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:huh: An apostle in the early church was one sent with Jesus' personal outhority to establich "His Church". Jesus certainly is sending people today to establish His churches. How else will all of the people of the world be reached with the Good News? There are many who have established strong churches and, as Pope John I, have taken strong roles in teaching and leadership. I have my personal opinions of those who might be considered apostles but won't enumerate them in order to keep peace on our board and prevent disharmony. I do believe God operates through prophets. My first experience with a prophet brought me an encouraging message that concerned a matter no one present at the time knew anything about. It was an answer I had been desparately praying for. I feel a lot that passes as prophecy is not from God. Prophets must be tested to determine the accuracy of their phrophecies before they are accepted.

The apostles built the church by explaining Jesus to those around them. They not only explained by neans of words but by living the new life in Christ. The apostles were the folks that saw Jesus the closest and they were the most dissapointed upon His death. Their transformation (from scared men to bold men proclaiming the Gospel) after Jesus ressurection speaks volume about Jesus' power.


(Ephesians 4:11) How did (do) apostles and prophets build up the Body, in your opinion?

According to the next two passages (12&13) it is for the perfecting of the saints, the work of the ministry, and edifying of the body of Christ .. Until we come to the unity of faith. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Rom. 10:17). All work as distributors and maintainers of the Word of God. Just think what our life would be like today if those that kept our Bible pure, had done as man usually does, which is to twist things to fit what appeals to us. I am so very thankful to each and every member of the body of Christ for helping me to be perfected. Apostles and prophets are the true pioneers for the rest of the 'gifted' body of Christ.

;) The Apostles laid the foundation, on which our faith is based today. I am a Spirit filled Christian, believing in the Gifts of the Spirit, but have a problem accepting that there are Apostles today. If the Apostles, appointed by Jesus, laid the foundation,( and Himself, being the chief cornerstone!) how can we "Keep building it"? When building a house, there is only one foundation, not many. "According to the grace of God, which is given to me, as a wise master-builder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon, But let every man take heed how he buildeth there-upon" 1COR.:3:10 The Book of Revelations even speaks of the "12" foundations..."And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, in in them, the names of the twelve (12) apostles, of the Lamb" Rev.21:14. So I guess my answer would be; The Apostles built up the body, by laying the foundation of our faith. :) True Prophets today, speak for God; Prophecy is one of the gifts of the Spirit, given to man, to build up the Church (body) True prophecy will alway's proclaim liberty, and never bondage, to the believer...It will line-up with the Word, it will always come to pass! We are told to judge prophecy 1Cor.14:29....We are told to "mark" those who are false prophets. True prophecy is "steeped" in love... And alway's points to Jesus, not man! "And I fell at his feet to worship him; And he said unto me, See thou do it not; I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus; Worship God; for the testimony of Jesus is the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY" Rev.19:10 :lol: What a wonderful experience it is, to have the Lord of all, speak a word to us, through His anointed prophets! It edifies the church, as nothing else can. I've always said "Lord, one word from you, can do what a million words from man, can never do"! Praise His Name! :lol:
2. (Ephesians 4:11) How did (do) apostles and prophets build up the Body, in your opinion?

2.) Apostles - church planting or establishing; prophets - to receive and communicate an immediate message of God to us through a divinely - anointed utterance.


How did (do) apostles and prophets build up the Body, in your opinion?

All growing organisations need someone at the helm who is gifted and authoritative to give oversight and direction. I believe Paul was one of the greatest apostles but I also believe God has gifted people today who are recognised by the membership of the Body as having a very strong prayer life, who are walking closely with God, and who have the ability to impart good biblical teaching. By their example and their ministry the Body grows stronger and spreads.

Prophets are very much needed within our Church to call us back to God. I would define modern-day prophets, not as those who predict the future, but as men and women who are willing to speak forthrightly messages they believe they have received from God - messages which many of us do not wish to hear. Prophets are generally not popular within the Body. Firstly, members are suspicious of their credentials - are they really speaking a message from God, or not - and secondly, their message is almost always unpopular. Unless they can bring repentance and revival within the Body they probably will not see much fruit from their spiritual gift in their lifetimes.


By being a witness, by going out to teach others of Christ, by instructing and encouraging others of truth or knowledge of God's will, by being able to distinguish between the light and dark, good and evil, God communicates to them through the Holy Spirit, Are we all Prophets? for He also communicates with us, if we only listen and obey. ;)


The apostle in the early church were sent by Jesus to establish "His" church. They were blessed to be eye witness to Jesus' ministry. Keeping in mine of the early church apostles, I would say to a certain extent we do have apostles today. Maybe today they are called another name. Individuals are still establishing congregations and delivering the word of God.

Since the gift of prophecy is the special ability to receive and communicate an immediate message of God to His people through a divinely-anointed utterance; we have to be careful what we say is from God to His people. If it is of God this prophecy will come to past because God's word will never fail. If the individual is a true prophet we will see the evidence, growth and the body off Christ will be built up.


The question was asked for an opinion... so here goes.

Jesus (cornerstone) the foundation; the apostles built upon the foundation. Notice: all Apostles who stood by God's word never ended up hanging themselves.

All Apostles and Prophets called by God would edify, encourage, lead, keep in order the Body. They came to and spoke, and wrote to the Body with words of encouragement; yet also speaking with Discipline and Correction in Love.

They Glorified God and not themselves... they never just spoke of " the one sided" love of God, but through love they spoke the Truth and that meant to Examine; and when needed to correct the errors within the Body, and through Truth bring them into Repentence.

