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Q4. (Genesis 46:2-4) Faith is what quiets our fears. What in God's word to Jacob at Beersheba quiets his fears? God had brought the same assurance to Jacob before (28:15; 31:3). Why do you think he had stopped believing it? What is the relationship between faith and God's words?

Only in God is there safety. Jacob knows that and God's words were the only words that would assure Jacob and soothe his fears. It seemed that so much happened. No sooner was he over one trauma that another one sprang up. Nothing was working out as he hoped or planned. He couldn't see God's hand in it. Either God was silent or Jacob was living in his own strength or both. In a sense maybe he did as is stated in Hebrews 10:35: He cast away is confidence. He needed fresh encouragement. I love what is said in Hebrews 10:36 "For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise". Too often we see things that happen as signs that we are not in the will of God and forget that we have need of endurance (for what? for the unexpected that comes along). We need to live daily in God's will and not our own. I struggle with all these things it seems. It is only faith in God and His sovereignty that we can put our hope in. There is no other surety in this world. Hebrews 11:1 says "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen". Our faith comes through the work of the Holy Spirit. Without His work in us we would not have faith. If we try to live on our own strength or keep our little noses out of His Word we shall ever surely flounder. If we live without prayer we will not have the victory we would like. God's purposes will stand but we will loose the blessing. We need to pray. We have been put together on this study so to speak. We need to pray for each other. We are God's family and He is blessed when we love each other with a Holy love.

There is an old saying I remember "Faith can break the sky in two and let the face of God shine through". I pray that each of you no matter what your current struggles would have fresh encouragement to renew your faith and keep your endurance strong "so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise".

I love you all!

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26

What a incredible journey Jacob was on and what journeys we are on. We are marching to heaven and our God is with us.









Q4. (Genesis 46:2-4) Faith is what quiets our fears. What in God's word to Jacob at Beersheba quiets his fears? Yahowah promised to take care of him. He was an old man now and a trip like this would make us all a bit un-nerved. He also promised Jacob that his descendants would return to the promised land even though he would not but that his beloved son would be near his side when he did pass away to his rest to sleep.

God had brought the same assurance to Jacob before (28:15; 31:3).

Why do you think he had stopped believing it? We all have our doubts. I think sometimes Yahowah God has a way of building our trust in this way. When He promises to do things, we forget that He does them in His timing and not in ours and ours is to just trust and obey and wait upon the Lord.

What is the relationship between faith and God's words? God


Q4. (Genesis 46:2-4) Faith is what quiets our fears. What in God's word to Jacob at Beersheba quiets his fears?

Israel's spirit was revived in him (Gen. 45:27) hope was found a new, his son Joseph is alive, Israel in his humble spirit offered sacrifice to the God of his father Isaac, it was in his humble spirit that God came and quieted his fears - God spoke and "faith" became strong , fears were quieted in the heart of Jacob.

Q.God had brought the same assurance to Jacob before (28:15; 31:3). Why do you think he had stopped believing it?

I am not sure about the question, I don't see where Jacob ever stopped believing in his God, I do see a man who walked through the shadow of darkness, never giving up his "faith" in the God of his father.

I pray for the same "faith" - if deep sorrow should come to my life, may I never give up on God, the God of Isaac, may I always remember it is because of the cross that the God of Isaac tells me " He will always be with me."

Q. What is the relationship between faith and God's words?

The spoken word is "faith"


:) The thing in God's word to Jacob at Beersheba that quiets his fear is God's promise to go with Jacob to Egypt,and to bring him back again.

Eventho God had given Jacob the same assurance earlier in his life,Jacob probably stopped believing it because he started relying too much on his own resources as well as his deceptive nature.

The relationship between faith and God's words is that faith is applying God's Word to our lives.

  • 4 weeks later...

God was able to quiet the fears of Jacob at Beersheba by reassuring him of the promised He had given him - "I am God - do not be afraid - I will go with you to Egypt and I will bring you back again". . .

