Pastor Ralph Posted November 13, 2009 Report Posted November 13, 2009 Q5. Why do we often fail to see God Quote
pickledilly Posted January 30, 2010 Report Posted January 30, 2010 Even if God had "promised us a rose garden", we would have to remember that the beautiful roses grow with thorns. Abundant life in Christ is w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l, but we still live in a fundamentally flawed world among fallen people. The very nature of human life is that we have thorny and painful times, even seasons. Those times of conflict and distress scream for our attention, just like the one little fingertip pricked with a thorn commands the whole body's attention for a moment as it bleeds and throbs in pain. The rose is still just as gorgeous and fragrant as it ever was, but the focus is on that injury. Even when our focus is diverted as we hurt in life, our LORD's glory remains beautiful and His grace is a sweet aroma. I agree that it's almost a "law of nature" that blessing is born with struggle. The deepest and most profound lessons and breakthroughs always come with difficulties. The very word "victory" implies a battle! If we would only see that our problems are simply platforms for God to do something great. He is always at work to develop and refine the holy character of Christ in His children, a process that requires self-denial. And it just plain hurts to say no to what we want, what we think is best, what is most comfortable to us! Thanks be to God that we absolutely do have reasons to hope. Just a few here. First, the wonderful peace mentioned in our lesson. The final thing Jesus promised just before His arrest and crucifixion was His precious peace that is greater than this world's troubles (John 16:33). I have learned well this lesson that He will guard our hearts with unexplainable calm when we continually praise and pray with thanksgiving in times of trouble (Philippians 4:6-7). Second, the joy of the LORD is our strength and stronghold (Nehemiah 8:10). This joy does not depend on circumstances. Even in hard situations, that inner joy of the Spirit encourages and strengthens the heart. Not joy in the trial, but joy in the LORD who cares for us and brings us through. Third, just as Yahweh promised Jacob, He has promised never to forsake or abandon us (Hebrews 5:5b-6). Even in the loneliest of moments, believers are never on their own. Never. The Lord is our ever-present Helper (Psalm 46:1). Fourth, the LORD is always at work in the midst of our struggles to work greater good on our behalf (Romans 8:28). Maybe it is to stretch our faith, or to deliver us from some attitude or motive that stunts spiritual growth, or to reveal some hidden harbored sin that blocks fellowship, or to prepare us for something ahead that will require a steady heart, or to equip us with a powerful testimony that will impact many others. According to James 1:2-4, we should face our struggles with the attitude of letting the Spirit do a work that develops and matures godly character in us. God's primary concern is not a problem-free life that makes us comfortable in this broken world, but the preparation that brings Him glory in the perfection of eternal life. What an ultimate hope! Psalm 46:11 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah. Quote
iam4-1god Posted January 30, 2010 Report Posted January 30, 2010 Q5. Why do we often fail to see God Quote
Commissioned Posted January 31, 2010 Report Posted January 31, 2010 Q5. Why do we often fail to see God Quote
quilter Posted January 31, 2010 Report Posted January 31, 2010 We are so busy with every day living that we forget to keep God in it.We can do nothing on our own. We have to ask for strenght during our conflicts and when God gives it to us we thank and praise him. God should be part of our lives when in conflicts and when are going great. Sometimes conflicts and trials come our way to test our faith. We have the every lasting love of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Quote
charisbarak Posted February 1, 2010 Report Posted February 1, 2010 We often miss the blessings in our lives when things seemingly are not going well. Our emotions are all in a tangle. We learn from the conflicts to look at our blessings & thank God for them. We don't have the big picture, but God has. We have hope--there is an end to the trouble and light at the end of the tunnel. Besides, if God is with us, he as been through the same things & has overcome! We can be overcomers too! Quote
masika Posted February 3, 2010 Report Posted February 3, 2010 Q5. Why do we often fail to see God's blessings during the everyday conflicts of our lives? Why do blessings and conflicts so often come at the same time? What hope do we have in the midst of our struggles? Conflict is a natural part of life. Although many people think conflict means open controversy, a truer definition might be the absence of peace-which can be obtained in its most complete sense only from God. God made everything perfect. When man sinned, that perfection was spoiled and all of our environment was tainted. The fact is, we live in a world where evil abounds. It is rampant throughout every aspect of creation. We are subject to the evil actions of sinful people around us. God can and does intervene in some events, but why not others? Only He knows that answer, but the Bible teaches that there will be a time when He will end this world as we know it. In heaven, there will be no more death, sadness, pain, sickness, or suffering of any kind. Quote
okno Posted February 3, 2010 Report Posted February 3, 2010 Very stupid phrase as answer to first question Quote
sylverd Posted February 4, 2010 Report Posted February 4, 2010 Q5. Why do we often fail to see God Quote
Pearl Posted February 5, 2010 Report Posted February 5, 2010 Q5. Why do we often fail to see God Quote
hanks Posted February 5, 2010 Report Posted February 5, 2010 Q5. Why do we often fail to see God's blessings during the everyday conflicts of our lives? Why do blessings and conflicts so often come at the same time? What hope do we have in the midst of our struggles? I Quote
Seeking His Face Posted February 5, 2010 Report Posted February 5, 2010 Q5. Why do we often fail to see God Quote
