diana47 Posted November 22, 2009 Report Posted November 22, 2009 to me my church is god at home,eternal life is not found in education or philosophy or science or good works,to have life one must have the son of god.jesus is our lord and our savior he died for me on the cross cause im a sinner.i have my place with the lord jesus christ. Quote
Commissioned Posted November 22, 2009 Report Posted November 22, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? There is no life in the Christian Church the life we speak of, "eternal life" is in Christ alone. It resides in him personally -- not in a body of doctrine or in a church. In order that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion we must point men and women to Christ. In order to have "faith in Jesus" you must first have "faith" to believe that He died for your sins to redeem you back to God. Quote
STEPHEN ROSS Posted November 23, 2009 Report Posted November 23, 2009 We can all be part of a local church or home fellowship were we meet with one another as part of Christs body, but that is not the same as having an intimate relationship with the Lord. A living relationship is exactly that ,it is living and it is not something done out of duty of obligation , that in my way of thinking is religion, and lacks the intimacy that a living relationship brings. Throughout the ages many people have put their faith in many things that are perishable ,but faith in Jesus is everlasting. Quote
Antwan Posted November 23, 2009 Report Posted November 23, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? To look to the church of God rather than the Son of God as a means for salvation (eternal life) is dangerous and erroneous, because the church (congregation, people of God) can't save anyone, because they are in need of salvation themselves (which comes through the Son of God). Only the Son can save anyone, because it is His Blood that bought us back and paid the price for our sins. What is needed for salvation is belief that Jesus is the Son of God and having relationship with Him, rather than seeking salvation by joining a church and merely obeying its rules (although one should congregate with fellow believers, they shouldn't place trust for salvation in the congregating together with other believers). What should be taught is to always look to God through Jesus for salvation, and to cultivate a relationship with Him, to learn from and look to lead lives that please Him, rather than putting the people of God into the place of God Himself; what should be taught is placing God (not the church) first; the church is only the vehicle of believers coming together corporately to worship God and draw strength from each other. One can have "faith" in anything, but only placing your faith in Jesus Christ is the only kind of faith that saves. Quote
charchar Posted November 24, 2009 Report Posted November 24, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? Life in a Christian Church is base of one belief of the doctrine that is being taught they. Life is in his Son is all about Jesus. We can't go wrong if we live our life with the true Son and the Holy Spirit which is a gift given to us to help us here from God. We should not just say things that sound good and confused many that is going through difficulty we should only speak the word of God and teach them that with Faith all things are possible, and that God never said it will be easy but He reassured us that we are over-comers by the living word of our testimony and that we who have faith as small as a mustered seed is great faith. Faith is just believing that every will be done but faith in Jesus is know that it's already taken care of, because he have won the victory of all evil of this world just believing and trusting him no matter what is what we need to hold on to in our daily walk. Quote
Greta Posted November 24, 2009 Report Posted November 24, 2009 We can only have LIFE in Christ Jesus, not in anything else at all. We can have faith that when we sit on a chair, it will not collapse - this is natural faith. But when we have 'Faith in Jesus' we know that we can rely on Him through thick and thin and he will never let us down. He will give us eternal life and take us to the Father. This is spiritual faith. Quote
Brendamay Posted November 25, 2009 Report Posted November 25, 2009 The difference is, God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his son. he who possesses his son, dose not have that life. The Church, or the body of the Church can Instruct us in what to believe, but it cannot give us life in The Son of God, That only comes from God. Life in Jesus Son of God is to walk faithfully with him, we let him take over our lives, we try to live a blameless life for his sake.We must also be responsible for showing our faith in God, by example in how we live our lives. Faith in our Church is not the same, in Church we sing praises to our God, and attend faithfully declaring our belief and love for God.to lead people into the Love of God, by our example. Quote
MAMA Posted November 26, 2009 Report Posted November 26, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? Life in a christians church is teaching religion doctrines and beliefs;God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Though we dont deserve it; it was given to us by grace I very much believe in Jesus Christ, and His willing sacrifice for the sins of the world, and His resurrection, which conquered hell and death, and reunites us in a relationship with God. To teach a faith relationship rather than a religion is to remind christians that they must set aside time for a personal relationship with God. Which means,time of repentence, prayer,medtation,praise and worship. Most christians equate belief in havng faith;mere belief doesnot equal true faith and Faith in Jesus is knowing that you trust and believe in your heart that God is sovereign and true to His word. Patricia Quote
