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Jacob and Laban made a covenant agreement and set up a heap of stones as a watchtower of witness to the act, naming it Mizpah. The covenant was established under the watchful eye of the LORD as their witness, who would oversee adherence to the terms of the agreement even when the two men parted ways. With this covenant, they called a "cease-fire" and promised not to make any aggressive moves toward each other. Laban called on Jacob to remember that the way his daughters were treated would also be under God's scrutiny.

The literal heap of rocks established a boundary and each man agreed not to cross to the other side for the purpose of harm. In spiritual terms, the rocks represented the fact that the LORD was watching each of them and would hold them each accountable for any violations of the covenant. (And I think Jacob probably swore his oath by the "Dread and Fear of his father Isaac" for the last reason mentioned in the lesson. It was a subtle warning not to mess with him, for the God of Laban's brother-in-law would have a dreadful and fearful response to any breach by Laban - who had thus far proven himself untrustworthy in keeping the agreements he made.)


Q4. (Genesis 31:44-55) What are the terms of the Mizpah Covenant? Of what is the Mizpah monument supposed to remind Jacob and Laban?

The terms are simple enough-take care of my children, and watch your back! If you break this covenant, God will know!

They need to be reminded that God is in control, and He will have His way. Also, when you make a vow to someone, you need to keep it, and cary through.


Q4. (Genesis 31:44-55) What are the terms of the Mizpah Covenant? Of what is the Mizpah monument supposed to remind Jacob and Laban?

The terms of the Mizpah covenant are that both party would uphold the covenant or be punish by God for breaking it. The Mizpah's monument was supposed to remind Jacob and Laban of a commitment to be cordial to each other and for Jacob not to allow any subsequent wives to rise above Leah and Rachel.


Q4. (Genesis 31:44-55) What are the terms of the Mizpah Covenant? Of what is the Mizpah monument supposed to remind Jacob and Laban?

The terms are that the Lord is watching when they are apart. This should be a constant reminder to Jacob and to Laban that even though they could not keep a watch on each other, the Lord was there all the time. Laban must have had an idea of the Lord's power because of the sheep changing colors at birth and because God came to him in his dreams. This would not have been a typical dream. Laban woke with full understanding, awareness complete trust that God had spoken to him. And he was afraid. Knowing God was watching would keep them both in step.


A coventant made between Laban and Jacob to use God as their witness so they would keep their word.


The terms of the covenant were promises between them to take care of his children & grandchildren and that the wives, children, grand-children & flocks were dutifully paid for & were rightfully Jacob's.

That God would be watching them when they were apart.


Q4. (Genesis 31:44-55) What are the terms of the Mizpah Covenant? Of what is the Mizpah monument supposed to remind Jacob and Laban?

To be binding, an agreement had to be witnessed by a third party. In this case, Jacob and Laban used God as their witness that they would keep their word.


The two men agree on a boundary.They know they can not trust each other.Jacob knows he can trust God.Laban,by his response to the dream he had,appears to have the beginning of wisdom: he appears to fear God.Jacob uses this as part of the agreement.The pile of stones marks a boundary in several of the known dimensions,including time: from this point on,Trust becomes a matter of Faith,not in each other,not in ourselves,but,in the only one deserving of Trust and Faith.


Terms: a promise from Jacob not to mistreat his wives, nor to take rival wives to displace them from their status and a non-aggression pact (I will not go past this heap to your side to harm you....). Reminding that Yahweh as witness and guarantor of the covenant (May the LORD keep watch between you and me....).


Q4. (Genesis 31:44-55) What are the terms of the Mizpah Covenant? Of what is the Mizpah monument supposed to remind Jacob and Laban?

What are the terms of the Mizpah Covenant?

They agreed to certain terms in order to create a peace offering. Furthermore, if one of them breaks the covenant, God will be the judge of the breach of the covenant as written in Genesis 31:49 "May the LORD keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other."

Of what is the Mizpah monument supposed to remind Jacob and Laban?

The monument would remind Jacob and Laban to remember their covenant of peaceful coexistence and if either one broke it, they would know where the judgement would come from.


Q4. (Genesis 31:44-55) What are the terms of the Mizpah Covenant? Of what is the Mizpah monument supposed to remind Jacob and Laban?

