Delivered Posted March 3, 2010 Report Posted March 3, 2010 Q3. Why do we equate blessing with a lack of crisis in our lives? We should not equate blessings in our lives with the crisis we have to face, God promised He would be with us through the crisis, and that is a great blessing to me, for sure! Q. What are the effects of crises on our faith?How do they help us grow in our faith? It is in the valleys that we see the most growth, that is, if one stays in Quote
Jen Posted March 4, 2010 Report Posted March 4, 2010 Q3. Why do we equate blessing with a lack of crisis in our lives? What are the effects of crises on our faith? How do they help us grow in our faith? Why do they sometimes destroy our faith? My daily devotional the other day was titled "We are the battleground". We have been taught by this world that blessing is health, wealth and prosperity. If you suffer even for no fault of your own it is sin in you life. I guess things haven't changed much from the days of Christ on earth. Satan throws everything he can at the one who is in Christ and walking with Him. The more trials the more the evidence of the battleground in that person's life. And it hurts like no other pain can. When I came to know the Lord I sort of thought that He would take care of everything and my problems would go away. After all He loved me. He knew I needed trials to grow and they would come. And He prepares us before hand. I don't always feel the growth but I pray that it is there. To me it is my reward for being in the battleground, for being found worthy in some small way to suffer for Him. If we are not vigilant our faith will fade. It needs to be exercised. This was from Helen Williams: MY DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTER IN CHRIST, CRISIS WILL COME, STAY FOCUS ON GOD AND REMEMBER WE ARE BLESSED. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Remember "WE ARE BLESSED"! And remember to thank Him in all things! Quote
haar Posted March 4, 2010 Report Posted March 4, 2010 We take for granted that when we are blessed, we will not experience crises in our lives. This is not correct because the Bible says that in this wolrd we will expereience tribulations, trials and temptations. However, we are also told that such crises are supposed to mould us up to depend on God for deliverance and hense builds our faith. If we are not well grounded in the Lord, crises will erode our faith in the Lord as we begin to question if God really exist He would not allow us go through such crises because we are his children. Quote
Greta Posted March 4, 2010 Report Posted March 4, 2010 We think that a blessing is about all good things. A happy secure life is our idea of a blessed life. When we bless someone, we wish them well. The effects of crisis on our faith change us depending on which way we receive it. They will help us grow in faith when we turn to God for help and obey Him, thus learning from the crisis. They can destroy our faith if we turn against God and don't learn from the crisis. Love from Greta Quote
janel Posted March 5, 2010 Report Posted March 5, 2010 Q3 In Him we live and move and have our being. God always bless, protect and strengthen us through all crises in our lives. He knows what is best for us even through all trials and tribulations He will not forsake us. God does not test us beyond our limits. He has a hand in everything through good times as well as bad. In times of crisis the more we need to seek his presence and surrender the whole situation to Him. By putting our faith and trust in God everything will work out for good for those who love Him. He makes all things beautiful out of our lives. There are sure to be turmoil, crisis and problems in life's journey. Nobody can escape them. It is a matter of how one handles them. Alone of the flesh we are weak but with God we can conquer all things who strengthen us. As St. Paul has urged us to put on the 'Armor of God' and be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might so that we may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. God is forever faithful and we are the sinners. Quote
studybug52 Posted March 5, 2010 Report Posted March 5, 2010 Q3. Why do we equate blessing with a lack of crisis in our lives? What are the effects of crises on our faith? How do they help us grow in our faith? Why do they sometimes destroy our faith? We are free when feeling blessed , we don't have to think up ways to be at rest. yet this rest is dangerous for two long We think calm equals blessing, but again fine for a short time .. .. we get stuck and lazy and don't care to do anything for anyone other than ourselves. Crisis rears up and we see that the calm has left and there are little problems pricking at us and we become alert,,, We can't handle it at times and need to seek God and others. It makes us need God and need others. all this time we have been happy and sufficient unto ourselves we feel blessed . We can be blessed in another way helping others our of their crisis or problems. Crisis puts some life into our lazy bones. If we need to take on challanges to get out of crisis , we have to lean on and trust God, Others. We have to search the word for the answers and ask others of their experience with such matters then we start to grow and expand in faith. Sometimes Crises destroy our faith if we put our faith in things or persons other than God. or if we will not reach out . sometimes it is the object that is being taken away or person that is being harmed is to close to our hearts. We have made that thing or person or event greater in our eyes and hearts than God is. It is like a friendship... we need to put effort into a friendship and not just sit back and think it will stay alive without communication and experiences together. We stop calling or getting together and sit back and wait for the other to respond and the friendship can fizzle out. Oh you will most often treasure old times but it will not grow into anything more. it will flatline. Quote