Jen Posted December 10, 2009 Report Posted December 10, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? We are the church. If we have the Son who is the giver of life then the church (us) has life. If we have not the Son than we have no life in the church (us) because He alone is the giver of life and we are not the church if we do not have Jesus living in us. The Christian faith is all about relationship based on the redeeming blood of Jesus for us. We are now sons and daughters by faith in the blood of Jesus shed for us. Religion is works oriented, trying to do the right things to earn salvation or favor. We are totally dependant on the work of the Holy Spirit in those who are redeemed for that relationship to grow and become mature. We can have faith in many things but faith in Jesus and Him alone is for our salvation. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
maddog Posted December 15, 2009 Report Posted December 15, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? The church, in and of itself, does not embody God's promises to His children. It is the trappings of religion. Its doctrines may provide evidence of this life. But, life is in the power of Christ and in our relationship, individually, with Him. Through Christ we have access to the tree of life. The Cross is the epitome of why why we have access. We must let our lights so shine so that others can see Christ in us and not the cloak of our religion. One can have faith that it will rain, the promotion is mine, or, I'll buy that car soon. This kind of faith is not built on the blood of Christ. Faith built on the blood of Christ gives us unwavering belief that what God says will come to pass. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted December 21, 2009 Report Posted December 21, 2009 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? "This life is in the Christian Church" is that the life can be found in the church, without a must to be in association with him "This life is in his Son" is that the eternal life is found in Jesus, and in him only, the church must only show the way of how to find the life in Jesus, is not the life itself What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? We should be teaching that to have living and personal fellowship with Jesus through faith in Jesus is what God wants in our lives, not to do the laws of the religion which is separated from Jesus. What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? One can claim that he has faith that he believe in God and he do the laws that come from him, but he does not believe and acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God and has come to the world and died on the cross for his sins. This is not the faith that saves that God requires we have. The faith in Jesus is that faith that is related to the God Quote
Don W Posted December 28, 2009 Report Posted December 28, 2009 I think that the basic difference between a faith relationship with the Lord Jesus, which is what true Christians have, and any other religion that the world has, is that in the Christian faith God came down to us as a Man in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to reach out to us and save us by going to the cross at Calvary and dying for us as well as to be resurrected for us; while in all the other religions of the world (except Christianity) man is trying to reach up to God and trying to Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted January 2, 2010 Report Posted January 2, 2010 What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? Life within the Christian church is putting one's belief in a system (albeit good) ...and life in the Son is that personal relationship with Jesus. What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? We should be helping people by sharing what Christ has done for us, by leading them by gentleness into study of the Word, and by not presenting a spirit of condemnation. Show tham they can have that peace and assurance that God's word is true. What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? One can have faith in things good, in morality...but to put ones' faith in Jesus gives us security and peace for all time..... Quote
royk Posted June 5, 2010 Report Posted June 5, 2010 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? The church, is not God's promises to His children. It is a place to worship with other Christians and be reinforced by each other and be recharged by the holy spirit of God. Life is the power of Christ and in our individual relationship with Him. Through Christ we have access to the Holy Spirit of life. The Cross is why we have access. Let our lights so shine so others can see Christ in us. One can have faith in a baseball team being good, but this is earthly and well not last long, i.e. any faith not built on the blood of Christ. Faith built on the blood of Christ gives us unwavering belief we are God's children and He will never leave us, and what He said will come to pass. Quote
anne1151 Posted March 24, 2011 Report Posted March 24, 2011 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? 1. The church cannot give you eternal life, that can only be gotten thru Jesus,His death and resurection. The church will support and encourage you in your walk of faith,but only God can enter into a personal relationship with you 2. We must teachabout Jesus and His life, how the old testament foretells His coming, rather than bogging down in doctrines and laws and rules of religion. 3. You can have faith in many things (faith in your spouse, faith that your car will start) but only faith in Jesus, (belief in His resurection and His promise to come again for us) will give us eternity with Him. Quote
