Pastor Ralph Posted November 14, 2009 Report Posted November 14, 2009 Q5. (Genesis 35:22) What is the significance of Reuben Quote
Commissioned Posted February 2, 2010 Report Posted February 2, 2010 Q5. (Genesis 35:22) What is the significance of Reuben Quote
pickledilly Posted February 13, 2010 Report Posted February 13, 2010 Reuben's sin was not just a personal act of immorality. It was clear disrespect for his father's position as patriarch and for his own position as firstborn son. (Jacob must have experienced much of what his own father felt when he deceived and betrayed Isaac.) Reuben obviously damaged his future leadership and trustworthiness among his brothers as he had abandoned his honor and dignity. Jacob later pronounced him as unstable and unfit for the firstborn son's position of preeminence. Sin can be forgiven but not all consequences can be forgotten. Later, Reuben did act honorably when he stopped his brothers from killing Joseph. He was distraught when he found that Joseph had been sold into slavery and was gone, surely aware of the profound sorrow that loss would be to Jacob. He reminded his brothers of their great sin when they unknowingly faced Joseph in Egypt and were told to bring Benjamin as proof of their honesty. Then, as they tried to convince Jacob to let Benjamin return with them to Egypt, Reuben vowed on the life of his own sons that he would bring his youngest brother home safely. I think he never forgot what he had done to his father and it broke his heart. Quote
Vincent Paul DiMino Posted February 13, 2010 Report Posted February 13, 2010 Family dynamics: Reuben is the firstborn,Leah is his mother,Reuben has sex with Rachel's handmaid (who is also the mother of two of his brothers).All sin is first,against God.Any sin of Reuben's would dishonor the entire household,but this one seems to imply contempt for Rachel,the love his father has for Rachel,Rachel's children,and Bilhah,herself. Reuben makes some attempt at compassion for his father in Genesis 21:"Let us not kill him";and 22:when his intent is to deliver him to his father again,but he does not have the strength of Truth and Righteousness to take Joseph unto him and force his brothers to either kill them both or abandon their evil intentions,and so he must rend his clothes in despair when he finds Joseph is no longer in the pit.He knows he is not the leader he should be,and he knows why.In 42:22 he reminds his brothers of their sin,and is reminded of his own.In 42:37 he offers the lives of his own sons as sureity for Benjamin...Can a father pay for his sins with the lives of his children ? The scepter is not in his hand,but the sin is being removed from his heart.Judah has the leadership,and Joseph will have the firstborn's traditional double share,but Reuben (as in all of Israel) shall be saved. Quote
iam4-1god Posted February 14, 2010 Report Posted February 14, 2010 Q5. (Genesis 35:22) What is the significance of Reuben Quote
Pearl Posted February 14, 2010 Report Posted February 14, 2010 Q5. (Genesis 35:22) (37:21-29; 42:22, 37) What is the significance of Reuben Quote
studybug52 Posted February 15, 2010 Report Posted February 15, 2010 Q5. (Genesis 35:22) What is the significance of Reuben Quote
leihaynes Posted February 15, 2010 Report Posted February 15, 2010 Q5. (Genesis 35:22) What is the significance of Reuben Quote
Stan Posted February 16, 2010 Report Posted February 16, 2010 Q5. (Genesis 35:22) What is the significance of Reuben Quote
Eudora Posted February 17, 2010 Report Posted February 17, 2010 Rachel was "buried in the way to Ephrath, which is Bethlehem," as Jacob journeyed from the north. Her grave was awaiting her, near Ramah, which lay a few miles north of Bethlehem. Rachel, who all her life had pined for children, now died with "sorrow" in giving birth to Benjamin. Q5. (Genesis 35:22) What is the significance of Reuben's sin? First and foremost, this was a sin against God who had chosen Israel as leader of this family and Rueben whom He had formed in the womb to be the one child to gain the first right to all the inheritance. While his father, Israel spread his tent beyond the tower of Edar and was away, Reuben went in and lay with Israel‘s concubine. I am assuming that Israel went away to lo in his grief at the death of his beloved. When he gets back he is informed that his number one son has slept with his concubine Bilhah, the handmaiden that Laban gave to Rachel. She was no longer a handmaid when Rachael gave Bilhah to Jacob. Bilhah became Jacobs third wife. Genesis 30:4 And she gave him Bilhah her handmaid to wife: and Jacob went in unto her. After the death of Rachel, who had complete control of Bilhah, now becomes I believe the number one wife because she replaces Rachel in position, even over