linda bass Posted March 6, 2010 Report Posted March 6, 2010 We often equate blessing with lack of crisis in our lives because we figure we are in God's will. We tend to believe if we do all the right things spiritually; going to church,reading the bible,praying,tithing,etc,we will receive nothing but God's blessings in our lives. This is false doctrine because God promises that we will have trials and tribulations in our Christian walk. The effects of crises in our faith is, we come to realize that God is in control. Nothing in our lives happens that He isn't aware of. Crises help us to grow in our faith because through them we draw closer to God. Sadly,sometimes crises destroys our faith because we focus too much on the trials we are going through. Quote
Craig Posted March 7, 2010 Report Posted March 7, 2010 Q3. Why do we equate blessing with a lack of crisis in our lives? What are the effects of crises on our faith? How do they help us grow in our faith? Why do they sometimes destroy our faith? People, even Christians, don't like crisis in their life so they equate a crisis free life with blessed life. However, without crisis there really isn't an opportunity for a Christian to grow spiritually in every area of their life. Crisis in our life can greatly expand our faith. It gives us the opportunity to grow. On the other hand, if a person doesn't have a proper perspective of life grounded in Jesus Christ, then crisis can destroy what faith a person has. Quote
Pearl Posted March 9, 2010 Report Posted March 9, 2010 Why do we equate blessing with a lack of crisis in our lives? What are the effects of crises on our faith? How do they help us grow in our faith? Why do they sometimes destroy our faith? The flesh thinks that it is a blessing to not have problems. Crises bring what is in us out. We find out what we really have in us in a crisis. Crisis help us grow in faith because we find out in a crisis that if we hold on to God, He will bring us through. Quote
nurselaino Posted March 11, 2010 Report Posted March 11, 2010 Q3. Why do we equate blessing with a lack of crisis in our lives? What are the effects of crises on our faith? How do they help us grow in our faith? Why do they sometimes destroy our faith? We have got stuck in the rut of believing that if all is going good...that is the blessing. We have lost the insight of seeing the blessings in the times of crisis. Sadly that is where we can see the workings of our Lord. We have closed our eyes to seeing the small blessings also of daily life and seeing the blessings in times of struggles. Crisis can work two ways. It can strengthen our faith or it can cripple our faith. We grow in the Lord as we depend on Him to see us through our bad times. If we listen to the lies of the enemy and begin to believe that God has left us our faith weakens and weakens until there is none there. Quote
Antwan Posted March 13, 2010 Report Posted March 13, 2010 Q3. Why do we equate blessing with a lack of crisis in our lives? What are the effects of crises on our faith? How do they help us grow in our faith? Why do they sometimes destroy our faith? For me, the struggles one goes through in life makes the blessings God bestows more glorious and appreciated when they come, so struggles, or crisis, are necessary in that they help us see what life would be like without the blessings of God, and the struggles drive us to God and forces us to rely on Him (although some don't; the choice is simple: trust Him, or don't). The more we trust Him, the stronger our faith is in Him (to me, the faith God requires is not just believing that He is (or exists) (although that is a good start), but it is believing, or trusting God, even when circumstances says we shouldn't. Some things God allows to happen in our lives to strengthen our faith actually turn people against Him and destroys their faith. The reason being is that they look at the circumstances and how big they seem to be rather than looking to God to solve the problem(s), and are sometimes traumatized by the issues they face; they get mad and blame God for allowing it, and as a result, they don't trust Him, anymore. Quote
PATCH Posted March 17, 2010 Report Posted March 17, 2010 Q3. Why do we equate blessing with a lack of crisis in our lives? What are the effects of crises on our faith? How do they help us grow in our faith? Why do they sometimes destroy our faith? We tend to forget that God is a God of mercy and grace and He is in complete control of everything that happens in our lives - the good and the bad. When there is a lack of crisis or no crisis in our lives and we are receiving blessings at the same time, we tend to think that God is rewarding us because we have been good. This is not always true. God enjoys blessing us but everything is in His perfect timing. Crisis can make us react differently, depending on our level of faith, our maturity as a Christian and our walk with God. Many of us will be devastated when there are crisis in our lives. We may think that we have done something wrong to deserve such a punishment, God has abandoned us or we have been worshipping the wrong god. Whilst its true that we do suffer the consequences of our sins and these can manifest in the form of a crisis, sometimes God allows us to experience hardship to refine and mould us. IF WE ARE AT THAT LEVEL OF FAITH where we have learnt to COMPLETELY TRUST God, crisis can help us grow in our faith because then we will learn more of God's nature, His promises and His faithfulness and even if we do not experience a deliverance, we will never turn away from worshipping him. For some of us, it is the crisis that will teach us to turn completely to God and when He comes through for us, our faith in Him will grow. On the other hand if we insist on just feeding on milk, when storms come our way, we will blame God and turn to anything else (even ungodly acts) which can help us get out of the crisis. Quote
