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Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21) What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone?

Like Moses at the burning bush, Jacob knew he'd been sleeping/standing on Holy ground where God had manifested His Presence, and Jacob wanted to mark or memorialize the special place where he became God's own possessor of the blessing and of God's presence in his life.

What did anointing the stone mean to him?

For Jacob, the rock he'd rested his head on was now a special memorial to God...naming the place Bethel, House of God, where he'd personally met and interacted with The Rock of Ages.

Why does he do these things?

He was afraid and said "How to be feared and reverenced in this place?...this is none other than the house of God." Jacob knew he'd pass this way again, and never wanted to forget this sacred place where his life changed from fleeing from a death threat, to a life lived for and with God's blessing.

What does he promise God in his vow?

Of all the increase of possessions that You give me I will give the tenth to You.

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Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21) What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone?

Jacob set up a stone, a pillar, designating he met God here, he set up a memorial to God, his anchor, his support, his guide, the "One True God."

What did anointing the stone mean to him?

The stone Jacob used to support his head as a pillow, is the stone he set up, and when he poured the oil on top of it he was making a statement,


Jacob set up a pillar as an altar to God. This was often done in the Bible to commemorate remarkable events that took place. Jacob set a pillar as a memorial and as a witness to a vow he would make to God there. Annointing was an intention to set an object or a person apart for a sacred purpose. For Jacob, anointing the pillar was to sanctify it. I believe he did these things because he had all of the above experiences. He was shaken, afraid and in awe. He knew he had experienced something sacred. A divine revelation. He wanted in turn, to make a vow and make a memorial as a witness to the vow.

I think his vow is interesting. He promises to give a tenth of "all you will give me" and that was only after his stipulations of "If" God would do certain things. A vow given was a pledge of faithfulness expressed in a specific way. It wasn't like a covenant as in the law of Moses to tithe, so what Jacob was doing here was different. A covenant originates with God. A vow is a pledge. He was making a holy promise to God. I think he was agreeing to enter into relationship with God and as that grew, to be thankful in return with all that was given to him.


Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21) What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone? What did anointing the stone mean to him? Why does he do these things? What does he promise God in his vow?

It meant that the God of his father was now his God.

He was amking this place Gods home

If God carries out his peomises then hye will be Jacobs God.


Setting up a stone to Jacob was an entirely appropriate way to honor and remember God's revelation of Himself in this place.

Anointing meant cleansing and consecrating to God.

Jacob sets up the stone as an act of dedication of himself in worship, a way of remembering God's presence in this place.

He anoints it as an act of cleansing and consecration, setting it and himself apart for God.

Jacob promised God :

Yahweh will be his God

The pillar will be God's house

He will give God a 10th of all God gives him.


Q4. (Genesis 28:22) What does Jacob


Jacob set up the stone for a monument and annointed it to consecrate it to God

as an atlar.

Jacob was showing the greatest respect for the place he met God.He also was pledging

his future with God. Jacob may have been thinking since God has bless me I will always follow you. God blessed Jacob but God also had some hard lessons for Jacob to learn.


Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21) What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone? What did anointing the stone mean to him? Why does he do these things? What does he promise God in his vow?

Gen 28:18 So early in the morning Jacob took the stone that he had put under his head and set it up for a pillar and poured oil on the top of it.

Gen 28:19 He called the name of that place Bethel, but the name of the city was Luz at the first.

Gen 28:20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, "If God will be with me and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat and clothing to wear,

Gen 28:21 so that I come again to my father's house in peace, then the LORD shall be my God,

This stone would be a lasting monument to what took place here, promises that Jacob and the Lord exchanged. The pouring oil upon it was a consecration, the making of a vow and instilling the idea that something very Holy happened here. Jacob has finally reached a point in his spirituality. He has had an opening in the relationship with his God. This is all very important to him and he wants to remember what happened and the promises that he and the Lord exchanged. In his vow to the Lord he promises the the Lord will be his God, that this place is given to the Lord and that he will give back a tenth of what he has to the Lord.


Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21)

What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone?

What did anointing the stone mean to him?

Why does he do these things?

What does he promise God in his vow?

It was a pillar to commemorate his meeting with God. Anointing the stone was an act of worship; dedicating and cleansing himself apart for God. Jacob had just personally met God and was in awe of our great God. So he made a vow as a formal response to God


Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21) What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone? What did anointing the stone mean to him? Why does he do these things? What does he promise God in his vow?

Stones were set as a reminder of God's promises...It was anointed because of being in the presence of God and God's promises...many think worship is about singing praise songs..but worship is ridding one's life of all that is against God and the stones were set up to remind the generations of God..


Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21) What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone? What did anointing the stone mean to him? Why does he do these things? What does he promise God in his vow?

The act of setting and annointing the stone was a cultural act with significant meaning. Jacob was making his vow to the Lord and to his descendents and the annointed stone was his seal. Jacob promises that God will always be his God, that this will be a place to honor God and that he will tithe 10 percent back to God. Jacob knew that all he received came from God. He wanted to honor God with everything he had.


Jacob sets up the stone as an act of dedication of himself in worship, a way of remembering God's presence in this place. He anoints it as an act of cleansing and consecration, setting it -- and himself -- apart for God. Jacob promise God in his vow that: Yahweh will be his God, This pillar will be God's house, I will give God a tenth of all God gives me.


Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21) What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone? What did anointing the stone mean to him? Why does he do these things? What does he promise God in his vow?

I believe he sets it up as a memorial to God and the dream he had. It seems to me for the first time Jacob's eyes are not on Jacob. They were looking to God.

Annointing the stone was dedicating the memorial and all it stood for to God.

He does these things to show his new belief in the Living God and as the place where he met the Living God.

He promises God will be His God.

