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Q4. (Genesis 48:15) How did God act as a Shepherd to Jacob? How does God act as a Shepherd to you? Do you trust him or rebel against his shepherding?

God act as a Shepherd to Jacob because he led and directed him all the days of his life. God act as a Shepherd to me when He does the same for me as He did for Jacob. Many times I look back and can see the hand of God in circumstances of life. Daily I pray and commit my self and undertaking to Him for His leading and directing. I try to trust Him in everything.


Yahweh validated His covenant and promises to Jacob. Jacob yielded himself to God's will and trusted God's leadership, although he failed to be consistent. The LORD was a Shepherd to Jacob in that He was the wise/loving guide, protector, and provider throughout Jacob's life. When Jacob wandered away, God sought him out and restored him. I've read that when a shepherd has a lamb that habitually wanders, he will intentionally break one of its legs. This seems horrible but has a profound purpose. The shepherd carries that wounded little sheep on his shoulders all the time. By the time the leg is healed and strong again, the lamb will be so accustomed to trusting and being near the shepherd that it will never wander far again. I can see that kind of process in Jacob's life, and I've experienced it in mine. Jesus called Himself the Good Shepherd. I trust Him as my shepherd, but too often try to wander on my own. I'm very grateful that He promises to seek out even one that loses its way.


Hebrews 11:3."By faith we understood..."More than we can read and assimilate the written information into our conscious minds,we know,by faith,that as it was the Word of God that formed the "worlds" or the ages,or the "times of man",Our God wrote in the heart of Jacob.By the struggle that defines him as Israel,he was refined,that the trial of his faith,(and ours)be "more precious than than gold" (1Peter 1:7).I am encouraged by others,who have been inspired by Our Lord,and yet I fear...(In the background I can hear the movie Elmer Gantry)...I fear myself...that I am influenced by the flesh,by my own mind,by my own inner search to claim as my own, that which belongs only to God...and I trust,that when my days of trial are over,that My Savior will have led me through the trials of my own iniquity into the light of His Glory,and that through His Grace,those very trials that I resist (I too, kick against the goads)will have burnt away all the chaff that pollutes that which God has made in me.I trust that He will not abandon me to my rebellion,when I resist.I trust that when he breaks my leg,he will carry me until I heal.I pray that the Lord allow me the pleasure of sharing what I've learned from y'all in this study,with those he brings to me.


Q4. (Genesis 48:15) How did God act as a Shepherd to Jacob?

He found him, spoke to him so Jacob would recognize His voice, blessed him, allowed him to walk through valleys of trial on the way to greener pastures in Egypt and where he would be reunited with his beloved Joseph, He fed him, cared for him all through his life, even providing a comfortable cart to carry his old body to Egypt for that part of the journey, He used him to be a blessing to others and to bless others, He fulfilled his promises to Jacob, even to having his dead body carried back to the promised land to be buried with his beloved Rachel and his people.

How does God act as a Shepherd to you?

He sought me out, drew me to Jesus, sent people to share the Gospel with me, He has been faithful to provide in every way for me...I've never missed a meal in 37 years as a believer, nor in the 30 years before that, He has never left me even for a moment, He heals me when I've gotten sick, He comforts and encourages me, He's carried me when too exhausted from trials to go on, He's taught me to hear His lovely voice, and though there have been plenty of trials and pain, there has been joy and fun along the way. When the false accusations occurred at 2 churches, it was His way of teaching me to forgive deep wounds, then He led us to an awesome church where we're thriving. He's blessed me coming in and going out, and has proven Himself trustworthy in every way. I have never had a need unmet....and He has even provided some things I secretly wished for but hadn't asked.

Do you trust him or rebel against his shepherding?

I do trust Him, but I have to say I out and out rebelled a couple of times. Even then He was gentle with me, and the consequences of that rebellion were enough to cause me to want to stay in His "fold", and to never rebel again! He knows best what's good for me.


Q4. (Genesis 48:15) How did God act as a Shepherd to Jacob? How does God act as a Shepherd to you? Do you trust him or rebel against his shepherding?

God shows us through His word what He wants of us. If we are doing something wrong, or something that will hurt us, He will gently guide us and bring us back to the right path. Only our desire to please God will enable us to be obedient and trusting as we muddle through this world to the next. Yes, there will be potholes, and sideshows, but we have an Advocate and there is no need for us to stray for long. As soon as we see that we have strayed, just call His Name-that name above all names-and we will find that He is always looking, always near, ready to take us up in His arms so that He can head home with us. Glory to God-thank You, Jesus, for being my Shepherd!


Q4. (Genesis 48:15) How did God act as a Shepherd to Jacob? How does God act as a Shepherd to you? Do you trust him or rebel against his shepherding?

1. How did God act as a Shepherd to Jacob?

I see that he was very patient with him. He lead him down the path and continued to encourage him. And when he went off

the path he guided him back safely. He fed, clothed, loved and protected him.

2. How does God act as a Shepherd to you?

In very much the same way. But I don't always respond the way that I know I should. When I lack his word it is very evident

in my life.