Eudora Posted March 21, 2010 Report Posted March 21, 2010 Q3. Why do we equate blessing with a lack of crisis in our lives? Probably due to the promises of Yahowah that he will bless those who stay true to His commandments. This would include all ten, in observance of how Yahowah wrote them with His own finger. What are the effects of crises on our faith? Well sometimes, our faith is tested and when a crisis comes, we seem to scatter at first but when we remember that He is in control of all things, then we remember that we can rest and trus in Him. How do they help us grow in our faith? When we see Yahowah Quote
royk Posted April 14, 2010 Report Posted April 14, 2010 Q3. Why do we equate blessing with a lack of crisis in our lives? What are the effects of crises on our faith? How do they help us grow in our faith? Why do they sometimes destroy our faith? Fear is a debit or distancing of ourselves from the presence of God. He did not create us to have a spirit of fear, saying: "if God is with you, who can be against you" and what would it matter anyway. nonetheless Jacob had a life that included fears and despair, even though he was blessed by visions from God several times. if we are not careful to live in the shadow of God's love trusting and obeying in Him, we risk creating a space or debit that might become a huge gap keeping us from God's promise. So capture every though, bow with a broken heart and thank God for the breath of the moment. God's will shall be done in any case, let us speak to him and ask that his will be done, noting Romans 12, that we learn via trials etc. to discern the will of God and follow his will in our lives. Quote
DrD Posted April 20, 2010 Report Posted April 20, 2010 I think it is mostly because we have "mis-defined" blessings - thinking that above all else being blessed means that we will have ceased from experiencing and difficulties or trials in our life. . . The effects that crises have on our faith should cause our faith to increase - we shpould come through them and out of them with a greater confidence and trust in God and His Word / promises. . . Crises have the tendency to destroy our faith because we put more confidence in "SELF" - our abilities (strength, intellect, resourses) than in the promises God gives us. . . Romans 4:17-21 (NKJV) 17 (as it is written, "I have made you a father of many nations") in the presence of Him whom he believed--God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did; 18 who, contrary to hope, in hope believed, so that he became the father of many nations, according to what was spoken, "So shall your descendants be." 19 And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body, already dead (since he was about a hundred years old), and the deadness of Sarah's womb. 20 He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, 21 and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. Quote
l.a. Posted May 29, 2010 Report Posted May 29, 2010 Q3. Why do we equate blessing with a lack of crisis in our lives? What are the effects of crises on our faith? How do they help us grow in our faith? Why do they sometimes destroy our faith? When we think of blessing, we think about gain; prosperity. Personally, when there is crisis in life, I usually will always ask myself, "Where am I lacking? What will of God am I not seeking or following?" It is a time that we acknowledge that we need help from the Almighty. I think they help us grow in faith because fervent and passive Christians alike, usually will turn to God in a time of crisis. This is usually a time that allows us to depend on God even more than previously as we offer prayers and fasting. Sometimes, we become discouraged by trials. We lose perspective of our crisis in the greater scheme of things. The devil takes advantage to taunt us into feeling insecure about our decisions. Others become angry with God over their loss, blaming Him for allowing the trial to occur. I love the way James encourages us, telling us that "whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance; and let endurance have it's full effect so that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing." James 1:2-4 Quote
Guitar Jim Posted June 15, 2011 Report Posted June 15, 2011 Q3. Why do we equate blessing with a lack of crisis in our lives? Because it's pretty hard to feel blessed when things are crashing down around you. That having been said, we only feel the need to be blessed when things are going wrong. When everything's good we sometimes forget that God is the one making the road smooth. What are the effects of crises on our faith? How do they help us grow in our faith? We cry out to God in times of trouble. If He decides to help us we grow in faith and in the expectation of God's help in times of trouble. Why do they sometimes destroy our faith? When God, for whatever reason, lets so many bad things happen to us that we lose hope we can abandon our faith. I know a couple who were among my closest and oldest friends. They were committed Christians and had three children, two boys and a girl, over whom they prayed for God's protection and care. The oldest boy has done a few years in jail for drug related offenses and car theft. The girl had her kids out of wedlock. That couple don't even go to church any more. Who could blame them? I expect they feel like God doesn't give two hoots about them. When we have real problems and real hardship, be it health issues or job issues or family issues, and God seems to ignore our pleas for His help it's very hard to maintain our faith. It's hard to believe the Scripture that says: I am the God who heals you, when your wife is taking years to die from a slow cancer. It's hard to