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Jacob's prayer shows us Jacob had very real fears. He had fear that Esau would come and attack his family. He knows the consequences that could perhaps come out of some of his former behavior. He knows there should be grave concern.

It also shows us a lot about his faith. He recalls to God the direction for next steps God gave to him, the promises given to him too. His faith is declared here. Faith is declared on what we can't see, but we know is there and trustworthy. He's saying, "I know you are there and I know what you promised and I'm reminding you! I need your help!" He has faith in Who he knows is with him and the promises given to him. And that he can turn to his God for help.

Here we see what has happened to his pride also. In humbleness he gives God all the credit for everything. He says he is unworthy of all the blessings given him. He relates his fear to God and asks for intervention. To be saved. He is dependant on God.

His spiritual growth is in trusting God for outcomes. When he left originally his oath to God was "if" God did things for him, he would believe and have Him as his God. Now we see dependance on a God that he has grown to know and trust and a knowledge that "he" can't but God can!


Jacob realized he was about to face his brother that he had deceived and stole from some twenty years before. Had he forgot the promise

God made to him? I think Jacob got him self together and started to pray. When we run into conflict or have something to fear just stop and

pray and our God will take care of it.

FAITH Jacob let his fear get in the way of what God had promise him. We all do this at times.All we have is faith to keep going.God puts those

same angels around us in times when we are weak in faith.

PRIDE In spite of conflict between Jacob and Easu, Jacob sent gifts to try to repair damage done. Pride did not stand in the way with Jacob even though

he was fearful of Easu.

GROWTH.All of the above explains his spirtual growth stopping to pray in time of fear and needs and sending gifts to Easu trying to make amends

in spite of all conflicts between the brothers


Q2. (Genesis 32.9-12) What does Jacob's prayer tell us about his fears? About his faith?

HIS FEARS are real; death is threatening to come, not just to Jacob, but also to his loved ones. I think it is the threat to his loved ones that brought the most FEAR to Jacob, and on top of that, it was soon to come, bringing great stress to Jacob. I know it would to me.

HIS FAITH is real, as Jacob spoke the words of God, faith grew. I think as he spoke God's promises, faith grew even stronger. It is from our hearts that our mouth speaks.

What About his pride?

HIS PRIDE is nil, he speaks truth to God, he is unworthy of any of God's blessings.

Who of us are worthy? Nil.

What are the signs of spiritual growth you see in Jacob since he left Canaan to go to Haran years before?

I see growth growing in Jacob day by day while on his journey, he faced the trials that came his way and did not react to them, he did not let hatred, or revenge, fill his heart, great "faith" in deed.


Jacob prayer for God to protect him from his brother showed he was still afraid that his brother would attack him and his family. He however demonstrated faith in God as he reminded God about His promises to him.

Jacob dependence on and faith in God showed that he had grown spiritually sinnhe left Canaan years ago.


Jacob is being 'real' with God as he prays. He is pouring out his heart and showing that he is following God. He has been obediant, but he is afraid as he prepares to meet Esau, and he confesses this fear to God.

His faith shines through as he declares that he is depending on God to save him and his family from death, because he believes God's promice to be with him always, to prosper him and enlarge his family.

Since Jacob left Canaan 20 years previously, he has become peaceful, spiritual, dependable and a hard worker. He is submitted to God and knows it is God's power and strength that will sustain him and his family.

Love from Greta


  On 11/13/2009 at 6:38 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Genesis 32.9-12) What does Jacobs prayer tell us about his fears? About his faith? About his pride? What are the signs of spiritual growth you see in Jacob since he left Canaan to go to Haran years before?

Jacob's prayer reveals his humanness. Even though he is a child of God, he is still weak in his human side. Sometimes saying things outloud reassures us and maybe Jacob was repeating God's promise out loud, not to persuade or remind God, but to remind himself that God promised to protect him. He submits himself to God and goes humbly to his brother. Jacob has learned much in his time away. He realizes that is God who is in control and not him. Jacob knows he cannot do this without God on his side.

His faith is strong and he chooses to do what God is leading him to do. But he is afraid and concerned for his family. So he goes in prayer, which is what we all should do when we are taking a leap of faith.