3. Do you trust him or rebel against his shepherding?

I really wish that I could say that I trust him. I try my hardest but am not always successful. Like I mentioned above its all about my attitude of

my heart. There are many times I rebel but am trying to get it down to a minimal. This Bible Study is a crucial part of my attitude and so I really

need this. Mahalo (Thank you Pastor Ralph for taking the time to disciple us. I appreciate you) And to everyone else we stand together and

grow together. Love you all.


Q4. (Genesis 48:15) How did God act as a Shepherd to Jacob? How does God act as a Shepherd to you? Do you trust him or rebel against his shepherding?

Genesis 48:15 - Then he blessed Joseph and said, "May the God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day,

How did God act as a Shepherd to Jacob? God was always with Jacob. In the above Scripture reference, Jacob said "the God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day"

How does God act as a Shepherd to you? As I get older in age, I can see very clearly that God has always been there. I see it in my marriage of 48 years, my grown children and activities after I retired. I can also see it in the work that I did for a living. I know that at times I was in the fold and other times I was on the side of a mountain bleating to be found. He always found me and I was really to follow Him again.

Do you trust him or rebel against his shepherding? Both. When I was younger, especially in high school and college, I tested Him, but I knew He was there. As I matured, I rarely rebel and it is more of a constant trusting Him. Every day, I learn more about God and the study of Jacob has provided more insight into our wonderful Father who is getting the place ready for where I will reside for all eternity.


Q4. (Genesis 48:15) How did God act as a Shepherd to Jacob? How does God act as a Shepherd to you? Do you trust him or rebel against his shepherding?

Jacob spoke of God as his shepherd throughout his life. In his old age, he could clearly see his dependence upon God. This marks a total attitude change from that of his scheming and dishonest youth. To develop an attitude like Jacob


Jacob knew God had been leading him all his life. Everything he went through was a preparation for him to be the beginning of God's special people. God was faithful to him.

God uses all that has been in my life to prepare me for ministry to others. I can see his hand in the worst of circumstances. I may have gotten myself into these problems, but God used it for His purposes.

It is a daily struggle to focus on God & let what happens--happen. Satan would like to see me fall, but God is in control!! I hope I don't rebel that much against His leading. We grow closer to God in trials.......


How did God act as a Shepherd to Jacob?





Q4. (Genesis 48:15)

How did God act as a Shepherd to Jacob?

How does God act as a Shepherd to you?

Do you trust him or rebel against his shepherding?

God guided and protected Jacob all his life. Communicating with Jacob and correcting him when necessary. If I had only done things my way, I would have made a mess of my life. It is only by surrendering completely to Jesus that I know He will lead and guide me and do what is best for me. I trust our Lord Jesus fully! Like the example Pastor Ralph mentions, I know Jesus walks before me, and I follow Him secure in His presence, protected from injury and harm. What a Mighty God we serve!


Q4. (Genesis 48:15) How did God act as a Shepherd to Jacob?

Jacob is speaking from his heart of what he knows to be true, God in His mercies fed Jacob all his life, God knew Jacob’s weaknesses, those times when he was unable to find his way out of situations, it was God who was there leading Jacob along life’s road, as a good Shepherd, God brought comfort when comfort was needed, direction when needed – God was always there.

Q. How does God act as a Shepherd to you and do you trust him or rebel against his shepherding?

I know my Shepherd’s voice and I have put my trust in Him and His call upon my life, I can say, God cared about me so much that He gave His Son to be my Shepherd, it is in Him that I find peace, He has a double edge sword that helps keep me in the right pasture, He brings me along streams of water, it is through God’s Shepherd sent to redeem mankind that I rejoice in, giving glory to God, as Jacob said,” the God that Abraham and Isaac did walk, did fear, did worship.” It is the same God I too want it to be said, "I did walk."


Q4. (Genesis 48:15) How did God act as a Shepherd to Jacob? How does God act as a Shepherd to you? Do you trust him or rebel against his shepherding?


He said he would not leave Him ever and that he would bring him back to the land of his Father. The Lord goes before me and prepares my day, he uses all things for my good, and he will never leave me. My God is faithful and true to the end. I may fall short but he never does. He sees me through the blood of Jesus Christ. I don't have to ever be afraid, because he will never forsake me .


Q4. (Genesis 48:15) How did God act as a Shepherd to Jacob? How does God act as a Shepherd to you? Do you trust him or rebel against his shepherding?

The Lord took care of Jacob all the days of his like and He has and will continue to take care of me.

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Ps. 23:6

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q4. (Genesis 48:15)

1. How did God act as a Shepherd to Jacob?

Jacob had many trials in his life just as we do. However, God was always with him and by trusting in God, Jacob overcame these trials and died in peace knowing God and trusting God.

2. How does God act as a Shepherd to you?

God never leaves me and this is my comfort in difficult times in life. Knowing this, I can ask God to show me how to use trials to bring glory to Him. A shepherd always watches over his sheep and the Good Shepherd always watches over His children.tongue.gif

3. Do you trust him or rebel against his shepherding?

I trust the Good Shepherd and asks for forgiveness and strength in times when I become weak and try to take trials in my own hands rather than trusting in Him.huh.gif


God shepherded Jacob all the days of his life and even in times of fear, God had everything ordered and kept him safe.