That the pillar will be God's house.

That he will give God a tenth of all God gives him.

Sometimes I wish I had set up more "memorials" of times in my life when I saw God's hand working. I used to put Bible verses on the backs of quilts that reminded me of what was going on in my life at that time. I think it is good to have some tangible reminders of God's goodness and mercy to us that we can go back and look at and praise Him for the faithfulness He has shown. It's so easy to forget when difficult times come and as time marches on our memories fade. Maybe it's not eath shattering but when I look at the verses on those quilts I can remember what was going on at the time and I see how God worked things out and it is comforting to remember His presence even if I didn't "feel" it at the time. I hope what I have just written is taken in the context it was meant.

God Bless!!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21) What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone? What did anointing the stone mean to him? Why does he do these things? What does he promise God in his vow?

In setting up the stone pillar, Jacob was placing God in the center of his life. This pillar was a reminder of the promises God and Jacob made to each other. Jacob anointed the stone with oil as act of purification and dedication to God. Jacob promises to obey, follow, trust, and allow God to be his God.


Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21) What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone? What did anointing the stone mean to him? Why does he do these things? What does he promise God in his vow?

1. What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone?

When something meaningful happens in our lives we do things that will remind us of the commitment we made or purchase things that will remind us of that special time

or event. The stone became a symbol to Jacob of the event that had just taken place. Also his intent is to worship and thank God for this vision he was given. So it

seemed that he was displaying his gratitude.

2. What did anointing the stone mean to him?

It was his way of thanking God for the blessing that he will bestow up him. It also meant that he will uphold his promise he is making to God.

3. Why does he do these things?

Probably it was his cultural practice. But this time with more meaning and understanding.

4. What does he promise God in his vow?

He promises God to obey, trust, follow and to allow God to be his God.


Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21) What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone? What did anointing the stone mean to him? Why does he do these things? What does he promise God in his vow?

Jacob set up the stone as a way to honor God and remember what God had promised him. At that time, anointing was a way of cleansing and consecrating something to God. Jacob promises God that if God will watch over him, Bring him safely to his father's land, provide food and clothing then Yahweh will be his God, the pillar will be God's house and he would give a tenth of everything to God.


To set up a stone was to remind Jacob he had met God here. He made a choice to commit his life to God and worship him.

To anoint with oil is an act of cleansing and consecration. To set oneself apart for God.

Yahweh will be my God

This pillar will be Gods house

He will give a tenth of all God gives him

He makes a commitment and Says, Yahweh will be my God.

God becomes personal to Jacob. "I have met with God".


Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21) What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone? What did anointing the stone mean to him? Why does he do these things? What does he promise God in his vow?

For Jacob to set up the stone and anoint it meant to set the place he was in apart to God (sanctify it); it could also mark the place the Two met and the covenant the Two made to one another. Jacob promises God that if He protects and provides for him, and see him safely back to his father's house, Jacob would make Yahweh his God, and give Him a tenth of all his earnings.


Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21) What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone?

This was an appropriate way to honor remember God's revelation of himself in the place where he had the dream.

What did anointing the stone mean to him?

Cleansing and consecration or setting himself apart for God.

Why does he do these things?

Because he was in awe about the revelation he had had with God and he wanted to show God his respect and honor of such a great privilege and to assure God that he wanted to be faithful to Him.

What does he promise God in his vow?

That Yahweh would be his God and that the pillar he had set up would be God's house and that he would give God a tenth of all that God gives him.


Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21) What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone? What did anointing the stone mean to him? Why does he do these things? What does he promise God in his vow?

Jacob set up the stone as a memorial to his encounter with God. It showed he did not take his dream lightly. He was in awe of God's presence, perhaps even humbled that God would revealed Himself to him (Jacob) after all the deceitful things he had done. The dream he had was too meaningful - he had to mark the spot where he had his encounter. The stone was to be like an altar, an offering to worship God.

The anointing represented consecration. Jacob came into the position of sonship. Finally he had a revelation of God and he understood God's prophecy over his life.

In his vow, Jacob promised to tithe (give God a tenth) IF God were to be him, to watch over him on his journey, provide him with food and clothes and God will bring him back safely to his father's house. Although Jacob said IF, I dont think he was doubting God here. I think he was so confident that God would keep Hs promises that in return he wanted to give a tenth back to God.


Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21) What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone? What did anointing the stone mean to him? Why does he do these things? What does he promise God in his vow?

Jacob set up the stone to demonstrate his acceptance of God in his life. Use of oil sealed his commitment and resolve to follow God, if God protected and cared for him.

He promises to have Yahweh as his God; to give 1/10th of all he received; and the stone would be the house of God.


Setting up the stone was Jacob's way of honoring God and remembering God's revelation to him.

Anointing the stone meant that Jacob was dedicating himself to God in an act of worship. He anointed the stone as an act of cleansing and consecration,setting the stone and himself apart for God.

Jacob does these things because he has made a commitment to the Lord.

What Jacob promises in his vow to God is 1]Yahweh will be my God 2]the pillar or stone would be God's house,and 3]he will give God a tenth of all he has.


Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21) What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone? What did anointing the stone mean to him? Why does he do these things? What does he promise God in his vow?

i think he set up the stone because it was the place he realized the god was with him. he finally realized that it wasn't god that moved farther away from him, but that he had moved away from god. he did it as a means of purification. that he accepts god as his father. that he will worship god. he will tithe.


Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21) What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone? What did anointing the stone mean to him? Why does he do these things? What does he promise God in his vow? He sets up the stone as an act of dedication of himself in worship, a way of remembering God's presence in this place. He anoints it as an act of cleansing and consecration, setting it and himself apart for God. He promise God that God will be his God, the pillar will be God's house and that he will give God a tenth of all God gives him.

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