charisbarak Posted February 18, 2010 Report Posted February 18, 2010 Jacob's household was divided. They needed to get rid of any other "gods" and fully worship the one true living God. Washing is a repentance and a cleaning, edging on purity--only the best for God. Foreign gods for me are anything that takes my time away from God. I need to repent of spending too much time on other things rather than on relationships. :-( Quote
WALT39 Posted February 18, 2010 Report Posted February 18, 2010 Q3. (Genesis 35:1-5) Why does Jacob's household need spiritual renewal? Why is it important to get rid of foreign gods? What do washing and putting on clean clothes represent? What "foreign gods" do you need to throw away? In what ways do you need to repent and lead a new, clean life? Why does Jacob's household need spiritual renewal? Why is it important to get rid of foreign gods? What do washing and putting on clean clothes represent? They had moved away from honoring and obeying the one true God. It is necessary to remove the distractions in order to be able to focus on God. The washing and putting on clean clothes represents our confession before God. What "foreign gods" do you need to throw away? In what ways do you need to repent and lead a new, clean life? I think that the one that I should throw away relates to the use of my time. I think that I lead a clean life and if I stray, I ask Jesus to search my heart and help me clean it up. Quote
maddog Posted February 19, 2010 Report Posted February 19, 2010 Q3. (Genesis 35:1-5) Why does Jacob Quote
Lion of Grace Posted February 19, 2010 Report Posted February 19, 2010 Jacob's household needs spiritual renewal because of the foreign gods that were among them. Was the experience with Shechem and his family a wake up call? I know some of the gods had been taken along at the beginning, but living among foreigners who did not worship the true God probably had some influence over the years. Jacob commands all of his household "and all who were with them" to be rid of the foreign gods, so he probably accumulated servants from living there also who had desired to go with him. It was very important to retain his community together in common practices. That included worship of one true God and the beliefs that were commanded by Him. The washing and putting on clean clothes represented purification. After Jacob commands them to "Get rid of foreign gods you have with you and purify yourselves and change clothes" he then says "come, we will go up to Bethel where I will build an altar to God, who answered me in my day of distress and who has been with me wherever I have gone." He is establishing His God as their God and teaching them about Him. The people responded to this and did as commanded and set out for Bethel. The people then see for themselves this God of Jacob and how powerful and mighty He is! " Then they set out and the terror of God fell upon the towns all around them so that no one pursued them." God was revealing Himself to a group of purified people, set apart for Him! What foreign gods do I need to throw away? Doubt. I always think that God forgets me somehow in deep trials. My faith has been strengthened, but I battle doubt. And another that goes with that. Dependance on people. I think I listen to God on a regular basis and I do love Him so much, but when the waters rise, I'm like the disciples in the boat. I become fearful and though Jesus is right there with me, I think I'm going to drown. I think people can fix it. I quickly learn they can't then face dissapointment as well, but I need to be able to grow into trusting God 24/7 no matter the circumstances. Thank God He is patient with me and growing me in stronger faith every time. I also have doubts of self worth and being content in a world that says being in the background means invisible and of no merit. I need to repent of these and ask God to renew me in right ways of thinking. He IS the great healer and I'm already a miracle, so I do know standing on His Word that says He who started a good work in me will continue in that and that I am fearfully and wonderfully made is one of the ways to sustain me on this journey. When I repent and am reminded of His goodness to me, and His promises, then I can go on cleansed with a renewed heart and mind and hopefully am stronger after each experience. Quote
Greta Posted February 20, 2010 Report Posted February 20, 2010 Jacob's household need spiritual renewal because they have sunk low and have masequered the men of a whole tribe. They were filled with revenge and hatred. It is important to get rid of foreign gods because they link us with the past and draw us away from God. Washing and putting on clean clothes represents cleansing and purifying oneself. It shows we want to begin a clean new life, especially as when, in the case of Jacob's household, the new life will begin in a new place. The foreign gods I need to throw away are playing computer games and overeating. Both are things I do excessively when I am stressed. The Lord is helping me to break these habits and turn to Him instead. I need to repent of taking offence and becoming upset too easily. I need to repent of holding back through fear instead of trusting more in God. Quote
Jen Posted February 21, 2010 Report Posted February 21, 2010 Q3. (Genesis 35:1-5) Why does Jacob Quote
haar Posted February 22, 2010 Report Posted February 22, 2010 Jacob household needed spiritual renewal because some of the women including Rachael had idols from their fathers homes. These have contravened the commandment of the Lord. They thus had to get rid of the idols, wash themselves and worship only the Living God. The act of washing with water was a symbolic for spiritual cleansing while the act of putting clean clothes represents putting on a new man, have the holy Spirit clothing us with a new spirit. We all need to confess our sins, get rid of any 'idol' that competes with God for our time and attention. Quote
