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;) Local evangalists are strong Christiand who consistantly share the teachings of the Lord with others both new Christians and htose who have been walking with the Lord longer. They are an important part of every local church.

An evangelist looks no differ than you and me, they function as a teacher of the word, they help build the body by bringing the Word of God to the people, to strengthen them.


(Ephesians 4:11) What does an evangelist in a local congregation look like, in your experience?

An evangelist can look like anyone.

How does a local church evangelist function?

Depends on their gift(s). Most in today's churches function as a messenger of God.

How does he or she build up the body?

Every time someone is 'saved' the body is built up. Evangelists are reknown for leading others to the Lord Jesus.


An Evangalist is a person that has a heart for the lost and goes around the country or the world to proclaim the gospel to a lost people and to help bring new beleivers into the local congregations where the church can deciple them.

However an evangalist may also be useful in making the ergency of commiting ones life real to some already associated with the local body but not yet saved.


An evangelist is the one who looks like Good News. They are the face of Jesus for us as He overflows from their heart. Evangelism is a lifestyle of the heart, not an act or hairstyle.


I believe an Evangelist is one, like John the Baptist, who's primary call is to bring people to repentance. Most Evangelist that I've met and heard, may be connected to one local body, but spend most of their ministry traveling from Church to Church, as God leads. :) Paul, when writing to Timothy, said "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ear's; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned into fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry"2Tim.4:2-5......I think the work of an Evangelist, is to keep the Church on track...! :rolleyes:


What does an evangelist in a local congregation look like?

Unfortunately there is an evangelist stereotype who is not very attractive - the bible thumping, street-corner haranguer. But the most effective evangelists know their Lord intimately, and live their lives in such a winsome manner that their family, friends, acquaintances and workmates want to know 'what is your secret?'

How does a local church evangelist function?

Has a deep compassion for non-believers and desire to help them find Jesus.

Has a strong personal relationship with Jesus.

Can express clearly (without religious jargon) the secret of the peace which they have.

Stands beside a person who expresses an interest in learning more about Jesus.

How does he or she build up the Body?

By allowing God to use them when an opportunity arises to tell the good news; by encouraging non-believers to 'come and see' for themselves what it is that drives their Christian friend; and by helping them to ease their way into a church community, remembering how strange and different that can be to anything they have experienced before.


Only from experience: all Evangelists look the same... with only one difference... they seem to light up while sharing the word, and speaking to others about Jesus. But every Evangelist I have ever run into... whether they knew it or not, would come and say something to me that God put on their heart and they were always on target. They get up to share something the Lord reveals to them: whether it be to Edify or whether it be to draw people to repentence. They seem to have courage and a boldness and are not drawn to do anything other than to speak the Gospel. They seem to witness with ease and can preach the word strongly.

Evangelists are seemingly drawn to places where they are able to give a word... they go where the Holy Spirit takes them.

They have a Gifted Ability to Teach and I have seen young Evangelists who have the gift of Wisdom beyond their years.

The Church should always encourage the Evangelist and pray for them... too many today have called themselves to be Prophets... when they are actually Evangelists... too many have called themselves to Pastor when they are actually Evangelists. There is a difference.

3a.) (Ephesians 4:11) What does an evangelist in a local congregation look like, in your experience?

3a.) I guess the simple way would be to look in a mirror. Jesus exhorts us to go out and make disciples. How we live our lives is the best witness. As St. Francis said, "Preach the Gospel daily and if necessary, use words."

3b.)  How does a local church evangelist function?

3b.) Sharing the good news with those who don't know it and providing others in their church family with ways that they can share their faith, inspiring others to do the same.

3c.)  How does he or she build up the body?

3c.) By being used by God to bring the loss into the fold.


;)Q3aAn evangelist, in my eperience, has been one who preaches and do revivals and move on. If they are of the local church, the only difference is that they remain in the congregration's view. Some have done a temendous job in heading up ministeries in the local church. This has been a blessing.

A local church evangelist should function as bringing people to faith in Christ and instructing them to building upon this faith. They should also instruction church members how to effectively share their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

3bI do not beliebe healing is a major part of the evangelistic work. Faith is Jesus Christ is first and foremost. One can be healed and still live a defeated christian life. Growth is important.

3c An evangelist could be helpful in this area by being an effective evangelist in word and deed! To instruct us in the faith and let the own faith be evident.


An evangelist in a local congregation in my experience would be one that brings the good news. He/she would bring others in or show others in the congregation how to share the gospel. God want us to go out and share the good news with ohters and the message has drawing power. We are to tell others and God will do the rest. We all could use help in learnig how to share the gospel in a changing world. As the evangelist help the saints the congregation is growning in many ways.


