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The 'man' Jacob wrestled with was God and I believe the wrestling was both spiritual and physical.

When wrestling (or struggling) with God in prayer, I have found that my body experiences real disturbances and sometimes feels rather battered.

We so easily forget occasions, and so I think that Jacob's hip was permanently wounded so he would never forget his encounter and struggle with God.

Strangely enough, I think the limp would be treasured by Jacob because it was given with love, along with a new name, Israel, and probably a new change in his character too.

Love from Greta



Q3. (Genesis 32:24-30) Who was the


The "man" Jacob wrestled with was God Himself. It might also have been Jesus Himself appearing in one of His pre-incarnate forms known as a theophany.

The wrestling represents God testing Jacob.

The wrestling was spiritual in that Jacob had to confront the elements of deceit and trickery from his past,since he would seen be facing the consequences of his actions.

The wrestling was physical in that Jacob was actually wrestling with another being and his hip was permanently injured as a result.

The "man" wounds Jacob permanently because God wants him to remember this encounter.

The injuried hip will always remind Jacob of the seriousness with which he served his God.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I believe that this man that Jacob struggled with was an angel, a messenger from God sent to strengthen the faith of Jacob and to encourage him to continue in his journey physically to the land of his father - and spiritually in the will, purpose and plan of God. . .

I believe this struggle was a reminder to both Jacob and us that there are struggles we will encounter as we strive to progress in our walk with God - but they are not so great we cannot overcome them and continue in our walk with God. . .

The limb that Jacob has after this struggle is an encouragement to me - it tells me that in spite of the struggles or negative things we encounter in life - we can and should continue to trust God - that we can and will triumph over every obstacle and be victorious in the end. . .

2 Corinthians 2:14 (NRSV)

14 But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads in every place the fragrance that comes from knowing him.

2 Corinthians 2:14 (KJV)

14 Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.


  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

I believe the angel was Jesus, who was the messenger of God. The wrestling presents Jacob's struggle and persistence with God. Jacob showed that he would stand no matter what. And the limp will remind Jacob of his encounter with God.

  • 3 months later...

3a)God in the form of a man during his sleep(both an angel &God Hosea 12:3-4)

b)It represents Jacob wrestling with God,challenging him about his past,his conscience,prompting him to change his view of others inc Esau,his pride& fears causing him to be more humble,faith filled&trusting in God.

c)It was spiritual and physical,(I’ve felt exhausted by times like this Jacob was persistent)

D)Permanent wound &Name change symbolic &significant of fact he has overcome.He in is new place with God, a new phase of faith.New name Israel reminds him of all he has overcome as Jacob with God in him calling him to persevere.

e)Limp is permanent reminder of this &call to trust God for his ongoing help.

  • 1 year later...

I suppose that the “man” that Jacob wrestled with was an angel-God if there is such a thing. The wrestling represented that Jacob was wrestling with the things of the past and that he was going to have to make amends for what he had done.

I think that this wrestling was physical thing because it left him with a limp. But it was probably a spiritual thing as well because he was wrestling with his past.

The “man” wounds Jacob to remind him of what has happened that night. I think that the limp meant to him that he wrestled with God and came out a better man.

  • 2 years later...


Q3. (Genesis 32:24-30) Who was the "man" Jacob wrestled with? The visible of the invisible, a materialization of Yahowah God, for Jacobs eyes only. 

What does the wrestling represent? I agree with Commissioned statement: “The wrestling represented the struggle he had within and Yahowah God's way of having him overcome his fears.” This statement also by the way helps me understand the conflict that goes on inside of each of us between the inner man and the spirit that lives with-in us. It also help me to understand why sometimes when we are being disciplined or pruned, why it seems to hurt, but we are better for the pain. I get the fears part really well. He was going to meet up with his brother the next day and had learned his lesson of how he had cheated Esau out of his rights as first born and I think the gifts were not only to ‘pacify’ Esau but also a sort of “I am sorry” offering, asking for forgiveness. 

Was it spiritual or physical? I think it was both. I think like Commissioned pointed out that Jacob had some inner fears going on and yet needed to be physically weakened so that he would always remember to rely on Hashem’s strength and not his own. It also reminds me too that we are a peculiar people and we do not ever walk the same way again after we have our own encounter with Hashem. When we really have that once in for all meeting, like Jacob must have had that night, that says, “I surrender my all to You Father“. It is from this point on that we begin to be changed from the inside out. Paul too, had a life changing alteration in his physical being when he encountered Yahushua for the first time on the road to Damascus. 

