 15, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? Everyone believes in "something"! Some believe in a movie star, some believe in a sports figure-you get the point. But the one that believes in Christ is just a totally different person! And, we can take the experiences that we've had through our belief in Christ, and share them with other people. And, because we are eye witnesses, no one can deny. Oh, they might say that they don't believe, but deep inside, they are wondering if maybe we know what we are talking about. Quote
charisbarak Posted November 15, 2009 Report Posted November 15, 2009 This life is not in "an organization" but a living "organism"--Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Everything is centered on Jesus Christ & the price He paid for our sins. Keep this as the focus. I had faith in my chair that it would hold me up as I worked at the computer. But faith in Jesus brings my focus directly on Him, His power & His work in us!! Quote
Stan Posted November 16, 2009 Report Posted November 16, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? We have eternallife through Christ and not the church, we may a member of the largest Christian church but that in it's self can't save us we must trust in Christ and what he done on the crossfor that and that trust comes from faith in what He says. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God this hearing can bring us the faith that saves us and give us the cinfidence to come boldly before the throne in prayer that leads to a relationship of the Father to His Son.We begin to be filled with a knowledge that the Holy Spirit opens up in our hearts and the relationship grows. That relationship leads to an intennse desire to please the Father so that it becomes more than just religion it becomes our life's desire.Faith in Jesus is eternal because He is eternal and we know that we have all things through Him from the Father. We can have faith in ourselves to do something but that doesn't mean it will get done but faith in Jesus is everlasting and must happen because He had said it will. Quote
Elwood C O'Dell Posted November 16, 2009 Report Posted November 16, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? The church cannot give life. Only the Son can give life. It is through our relationship with the Son that we can know, be assured that we have true life. What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? We need to urge people to spend time getting to know Christ rather than putting their trust in religiously doing things. It Quote
Moises Posted November 16, 2009 Report Posted November 16, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? Q2.1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? By saying Quote
hanks Posted November 16, 2009 Report Posted November 16, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? Eternal life is only found in Jesus Christ personally and not in any church. All the doctrines we learn, all the good deeds we do, count for nothing if we do not have a personal relationship with our Lord and Saviour. We should be emphasising this point. Eternal life is not found in education or philosophy or science or good works or religion or the church. To have life, one must have the Son of God. It is all about Quote
JanMary Posted November 16, 2009 Report Posted November 16, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? The Son of God is the great I AM...the way the truth and the LIFE. Since He is life, and is the creator of all life, and the restorer of life to those dead in their sins, there is no other source in which to find or receive life. Period. The Christian church is a mixture of Biblical truth, traditions of men, personality....a little of this and a little of that, but basically the different denominations are the expression of Religion, rather than relationship with the Son. Christians are to be in relationship with other believers (Heb. 10:24,25), and may be stimulated and encouraged in the Church, but that life flows from the Son through one believer to another. What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? The teaching and evangelizing must focus on the Word of God....the true Gospel, rather than on denomination and traditions. We need to teach relationship with Jesus, rather than religion. What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? People have faith in cult leaders, ideologies, false religions, and are even willing to die for those things, such as Jim Jones or Muslim Jihad, but none of these bring life...only death. Walking dead here on earth, and eternal death in the hereafter. In one huge cult, of which my husband was a member until he left and received Christ as his Lord and Savior, members are asked to stand in the congregation and give testimony that "this church is the true church".....these people serve, are industrious "good" people, good citizens, patriotic, but they "honor God with their lips but their hearts are far from me", because their faith is in their church and their church founder and prophets. They speak about Jesus, and His name is even in their church name, but they have no personal relationship with Him, and therefore are a religion of death. Quote
Marloes Posted November 16, 2009 Report Posted November 16, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? We have to believe in Jesus. The catholic church used to say that there is no life outside of her. That's a major lie. We live if we have a relationship with Jesus. Not because we're a good huguenote, catholic, or whatever. My country used to have 'verzuiling' -christian apartheid - meaning that people only went to shops of people of their own church, only socialized with people of their own church, etc. Besides this, so may times, traditions get the status of divine law. That also is bad. As Paul said, we don't follow him or Peter but Jesus. Quote
s8nfighter Posted November 17, 2009 Report Posted November 17, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? 1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. 8 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 1 John 2:9 Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness. 10 Whoever loves his brother lives in the light, and there is nothing in him to make him stumble. 11 But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness; he does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded him. 1 John 3:16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. 17 If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? 18 Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 1 John 4:20 If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. 21 And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother. This pattern of teaching is the same that Christ taught. The problem is not in the faith but where we place faith. For too long the church has been teaching everything but the cost of brotherly love. We all know what John 3:16 says but how many know the rest of the verses which follow. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God." Through half teaching; which is sometimes worse than false teaching, the church might not have turned out the light but sure has dimmed it quite a bit. Luke17:20 "Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, 21 nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you."" If we truly have life through Christ then it should show in the life of the church. If there is no life in the church then there is no life in Christ. This life should be shown by accepting the teaching of Christ. 1 John 3:18 Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. Darrell Quote
