Pastor Ralph Posted May 24, 2003 Report Posted May 24, 2003 Q4. (Ephesians 4:11) How do pastors and teachers work to build up the Body? Do you recognize anyone in your church who has a pastoral or teaching ministry who is not an ordained clergyperson? What effect do they have upon the Body? What do small group leaders and Sunday school teachers do to build the Body? Exposition Quote
Darleen Nelson Posted May 24, 2003 Report Posted May 24, 2003 The pastor is the leaderof the church whose responsibility is to care for the congregation. There is so much difference in the pastors and the activities they consider a part of their ministry. We recently had a change of pastors. Our new keader us a wonderful speaker, an accomplished musician but complains often about the driving they have to do with gas costing so much. He has to drive a ways to church but so do a lot of our members. I was ill last Sunday and didn't go to services. Our former pastor and his wife would have been down to pray for me after church, brought lunch for me as I live alone and called at least once to check on me. We are a very small church of about 20 active members. The present pastor or his wife did not call and check on me or even let me know the evening services had been cancelled for Sunday. Big difference in their apporach to the office of pastor. We do have a woman in our church who can be considered a pastor. She taches the adult Sunday School class and also the mid-week Bible study which the pastor and his wife do not attend. Once again the cost of gas. They only have a twenty mile drive to the church. Quote
Sgt_Z_Squad Posted May 28, 2003 Report Posted May 28, 2003 4a.) (Ephesians 4:11) How do pastors and teachers work to build up the Body? 4a.) Making people strong in the Word, in the points of salvation, by grace through faith. This is all the more apparent in our church family who has had several members drawn into a non-trinitarian pentecostal church which teaches a salvation which is different and contrary to the Bible. Strong Bible teaching would help make those in doubt more sure. 4b.) Do you recognize anyone in your church who has a pastoral or teaching ministry who is not an ordained clergyperson? 4b.) Yes. But you can not replace a Pastor who has had years of study, to learn the nuances of the Bible. They are integral in staving off false or erroneous doctrine and grounding the church family in their faith. 4c.) What effect do they have upon the Body? 4c.) Answered in 4b.. 4d.) What do small group leaders and Sunday school teachers do to build the Body? 4d.) They assist in helping baby Christians in maturig in their faith. Providing fellowship and building each other up in the faith. Quote
Julie Posted May 28, 2003 Report Posted May 28, 2003 Pastor and teachers provide us with God's word to prepare us for His work. When I first started my church I attended a class which introduced me to the basic's and what the church stood for this in turn helped the body by letting the Pastor concentrate on bringing us to maturity on giving us meat and not milk. Again all Pastors, teachers and leaders provide us with God's word to prepare us for His work. Thanks Pastor Wilson for through your studies I am maturing. Quote
Listener Posted May 28, 2003 Report Posted May 28, 2003 4a Pstors and teachers work together to build up the body of Christ. What a pastor preaches can be sanctioned and further explained if there are still questions needing to be answered by teachers in the class setting. 4bYes! And they do a tremendous job! 4cThey have a great effect among the body. One reason is because they are before the body all the time. They are being doers of the word they teach. Nothing can be more effective than this! 4dThey can not only build up the body but they can also win others to the body. Sunday school is the plant bed of th church. Prayer meetings are a vital part. It is helpful that group leaders and Sunday School teachers attend prayer metings when 0possible and also to instruct according to knowledge and experience. It is helpful; also to be a part of the lives of those they teach. See them outside the church setting. Be with them in times of trouble to encourage and comfort them through the Holy Spirit that is within them. Hurt when they hurt, cry when they cry, rejoice when they rejoice, We are one anoher's keeper. Quote
DebChats Posted May 28, 2003 Report Posted May 28, 2003 (Ephesians 4:11) How do pastors and teachers work to build up the Body? Well, let's look at church as a cafeteria feeding hungry and even starving people. Pastors and teachers keep and dispense the food. They are responsible for making sure the food is kept refrigerated and then heated as necessary. (Keeping the food from any poisons or toxins.) What do small group leaders and Sunday school teachers do to build the Body? They assist in keeping order in the church. They also help the pastor with the preparation and dispensing of the food. Quote
Chris King Posted May 28, 2003 Report Posted May 28, 2003 Pastors and teachers are the primary source of teaching Gods word to the flock. If there is a lay person in the congregation that has the gift of pastor that is not ordained then they need to help with the teaching of the word and in that way they can grow stroner in the word. A person with the gift of pastor may also have the gift of mercy and they will have a deep concern for the flock and tend to want to care for them. Quote