The terms are Jacob is to be good to his wife's,and not to have or let any others take there position in the family. Neither of the parties making the covenant will break the agreement to cross the pillar of stone,and God is the witness between them, he will keep watch to make sure it is not broken,and punish the person who does break it.

The monument is a reminder to both parties and what they have promised.


Q4. (Genesis 31:44-55)

What are the terms of the Mizpah Covenant?

Of what is the Mizpah monument supposed to remind Jacob and Laban?

Jacob promises not to mistreat Laban


The terms of the Mizpa covenant are:

- Yahweh as a witness and a guarantor for the covenat.

- A promise by Jacob not to mistreat his wives nor to take rival wives to displcae their status.

- A non-aggression pact where none of them will pass the heap of sand to harm the other.

- An oath in the name of God.

- A sacrifice and feast to seal the covenant.

The monument was to remind both Jacob and Laban that God would watch and punish any of them who violates any of the covenant terms.


Q4. (Genesis 31:44-55) What are the terms of the Mizpah Covenant?

Here are some of the elements of the covenant described in this passage:

A stone pillar (31:45), such as Jacob had set up in Bethel.

A heap of stones (31:46-49a) which they named Mizpah (watchtower) and Galeed or Gilead (witness heap).

Calling on Yahweh as witness and guarantor of the covenant: "May the LORD keep watch between you and me...." (31:49b).

A promise from Jacob not to mistreat his wives, nor to take rival wives to displace them from their status (31:50).

A non-aggression pact: "I will not go past this heap to your side to harm you...." (31:51-52).

An oath in the name of God (31:53).

A sacrifice and fellowship/covenant meal together (31:54).

If you break this covenant when I can't see you, may God watch you and punish you.

Of what is the Mizpah monument supposed to remind Jacob and Laban?

Of the seriousness of the covenant that they made with each other. Jacob was not to mistreat his wives, nor to take rival wives, and neither of them were to go past the monument to the other persons side to harm them.


The Mizpah monument is to remind Jacob and Laban to keep their distance from one another. A kind of 'agree to differ' but with more seriousness.

God watches over both parties to make sure they don't cause trouble for each other.

Love from Greta



Finally! What has happened....should have happened before the flight and maybe with a better outcome for relationship. But it didn't happen that way. Though we can learn from it.

Laban, in the course of tracking Jacob down has had an intervention by God. What Jacob could have trusted in before....happens. God warns Laban to leave Jacob alone. He partially obeys that. He wasn't to say anything good or bad to Jacob and who knows what a difference there could have been if he turned around and went home, or if the issues could have been faced before the flight, but the whole scenerio is based in sin and deception (just as it was with Esau and that flight) and Laban confronts Jacob on the matters of his family. He tells Jacob, God warned him to let him go, and then gets to asking about his household gods. Those are searched for....with more deception and lies...and then Jacob lets loose of all the wrongs done to him. Finally!!! The two men come to an agreement together and though sin causes the separation and anger, they can agree to a covenant and treaty with each other..... but separate from each other. Interesting how Laban in his pride, in the end, still thinks he owns everything! How sad though...that all the deceptions tore this family apart. Just as it had done with Isaac, Rebekah and Esau. God though, had chosen Jacob and still chose Jacob and His purposes were through him.

The terms of the covenant are:

A witness to both. For the Lord to keep a watch between both parties while they were away from each other. This wasn't out of love. It was in warning for each. Especially if Jacob mistreated Laban's daughters in any way. That God would see and act accordingly! And a treaty for land boundries that they agreed to not cross to come and harm each other.

The monument was a reminder and witness to what transpired there. An oath and sacrifice to Jacob's God was made and a meal shared, sealing the deal and the following day, Laban kisses and blesses his daughters (did he finally really realize what they meant to him?) and the two families go their own way.


Q4. (Genesis 31:44-55) What are the terms of the Mizpah Covenant?

Mizpah was an imaginary "line drawn in the sand", marked by a heap of rocks or "Watchtower" as the reminder to not cross it.

Jacob agreed to not mistreat his wives, nor to diminish their position by marrying rival wives.

They invoked God to watch for any breach in the covenant, and to punish the offender.

They agreed to not cross "the line" in order to harm one another.