nurselaino Posted February 22, 2010 Report Posted February 22, 2010 Q3. (Genesis 35:1-5) Why does Jacob Quote
Standing On the Rock Posted February 25, 2010 Report Posted February 25, 2010 We're on to something here: I'm responding,on my computer,on the internet...TV in the background...this is the Sabbath,and I try to only do bible study and other "sabbath appropriate" wife is calling me...Israel,and his household,the fledgling nation,in the process of becoming God's people (and I) need purity, and to focus their complete attention,first,on the Lord our God,in praise and thanksgiving."Get rid of all your foreign gods,purify yourselves,wash and change your clothes" sounds like good advise to me. \ HALLELUJAH!!!!! Quote
linda bass Posted February 25, 2010 Report Posted February 25, 2010 Jacob's household needed spiritual renewal because they had sin in their life they had to repent of,plus they needed to rededicate their lives to God. It is important to get rid of foreign gods because God wants us to worship Him alone. We cannot serve both God and idols,it's either one or the other. Washing and putting on clean clothes represents cleansing oneself from impurity and uncleaness. Water is a symbol of spiritual cleansing. When we are water baptized,we are symbolicly being cleansed of our sins. I don't think I have any "foreign gods" I need to throw away,however I do need to start putting God first in my life. I need to repent of not spending enough time in bible study and prayer. Also I need to repent of getting angry or upset when I have to go through trials and accept that God has a purpose for what I'm going through. Quote
Gann Posted February 26, 2010 Report Posted February 26, 2010 Q3. (Genesis 35:1-5) Why does Jacob Quote
Antwan Posted February 28, 2010 Report Posted February 28, 2010 Q3. (Genesis 35:1-5) Why does Jacob Quote
DrD Posted April 6, 2010 Report Posted April 6, 2010 Jacob's household needs spiritual renewal because there were some that worshipped idol gods - there were some that worshipped idol gods and at the same time attempted to worship the true God - there were other who were worshippers of the True and Living God that needed to become more committed in their worship. . . It was necessary to get rid of the idol or foreign gods because God is a jealous God who will not share His glory or His possessions with another. . . Idol gods are of the devil and it is not possible to worship the True and Living God and some other entity at the same time and in that process please the True and Living God. . . Washing and putting on clean clothes represent spiritual cleansing. . . I feel that I have gotten rid of any and all "foreign gods" including that one called "SELF" - the challenge for me is keeping them from returning and having any influence in my life. . . Luke 14:26-35 (NLT) 26 Quote
Guitar Jim Posted June 3, 2011 Report Posted June 3, 2011 Q3. (Genesis 35:1-5) Why does Jacob’s household need spiritual renewal? Jacob's sons had just slaughtered all the men in a whole town. They'd taken women, children, livestock and property as their own. Now, God most likely intended for this to happen . . . up to a point, but still they'd done these things from impure motives. They needed spiritual renewal to regain their moral compass, to center their thinking and focus on the future. Why is it important to get rid of foreign gods? Because God is a jealous God who desires us to worship only Him. Foreign gods aren't really gods. They're inanimate objects (idols) at best and demons (the gods themselves) at worst. What do washing and putting on clean clothes represent? Making a fresh start and presenting yourself in the best light. In those days it also represented repentance and cleansing, both physically and spiritually. What “foreign gods” do you need to throw away? That's a good question. How far do I go in removing distractions? I don't rely on anything in the material world as far as something to worship goes. But there are certainly distractions to full devotion to God, as I'm sure there are in every Christian's life. The need to earn a living sometimes takes on the highest priority with me. I'm self-employed, which means I have an idiot for a boss. I source all my own work . . I'm a musician . . and that task becomes all-consuming occasionally. In order to be able to work three nights a week (Friday through Sunday) I have to obtain three advance bookings every single week too. That's extraordinarily difficult. I manage to do it, with God's help. Now someone who doesn't know me might tell me my guitar collection could be considered a distraction and something that takes my time and attention away from serving God. Truth to tell: they're just tools of my trade, nothing more. I don't even consider myself much of a collector. Rather, I consider I'm just a professional player who likes to have, and in fact needs, a choice of weapons. I enjoy tinkering with them but I think that's a healthy hobby. Years ago in my late teens, some youth leaders and pastors told me that to engage in weightlifting was a form of idolatry, where you worship your own body. When I made my serious commitment to lifelong service to God at age 28, I put it to God fair and square, that I'd quit the weights if that's what He wanted. Three weeks later I competed and won my weight division under extraordinary circumstances that convinced me that