Q2. (Genesis 32.9-12) What does Jacobs prayer tell us about his fears? About his faith? About his pride? What are the signs of spiritual growth you see in Jacob since he left Canaan to go to Haran years before?

jacob has fears, like we all do, even when we know that God is with us. But he has faith too. Jacob barely knew God as he started out on his journey to live with Rachel's family, but on his journey home, some years later, he reveals that he relies on God...God is his savior, protector, and he freely calls upon God, believing in him and his promises. He knows God's word is true and that he can count on it.


What Jacob's prayer tells us about his fears is that he is afraid his brother Easu will attack him and his family.

Since he hasn't seen Easu in over 20 years,Jacob has no way of knowing his brother is still holding a grudge and planning on murdering him or not.

What Jacob's prayer tells us about his faith is he believes God promise to make Jacob's decendants like the sand in the sea. In other words,they would so many it would be impossible to count them all.

The signs of spiritual growth seen in Jacob since he left Canaan to go to Haran years before are, he is starting to rely more on God rather his own deceptive nature.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This prayer came as a result of Jacob's fear. It appears that Jacob was doing what "HE COULD" - what he thought would appease his brother Esau - an attempt to fix things between himself and his brother Esau "ON HIS OWN". . . Jacob finally realizes that there is nothing he can do on his own so he turns to God admitting his fear and placing trust in God to do for him what he is not able to do for himself. . .

Jacob has heard the promises of God and believes that He will do everything He has promised. . .

God has allowed Jacob to suffer many things based on his (Jacob's) attempt to bring about God's plan on his own. As a result of things happening the way they did I feel that Jacob came into a greater awareness of who God is and as a result of such developed a relationship with God wherein he could and did trust God. . .


  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

2a)Jacob is fearful that Esau may still be angry with him&take this out on his family.

b)He has enough faith to obediently return to Haron. He wants to believe in God’s promises,but is still yet to trust God fully &believe without fear in God’s promises

c) His pride has turned to humility,sending gifts to Esau,he is thankful,want’s God’s blessing to continue,knows he needs God help with his brother.

d)Jacob has matured in his faith, he depends on God more, is aware of &trust in Gods promises more,rather than controlling events himself like he did in Canaan.

  • 11 months later...

This prayer tells us that Jacob fears his brother because of what he had done to him in the past. But due to fact that is God is calling him back his faith has made him stronger. And he willing to suck in his bride and honor Esau as his lord shows that he is willing to throw his pride out the window.

Some of the spiritual growth that I see in Jacob since he left Canaan to go to Haran is that he trusts God more and that he has become humble.

  • 2 years later...


I think Jacob was demonstrating the very human struggle to cling to God's promises even as swells of fear seem to threaten to wash them away. I've learned that one of the best weapons against fear is to speak God's own Words into my hearing and over my circumstances. To me, that's what Jacob was doing. He'd heard Yahweh's promises and confirmations of protection. He'd seen the angel army encamped nearby. In his head and with his heart, he knewthe truth and believed God. But the emotion of the fear hefelt was attempting to override what he knew. 

Jacob's prayer showed he had grown to personally trust the God of his ancestors. He was humble, not claiming any worthiness of all that the LORD had done for him. He was grateful, fully aware that the fortunes he now possessed were completely the result of God's goodness. He was dependent, knowing it was God's protection that would deliver him from any retribution from Esau. He was submitted, no longer taking things into his own hands with schemes and deceptions. Jacob's faith was maturing and he was learning that you must stand firm on what you knowis true in order to defeat what you feel might be true.

  • 6 years later...

Q2. (Genesis 32.9-12)

What does Jacob's prayer tell us about his fears? About his faith? About his pride?

What are the signs of spiritual growth you see in Jacob since he left Canaan to go to Haran years before?

The fears are real.  He acknowledges his fears for the welfare of his family and those entrusted to his care.  He humbles himself before God, he is not demanding, but in humility acknowledges that GOD was the One Who increased his fortunes and it was upon God's instruction that he was coming back at this time.  Now in faith he is resting upon God's protection and deliverance from the wrath of his twin brother.  

Twenty years before, Jacob had been prepared to take matters into his own hands, now he did not dream of that but relied completely upon God's leading and guiding him,  

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