Sunshine Miller Posted May 28, 2003 Report Posted May 28, 2003 A Pastor is a Leader: just as the Teacher a leader. Main position in the Body is to Watch over the Flock... speak the word revealed to him/her and set a Godly example within the gathering and outside of the gathering. He/she should know their position within the Body and allow the rest of the Body to function in an orderly way so that he/she is not overly-burdened. Being at the neck of the Body (for God is the Head), he/she operates by the Word and leading of the Holy Spirit. A stiff neck causes much Division within the Body and can give the Head a Head ache... unless the rest of the Body is in agreeance with the neck and that creates a Snub to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit in time leaves the neck... leaves the body and the Empty Bobble Head leads the Flock to Destruction. Both Teacher and Pastor speak the Word... one will speak in Sermons and the other will break the word down with questions and answers... giving special attention to those who may not understand. I say if you don't understand the Preacher in the sermons given go to the pastor and discuss what you don't understand. The teacher may have not been listening... or even if he/she was listening and if he/she is in agreement with the Pastor you may get an answer based upon what they know. Seek out the word of God with prayer; and God being the head will reveal to you what Truth is. Finally: although Pastors are to build up one another in the Body... they are to also ... remind the Body of repentence and order within the Body. We also in the Body ( who are not Pastors ) are also considered Teachers... each one has a responsibility to set an example for others. People are watching you so therefore you are Teaching others by your words, behavior, attitude... actions. Please remember all within the Body are of even if you admire them and think they are the Greatest person you have ever met... they are of Flesh and can make mistakes... keep your eyes on God; not any man or woman. One can appoint him or her self to be your keeper, but they can also set a net for you. Good Intentions can lead to Generous Trouble. Ordained or not... if they truly be called by God and minister the Truth of God's Word... you will know them by their Fruit. Use Discernment and examine the spirits to which speak. I would rather you not be ignorant of the Word of God. He loves you too much. Quote
jaunita Posted May 28, 2003 Report Posted May 28, 2003 Pastors are "under shepherd's"...under our Shepherd Jesus Christ. The best explanation I could find in the word, as to the work of a shepherd is Ezekiel34. "The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost; but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them....And they were scattered because there is NO SHEPHERD, and they became meat to all the beasts of the field, when they were scattered" (verse's 3&4) I know this is speaking of shepherds, that have left their first calling, but I also think it tells us what a shepherd is suppose to do, as well...Strengthen...bind up the sick and broken....go after the sheep who have strayed.....protect the flock intrusted to him, from the wolves. Wow! A pastors job, is truly a life-time comitment! They have been in-trusted with something most precious....The Sheep. I have known many, not in the "office" of pastor, or even teacher, that have fulfilled the above requirments. For these I am grateful, as well. I read someone else's post recently, and am in agreement....There are too many seeking titles, rather than sacrificeing themselves to the call upon their lives. My first Pastor, (gone on to be with the Lord) was a wonderful preacher, teacher and protecter of the Flock; He left me an example, of what a true pastor is. I thank God for my roots in that Church. Quote
Helen Williams Posted May 29, 2003 Report Posted May 29, 2003 Pastors are leaders/shepherds. They are to watch over the flock spiritual and also care about their well being. This is done through bringing the gospel to the flock, and trying to bring those that are wandering off. A pastor has a great responsibility. Most pastors are ordain ministers. Teachers are important to the congregation. They bring forth the Word of God. This is a very serious responsibility because we are teaching the Word. Saving souls is the key. I am a teacher and we should be very careful that we don't add or take away from The Word. I am not an ordain clergyperson. Teachers have a great affect on the congregation because most time this is where the learning takes place. This build us up spiritually inorder for us to help others. Knowing the Word helps the saints recognize whether the message is true or false. Quote
sangra Posted May 29, 2003 Report Posted May 29, 2003 How do pastors and teachers work to build up the Body? Pastors look after the welfare of the community and teachers explain the Word in today's context to the particular community. Do you recognise anyone in your congregation who has a pastoral/teaching ministry but is not ordained? Yes, in my community all lay people are encouraged to exercise pastoral care through the Patoral Care network. Teaching is carried out in our small groups, which meet for Bible Study, by lay people who have theological training. What effect do they have on the Body? They are very much appreciated because they take a big load off the ordained ministry team. What do small group leaders and Sunday school teachers do to build up the Body? Providing their knowledge and training is sound, they can build up the Body by helping each member to grow spiritually. Quote
