Commissioned Posted November 22, 2009 Report Posted November 22, 2009 Q4. (1 John 5:21) Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? What idols distract us from the true God? What idols compete with God for attention in your life? John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols because it puts something in the place of God. Anything that we put in place of God is a distraction and robs us of time we can spend in intimate relationship with God. Idols that compete for my attention are TV and the internet. Pray with me that these are not longer robbing my time away from God. Thank you. Quote
STEPHEN ROSS Posted November 23, 2009 Report Posted November 23, 2009 In the Old Testament Idolatry was rife and there were severe consequences for those that practiced it. In those times many people worshiped these false images which angered God and as a result Judgments fell on the people and on the land. The idols of today are probably different ,but I live in a Nation where Sport and Entertainment have taken the place of worshiping Jesus. At one time in Australia no one would of dreamed of playing Sport on a Sunday ,but now it has sadly become a reality in this land, with no sign of that changing . Sometimes I spend too much time watching T.V. when I should be doing more beneficial things, but it helps me to relax. It is important to find the right balance in all we do. Quote
Antwan Posted November 23, 2009 Report Posted November 23, 2009 Q4. (1 John 5:21) Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? What idols distract us from the true God? What idols compete with God for attention in your life? John wants the church under his discipleship to keep their hearts on guard, and to not let something unworthy of worship come in and take the place in our minds and hearts that should belong to God: first place. Anything can become an idol: pursuit of success, fame, riches, sexual fulfillment (outside the boundaries God has set for it: in marriage with one person of the opposite sex), your children, husband, wife, material things, etc. The things I think I struggle with most would be **** for things I know God didn't and doesn't intent for me to have, but it is a struggle because I find myself still having a desire for it; the part of the study when the issue came up about worrying if one is a "real Christian" or 'How can God accept someone as sinful as me' hit home for me, but I am still striving for God. Quote
Greta Posted November 24, 2009 Report Posted November 24, 2009 John exhorts us to "keep ourselves from idols" because they would draw us away from God and God will not tolerate anything to come between Him and His people. Anything that we put before God is an idol. Idols that I have to beware of are the computer and TV and food. One that has now been removed was a close friend who I used to turn to (often before turning to God) Quote
charchar Posted November 25, 2009 Report Posted November 25, 2009 Q4. (1 John 5:21) Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? What idols distract us from the true God? What idols compete with God for attention in your life? Idols keep you from focusing on God an it brings you to a point in your life were those things are more important than you keeping the word of God and staying in his will. Nothing comes before God. It distract us from our true God when we idol material things, our job, car, family, what we wear, our money an our love for anything that is not of God. the idol that compete with God for attention in my life is nothing. I try daily to put all my attention on only the things of God. Quote
MAMA Posted November 28, 2009 Report Posted November 28, 2009 Q4. (1 John 5:21) Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? What idols distract us from the true God? What idols compete with God for attention in your life? You cannot worship two Gods your heart should be focus on the true and living God of eternal life. Stay away from speakers of false doctrines and from the idolatrous love of wordly goods. Things that distract us from the true God are: overtime work, relationships, materials things. Its anything that takes you away from God. The idols that distract me at times is my love of playing games on the internet but the Holy spirit lets me know when enough is a enough. Patricia Quote
maddog Posted December 15, 2009 Report Posted December 15, 2009 Q4. (1 John 5:21) Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? What idols distract us from the true God? What idols compete with God for attention in your life? Idols are anything that we cherish over the Son of God because they remove us from His protection. Idols can be defined as: money; self-righteousness;life of crime; belief that Christ was human and not divine. Whatever we hold in high esteem that is not the will of God is an idol. Idols that compete with God for our attention are, to name a few: jobs over Christ; personal interests; football games that interfer with our Sunday Worship; the length of time we spend in church (we give as much time as necesary for sporting events and concerts); and other recreational activities. These are items provided by God and we should give apropriate thanks for what He has provided. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted December 21, 2009 Report Posted December 21, 2009 Q4. (1 John 5:21) Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? What idols distract us from the true God? What idols compete with God for attention in your life? Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? John wants us to not let anything false or unworthy take the place of our true faith in God What idols distract us from the true God? So many things, such as our job, family, hobby, money, etc. What idols compete with God for attention in your life? My self-esteem Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted January 4, 2010 Report Posted January 4, 2010 Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? It is the way of saying to keep ourselves away form anything that makes us distracted from the goal...which is Christ. We may put many things ahead of Him and they in that sense become an idol. What idols distract us from the true God? Anything that is false or unworthy of the blessing of may be the world series....or a new dress matters how we look at we love it to the point of placing before our God ??? As a christian this should be on our radar screen.....we can become open without thinking about it. Keep our eyes on the goal.....God. What idols compete with God for attention in your life? I think that at times I have placed my children or grandchildren as almost idols.....or making sure my house was clean....I know these things may seem small, but to place what others think of me above Christ is an idolotry issue. Quote