Lion of Grace Posted February 5, 2010 Report Posted February 5, 2010 We fail to see the blessings from God during the everyday conflicts of our lives because as humans, in our weakness, we let our emotions rule us so many times. We become angry in them or discouraged in them or feel hopeless in them or fearful in them. We reacte to what is happening and become singularly focused on them. We forget that God is with us, faithful to us and is far better able to handle the conflict in His wisdom than we are. We forget that He is completely able to take anything meant for our harm and bring good out of it. We forget His purposes are being fulfilled in so many things, good and bad because He uses even our worst moments (free will) to rescue us and save us. We learn in them, change through them and grow in them. Problem is....we forget to call on Him...and then to trust Him. We "know" these things....but we forget to live them! I have had the most conflicts around me this week than I have had in my life in a long time! In some of them, I reacted wrong....and repent. In some of them, I chose right. But yesterday, I just asked God to help me and show me what He wanted me to learn and see. He started to unmistakably show me blessings in my life! I was so grateful! Suddenly the frustration melted away. I remembered that those blessings had come to me with struggle too....but they were mine in the end as I trusted Him. He was faithful. So....I saw in more depth and a wider view than yesterday. What looked like chaos, now looks today, like God at a good work in many lives in spite of ourselves! What a comfort for our weary souls! What hope! I think the blessings were there too as a reminder... He is good and as we know Him more and more we can be comforted that He IS God with us and loves us and can be counted on to help us. He can do all things and we can do all things in Him who strengthens us! And...this study was just what I needed, at the exact moment I needed it, to learn from it! Isn't that just like Him!!! God is good! Quote
Elwood C O'Dell Posted February 5, 2010 Report Posted February 5, 2010 Q5. Why do we often fail to see God's blessings during the everyday conflicts of our lives? Because we are concentrating on the situation of the moment rather that looking at the overall situation or the big picture. Too often we cant see the forest for the trees. Why do blessings and conflicts so often come at the same time? The blessings are often concealed in the conflict. What hope do we have in the midst of our struggles? Jesus knows where we are and what is going on. He told us we would have trouble in this old world but he also told us he has overcome the world, so we can have hope, for all things do work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose. Christ has been there, experience what we are experiencing, was and is victorious, and we can put our hope and trust in Him knowing that we too shall overcome. Quote
JanMary Posted February 5, 2010 Report Posted February 5, 2010 Q5. Why do we often fail to see God's blessings during the everyday conflicts of our lives? I can only speak for myself. After many years of trials, suffering, and conflict, I now look for the blessing that I have learned God is building into every situation. But during earlier trials, I still believed the false teaching that when I received Christ as my Lord and Savior, life would be "smooth sailing". (They didn't mention the storms!) When life was painful, I focused on the pain and felt sorry for myself, looking at others who were not suffering and wondering why I was being punished. After years of walking with the Lord, learning His Word and allowing it to transform and renew my mind, learning that He is absolutely faithful and that He loves me absolutely and unconditionally, the realization came that it's in the trials that I discover and KNOW Him, and that the treasures of the darkness become mine. I remember during one extemely painful time of betrayal, He led me to the scripture that told me I was under the shadow of His wing....and I told Him how very dark it is under there, then later understood that it's there that I am being snuggled close to His breast. The too familiar voice of Satan was always there to blame God for what was going on. I didn't yet know God's character, so I accepted those suggestions for quite awhile, and since I had been abused as a child by both parents, the lies seemed to be the truth. Eventually I saw that even Jesus learned obedience through the things that He suffered, and that His life on earth was one of constant trials, rejection, and trouble, and that the servant is not above the Master. Why do blessings and conflicts so often come at the same time? As I look at characters in the Bible, like Joseph, it was through the conflicts that they were not only blessed, but that they became a blessing to others. The grain of wheat must be crushed before it becomes bread to feed others. I believe the trials/crushing are the preparation for being a blessing, and along the way, God gives blessing to keep us encouraged and refreshed. Joseph must first suffer prison before he could become Premier of Egypt. I've kept journals for years, and as I go back and read about life as it was happening as I write the book, it was always in trials where "God showed up", where I heard His voice, or saw His miracles, or recognized one of His wonderful Names, or experienced supernatural provision. I wouldn't trade any of the suffering, because of How precious He is to me because of all He allowed in my life. I'm more stable, more reliant upon Him, my character is growing, my faith is stronger, I'm more equipped for service because I know that it's through surrender to His power that I am able to serve and am reflecting Him rather than myself. I'm growing in maturity and through it all is His comfort and His Presence. What hope do we have in the midst of our struggles? The knowledge that He will never leave me nor forsake me....He has gone before me so I have nothing to fear. He knows the outcome. He knows the length of the trial, and He has promised it will never be more than I can bear. The trial will have an end. The suffering is producing character and fruit. He has promised to work the trial for good. There will be rewards in Heaven If my attitude is one of patience in the suffering rather than complaining and whining. Tribulation works patience into our lives.......but if I fall into whining and don't get it right, there is forgiveness and cleansing! He Who began the good work in my life will bring it to completion at that day! Praise God, we can't lose, because He's promised victory! Quote