bjcollin Posted May 30, 2003 Report Posted May 30, 2003 Q4. (Ephesians 4:11) How do pastors and teachers work to build up the Body? Do you recognize anyone in your church who has a pastoral or teaching ministry who is not an ordained clergyperson? What effect do they have upon the Body? What do small group leaders and Sunday school teachers do to build the Body? Exposition A Pastor/Shepard works to build up the body by protecting the sheep and healing the wounded sheep and guiding the sheep toward the greener grass. A Teacher works to build up the body by teaching/feeding the sheep. I think these are separate offices, but for the most part in our culture today the Pastor and Teacher end up being the same person in our churches. Anybody in the ministry of the church no matter how small of a role has a small measure of pastoral/teaching ministry and they are not ordained clergy. Their effect upon the body is sometimes just as much as influencial as the pastor in the pulpit. Small group leaders and Sunday school teachers each build up the body through pastoring/teaching in their own sphere of influence. Quote
Linda Stanley Posted May 31, 2003 Report Posted May 31, 2003 Pastors"Shepherd,one who serves as gardian or leader.Teachers,both have a vital gift of teaching the word.Sometimes they addressed Jesus as "Teacher".My Pastor when he preaches ,teaches at the same time.Pastors and teachers work together filling you with Gods word.The more you learn of the wordinables you to beable to go out and give others Gods word.So therefore pastors and teachers build the church through ,teaching and ministering to their congregation. Quote
bergerjones Posted June 3, 2003 Report Posted June 3, 2003 Pastors serve in the ministry of the church - preaching, teaching, and pastoring. They preach about the Word, teach the meaning and interpret the scriptures. They should pastor or "shepherd" their flock by counseling, calling - not just on the sick - and should nurture their church members. Sadly, today, many ministers neglect the pastoring, leaving it up to their elders and deacons. When a member is in trouble and hurting, they need and want their pastor. Elders and deacons may also do pastoring, but the clergy should, too. Members like to have their pastor pray with them in times of need. We have several good teachers in our church. They are highly respected and are called upon for help in understanding God's work. The congregation should be aided in knowing their Bible and be aware of the help it can give in daily living. Teachers can help with this. They often lead in prayer and can enable others to be able to pray. We have several people with good pastoring skills who do most of the calling to the sick, to those who are having problems, to those who just need an ear in their distress. Our body of Christ depends on these people for their nurturing - for helping each member be a strong part of the body of Christ. Small group leaders and Sunday school teachers keep the body alive and well. They help keep people aware of Christ, studying the Word, praying, praising the Lord and growing in love. Churches with active small groups keep the body in tune and maturing in the faith. Quote
jbwalya Posted June 8, 2003 Report Posted June 8, 2003 (Ephesians 4:11) How do pastors and teachers work to build up the Body? Pastors and teachers help in building God Quote
leo Posted June 13, 2003 Report Posted June 13, 2003 As the head of the congregation, the pastor is given the task of leading the congregation along the path that the Lord has set for them. He protects his congregation and strives to make them work as one body. He is also given the task of interpreting the Word for the congregation in such a way that every single member of his congregation will understand the message that are being given to them. Teachers on the other hand are tasked to explain the Word to Christians, especially the baby Christians, who have trouble understanding the Word. Quote
Reeallen Posted June 14, 2003 Report Posted June 14, 2003 Pastors and teachers work together to build up the Body by equipping the saints for ministry and teaching the Word of God to the local congregation. Yes there are people in my church who have pastoral and teaching ministries. The effect they have is phenomenal. Small group leaders and Sunday school teachers prepare God's people for works of service so that the body of Christ can be built up. Quote
luray mcclung Posted July 24, 2003 Report Posted July 24, 2003 It has been several weeks since my last entry(it's a long story), but I am so thankful to be able to participate again. Pastors and teachers should compliment each other's roles in building the Body of Jesus Christ. Pastors preach the Word, pray, evangelize, visit shut-ins, baptize, give Holy Communion and lead services. Teachers, on the other hand, instruct the gospel, share it , study and pray among other things. In many cases, they already have prepared lessons through a publishing house. In our small country church, God has his hand on a few who have the gift of pastoral care and a few the calling of teacher. Their effect on the body is encouragement, hope and love. Our leaders and teachers try to live as role models and Christ-like examples. In that capacity it is imperative to seek God's will for our lives every day. A friend of mine and her husband stopped attending their church several months ago. Their reason was that they grew tired of observing little gods running all around looking soooo important and exercising their "power" in committees, on boards, with their personal agenda for the church,etc. Another dear friend attending another church did not go to the church's Bible Study which was offered once weekly at 10:00 a.m. and sometimes preceeded by a committee meeting. Her action disappointed the minister and attendees. She told me that God had called her to volunteer regularily at a nursing home where her husband had died. What a wonderful volunteer she is! Pastors and teachers also need to wait on the Lord. Quote