God has been my shepheard even long before I knew Him, He was guiding me. Sometimes I am out on the hillside or have fallen in a ditch, bleating like a lost sheep, but my Saviour always finds me and brings me home on His shoulders. My desire is to always be close to His side and obey with joy His every word.

Thank you Pastor Ralph for guiding us through this study, and thank you to everyone who has shared their thoughts in the forum.

God bless you all. Love from Greta.



A shepherd keeps watch over his flock. He is their protector even in worse conditions. Jacob reaffirmed his great faith in the living God. Despite his self serving acts of his youth, God kept him. His faith has matured and God is still with him. Jehovah God is still faithful.

I know God is my shepherd becasue when I look back (like Jacob) over my life I can see God's hand on my life. Even when all is not well as I see it, I still trust God. He is always working things out for my good. For this I give Him the glory. To be shepherded you have to be humble, submit and put you life in the Shepherd's hand.


Q4 Jacob being a shepherd all his life has related to God in the same manner. From his

own experience as a shepherd, he knows and trusts that God is always there when he

needed Him. To provide him for all his needs, to guide him along the way, to protect

him in troubles and fears and even blesses him in abundance.

My life is in the hands of God the shepherd. He sends His Holy Spirit and friends

to lead and guide my way and life. He nourishes and enriches me with His words,

retreats and from this bible sharing. He provides to my very needs. He comforts and

consoles me when I am sad and down. He is in me and with me every seconds of my

life. God is not only my shepherd, He is my everything. He is my all, both great

and small. From a fatherly figure to a true and trusted friend.

Definitely I will put all my whole trust in God and His shepherding. Without Him

is like a ship with a sail. Through our daily dialogue we get to know one another

more intimately. Through Him I am strengthen and protected. He is forever faithful

and no one can replace Him. Where in the world can one find a God who is so loving

and faithful to incarnate Himself and come down to earth and be with us in the flesh

and on top of it to die on the cross for the remission of mankind's sins.


God acted as a shepherd to Jacob by leading, guiding, providing and protecting him wherever he went. He aslo bless and made him very rich.

The lord God has been my Sherpherd as found in Psalm 23. He leads me to where I can have good pasture (my good job), He tends and heals me when I fall sick. He has been meeting all my needs. He has delivered me from my powerful enemies. Indeed, today (and every Friday, I wait upon Him to thank and praise Him for His goodness, provision, protection, mercies and favour to me and my family. I also commit myself and my family to Him). My family and trust in the Lord God as our Shephered.


Q4. (Genesis 48:15) How did God act as a Shepherd to Jacob? How does God act as a Shepherd to you? Do you trust him or rebel against his


God went before Jacob.He led him on to where he wanted him. He would see to it that Jacob was heading the way he should and then

When Jacob was close he would communicate in a dream to him and make it clear what was expected. God also made sure he was near by when

Jacob was dealing with his father in law and made sure Laban's tricks would not work to make Jacob poor. He protected Jacob even when His

Wife was in sin of hiding idols . He would let Jacob know that God was with him even in hard times. But even Jacob got depressed without

keeping his friendship with god alive. As he did when he lost David. \\ God acts as a shepherd to me in that He will give me a nudge

when I am going astray . and even let me wander a bit but then give a warning sign that I am leaving to far from the flock. or to far for

Him to see all his flock together. and gives a gentle push back to where I should be or picks me up and depsotis me where he wants me.

As he did when I moved far away from this are and I lost my job and all car and had to move back. He let me know for sure he wanted me

in this area. I trust and rebell. both. I trust along for a while then get my eyes on something more than on his mission and I rebell

and go my way for a time. So I need to be diciplined at times.


God acted as a Shepherd to Jacob by revealing Himself to him, calling him, promising to always be with him and then leading him on the paths that He knew would benefit him. He guided and directed him, speaking to him and protecting him and his family as well as those with him. God allowed Jacob to learn in life, always honoring the covenant He had made with him. He drew him to love and trust him more through His goodness to him.

God acts as my shepherd in the same way! He revealed Himself to a very lost person and gently called me in love. He spoke to me and gently led me into truths in my life. He protected me and helped me to rest after a very distressed life. He showed me how to choose between harmful things in my life and brought good into my life. He reveals Himself to me every day and says, "I will never leave you or forsake you." and He never has! He shows me when to come and to go and has proved Himself trustworthy and faithful.

I trust Him more and more, though many times in my walk I have rebelled out of fear that He wouldn't be trustworthy....or He didn't really have my good in mind or heart. Sometimes I still don't understand some things and don't do what He says, but I know I'm growing in love and trust more and more. I'm more careful to listen everyday for His voice that says "This way or that way." and I'm learning to do that with more clarity everyday too. I think sometimes I hear His voice and choose to ignore it for the moment, but even those times end up with such heartfelt sorrow that I turned from someone so good to me they become fewer also.

I know one thing. He's a good Shepherd....very loving and kind.

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