WALT39 Posted February 5, 2010 Report Posted February 5, 2010 Q5. Why do we often fail to see God Quote
Stan Posted February 6, 2010 Report Posted February 6, 2010 Q5. Why do we often fail to see God Quote
Greta Posted February 6, 2010 Report Posted February 6, 2010 Isn't it funny how other people can see our blessings while we are still struggling to come through the problems? I have said it to others and they have said it to me, "You will be stronger or wiser because of this, when you come through" In the midst of our struggles we have the hope and assurance that God is our helper and in Him there is victory. Love from Greta Quote
Eudora Posted February 6, 2010 Report Posted February 6, 2010 Q5. Why do we often fail to see God's blessings during the everyday conflicts of our lives? I think it is because we forget that through every trial that He is burning away the dross and teaching us to depend solely on Him, who Quote
Eudora Posted February 6, 2010 Report Posted February 6, 2010 I dont think that we fail to see God's blessings during everyday conflicts in our lives but rather not able to see the forrest for the trees as you stated in our lesson. So many times when we are going thru something we look at the circumstance and get stuck there!! I know for me, I find myself looking at the circumstances of little money to many bills, but God says in his word Call those things not as though they were. This is where our faith and trust comes in. Our flesh wants to look on the circumstance but our spirit tells our flesh, hey stop that! Dont look at the circumstance look at Jesus! Once we get our minds off of the natural and on the spiritual ralm where God dwels then we can see that God has it all under control and we can be at peace, but we have to get to that place and the only way for us to do that is to stay immersed in God's word!!! As for blessings and conflicts coming at the same time I think that is to strengthen us in our spiritual form. The bible says we restle not against flesh but against principalities of darkness, that unseen world. We must always remember what we see in the natural is not what we war against but against Satan the great deciever who wants us to focus on the natural realm so we stop relying on our saviour who has already conquered our shortcomings and we are covered: the greatest gift God could ever give us. So if we faint not God will always be there to supply all and anything we need to weather the storm! This is our hope in the midst of our struggles that God is there for us all we have to do is step out in faith, step into the fire God is there in the midst with us!!! "Stay immersed in God's word!!! I COULDN'T AGREE MORE! Immersed being the key.... Quote
Delivered Posted February 7, 2010 Report Posted February 7, 2010 Q5. Why do we often fail to see God's blessings during the everyday conflicts of our lives and what hope do we have in the midst of our struggles? I think it could be very easy in a time of trouble not to see God's blessings, if we take our eyes off of God and His promises, and in its place put them on the situation, and that alone. It is an easy thing to do, as we live under many stressful conditions, there is much injustice going on all around us, and as I think about Jacob and how he handled vindictiveness, injustice, the stressful situations that Laban sent his way, he let his righteousness answer for him, he couldn't do it on his own, it could have only been through his faith in his God, that he did not react with hatred to the injustice given to him; Jacob didn't take his eyes off of God, it was through his trust in the God of his father, he was able to see the blessings, a good lesson for me to follow. Quote
Patriciaa Posted February 7, 2010 Report Posted February 7, 2010 Q5. Why do we often fail to see God's blessings during the everyday conflicts of our lives? Too often we can't see the forest for the trees. Blessing always comes amidst conflict Why do blessings and conflicts so often come at the same time? What hope do we have in the midst of our struggles? Jesus says to you: Take heart, don't be discouraged, my child. I have overcome the world. Quote
Josie Posted February 7, 2010 Report Posted February 7, 2010 Q5. Why do we often fail to see God’s blessings during the everyday conflicts of our lives? Why do blessings and conflicts so often come at the same time? What hope do we have in the midst of our struggles? Conflict, like a poke from a thorn, requires an almost impulsive, quick response. When rain falls on our heads we are distracted and can not notice the beautiful flowers growing next to us. Why do blessings and conflicts so often come at the same time? Jesus said in this world you will have troubles; troubles require us to fall to our knees and make contact with God. Contact with God fills us with His spirit of peace which opens our eyes, which lets us see God's blessings and wonders. Our hope in the midst of troubles comes when we know that we can always talk with God, he's there listening. He is our father and he delights in us, wanting us to have every good thing, and that we are always being blessed in His presents no matter how hard the rain falls. Quote
janel Posted February 7, 2010 Report Posted February 7, 2010 Q5 We have often failed to see God's blessings during the everyday conflicts of our lives because we are focusing too much on ourselves. In John 15:19, Jesus has warned His disciples that: "If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you." The world has too much influenced and harm on us. In Matthew 11: 28 Jesus said: "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Jesus has come to the world to carry the weight of our burdens on His shoulders, do we surrender ourselves to Him? God does not test us beyond our limit for He has promised to be with us till the end of time. And we know that God causes all things to work together for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8: 28) As promised in John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world." Quote
studybug52 Posted February 7, 2010 Report Posted February 7, 2010 Why do we often fail to see God Quote
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