Evangelists,are people who bring the good news.They are equipped to bring in the Harvest ,or most would say to win souls for Christ Jesus.There are some Evangelists,most likely are in your church that might win two or three a year to faith in Christ,some may win dozens.Evangelists that have a World Wide Ministry wins thousands.Either large or small they all do the same work,and building the Church..

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (Ephesians 4:11) What does an evangelist in a local congregation look like, in your experience? How does a local church evangelist function? How does he or she build up the body? Exposition

An evangelist in the local congregation is one who is always telling the Good News of the Gospel and seeing others added in to the local church body. They can sometimes function in the pulpit as pastors, they can sometimes function in the local body as outgoing people who are always sharing with other people. The evangelist builds up the body by adding newly found sheep who once were lost into the local body.


An evangelist preaches the Word of God. He/she is a Bible Scholar who tries to help his fellow Christians understand the scriptures. He/she is in tune with God and is charged with explaining or interpreting the Bible and the Good News of Salvation as well as living it by example.

A local church evangelist will be helping fellow Chirstians understand God's Word. He/she will help people within the local church live God's love, nurturing each other and everyone within the community.

"God is love!" If you love Him you will be showing His love to all.

The body of Christ is built through ministering to each other. New Christians are nurtured by older ones who will, in turn, be reinspired by the zeal of new Christians. All will be loving their neighbors as themselves. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.


(Ephesians 4:11) What does an evangelist in a local congregation look like, in your experience?

In my experience, an evangelist is one whose particular interest and commitment is in preaching the message of salvation.

The local church evangelist functions by proclaiming the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

How does a local church evangelist function? How does he or she build up the Body?

The local church evangelist functions by bringing people to faith in Christ. Thus the local evangelists work in building the church is gathering living stones for building God


The evangelists are like the "Advisers." They are the ones designated by the Lord to ensure that the Church continues to follow the path that has been laid for them by the Lord. By keeping constant communication with the Lord, the evangelists are continuously updated with the Lord's plan and by proclaiming that to the rest of the Church, he ensures that they too are updated with the plan that the Lord has set for them.


An evangelist in a local church looks like an ordinary person anointed by God to teach/preach the word of God. Local church evangelist function by conducting revivals in their home church or abroad. They instruct church members in the word of God and encourage them to continue to seek the Lord for deeper depths and higher heights in the Lord. They also train them for ministries in the church. ;)

  • 2 months later...

When God equips for a ministry He does not change the recipients appearance! Although anyone may exercise the GIFT of evangelism this is not the same as the MINISTRY of an evangelist. A local church is fortunate if it has someone called to be an evangelist and it is not likely that the paid or full-time leader is pastor, teacher and evangelist as well as functioning as all the other ministries in the church. However God does equip church members who are able to approach people and introduce them to the Lord Jesus as Saviour. The fact that some may have this special ministry does not exempt the rest of us from exercising the gift of evangelism and introducing others to the Saviour. In this way men, women and children are added to the Church and the Body is built up.

  • 1 month later...

An evangelist in a local church has a gift ( and maybe passion, for some), for telling the gospel of Christ. He/she can give the gospel in very simple terms, and can share the good news of Christ easily and forthrightly.

Evangelists are a necessary part of a congregation. They bring in new believers, or participate in classes where community members can attend and hear the salvation message. An evangelist keeps the church new and alive. Someone who is gifted as an evangelist can give a message on tithing and still have people respond by believing and being saved.


An Evangelist is a person who can communicate the message of salvation clearly to unbelivers, and with the help of the Holy Spirit brings them to a conviction of sin and a need for salvation. I have met some very simple people who are very effective as well as some 'intellectual' Evangelists who can talk to agnostics and atheists.

In some cases, the evangelist brings these people to the fold then hands them over to the Pastor / Teacher for further nurturing and growth.

  • 2 months later...

An evangelist in a congregation looks like everyone else. A local church evangelist encourages people to find faith in Christ. They build up the Body by teaching other members how to effectively share their faith with others.

  • 1 month later...


3(Ephesians4:11)What does an evangelist in a local congregation look like,in your experience?How does a local church evangelest function?How does he or she build ip the body?


He is that one who constantly shows an earnest desire to see the lost come to the saving knowlege of Christ.


He can function in the local church by recruiting and teaching others how to evangelize


Along with the answer in 3b He goes out into the world and wins souls for Christ,and then the Spirit of God brings them into the church of God.

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

A local evangelist looks like anyone else in the congregation. All believers are to evangelize by telling others of the love of Christ and His sacrifice for them.

A local church evangelist brings the message of salvation by grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

He builds up the body of Christ by sharing the Word and edifying believers.

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