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Apostles and prophets are the higher ranking giftings. When the body acknowledges someone's function as prophet or apostle, we experience much direct communication to the body direct from God, which is very important in helping us press in to Him, obey Him and know His will. Also with apostles we see the healing gifting which gives witness to all the world that Jesus is Lord, and has the right to forgive sins, and to teach us the way. This adds people to the body and brings in more giftings, and so God's glory shines more greatly.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The apostles were under the immediate influence and inspiration of the Holy Spirit and given a direct revelation. While they were alive on this earth they built up the body of Christ with their teaching and today we have their words recorded in the Bible. When we study GOD's Word and apply it to our lives we are being built up in the body of Christ.

  • 5 months later...

I personally believe that there are apostles and prophets today, and they are there to build the kingdom of God, the church. But when we talk about apostles and prophets we are not necessarily talking about their physical presence only. Apostles and prophets are dedicated servants of the Lord who brought the message of God to His people in time of need, taught His people to live the life of saints and glorify the Father in so doing. Furthermore, the body of Christ is built on the teaching of the apostles and the prophets and that is the word of God, the bible.

  • 11 months later...
  • 3 months later...

The early apostles were their with Jesus and what they saw is what they taught early Christians so it through these apostles that most of us have to know Christ .

I believe if it were not them the world could have known the truth on Christ

  • 6 months later...

I know it would be pertinent to say that all the gifts that have been given to the Church are in the form of each individual and the gifts they bring, not in any position or formal office.

I was reading a little more on this and I loved the truth that was given to me on how God wants order in the Church, but not order of ministry. True leadership will always serve to equip all members so that each equally important gift is used for the benefit of the entire body.

That said.....I believe "Apostles" are those "sent out", even if for a time, for a specific special purpose. They plant, repair, and build up with the foundation of the Word and by example where God has asked them to go for Kingdom purposes.

I believe prophets receive a divine message to exhort or edify and can impart God's will and direction for the benefit of the Church. I know prophets have a passion for Christ and for the Church to remain firmly rooted in our one true vision. To bring others to the truth of the saving grace of Jesus Christ and for others to know of their salvation through His death on the cross. The one true way. The only way.

  • 6 months later...
Q2. (Ephesians 4:11) How did (do) apostles and prophets build up the Body, in your opinion? Exposition

They both bring forth the Word to the people. Building and maintaining the Church. Teaching the people and helping them to walk in their callings.

  • 5 months later...

Q2. (Ephesians 4:11) How did (do) apostles and prophets build up the Body, in your opinion?

The apostles and prophets in Biblical times were God's messengers to God's people. God used the prophets to give divine warnings and prophecies, some have come to pass and others are yet to happen.

The apostles were used by God to oversee the establishment and administration of the churches. They wrote the Holy Scriptures which we use today to build our spiritual lives.

Today, the apostles and prophets continue to build up the Body by overseeing the work of God and by being in place to hear from God and share the messages they receive from God for the Body.

  • 4 months later...

Q2. (Ephesians 4:11) How did (do) apostles and prophets build up the Body, in your opinion?

Apostles, as direct representives of Jesus Christ, laid the foundations of the church by teaching Christian doctrine as given to them by Jesus Christ.

Prophets passed on prophetic words given to them by God for the edification of the congregation.

Both serve to build-up the Body respectively by teaching Christian doctrine and passing prophetic words to the body of Christ.

  • 5 months later...

Simply put, an apostle would be the glue that holds the various churches within his or hers jurisdiction together by ensuring that they are all on the same page concerning doctrine and adherence to it. Prophets are to relate divinely inspired messages to the church to edify it by speaking the Lord's intentions.


Apostles are the foundation of the church giving us strong teaching and edification, while the prophets remain a constant ear to the Lord thereby instructing and exhorting His people according to His will.

One builds and the other maintains which makes them indispensable.

  • 1 year later...
Q2. (Ephesians 4:11) How did (do) apostles and prophets build up the Body, in your opinion? Exposition

Apostles in the early church started new churches. Some believe that apostles still exist today and that they hold a leadership role over spiritual matters of churches. They are more than evangelists as they appear to stick with a group, even after they physically leave. They are strongly dedicated to the establishment of local churches.

A prophet on the other speaks the word of God. This prophesy can help lead a church, or group of individuals to the truth. Often prophets speak when there is a need to hear the truth.

  • 1 year later...

Apostles "go out" and establish foundations to grow on. I have seen people with this gift go from place to place using whatever expertise they have to offer to help churches or individuals who are struggling, to get a foundation under them so they can eventually begin to blossom on their own. They have a true love for each congregation or individual with the sole purpose to see them rise up and grow to be stronger in faith an practices that are not only good for themselves in spiritual health, but good for the firm establishing of God's Kingdom and purposes in many areas. Paul not only established churches, but nurtured them like children through letters of encouragement, instruction or admonishments. His desire was to see them grow and become active disciples themselves.

