Pastor Ralph Posted November 15, 2009 Report Posted November 15, 2009 Q1. (Genesis 47:9) In what sense is life on earth like a Quote
Commissioned Posted February 23, 2010 Report Posted February 23, 2010 Q1. (Genesis 47:9) In what sense is life on earth like a Quote
pickledilly Posted February 26, 2010 Report Posted February 26, 2010 I like the Hebrew definition of "pilgrimage", from the root word meaning "to live among people who are not blood relatives". As believers in Christ, we are blood relatives that have been united with/in Him by His own blood. We're no longer just inhabitants of this world, but are now royal citizens of heaven headed toward a glorious home that awaits us there with our blood-kin Savior. Earth itself is not enduring, and is not our place of citizenship or permanent residence. And so our journey through human life is temporary and temporal. When we fail to grasp this truth/begin to live by faith according to our confident expectation of all that we hope for in Christ, our sights remain set only on what we can physically see and touch and experience. We keep believing that this is our only home, just like we did before our redemption. Our flesh-nature wants "the good life" filled with comfort, control, pleasure, and plenty. I'm just a guilty as everyone else. There's nothing wrong with enjoying God's blessings in our lives but our hearts should be set on the One who blesses and our eternal future with Him, not the good things He gives. The primary way to retain a "journeying faith" is by staying in God's Word and submitting self to the Holy Spirit to see as God sees and desire what He desires. It would be good to stop before every decision and ask ourselves, "Is this going to matter when I get 'home' to Father?" Quote
Standing On the Rock Posted February 26, 2010 Report Posted February 26, 2010 . For the Christian, the mindset of a sojourner is imperative. It relieves us from the bondage of environmental conformity. If I don Quote
Vincent Paul DiMino Posted February 27, 2010 Report Posted February 27, 2010 The answer may depend on a person's understanding of location: physical,spiritual,emotional;or,belonging,having a share in,ownership,domain,...power,influence, that pilgrim spirit can be the fruit of humility,obedience and love.Having no power and influence or illusions therof,when coupled with obedience, as the fruit of love, for Our Savior,can lead to faith that our home is with Him.In that case,a pilgrim on this earth is a joyous soul.When we forget that,and begin to attach a sense of belonging to anything in this temporal plane,we loose some of our focus on belonging to Christ. We're advised to store up our treasures in heaven,so that our hearts,bound to our treasures,will be with Him.Anything less would be hopelessly sad.It can get much worse.Imagine loosing the gift of humility by believing in the power and influence of one's personal domain in this life, and missing out entirely. I think this is worthy of prayer,that we are not deceived. Quote
okno Posted February 27, 2010 Report Posted February 27, 2010 In what sense is life on earth like a "pilgrimage" or a journey with no permanent home? The Christians are often not beloved, some people do not understand them. On the other hand, Christians are often joined in a close community, separated from another public. The main aim of our life is to "survive", to "lead a good fight" and then to enter the heaven, to live the eternal life. What happens to us when we settle down and get too comfortable with our lives? We are not willing to take our cross and to follow Jesus Christ, every day, each morning again and again. How do we retain a "journeying spirit" in our faith? Studying the bible, thinking about the sense of words, speaking with other Christians about the faith and its base... Quote
masika Posted February 27, 2010 Report Posted February 27, 2010 Q1. (Genesis 47:9) In what sense is life on earth like a "pilgrimage" or a journey with no permanent home? What happens to us when we settle down and get too comfortable with our lives? How do we retain a "journeying spirit" in our faith? We are strangers in this world, and a travellers towards another world: this earth is our inn, not a permanent home. We should not be attached to this world, because all that we are and have here is temporary. Only our relationship with God and our service to him will last. Jesus told us not store up our treasures here; store them in heaven. The things that are not seen, are eternal. The treasures of heaven are involable, incorruptible, and everlasting. Now we may know whether we have chosen these things for our treasure, by our high estimation of the worth of them, by our sensible apprehension of the want of them, by the torrent and tendency of our affection towards them, and by our laborious diligence and endeavours in the pursuit of them. Where the treasure is, there will the heart be also. Quote