believe the Scripture that says: I show loving kindness to thousands of generations of those who love Me, when your son has gone so completely out of control that the two of you have fought tooth and claw in a life and death punch-up over some trivial issue because he's spinning out on speed . . . or your daughter whom you led to Christ in her youth now has a drug problem and is living a bi-sexual lifestyle. It's hard to believe the Scripture that says: What God has joined let no man separate, when your Christian wife cheats on you with multiple partners. Not all the above example are from my own life but some are. Lately I've grown increasingly exasperated and I confess I've asked God to please give me a break and stop letting me down all the time. I dare not allow myself the luxury of feeling secure in my job because as soon as I think I can back off the throttle and have a rest, you can bet a million bucks that I'll get more gig cancellations than I can handle and I have to go into overdrive to obtain enough work to make my living. Happens every time. I confess to thinking: Thank God I've got the Almighty in my corner. I'd hate to think how bad things could get if I was unprotected and alone (sarcasm intended). Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. That one takes some believing too when I see non-Christian people, and outright evil people, in my line of work rocketing past me like I'm going backwards . . . which in fact I am! Quote
pastor neal Posted August 5, 2011 Report Posted August 5, 2011 Q3. Why do we equate blessing with a lack of crisis in our lives? What are the effects of crises on our faith? How do they help us grow in our faith? Why do they sometimes destroy our faith? Blessings are said to be abundant and that we are in God's favor when our lives are without turbulence. However, when turmoil enters our life it is very easy to say that God is not watching over us and that we are no longer in His favor nor is He blessing us, thus weakening our faith. Blessings are meant for us to grow as are crisis and challenges. We need to understand that faith is important at all levels of life and not just when things are going our way. Quote
wifee Posted January 16, 2012 Report Posted January 16, 2012 3a)Blessings are closely linked with promises,oaths and covenants. E.g promise of protection could equate with lack of crisis. B)For me the crises have drawn me closer to God, by increasing my dependence on him,prompts me to study His Word ,be more open to his Spirit’s leading. c)They bring us to the point where we trust in God’s promises far more,see the answers to prayer he has given,e.g constant love,comfort&peace even at dark times. Faith produces and empowers more faith. The more we act in faith, the more faith we receive with increasing power. God proves he is faithful .The more we allow faith to empower the spiritual gifts the Lord has given us, the greater the effectiveness of those gifts D)If we only focus on world view of life now” we get pulled down by crisis, lose hope in the crisis and faith is weakened. We need to trust&stay focused on God’s promises at all times to maintain focus on God’s eternal spiritual plan and faith will stand the test. Quote
wifee Posted January 16, 2012 Report Posted January 16, 2012 3a)Blessings are closely linked with promises,oaths and covenants. E.g promise of protection could equate with lack of crisis. B)For me the crises have drawn me closer to God, by increasing my dependence on him,prompts me to study His Word ,be more open to his Spirit’s leading. c)They bring us to the point where we trust in God’s promises far more,see the answers to prayer he has given,e.g constant love,comfort&peace even at dark times. Faith produces and empowers more faith. The more we act in faith, the more faith we receive with increasing power. God proves he is faithful .The more we allow faith to empower the spiritual gifts the Lord has given us, the greater the effectiveness of those gifts D)If we only focus on world view of life now” we get pulled down by crisis, lose hope in the crisis and faith is weakened. We need to trust&stay focused on God’s promises at all times to maintain focus on God’s eternal spiritual plan and faith will stand the test. Quote
Old Jerry Posted January 30, 2013 Report Posted January 30, 2013 I think that we equate blessings with the lack of crisis in our lives because it is always the crisis that brings us back to God. Without the crisis we would think that we were doing all things on our own. The effect of crises on our faith is bringing us back to God so that we will be able to prosper again. When things are going great and then somebody dies or something else happens and we blame God for what is happening that is when it might destroy our faith. Quote
Irmela Posted December 5, 2022 Report Posted December 5, 2022 Q3. Why do we equate blessing with a lack of crisis in our lives? What are the effects of crises on our faith? How do they help us grow in our faith? Why do they sometimes destroy our faith? Definition of blessing according to Collins Dictionary something good that you are thankful for Taking that as a correct definition then when something happens to us that is seemingly destructive, we need to look into the situation and find something good in it that we are thankful for. As an example I would like to share a true happening: A teenage girl was robbed of both her parents and she herself was hurt. Upon being asked of what to share, she thanked the Lord for being with her in this situation and for having given her parents Who loved the Lord and had lived for Him. In the crises her faith grew as she looked for the blessing in the situation. When we do not see the blessing we get crushed by circumstances of life, (Our own reaping or otherwise. ) and our faith is destroyed. Quote
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