Leah. This may be another reason that Reuben sleeps with her, supporting his position as number one son, but yet Israel never says a word. Rueben may have felt that Bilhah was his right as heir apparent. Who knows, it might have even been Bilhah who made a pass at Reuben to secure her place with him as the eldest son to gain access to all that would have been given to Reuben in double portion. I think this sin strained the whole family of tribes. In what way does it go beyond a sexual sin? It was a violation of transgression for Rueben to lay with His father’s wife. It was probably a deep humiliation that wounded Israel. He wasn’t a young man anymore. Just because Israel doesn’t say anything about this, does not mean by any stretch of the imagination that Reuben is going to get away with it un-noticed. We're not told, but how do you think this affected the family dynamics? I would think that since Bilhah was now defiled with Israel’s son’s semen that he may never have slept with her again. It probably strained the relationship that Israel had with Reuben. We know that his father becomes overly infatuated with his two younger sons, Joseph and Benjamin. Extra credit: Reuben has acted dishonorably here. In what ways does Reuben act honorably in the future? (37:21-29; 42:22, 37) When the brothers decide to take Joseph's life, it is Reuben who steps in and say’s no. It is Reuben who volunteers the truth that they had tried to murder Joseph and Joseph hears every word. It is after this that Joseph breaks down and cries. It is Reuben who volunteers that his dad slay his own two son’s if he doesn’t come back safely with Benjamin. Quote
okno Posted February 17, 2010 Report Posted February 17, 2010 What is the significance of Reuben Quote
Delivered Posted February 17, 2010 Report Posted February 17, 2010 Q5. (Genesis 35:22) What is the significance of Reuben's sin? Reuben Quote
JulieAnn Posted February 17, 2010 Report Posted February 17, 2010 Q5. (Genesis 35:22) What is the significance of Reubens sin? In what way does it go beyond a sexual sin? Were not told, but how do you think this affected the family dynamics? Extra credit: Reuben has acted dishonorably here. In what ways does Reuben act honorably in the future? (37:21-29; 42:22, 37) Reuben betrayed his father Jacob, and disrespected him. More than just sexual sin, he dishonored Jacob, as his father, breaking several commandments. The anger in the family would have been felt by everyone and affected everyone. Quote
charisbarak Posted February 18, 2010 Report Posted February 18, 2010 Reuben's sin ruined his chances to be the leader of the clan. It was a direct insult to his father and against the law. I think Jacob had to have been very disappointed, angry. I think the brothers looked down on him as well. However, Ruben stands up for his brother Joseph & keeps the other brothers from killing him; was willing to have his life put on the line to defend his family; then defending his father--he realized the pain he & his brothers had caused him when they sold Joseph & this was very clear to Joseph too when he was questioning him. Quote
masika Posted February 18, 2010 Report Posted February 18, 2010 Q5. (Genesis 35:22) What is the significance of Reuben's sin? In what way does it go beyond a sexual sin? We're not told, but how do you think this affected the family dynamics? Extra credit: Reuben has acted dishonorably here. In what ways does Reuben act honorably in the future? (37:21-29; 42:22, 37) Reuben Quote
hanks Posted February 18, 2010 Report Posted February 18, 2010 Q5. (Genesis 35:22) What is the significance of Reuben's sin? In what way does it go beyond a sexual sin? We're not told, but how do you think this affected the family dynamics? Extra credit: Reuben has acted dishonourably here. In what ways does Reuben act honourably in the future? (37:21-29; 42:22, 37) Because of his sin, Reuben forfeited his birthright. It goes beyond the normal sexual sin in that he committed incest with Bilhah. This must have been a direct insult to his father, Jacob. Some commentators think that Quote
Vincent Paul DiMino Posted February 18, 2010 Report Posted February 18, 2010 A man can not redeem himself.What can a man give,or do, to buy back his soul ? Does the scripture give us insight into Reuben's evil intent ? Did he intend harm ? to increase his personal power or standing ? was it an act of **** ? willful ignorance ? defiance ? weakness ? In Genesis 4 Cain's children proceed through 6 generations to Lamech,who like his ancestor,murders;only he goes even further, to pronounce protection upon himself: (Genesis 4:24)"If Cain shall be avenged 7 fold,truly Lamech 77 fold".The process of transformation,redemption,salvation,in it's fullness, is beyond man's comprehension.Sometimes sin must ripen to it's full development,before Almighty God destroys it.I ask Y'all to consider: Is the sin of Reuben,involved in usurping what was not his,for his own glory,seen in Reubenites Dothan and Abiram,in their rebellion against God's chosen leader, (Moses: Numbers 16)and finally dealt with when (Numbers 16:33) they, and all that pertained to them, went down alive into the pit ? Sin is death ! Quote