JanMary Posted February 27, 2010 Report Posted February 27, 2010 Q1. (Genesis 47:9) In what sense is life on earth like a "pilgrimage" or a journey, with no permanent home? Our home is in Heaven, and while on earth Jesus told us we're in His Kingdom, and though we're in the world, we're not of this world. Our journey here is to Glorify God, enjoy Him, share Him with as many "as will come" to Him, and to allow Him to transform us into His image through the trials and testings, and joys of this life. What happens to us when we settle down and get too comfortable with our lives? Too much comfort here causes us to become complacent with the Kingdom we are of, and to get embroiled with houses, cars, entertainment, "success", and the things of this world. We were never meant to "put down deep roots" here on earth. Our time here is a drop in the ocean compared to the time we will spend in eternity. True "Success" is yielding to those things God preplanned and prepared for us to do while we're here, and to serve Him in such a way that there will be rewards in Heaven, and so that He is glorified here. How do we retain a journeying spirit in our faith? It's difficult! I really needed to look at this today, as I've grieved over the coming financial collapse of our nation and the world, the corruption in Washington D.C., how far from God our nation has grown. I was looking at life as though it's going to go on here forever. When I heard the news of the 8.8 earthquake in Chile during the early hours, and the 6.3 in Japan yesterday, and the 7.0 in the Aleutians as well, on top of the disastrous one in Haiti recently, it hit me: These are the signs of His soon coming, more and more intense and frequent as in birth pangs......I need to clip those roots taking hold and look up for our redemption draws nigh!!! Come Lord Jesus! As to the "how"...for me it means watching less news, and spending more time in the Word. Surrender to the Holy Spirit is key, and asking Him to order my steps each morning, so that I'm doing what is important to Him, rather than what's in my schedule. Worship is crucial, as is prayer. Quote
Stan Posted February 27, 2010 Report Posted February 27, 2010 Q1. (Genesis 47:9) In what sense is life on earth like a Quote
hanks Posted February 28, 2010 Report Posted February 28, 2010 Q1. (Genesis 47:9) In what sense is life on earth like a "pilgrimage" or a journey with no permanent home? What happens to us when we settle down and get too comfortable with our lives? How do we retain a "journeying spirit" in our faith? This world is not our final home, we know that our stay here is only temporary; and so we long for our eternal home in Heaven. For this reason we are content to be strangers and pilgrims while here on earth. We cannot become too attached to our desires and possessions; living too comfortable lives here, knowing that we will soon pass on. We recognize that this present earth shall pass away, and, Quote
Seeking His Face Posted February 28, 2010 Report Posted February 28, 2010 Q1. (Genesis 47:9) In what sense is life on earth like a Quote
iam4-1god Posted February 28, 2010 Report Posted February 28, 2010 Q1. (Genesis 47:9) In what sense is life on earth like a Quote
Vincent Paul DiMino Posted February 28, 2010 Report Posted February 28, 2010 We are each on a journey.We know where we started: "I knew you before you were in your mother's womb".We know where we want to go: our permanent home.We know the way to get there:"I am The Way, The Truth, and The Light."...We've been known to stop to smell the roses,and loose sight of the journey,but the bloom is short,and the path is narrow.Thank You Jesus,for showing us the way. Quote
WALT39 Posted February 28, 2010 Report Posted February 28, 2010 Q1. (Genesis 47:9) In what sense is life on earth like a "pilgrimage" or a journey, with no permanent home? What happens to us when we settle down and get too comfortable with our lives? How do we retain a journeying spirit in our faith? Genesis 47:9 - And Jacob said to Pharaoh, "The years of my pilgrimage are a hundred and thirty. My years have been few and difficult, and they do not equal the years of the pilgrimage of my fathers." In what sense is life on earth like a "pilgrimage" or a journey, with no permanent home? In John 14:2, Jesus tells us that "my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you." As believers, we know where our permanent home will be. From the time we are born, we are on a journey understanding our spiritual roots. What happens to us when we settle down and get too comfortable with our lives? We think that we are in control and lose the focus on the "rooms" that Jesus is preparing for us. We will focus on the worldly issues and we will not be able to see our eternal home. How do we retain a journeying spirit in our faith? By continuing to communicate with God and by trusting and obeying will align each of us with Him. We must have a two way street with Him. I know that I find that to be a continual challenge, but it is worth it to me that I continue to strive for this close relationship with God and His Son. That is my goal in this journey of faith. Quote
Jen Posted February 28, 2010 Report Posted February 28, 2010 Q1. (Genesis 47:9) In what sense is life on earth like a Quote