Don W Posted January 11, 2010 Report Posted January 11, 2010 We Christians are to keep away from anything or anybody that might take the place of our Lord God in our lives; all idols distract us from knowing, worshiping, praising and obeying Him as the Lord of our lives; and this world is so full of idols of easy distractions from God Quote
Debra M. Posted January 16, 2010 Report Posted January 16, 2010 Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? So that the Christian does not allow anything to come between them and their relationship with God. So that God is the exalted One in their lives. What idols distract us from the true God? Wow, that's quite a question. Idols that distract are abundant on this earth. Off the top, I think of Money, Astrology, Fortune Telling, etc. What idols compete with God for attention in your life? Probably tv. I love a good show or movie or such. Quote
royk Posted June 11, 2010 Report Posted June 11, 2010 Q4. (1 John 5:21) Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? What idols distract us from the true God? What idols compete with God for attention in your life? All desires for things in the world compete with our hearts staying open to Jesus and our salvation. We don't need much to be happy and Paul is the proof as he sang in prison etc.We need to try to be like a 'saint' and not focus on earthly needs except eating and staying clean. We don't need TV commercials, but we do need to be well rounded and aware of waht people do with their time and money so we can serve them wisely. Quote
anne1151 Posted March 24, 2011 Report Posted March 24, 2011 Q4. (1 John 5:21) Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? What idols distract us from the true God? What idols compete with God for attention in your life? 1.He wants them to worship the one true God. He has seen the intermarriage of Gods children with pagons leading to idol worship. He knows, from Jesus that the evil one controls the world except for those God protects. 2. Now, in this time, we tend to put material things on a pedistal, even loved ones. We give them undue importance, striving to get "things" rather than striving for Gods kingdom. 3. Too many things. Family, home, retirement accounts, even church. Quote
Ramon Posted August 16, 2011 Report Posted August 16, 2011 Q4. (1 John 5:21) Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? What idols distract us from the true God? What idols compete with God for attention in your life? Answer: 1. Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? Because there are some Church members who might be convincing them,that it is ok to also worship idols,while still a Christian. 2. What idols distract us from the true God? Becsaus it limits us to the True nature of God who is Limitless,..that is why when Moses ask Him what is his name..He said I AM..who I AM…He is before all things..He is the great Creator..Exodus 3:14- And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. Idols susc as God of War,God of prosperity,God of Harvest…limits God..Like worshipping an idol image made of wood and worshipping it,bowing your knee,make you contained God in the wood,or in the picture….YOU CANT CONTAIN GOD IN ANY CREATED THINGS ..HE IS THE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS. Col 1:16- For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether [they be] thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him Quote
servant for Christ Posted November 8, 2011 Report Posted November 8, 2011 John is telling them that the primary idol would be any false teaching that takes people away from Jesus Christ, who is at once fully man and fully God. There were erroneous conceptions of God. However fervent our love for others and our adherence to God's commands, such human efforts will come to nothing apart form true understanding of God as revealed in Christ. To know Him as He is causes love and obedience to be the redeeming, worshipful responses to God that He intends them to be. Anything that we put before God can become an idol. With me, sometimes it is too much tv, too much computer, getting busy with other things and not taking time for God. Quote
jacquie7 Posted April 26, 2012 Report Posted April 26, 2012 John is telling them not to let anything false or unworthy replace their true faith in a real God. Idols that distract us from God are anything that robs or substitutes our true faith in God, anything that we show loyalty to more than showing loyalty to Him. Sometimes family members, work, material things can interfere with giving God our full attention, as He commands. We should show any loyalty to anything that replaces God being the center of our life. Quote