Paul H Posted November 17, 2009 Report Posted November 17, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? The Christian Church and religion are important and without a doubt, we need the Christian Church in order to grow in our relationship with God. However, that is what it is, it is a means by which we develop our relationship with God and Jesus. It must be a part of that relationship, but it is the relationship with God through His son Jesus that is the key. The Church and religion and everything that forms a part of those institutions, which will be different from church to church, from denomination to denomination, are temporal. They will pass away but God and Jesus will exist forever. In fact, the Church (its buildings, its rituals, its songs etc etc) could all cease to exist today, but God would remain and so would our relationship with Him. It is our relationship with God through Jesus inspired by the Holy Spirit which gives us life. What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? You can have faith in anything, but it is meaningless and ultimately futile without Jesus. Quote
Lionbait Posted November 17, 2009 Report Posted November 17, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? I personally believe that this hymn says it all: My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' name. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand; all other ground is sinking sand. When Darkness veils his lovely face, I rest on his unchanging grace. In every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil. His oath, his covenant, his blood supports me in the whelming flood. When all around my soul gives way, he then is all my hope and stay. When he shall come with trumpet sound, O may I then in him be found! Dressed in his righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne! What wonderful Love. Quote
Delivered Posted November 17, 2009 Report Posted November 17, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? Life is found only in the Son of the Great I Am, Father God, it isn Quote
kenny Posted November 18, 2009 Report Posted November 18, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? Often as Christians we get caught up in the ways of the world and start to rely on those in the church instead of the Head of the church. Living with the help of other people and our at own devises can only lead to destruction. The only life for the believer is in the Son Jesus Christ, and through Him others will be drawn to the light in our lives. Our eternal hope is in Jesus, and only He can supply all our needs, both now and forever. Quote
janel Posted November 18, 2009 Report Posted November 18, 2009 Q2 'This life in the Christian Church' can be just an ordinary believer with no depths in the faith. Just a mere Sunday Christian just going to church to fulfill the obligation required of him with no further commitment. Whereas 'Life in the Son' calls for a deeper conversion of heart to draw closer to the God he professes to and to have a strong conviction and commitment to know and love the God that through His Son, Jesus there is eternal life. In faith relationship, we need to grow every day, feeding our soul with the word of God and to know our Saviour more intimately so that we can be effective witnesses and reach out to others as Jesus did. This way we are called to commit our lives and be an example for others so that they can see that Jesus lives in us. As St. Paul said that we should not boast of anything else except Jesus. Thus sharing of our faith and the love of God with others will draw men closer together. A religion is a calling to one's faith. The teachings and the norms of what the church tells us. Faith is what we profess and what we believe in but faith in Jesus is deeper in the sense that we need to know the person of Jesus more in depths. Once we come to know and learn more about Him, we become more intimate, more personal and may follow in His footsteps and living the way He wants us to live. We become more like Him. Just like the growing stages of a baby. He will tend to follow and adapt to the person who guides him thus imitating all the things this person teaches him. Quote
csreeves Posted November 18, 2009 Report Posted November 18, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? The difference in saying this life is in the church a person with a relationship will say Christ is in me and I live for him. Religion is a set of laws we must live up to verses a faith relationship is knowing grace is a gift and can not be earned. Quote
haar Posted November 19, 2009 Report Posted November 19, 2009 The phrase "this life is in his Son" means that eternal life can be found only in the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus if any one does not believe in him and accept him as his personal saviour, he does not have life. The life is not found by just being a member of church denomination. Eternal life is through the faith of every indivdual of the church. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted November 19, 2009 Report Posted November 19, 2009 The difference in "This life is in the Christian church" and "This life is in the Son", is based on the aspect of a personal relationship with Jesus. So many churches are secularly run like businesses. They read/teach the Bible, but out of context to promote control and legalism. It may be more of a place to meet as society, calling it "fellowship" but is lacking in really knowing Jesus and the grace by which we are saved. That makes a huge difference in how one sees everything and how one treats everyone. We need to teach faith "relationship" over "religion" because our desire should be to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus, not just doctrine. He is alive and with us through The Holy Spirit and He wants us to know Him and come to see who He is in His goodness and grace. In Him we live and have our being. Religion is cold and lifeless and shallow. Christ is vibrant, alive and warm! We as the REAL Church, are a living organism built together in Him! Not a building or denomination! Quote
C Riv Posted November 19, 2009 Report Posted November 19, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? Well "this life is in His Son" is speaking of eternal life, and saying "this life is in the Christian church" sounds like we are saying we the Christian church can give eternal life. We should be teaching that it is a faith relationship with Christ, not coming to a church do to all our rituals that seem all holy. Yes church is important for our growth as followers of Christ in fellowship and worship.Many people say they have faith in something or some body,that is usually something they have seen or someone they know in person. Faith in Jesus is believing in someone who you have never seen, who has deity, who is all power. Faith in Jesus is a way of life, your walk on this earth, in this world.Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ. Quote
masika Posted November 20, 2009 Report Posted November 20, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? The Son is life; eternal life in his own essence and person. He is eternal life to us, the spring of our spiritual and glorious life, Col 3:4. From him life is communicated to us, both here in heaven. And thereupon it must follow. It is Christ who died for all man kind, no Religion, so we are to Preach Christ and not religion Faith is the confident belief or trust in the truth or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing. Or To hope for things which are not seen but which are true. Faith in Jesus Christ means believing that: 1. Jesus is the only literal son of God, in the flesh. 2. He suffered for the sins of all mankind (called the Atonement) through the shedding of His blood, His death on the cross, and later 3. Everyone will eventually be resurrected because of the Atonement: Their spirit and body will be reunited, made perfect, and will never die again. 4. Coming unto Christ is the only way we can be saved from our sins. Quote
linda bass Posted November 21, 2009 Report Posted November 21, 2009 The difference is, we can only have eternal life through faith in Christ. One can be a member of a Christian church and still not be saved. What we should do differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than religion is, we need to focus on having a personal,intimate relationship with Christ rather than church programs. The difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus" is only through the latter do we have eternal life. Quote
Eudora Posted November 22, 2009 Report Posted November 22, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? Well the Quote
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