Ramon Posted August 16, 2011 Report Posted August 16, 2011 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? Answer: 1 What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? 1 John 5;10-13- 5:10 (The one who believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself; the one who does not believe God has made him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has testified concerning his Son.) 5:11 And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 5:12 The one who has the Son has this eternal life; the one who does not have the Son of God does not have this--- eternal life. 5:13 I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you say “THE LIFE IS IN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH”..you are magnifying the created rather than the CREATOR..Jesus is the head of the Church..(Eph 4:15-16- But practicing the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Christ, who is the head. 4:16 From him the whole body grows, fitted and held together21 through every supporting ligament.22 As each one does its part, the body grows in love.)..as a Head all life,comes from Him..and we are just a part,that withour the Head,we don’t exist..for WITHOU JESUS WE CAN DO NOTHING(John 15:5- “I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remainsin me – and I in him – bears much fruit,17 because apart from me you can accomplish nothing).. When we say THIS LIFE IS IN HIS SON..it means that the Life which is given to the SON is no longer under that person dominion,but under dominion of the Son of God…He is a new creation,His old life,has passed away..and it is given as testified by the Father ETERNAL LIFE. 2 What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? TEACH GRACE OF GOD..TEACH JESUS,LIFE,DEATH,BURIAL,AND RESURRECTION…Apostle Paul that this is the FIRST IMPORTANT message… 2 COR 15:3-4-For I passed on to you as of first importance what I also received – that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, 15:4 and that he was buried, and that he was raised4 on the third day according to the scriptures, 3 What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? Everybody has a Faith..even unbelievers have FAITH..they have faith that there is no God..So Faith alone cannot save,it must be right kind of Faith…AND THAT IS FAITH IN JESUS..FAITH IN THE GRACE OF GOD…For we are save by GRACE through FAITH..(Eph 2;8-9-For by grace you are saved19 through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God; 2:9 it is not from works, so that no one can boast) Quote
servant for Christ Posted November 8, 2011 Report Posted November 8, 2011 God has given us eternal life. He has designed it for us in his eternal purpose. He has prepared all the means that are necessary to bring us to it. He has made it over to us by his covenant and promise. The Son is life, eternal life in his own essence and person. He is eternal life to us, the spring of our spiritual and glorious life. From him life is communicated to us. He that is united to the Son is united to life. Those who refuse the Son, who is life itself, and the way to it, provokes God to deliver him over to endless death for making him a liar since he believes not this record that God has given concerning His Son. To teach a faith relationship, give them Jesus. With faith, you can have faith in anything. With faith in Jesus, you have eternal lifel We have assurance of eternal life is we believe on the name of the Son of God, if we are honoring Christ as Lord of our lives and sincerely seeking to keep His commandments, if we love the Father and the Son rather than the world and if we overcome the influence of the world,if we habitually and persistently practice righteousness rather than sin, if we love our brethren, if we are conscious of the Holy Spirit dewlling within us, if we are endeavoring to follow the example of Jesus and live as He lived, if we believe, accept, and abide in the Word of life, and if we have an earnest longing and a certain hope for the return of Jesus Christ to receive us to Himself. Quote
jacquie7 Posted April 26, 2012 Report Posted April 26, 2012 “This life is in the Son” says that our eternity is in and with Jesus and cannot be separated from Him. “This life is in the Christian Church” does not have exclusive rights on Jesus, the church leads people to Christ but the life itself is not found in association with the church; it is only in Christ. We should be teaching that whoever believes in God’s Son has eternal life given by God Himself. To have faith means to have confidence in, to trust; faith in Jesus means to have confidence and trust in and believe in Him. Quote
Craig Posted April 20, 2013 Report Posted April 20, 2013 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? This set of scriptures makes it clear that eternal life is not found in education or philosophy or science or good works or religion or attending church. To have life, one must have the Son of God. On the other hand, he who does not have the Son of God does not have life, that is, true life. Eternal life is inseparable from Jesus Christ. One can participate in the life of a church, but that does not equal to life in Jesus Christ. We need to model a faith relationship in our day to day living and circumstances. A personal relationship with Jesus Christ rises above and beyond religion. A personal relationship with Jesus entails love and a desire to please and glorify Him in and with our lives. Religion just requires conformity and checking blocks to ensure that I have done the required actions according to the rules, rituals, and regulations whether I like it or not. There is no personal relationship and love to these rules just conformity. Undirected faith really means nothing. Faith in Jesus Christ is eternal life and all that comes with having a vigorous love relationship with Him. See the Gospel of John. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted June 10, 2013 Report Posted June 10, 2013 Q2. (1 John 5:11-12) What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? Quite simply, we can't be saved and have eternal life by just undergoing rituals and sacrements. Belonging to the club doesn't get us to Heaven. It's the personal relationship we must have with Jesus Christ, the indwelling of His Holy Spirit, the life lived by faith in Him, that secures us a seat at the table. What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? Christian teachers need to be more overt in teaching about the personal relationship we must have with Jesus. The emphasis needs to be on the Holy Spirit's indwelling our hearts rather than toeing the line as far as denominational demands go. I attended a counselling course in conjunction with an outreach crusade years ago and one of the things they warned us against was proseletysing. Don't try to get the inquirer to change churches and come to yours rather than keep going to theirs. I asked the inevitble question: What if they're Catholics? Should I send them back to a church where the personal relationship with Jesus might not be taught? The Catholic Church was helping fund the evangelic outreach because they'd lost many to protestant denominations over the years since Billy Graham's crusades in the 1960s. On Christian radio (which they also funded and made sure any teaching done there was watered down) the Bishop of Brisbane assured his listeners that any Catholic backslider who accepted Christ as their personal Savior would be more than welcome to come to the Catholilc Church and be reuited with it. They gave lip service to the personal relationship with Jesus but didn't truly accept it as necessary. I could hear in his voice the difficulty the guy had in acknowledging that Franklin Graham was gifted by God as an evangelist. What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? Being of the Christian faith means only that we have a general belief that God exists and that Christmas and Easter are about Jesus' birth and death. Faith in Jesus means a life lived in obedience to and in submission to God through a personal relationship with His Son and a heart inhabited by the Holy Spirit. Quote
Old Jerry Posted March 4, 2014 Report Posted March 4, 2014 The difference between the sayings is to say that the Christian Church is saving you which are not true. The Church may direct you to Christ but you have to accept it. But to say that you have life in his Son means that you will have eternal life because it through the Son that we have eternal life. We should be teaching that Jesus is the only one who can give us eternal life. All we have to do is have faith that Jesus is the savior of the world. Religion teaches us the rituals we should follow which aren’t bad because they keep reminding us that we are in Christ. But we have to have the faith that we do have eternal life. I think that everybody has faith in something but that faith will not save them for eternal life. But to have faith in Jesus is to have eternal life. Quote
wifee Posted July 16, 2014 Report Posted July 16, 2014 a)This Life is our eternal existence with the Lord when we are redeemed by Christ,are united with Him and infused with HS. Life is the eternal essence of I am,his eternal nature,the Son of God at work in us. The Christian church describes the container composed of members of the body of Christ,each integrated with Him&His eternal life. His eternal life becomes our own. b)Religion is mans attempt at reaching God.God offers a relationship with Him through Jesus.We should focus on &deepen our relationship&knowledge of Jesus and how He wants us to live, than on different practices,differences of our denominations.God alone provides restoration&forgiveness. c)People have faith in many things that pass away in time. Faith in Jesus, is chosing to put our hope& trust in person of Son of God, who came to die on cross to set us free from hold of sin by grace. The only way to the Father who redeems,transforms,secures and equips our live. Faith in baptism,works,prayer alone is false Quote
tgandy Posted September 5, 2014 Report Posted September 5, 2014 If I were to say "this life is in the Christian Church" I would be saying it is the church I believe in. If I say this life is in His Son I would be saying I believe in Jesus Christ. We need to teach that Jesus Christ is the head of the church. In him all things are possible. We come together as a group or the church as believers in Jesus Christ to learn more. He is the vine we are the branches that grow and leave out by touching others. Having faith means you believe in something. I have faith the sun will shine and when it gets cloudy I have faith it will rain. Faith in Jesus is knowing beyond a doubt he is there and always will be. He will never get washed away. He is eternal. Quote
cezhead Posted March 26, 2015 Report Posted March 26, 2015 To say that life is in the Christian church is to say that Christ is inconsequential. Our lives are of course found in Christ who is the Life giver. The church is made up of people who have found their life in Him. When we teach, we must teach directly from the scriptures and not adding our own spin or opinions. The Lord didn't need us when He wrote them and He doesn't need us to put in our two cents worth. To teach religion is to teach a set of rules and traditions developed by man. To teach relationship is to teach us to seek Christ. Just "faith" is actually trusting in someone or something. Faith in Christ is knowing He exists even though we haven't seen Him and allowing ourselves to let go of our unbelief. Quote
JSF Posted June 16, 2016 Report Posted June 16, 2016 What is the difference between saying "this life is in the Christian Church" and "this life is in his Son"? What should we be doing differently so that we teach a faith relationship rather than a religion? What is the difference between "faith" and "faith in Jesus"? The temptation exists to place one's confidence in the church - to rest in the fact that I am active, accepted, ever-present in the church. But while the church is essential as a gathering of believers for teaching, preaching and fellowship, our faith is in the Son, not the church. We must continually point people to Jesus. Faith is belief and trust. That can be place in anything - including ideologies. Faith in Jesus means confidence and Hope in His love for me and that His sacrifice for me is sufficient to rescue me and that He is strong and able to answer my prayers and is active in the world today and in control of the outcome. Quote
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