God's love has two sides to it: Edification and Dicipline... otherwise He would not be known as the God of Just Judgement.

When the power of the Holy Spirit speaks words through us those words will not hold anyone in Bondage; in Truth those words will bring about Liberty in Him. Lv, Sunshine B)


:rolleyes:Q2The early prohets and apostles are foundational of the Universal Church, Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone. What they did can not be duplicated. The foundation has been laid!

Those who call themselves prophets and apostles today can not lay another foundation. They can, however, carry out the work that has aready been established and given to us in the written Word of God! There can be no new inspired writing of the Holy Word as we now have in the Bible.

They may, of course, be a guide to the equipping of the disciples for the administration of the great commission, and witnesses to the truth already established. They can be used to keep the disciplies of the believers in check according to the Word of God! They can be used as reminders to the Church as one who warns the Church according to the Word of God. They need to be living a life worthy themselves. For what one sees makes a greater impact thaen what one hears. We are epistles known and read of all men. Our walk should reflect our position and profession.

Nothing can be added or taken away from what we already have in the Scriptures. From Genesis to Revelation, we see the big picture. It is my personal opinion that too many seek titles and too quick to say to others "God Said"!


Apostles are messangers or sent ones.It was He who gave some to be Apostles.A Prophet is one who gives prophecy.If you have a vision or a word a Prophet has to truely have that gift of truth for people to believe.There are times more than one prophet receives the same word.Messangers and Prophets work together along with the rest of the Body of Christ for the whole body to be in unity,which builds up the Church.

Q2. (Ephesians 4:11) How did (do) apostles and prophets build up the Body, in your opinion? Exposition

In my opinion Apostles build the body of the church in that they receive direct revelation and direction from God for the church. Prophets build the body of the church in that they receive direct revelation and direction from God for individuals and groups of individuals.


I think apostles today are people who have special gifts of telling God's Word to groups and/or people who haven't "seen" the Light- or who aren't familiar with the love of Christ and His power. As of old apostles have the job of spreading the Good News of Jesus to all the world.

Paul tells us that Grace is given to each of us according to the measure of Christ's gifts...We all have gifts and grace is granted accordingly. The Holy Spirit reveals or brings these gifts to us.

We are all members of Christ's body. Each of us is a separate part having its own place, its own function as part of the whole body.

All of our gifts are necessary for the salvation of God's people, His Kingdom on earth.....that all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ might be saved. We are appointed for this task and we are all needed - ALL our gifts are needed. No one can do the job of another.

WE can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.


I think apostles today are people who have special gifts of spreading the Good News of Salvation to groups and/or people who haven't "seen the light" or experienced God's power and love.

After Christ ascenced into Heaven, the apostles had to spread the Good Nows of Christ and His supreme gft of dying on the cross and rising from death into Heaven as the sole Savior and supreme Lord. He carried our sins that we might be acceptable to God.

This news and other words from God had been foretold by the prophets and were being fulfilled. The apostles were to spread the news so that all might hear and be saved from eternal damnation and separation from God. Jews and gentiles alike were eligible.

Prophets today are people, divinely inspired of God to recieve and communicate divine revolations - messages from God.

I agree that preaching is not prophecy. It's more like apostleship - the spreading of the Good News of the Gospel. Prophets fortell something. Hey hear a message from God ad pass on the message.

Apostles spread the word about Jesus Christ and his supreme gift to us of eternal life, something we cannot earn but was given freely to those who believe in Him.


The apostles built and continue to build the church by empowering the world with the Holy Spirit for, without the blessing of the spirit, the church that they will build will fail to be productive no matter how hard they try to make it work. It has always been their practice to spread the Word by using a hands-on procedure. They go to the people to spread the Good News instead of doing it the other way around: waiting for people to come to them to receive salvation. This has been Christ's example to His disciples and this has been the practice until today.


Apostles goes out and establish churches and appoint elders to the different churches in that town or city, whereas a prophet is one who prophesy a God given revelation for God's people.

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  • 1 month later...

Apostles communicate the word, build up the church in faith and lead. I thnk it is a mix of pastorship, evangelism and divine leadership. Prophets on the other hand are God's policemen - occasionally with a warning, exhortation and encouragement. The prophetic utterance may be specific for an individual or for the body corporately.

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  • 2 months later...


(Ephesians4:11) How did(do)apostles and prophets build up the Body,in your opinion?

These are the gifts that Christ Himself has given.The gifts are for the edification ,for the maintaince of the church to carry the message to a lost and dying world,and to build up its individual members in the knowlege of Christ. We read in Eph.2:20." And are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets,Jesus Christ Himself being the cheif corner stone."

You dont lay a foundation for a building every few stories,but the foundation is built once and for all,and then the superstructure is erected. Nineteen hundred and some years ago,the apostles and prophets fulfilled their ministry . We aren`t looking for new ones now.



2(Ephesians4:11)How did(do) Apostles and Prophets build up the Body, in your opinion?


These are the gifts that Christ Himself have given. The gifts are for the edification,for the maintenance of the church,given by the risen Christ to enable the church to carry the message to a lost and dying world,and to build up its individual members in the knowlege of Christ. We read in Eph.2:20."and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets,Jesus Christ Himself being the cheif corner stone" You dont lay a foundation for a building every few stories,but the foundationis built once and for all,and then the superstructure is erected. Nineteen hundred and some years ago ,the apostles and prophets fulfilled their ministry. We aren`t looking new ones now.

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