Prophets know God's will and they know the truth and the Word. They can see when individuals or churches are getting off the mark. They remind of foundational truths and the truth of the Word not to condemn or for the love of correction but because they have a love of the people and a burning desire for God's truths to be known and practiced. They aren't popular and it's a hard gift to have because people for the most part can justify whatever they do. But....a prophet can hide only for so long or avoid speaking truth (in love hopefully) because they just CAN'T keep it inside because it's just the truth! They are held accountable by God if they don't speak out for truth. After that though....it's left to the others whether to receive the truth or not.


2a)Apostles I believe are a gift to the larger Church e.g the Pope, head of larger churches/mainstream & free churches,John Wimber etc, much of the time spent travelling, with an extra ordinary authority in spiritual matters &divine leadership that is spontaneously recognised by those churches. :) A Prophets gifts to receive & communicate an immediate message of God to His people, can take different shapes & forms in different individuals, and seen also in the local church settings. :D

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (Ephesians 4:11) How did (do) apostles and prophets build up the Body, in your opinion? Exposition

Apostles and prophets tell other people about the Lord.

This way, there are more Christians and better ones.

Like a body has cells, every Christian is a cell in the body of Christ.

Therefore those apostles and prophets build up the body.

  • 1 month later...

Q2.(Ephesians 4:11)

How did (do) apostles and prophets build up the Body, in your opinion?

I think that the Church was built on the foundation of both the apostles and prophets, with our Lord Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone; as read in Ephesians 2:20. The Apostles spread the Gospel message with the authority given by Jesus. NT prophets were also involved in the foundation of the Church and they were mainly to provide edification, exhortation, and comfort; as read in 1 Cor 14:3.

  • 7 months later...

The Biblical Prophets and Apostles were chosen by God to reveal His Word to God's covenant people. While I do believe that the Prophets and the Apostles in the Bible are unique, there are people with prophetic and apostolic ministries at this present time. The contemporary prophets and apostles never contradict or add to the revelation given by God to the Biblical Prophets and Apostles rather contemporary prophets give God's perspective on current circumstances and contemporary apostles lay the foundation for the ongoing ministry of the church in the present age.


Q2. (Ephesians 4:11) How did (do) apostles and prophets build up the Body, in your opinion? Exposition

1.Apostles are gifted with the special knowledge and love of God that helps others build strong churches, founded in the Bible and the love of God. Prophets are in close communication with God and the congregation. They enable us to work togeather toward a common goal as God wants us to work. They are both present in our world today as they were in OT days, if we just open our hearts and minds to listen when God puts one of them in our way.

  • 2 months later...

I donā€™t know much about apostles since I thought that they were first century people. I have not thought of a modern day apostle. But as it goes for prophets I think modern day prophetsā€™ helps us to understand what might be happening in the future and therefore build us the church by helping us keep our eye on Jesus Christ.

  • 3 years later...

In my opinion are people that can rally a large group of individual leaders to work together to promote the true teaching of Jesus Christ to the multitude of people in the world. They are the go to people who can best guide and build up others. They are able to teach others and spark the flame of teaching in others to go out and share the word.


Prophets are those people who God gives visions of the future of the church to. These people are then able to put the visions into words and share them with others. They then help to bring about these visions into actions for the betterment of the church.

  • 2 months later...

'... the gift of apostle as "the special ability ... to assume and exercise general leadership over a number of churches with an extraordinary authority in spiritual matters that is spontaneously recognized and appreciated by those churches."' (notes)


Hence an apostle is one who is able to convict others as to the message as given by Christ and do it with authority given to themĀ specificallyĀ for the building up of the church in the overall sense. They Ā would probably be sent forth when there were grave sins in society that were being offensive to the Lord. Jesus sent the apostles out into a world filled with greed, self-centerednessĀ and corruption to preach the gospels to all nations. Luther was sent to correct the church but ended with a schism between protestant and Catholic. John Wesley in his time also saw many vices in society . In his attempt to address these the religion of methodism was formed. Soon now there will be a greatĀ revivalĀ that will renew both the Ā world and the individualsĀ in the world. This new world may have already started in the Southern Hemisphere.

In the same fashion a prophet will build up a local church by the forth telling of God's world. This seems to be more localized - Isaiah was told to "Go and tell this people"(Isaiah 6.9". ) Hosea and Amos were Ā called to prophecy to the house of Israel.(Hos 1.6, Amos 1.1) So these were called to speak to a particular people in a particular situation.

  • 3 years later...
On 5/23/2003 at 11:03 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Ephesians 4:11) How did (do) apostles and prophets build up the Body, in your opinion? Exposition

The prophets and apostles built up the body by glorifying God and Jesus Christ through the work of the Holy Ghost. Ā Christ set the example and his apostles followed him as well as they could. Ā It is Jesus Christ who really built up the body by dying an innocent man to the glorious resurrection of His Spirit, from death to life eternal which He is the way to it. Ā For Jesus Christ said no man gets to the Father but by me.

  • 2 years later...

Apostles are people who are annointed by God to spread the message of the gospel salvation to the people who do not God.They arw the foundation of the church whom in them are all the spitual gift.

The gift of prophecy,the gift of healing,the gift of preaching or teaching the word of God with wisdom.

The Prophet is the one who receives message from God concerning events that will take place in the future and convey them to certain group of people or individual.

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