JanMary Posted February 18, 2010 Report Posted February 18, 2010 Q5. (Genesis 35:22) What is the significance of Reuben's sin?In what way does it go beyond a sexual sin? Reuben was guilty of incest (as well as adultery if he was married), so sinned against God, and dishonored and insulted Jacob. In a way, in my mind, it represents a power stuggle with his Father, implying he wants to be head of the clan NOW, not when Jacob dies. In sinning in this way, he also violated his honored position of first born, and instead receives a "curse" rather than a blessing. "You will not excel", etc. Losing the double portion and position of first born son was a huge price to pay for his sin and bitterness! We're not told, but how do you think this affected the family dynamics? I don't even like to think about the tension, feelings of betrayal, shame, conflict. Since Jacob heard about it, I wonder if he dealt directly with the issue or if he remained silent as he did at Shecham when Dinah was raped. In either case, there was bound to be deep hurt and troubled family dynamics. The proverbial "elephant in the room"which is always present. Extra credit: Reuben has acted dishonorably here. In what ways does Reuben act honorably in the future? (37:21-29; 42:22, 37) He protected Joseph, his young brother, from being killed by the other brothers. Later in Egypt during the famine where the brothers had gone to purchase food, he reminded them that they were guilty of attemting to kill Joseph and selling him into slavery to the Midianites. When Joseph required that Benjamin be brought to Egypt, Reuben offered his two sons as a pledge if he failed to bring Bejnamin home safely. Quote
Seeking His Face Posted February 19, 2010 Report Posted February 19, 2010 Q5. (Genesis 35:22) What is the significance of Reuben Quote
janel Posted February 19, 2010 Report Posted February 19, 2010 Q5 Being the firstborn Reuben is next in line to inherit and be leader of Jacob's clan. Jacob has high hope on him as potential leader but he betrayed that trust because of his sin of ****. He insulted, dishonored and disrespected Jacob by sleeping with his fahter's concubine Bilhah. It was truly an insult as well as a disappointment to Jacob when he so highly regarded him too be his heir and leader of the clan. He has lost his dignity and respect of his family as well as the whole clan. In this act of mistrust, the whole family must be shocked, dismayed and disgraced that the firstborn's action is a bad example to the younger generations. In conspiracy with his other brothers, Reuben was equally guilty when he suggested that Joseph be thrown into a pit. When Joseph demanded that Benjamin, the youngest son of Jacob be brought to him, Jacob is against the idea fearing the loss of another favourite son. However, Reuben is willing to sacrifice his two sons to stand in surety in exchange and be prepared to take the consequences should Benjamin perished. Quote
maddog Posted February 19, 2010 Report Posted February 19, 2010 Q5. (Genesis 35:22) What is the significance of Reuben Quote
WALT39 Posted February 19, 2010 Report Posted February 19, 2010 Q5. (Genesis 35:22) What is the significance of Reuben Quote
Craig Posted February 20, 2010 Report Posted February 20, 2010 Q5. (Genesis 35:22) What is the significance of Reuben Quote
Patricia A Posted February 20, 2010 Report Posted February 20, 2010 Q5. (Genesis 35:22) What is the significance of Reuben's sin? Reuben, you are my firstborn, my might, the first sign of my strength, excelling in honor, excelling in power. Turbulent as the waters, you will no longer excel, for you went up onto your father's bed, onto my couch and defiled it." (49:3-4) In what way does it go beyond a sexual sin? This was more than youthful passion, it was a direct insult to his father. We're not told, but how do you think this affected the family dynamics? I would think this would affect the relationship between father and son. Extra credit: Reuben has acted dishonorably here. In what ways does Reuben act honorably in the future? (37:21-29; 42:22, 37) He tries to protect Joseph from being sold into slavery. Genesis 37:21 But Reuben heard this and rescued him out of their hands and said, "Let us not take his life." <BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"> Quote
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