They took an oath in God's name, made a sacrifice, then shared a meal together.

Of what is the Mizpah monument supposed to remind Jacob and Laban?

It was to remind them that God is the "referee" in their dispute and they are to honor the oath they made to each other before God and their wives.


Q4. (Genesis 31:44-55)

blink.gif What are the terms of the Mizpah Covenant?

  • A stone pillar (31:45), such as Jacob had set up in Bethel.
  • A heap of stones (31:46-49a) which they named Mizpah (watchtower) and Galeed or Gilead (witness heap).
  • Calling on Yahweh as witness and guarantor of the covenant: "May the LORD keep watch between you and me...." (31:49b).
  • A promise from Jacob not to mistreat his wives, nor to take rival wives to displace them from their status (31:50).
  • A non-aggression pact: "I will not go past this heap to your side to harm you...." (31:51-52).
  • An oath in the name of God (31:53).
  • A sacrifice and fellowship/covenant meal together (31:54).

huh.gif Of what is the Mizpah monument supposed to remind Jacob and Laban?

"The LORD watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another." (31:49, KJV)

But this was no sentimental saying. It was a threat with divine sanction that meant: If you break this covenant when I can't see you, may God watch you and punish you.


Q4. (Genesis 31:44-55) What are the terms of the Mizpah Covenant? Of what is the Mizpah monument supposed to remind Jacob and Laban?

For Jacob it is to care for his wives, Laban's daughters and not to take other wives in their place. He is to not to cause any harm to Laban. Laban is to see that no harm comes to Jacob from his family and to return to his own home.


Q4. (Genesis 31:44-55) What are the terms of the Mizpah Covenant and what is the Mizpah monument supposed to remind Jacob and Laban?

Laban, who would not owe up to any deceitful, vindictive, doings to Jacob, and because of the dream he had, he knew he could not harm Jacob. I thought it interesting, Laban used the word (el-o-heem) Plural for gods in the ordinary sense, when referring to the God in his dream, but that Laban, the Syrian, used the word "LORD" the name of Jacob's God, the God of the Hebrew people "Jehovah" as to be the watch between them.

The term of the agreement that laban swore to by the God of Abraham and also the god of Nahor, and the purpose for the agreement, was to remind Jacob, they were to be good friends, not to do harm to one another (an agreement I am sure Jacob felt he could count on from Laban ) Laban reminded Jacob, his LORD would be watching him!

Laban, always thinking about "self" knew God's blessing was on Jacob, he knew the reason he was blessed, was because of Jacob being there, so therefore laban understood, Jacob would one day be very powerful, and because of all the deceitful ways he treated Jacob, he could someday come back to do him harm.

Laban saw the great "faith" Jacob had in the God of his Father Isaac, and he saw how Jacob feared, held in high esteem his LORD, Jehovah, and because of that "faith" he knew Jacob would not go back on his agreement; as Jacob swore by the One his father feared, the One we should "fear" also.


Q4. (Genesis 31:44-55) What are the terms of the Mizpah Covenant? "The LORD watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another." The Lord God was witness to every transaction between Laban and Jacob and always would be.

Of what is the Mizpah monument supposed to remind Jacob and Laban? Beings they used it the next morning to eat and sacrifice upon, it was more like a table of promise. A table set before the enemy, who would try to cause these two men to break their promise, but because of this huge monument, they would remember building this promise together.


Q4 The terms of the Mizpah covenant are:-

1 That a stone pillar be set up to as a boundary between them.

2 That Jacob would not mistreat their wives nor to take rival wives to replace them.

3 To take an oath in the name of God.

The Mizpah's monument was supposed to remind Jacob and Laban of a commitment they

have made with each and to abide by it. God will be watching over them and whoever

breaks the agreement will be punished.


Q4. (Genesis 31:44-55) What are the terms of the Mizpah Covenant? Of what is the Mizpah monument supposed to remind Jacob and Laban? Mizpah was an agreement between Laban and His family and Jacob and his family

Laban was not to cross the line of the monument to harm Jacob. and Jacob was not to crosss the monument line to harm

jacob also Jacob had to promise to be good to wives and grand children and not to disinherit his wives for any reason.

The monument was too remind both jacob and Laban and families of the agreement and that God was watching over them

to assure they kept to the agreement.

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