Greta Posted February 28, 2010 Report Posted February 28, 2010 Life on earth is like a pilgrimage because we continue to go one step further all the way until we reach our home, which is heaven. No permanent home for us here on earth, for if we try to settle down here, we tend to get too comfortable and fail to keep on moving foreward. I am not sure how we would retain a "journeying spirit" in our faith, but I think it might be by staying very close to God so we hear every word He says to us, and by obeying Him and letting Him do the leading forward. Love from Greta Quote
haar Posted March 1, 2010 Report Posted March 1, 2010 Life here on earth is like a pilgrimage in the sense that we are here temporarily. Heaven is our permanent abode. When we settle down and get too comfortable here on earth, we loose focus of our heavenly home and can miss eternity with our Lord Jesus Christ. We should therefore continue to look up to Jesus, have fellowship with God and and man. Be guided by the Bible, the Word of God which is light to our path as we journey along the path of life. Quote
Patriciaa Posted March 1, 2010 Report Posted March 1, 2010 Q1. (Genesis 47:9) In what sense is life on earth like a "pilgrimage" or a journey, with no permanent home? Our life on the earth is only temporary. Each day here is a fleeting moment compared to our eternal life. What happens to us when we settle down and get too comfortable with our lives? When we get too comfortable with our lives, we have tendency to think our life on earth is what is important and may forget about our eternal life with God. We need to constantly remind ourselves that we need to live to glorify God so that we will spend eternal life with Him. How do we retain a journeying spirit in our faith. We can retain a journeying spirit in our faith by constantly praying, study scripture and living as God has told us to live according to His Word. Quote
janel Posted March 1, 2010 Report Posted March 1, 2010 Q1 Life as a "pilgrimage" is just like a Nomadic life, pitching tent on one place, uprooting next and moving on to another place. Always on the go with no permanent place call home, living with strangers and away from blood relatives. Depending upon the hospitality of one's hosts. On the other hand when we settle down and are too comfortable with our lives, we become too complacent. Our focus will be more on improving ourselves wanting to earn more to satisfy this comfort. In the end we become too obsess and be a bondage to it. Ultimately we have no time for God. The world is just a temporary place. Whatever we can do good let us do it now for we may never pass this way again (Quote from the hymn "I May Never Pass This Way Again"). To retain a "journeying spirit" we need to live a righteous life, observing God's law and abide in Him. To also allow the Spirit of God lead and guide our life always. Quote
Standing On the Rock Posted March 1, 2010 Report Posted March 1, 2010 A1. For the Christian, the mindset of a sojourner is imperative. It relieves us from the bondage of environmental conformity. If I don Quote
leihaynes Posted March 2, 2010 Report Posted March 2, 2010 Q1. (Genesis 47:9) In what sense is life on earth like a Quote
Helen Williams Posted March 2, 2010 Report Posted March 2, 2010 Q1. (Genesis 47:9) In what sense is life on earth like a "pilgrimage" or a journey with no permanent home? What happens to us when we settle down and get too comfortable with our lives? How do we retain a "journeying spirit" in our faith? Life on earth is like a "pilgrimage" in that this is not our permanent home. Especially not in the state it is in. Jesus had gone to prepare a place for us. Our home is a heavenly home. We do not want to get to comfortable with our lives because we will began to rely on self. We will not focus on God as the One that is keeping us. When we get to comfortable we give room for the enemy. We can retain a journeying spirit by getting into the Word and put our focus on God. Quote
Delivered Posted March 2, 2010 Report Posted March 2, 2010 Q1. (Genesis 47:9) In what sense is life on earth like a "pilgrimage" or a journey with no permanent home? The World, the desire of the flesh and its Philosophy is not to be our dwelling place; instead our pilgrimage should be after that of righteousness as (Psalm 119:54) speaks to my heart, Quote
Lion of Grace Posted March 2, 2010 Report Posted March 2, 2010 Life on Earth is a journey with no permanent home because we don't fit in here. The world expects people to conform and those living for it expect others to conform too. If we don't, we are not accepted. Also, as we follow God's direction in our lives, we may be taken from place to place and may not develop the "groupie" concept of the world. When we become comfortable in our lives, we lose our vision sometimes. We start to do things "for" God "our" way and sometimes even forget it was all about Him in the first place! How to retain a journey spirit? Slow down, take time with Him. Ask Him to direct every day. Take time to pray and ask for wisdom and discernment and step out in faith. Quote
studybug52 Posted March 3, 2010 Report Posted March 3, 2010 Q1. (Genesis 47:9) In what sense is life on earth like a Quote
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