Why does the "man" wound Jacob permanently? I think that it may have been a reminder to Jacob that he could always lean on Hashem from this point because Hashem had brought him to this point in his life where he could learn to overcome all of his fears through prayer. Course, now we have a scripture to bring this to life that says,“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5 Jacob would always from that point on remember that he had struggled with Yahowah God and Yahowah God had dislocated his joint in order to get his attention to stop fighting against Him. 

What do you think the limp means to him? I think it is symbolic of the new man that he is that will live up to the new name that he has been given. A new creature, who would have a reminder of his struggle with Yahowah God and had survived the fight and was better for it. Wow, isn't that just so cool that even though we all struggle against God as He is calling us, He wins and we are better for it.



Q3. (Genesis 32:24-30) Who was the "man" Jacob wrestled with? The visible of the invisible, a materialization of Yahowah God, for Jacobs eyes only. 

What does the wrestling represent? I agree with Commissioned statement: “The wrestling represented the struggle he had within and Yahowah God's way of having him overcome his fears.” This statement also by the way helps me understand the conflict that goes on inside of each of us between the inner man and the spirit that lives with-in us. It also help me to understand why sometimes when we are being disciplined or pruned, why it seems to hurt, but we are better for the pain. I get the fears part really well. He was going to meet up with his brother the next day and had learned his lesson of how he had cheated Esau out of his rights as first born and I think the gifts were not only to ‘pacify’ Esau but also a sort of “I am sorry” offering, asking for forgiveness. 

Was it spiritual or physical? I think it was both. I think like Commissioned pointed out that Jacob had some inner fears going on and yet needed to be physically weakened so that he would always remember to rely on Hashem’s strength and not his own. It also reminds me too that we are a peculiar people and we do not ever walk the same way again after we have our own encounter with Hashem. When we really have that once in for all meeting, like Jacob must have had that night, that says, “I surrender my all to You Father“. It is from this point on that we begin to be changed from the inside out. Paul too, had a life changing alteration in his physical being when he encountered Yahushua for the first time on the road to Damascus. 

Why does the "man" wound Jacob permanently? I think that it may have been a reminder to Jacob that he could always lean on Hashem from this point because Hashem had brought him to this point in his life where he could learn to overcome all of his fears through prayer. Course, now we have a scripture to bring this to life that says,“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5 Jacob would always from that point on remember that he had struggled with Yahowah God and Yahowah God had dislocated his joint in order to get his attention to stop fighting against Him. 

What do you think the limp means to him? I think it is symbolic of the new man that he is that will live up to the new name that he has been given. A new creature, who would have a reminder of his struggle with Yahowah God and had survived the fight and was better for it. Wow, isn't that just so cool that even though we all struggle against God as He is calling us, He wins and we are better for it.

  • 6 years later...

Q3. (Genesis 32:24-30)

Who was the "man" Jacob wrestled with?

What does the wrestling represent?

Was it spiritual or physical?

Why does the "man" wound Jacob permanently?

What do you think the limp means to him?

God in human form.  We do find in different passages that He did appear to different people in this way.  He appeared to Abraham when the birth of Isaac was imminent, when the warning was issued, about Sodom and Gomorrah.  Now He also appeared to Jacob just before his meeting with Esau after the 20 years of absence.  It was an important time, in fact a life changing time.

That is an interesting way of describing the wrestling, in the notes.  Yes, Jacob still had certain things to contend with.  The battle definitely seems to be both physical and spiritual.  He still needed to wrestle with those fears until he had totally given them over to God.  The ' I ' still needed to be totally put to 'death' before he could meet Esau and really be strong , yet humble. Nothing could be done in his own strength anymore now that he was limping. He would permanently be reminded to let go and let God.   

Even though the thigh was out of joint Jacob clung to the Man and requested a blessing before letting Him go.  This was the time when (v 27) He asked Jacob his name.  The Amplified version :  .  .  .  .  And in shock of realization, whispering he said, Jacob  -   supplanter, schemer, trickster, swindler!    .  .  .    so now also his very nature is revealed and placed before God, Who gives him a NEW NAME    -    ISRA  EL     -      that was when Jacob realized he had 'seen' God and  lived.  Forever he would be reminded of this with his limping.

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