Many times the difficulties we face - the tests and trials God allows to come into our lives cause us to become so involved in them that we forget about the promises of God. . . God allows these test and trials to improve us to make us better and a more yielded vessel for His use. . . Although at times we panic and become afraid when God allows the tests and trials to come into our lives - God has permitted them to have a different affect. . .

John 15:1-8 (NLT)


  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 7 months later...

4a)His fears were quieted by God comforting him in the vision,reminding him of promise that He is same as his father’s God,and he will protect him and will be with him as he steps out in faith and goes to Egypt, like Abraham was called to leave his home and trust him where he was sent.

B)Jacob’s faith was knocked by his losses,and he needed to be reminded of God’s promises,be comforted,strengthened by His Word and trust Him.

c)Our faith is built as we hear God through his Word to us, step out and trust in his promises to us. Each act of trust,and action to follow his Word,helps build our faith and to step out further with Christ as our guide. I have the faith to believe everything you say you are and do everything for us you have promised in your Word.That He is and everything that he says he is.He is truth

  • 1 year later...

God spoke to Jacob at Beersheba to quiet his fears and said that He will be with him, that He will bring him back in the land and that He would multiply his people.

I think that Jacob stopped believing because of the entire trauma that he has been through. I think that he might have just given up faith in God. There is always a relationship between faith and God’s words. We have to believe that God cares about us that He doesn’t want to harm us.

  • 2 years later...
  On 2/18/2010 at 2:50 PM, pickledilly said:

The LORD so preciously and patiently quieted Jacob's heart with the words "Do not be afraid". He reminded His servant that He was God and was ever faithful to accomplish every promise He had made. He reassured Jacob that He would not leave him in any way, and that Jacob was going to see the son he had thought dead and spend the rest of his days with him. Even though Jacob had received these same words directly from Yahweh twice before, his faith had wavered in the years since as he suffered numerous heartbreaks and losses. I think he also grieved over the character and behaviors that were displayed by his sons, who were willing to deceive, betray, and even murder - and maybe a personal burden of guilt at his own failures and flawed example before them. But rather than take these things directly to God and make the decision to believe in spite of his circumstances, Jacob focused on himself instead. And so he floundered for many years, unable/unwilling to even call sin "sin". His turning point came when there was absolutely nowhere else to go and he realized he simply had to trust God and act in faith whether he felt it or not. That is always the crux of the issue when in crisis or trial.

The relationship between faith and God's Words is clear. Our faith is based on two things: 1) the reliability of the One who speaks, and 2) what He has said. If I do not trust someone then I'll never really rely on much of what that person promises. We become wounded/disappointed/cynical from the untrustworthiness of humanity. And we tend to transfer that lack of full and genuine trust to the Person of God. If we don't trust His heart, we won't trust His words with our own hearts. I've learned that His Word is the very thing I must turn to in times of doubt, fear, uncertainty, and sorrow. The reminder of who God has revealed Himself to be and the promises He has made through His Word are the comfort/ peace/ strength that will bolster my faith. That faith gives the courage to follow God in obedience, not only in my deeds but also in my own words as I speak about/into my circumstances. My confession of faith in spite of my feelings is also an important example to others who are observing my life, especially when it's in crisis.

  • 6 years later...

Q4. (Genesis 46:2-4)

Faith is what quiets our fears. What in God's word to Jacob at Beersheba quiets his fears?

God had brought the same assurance to Jacob before (28:15; 31:3). Why do you think he had stopped believing it?

What is the relationship between faith and God's words?

God promised to go with him.  He would not be alone and it was not against God's will.  Again part of the promise was included,  I will increase your descendants into a nation.   I will bring them back to this land.    

I don't think he had stopped believing it. He was just a bundle of pain and could not look beyond that pain.  

God's Word stimulates faith.  Hearing from Him, be it in a vision, a word of encouragement, a hymn, a song, His creation, the Bible.  whatever the conduit He uses, is amazing and builds one's faith.

I worship You my God.You are amazing!!!!!!



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