God not only wanted me to continue competing, but to lift for Him, acknowledging Him as my Lord and my source of strength. It's my fault that my ministry was derailed after a few years by the opposition of some truly evil people. If I'd only been more humble and hadn't sought a measure of self agrandization I believe I'd still be competing. As it was, I didn't honor God in a single act of thoughtlessness, in a way similar to Moses's fall, and I could almost feel the rug slowly being pulled from under me after that. These days I still train, but only to stay in shape. Round is a shape. In what ways do you need to repent and lead a new, clean life? In the same way everybody does. We all allow the things of this world to distract us and occupy our focus when we should be focusing on God. Of particular concern to me is my attitude to others. The music industry is a filthy business, controlled by organized crime and other truly evil people who will literally stop at nothing in their quest for control and money. I've been badmouthed and slandered and libeled, I've heard words I never read in the Bible. (quote from Paul Simon right there) I'm right to hate the evil things people do to me, but wrong to hate the people themselves. God loves them, but hates their deeds. I must also try harder to do the same. I must also not retaliate . . . even when a golden opportunity presents itself. That retaliation includes talking about those people to others. It's hard to keep my feelings to myself about what's been done to me and not tell anyone but I need to let it all go. Once a deed is done, once a screw-over has been enacted, it's already too late to do anything about it. If a lie has been told to get me sacked from a venue, then the person who sacked me had to have believed it. I can't make them reconsider. Best to let it go and wait for God to bring to light the falsehood, which He has in fact done more than once. Quote
pastor neal Posted July 19, 2011 Report Posted July 19, 2011 Q3. (Genesis 35:1-5) Why does Jacob Quote
wifee Posted January 12, 2012 Report Posted January 12, 2012 3a)Shecham slaughter shocked all people.To avoid people turning to other gods for safety,Jacob called household to a fresh start clearing away any false gods,and a call to trust in true God Yahweh .b)Their presence can lead thoughts away from true God. C) The people have become unclean by their sinful actions.”Washing” represents cleansing getting rid of sin its &giving their best,”putting on clean clothes”For us we express repretence &find cleansing in Christ in our baptism & our proclamation of faith, and in how we live for Christ by our words&actions.God sends his forgiveness by his grace D)Letting go of my false pride,timidity,false perceptions of my importance any sinful beh. E)I need to daily submit to my Lord, listen to him,be corrected by him when go astray,&turn again to be more the person he wants me to be, being bold in Christ’s power in how I live for Him. Quote
Old Jerry Posted January 15, 2013 Report Posted January 15, 2013 Jacob’s household needed spiritual renewal because they had been worshiping the god’s of the area that they were in. They had idols that they considered god. We must get rid of the foreign gods because if we don’t we haven’t truly repented of our sins. The washing and putting on clean clothes represent us repenting of our sins and getting rid of all that draws us away from our one and only God. Quote
Irmela Posted November 30, 2022 Report Posted November 30, 2022 Q3. (Genesis 35:1-5) Why does Jacob's household need spiritual renewal? Why is it important to get rid of foreign gods? What do washing and putting on clean clothes represent? What "foreign gods" do you need to throw away? In what ways do you need to repent and lead a new, clean life? Jacob was to make an altar to God at Bethel. Over the years with the added people that had joined his "household" as servants and then more recently as captives (the women and children from those that had been massacred at Shechem), idolic symbols (earrings were worn as charms against evil) and idols had also come with them. Rachel still had the household gods she had stolen when they left Haran. These all needed to be put away and be gotten rid of. It was God the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that they would be serving. There was no serving Him and the idols which were carved images made by man. From the above we notice that it was necessary for a spiritual renewal. For this it was necessary to get rid of all foreign gods so no looking back on them at a later stage will be possible. God was the One that had watched over Jacob, as He had promised and He had blessed him and brought him back, true to His promise. Washing and putting on clean clothes represents repentance and renewal. Over the years I have read many biographies and autobiographies of men and women whom God used mightily. With all there was a "cleansing process". Something major or minor in their lives which had to be brought to light and dealt with. With some it was an unconfessed sin (a hidden misdemeanor) from their youth, with others it was wealth that was holding them down. Whatever it was it needed to be dealt with first. Take my life and let it be consecrated LORD to Thee, .... That is my prayer. I need to throw away the notion that "I can" and allow God to use others to do for me also. To be there for me also. There were many let downs in the past and trust in my fellow Christian brothers and sisters is not very strong. I need to throw that protective garment off and allow God to use those He has chosen to help me. Quote
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