Craig Posted April 22, 2013 Report Posted April 22, 2013 Q4. (1 John 5:21) Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? What idols distract us from the true God? What idols compete with God for attention in your life? John is exhorting the church not to replace or displace Jesus Christ, who is God and eternal life, by idols. Anything that a person places above and before God is an idol, i.e people, things, sports, time, work, etc. In my life the idol of self-will or doing what I want competes with God's will and what He wants me to do. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted June 13, 2013 Report Posted June 13, 2013 Q4. (1 John 5:21) Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? While we may believe in Jesus as God's Son and in His Godhhood and Divinity, we can still stray from our devotion to Him by letting worldly matters occupy pride of place in our everyday thinking. We don't have to bow down and worship something for God to consider it an idol in as far as our spiritual walk is concerned. What seems like an afterthought in John's closing remark is actually a formula for Godly living! What idols distract us from the true God? Money, position, power, worldly glory, the attention of the opposite sex . . . or God forbid, the same sex . . . anything that we set out hearts on at the expense of setting our hearts firmly on God. What idols compete with God for attention in your life? I'm ashamed to say: my career, which I have to promote by myself since I am an independent touring act. I find myself thinking about it more often than I do God sometimes. Quote
Old Jerry Posted March 6, 2014 Report Posted March 6, 2014 John exhorts his “children” to “keep yourselves from idols” because we are to be worshiping the true God. If we don’t worship the true God then we will not have eternal life. There are all kinds of idols that will distract us from God. I think that the biggest thing is money and material goods. But the **** of the heart is right up there with those. I think that the idol that competes for God’s attention in my life is ****. Quote
wifee Posted July 17, 2014 Report Posted July 17, 2014 4a)He wants our focus to be focused totally on being obedient to His Word,learning more about God and His purpose for us,and worshipping God alone which brings us true Life, and not get pulled towards putting worldly objects,self or other peoplethings. b)wide variety of things,that can push aside our desire to worship God in our lives and absorb His Word in our hearts-.Power,position,wealth,TV,our work, the gym,particular friend,even stress and worrying. c)My son when younger,Tennis Quote
tgandy Posted September 5, 2014 Report Posted September 5, 2014 Keep yourself from idols. Idolatry is substituting something false and unworthy in the place of God. Do not let anything take away from your worship of the true God. I believe, sports on Sunday before Church is over, the TV, shopping on Sundays and a variety of other things that take away from worship. I sometimes have trouble with morning Bible study and getting ready to start the day in a hurry. Morning appointments etc sometimes take up my study time. Quote
cezhead Posted March 26, 2015 Report Posted March 26, 2015 The second question actually answers the first. We are to keep ourselves from idols so they won't keep us separated from God. Quote
JSF Posted June 21, 2016 Report Posted June 21, 2016 Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? What idols distract us from the true God? What idols compete with God for attention in your life? It violates a commandment, it detracts from our worship of God, and leads us astray. Anything that captures our attention and focus can be an idol. I think my biggest struggle with idolatry is putting myself on the throne: my desires, my time-use, my thought of how others should treat me. Quote
Uncle Dave Posted April 18, 2017 Report Posted April 18, 2017 Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? When we think of idols we should think in terms of that which is in competition for our attention which should be for God. What idols distract us from the true God? Anything we place our faith in to get us through the day. Could be money, guard dogs, someone we look up to. What idols compete with God for attention in your life? Housing, income, transportation, food & water. Although food and water are actually necessities, it takes money to buy along with a way to the place where you buy it, and shelter to protect from the elements which is also a blessing are things to give God thanks for as He prevents the panic when they all disappear. I would also like to add a few of things which I have seen all to many times in, of all places, the church and church houses. Christmas trees: looking at how Jeremiah 10 opens, it is as plain as the clouds in the sky to see what the author was taking about. It does go on to say that these things (idols) can't see, hear, or talk to you and can't hurt you but before that, in fact, right at the beginning of the chapter it says not to do it. It is always so nice to see people getting their pictures taken in front of a 20 foot tree which is all decked out and to hear them talk about how beautiful it is while not even 100 feet away on the street are people who are without homes or food, who are never made to feel welcome in the church because they might smell the place up or maybe they can't contribute as much as the rest for the fancy dinner being served, etc.,. How about Santa Claus, or the "Easter Bunny"? I even see these things defended by pastors. Has the true Church shrunk that much? Things parents teach their kids about because they look "cute" when their pictures are taken with them. I could really go on for quite a while on this one but I think the point is made. Quote
hanks Posted June 1, 2018 Report Posted June 1, 2018 Q4. (1 John 5:21) Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? What idols distract us from the true God? What idols compete with God for attention in your life? John is warning us to abstain from any form of worship that draws our attention away from Jesus Christ. We know that Jesus Christ is Lord and He must be central in our lives. Any other thought is idolatry. So we are to be aware of all false teachings that deny these facts about Jesus. An idol is a substitute or false god taking the place of the truth. Our responsibility is to make sure we get sound teaching and to guard our Christian lives. We must have nothing to do with false gods. Remember that we know for certainty we have eternal life. Praise the Lord; I must say that I do try my utmost to stay focussed on the Word. Perhaps I spend too much time on the computer and perhaps my cell phone - otherwise I’m not aware of any idols competing with God in my life. Quote
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