AlanH Posted July 24, 2003 Report Posted July 24, 2003 Again a reminder verse 7 says To EACH has been given grace..... One of the duty of the pastors is to recognize and enable gifts in others. It is not the pastor's job alone to run a church. The pastor needs all the help he can get from the body Also to remember that each one of us has been given a spiritual gift. Lastly recognizing gifts in those who are not seminary grads; where would we be if some of these were not recognized. An example is A.W. Tozer. Another example is today East Valley Bible Church (Gilbert AZ) This is not my church as it is too far but I have visited it a few times. The church has over 5000 members with an 87% participation by members. That is recognizing the grace it it's members. -Alan Heflich Scottsdale AZ Quote
Derek Posted September 1, 2003 Report Posted September 1, 2003 Pastors and teachers have the responsibility to shepherd their "flock", caring for them spiritually and providing for other needs as they are able. I suppose I would qualify as one who has had and has a pastoral and teaching ministry, having had 17 years as an unordained lay pastor in a Baptist Church and now continuing to preach and teach in an Anglican Church. We also have 14 fellowship groups, quite a lot for a village church which is probably called small by American standards, and the leaders of each of these and some of the members of the groups undoubtedly have a pastoral and teaching ministry. Without such folk many church members would be only nominal Christians. Small group leaders and Sunday School teachers develop faith and understanding and thus build up the Body of Christ Quote
Joy Wright Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 Pastors and teachers give the weekly encouraging word. They build up and aid in equipping the saints. Through preaching, healing, listening, attending those in need, and giving the message of the Word, these valuable believers keep the church alive and functioning! What would we do without them? Sunday school teachers, greeters, ministers of a particular ministry--all help in promoting the message of Christ til He comes! Quote
Liza Posted October 15, 2003 Report Posted October 15, 2003 I think Pastors and Teachers are extermely important since by teaching the congregation the Word they are equipping them, strengthening them, preparing them. The congregation needs to understand the Word - today (I don't know if this is only my observation) there seem to be a lot of 'false' teachers who go about trying people to joint their 'groups'. They have the ability to speak and argue well and a lot of people who don't know the Word very well go and join them. Teachers, no matter whom they teach are very vital to the body of Christ. The Pastors who shepherd their flock are also needed - also to keep them safe from the false teachers. Quote
heatherdills Posted December 19, 2003 Report Posted December 19, 2003 Pastors and teachers work to build up the Body by telling God's words and works and helping the congregation apply the lessons and principles to their lives. Small group leaders and Sunday school teachers build the Body by sharing their knowledge of the Word and helping answer questions people may have in ways they can understand and apply. Quote
charliet Posted February 18, 2004 Report Posted February 18, 2004 4a First I might ask what is the difference between the pastor and the teacher?In 1corinthians12:8 we read"for to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom;to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit."We may say that the pastor in a peculiar sense the word of wisdom,the teacher the word of knowledge.It is the teachers job to open the truth of Gods Word in a clear orderly way so that people may grasp it and profit by it ,that they understand the divine plan and apply the truth to their own needs,and it is the responcibilityof the pastor to press the truth home upon the conscience in the power of the Holy Spirit. 4b Yes,our sunday school teacher. 4c He helps our church in a marvelous and mighty way,by his deep and constant study of Gods Word,And passes the knowledge gained through the help of the Spirit and the Holy Scriptures on to us students. 4d I would like to answer this last question with a question.What is wisdom?It is knowledge applied to meeting a distinct and definite case. Now the proper use of both (Wisdom and Knowledge) are essential for the upbuilding of the Body. Quote
Helen Posted March 18, 2004 Report Posted March 18, 2004 i Pastors work with sheep individually or in families to help advance their Christian walk. Teachers have various methods of extending the understanding of Life in Jesus for individuals, groups. Both use much scripture as their tool. ii I recognise Margaret as a gifted teacher in scripture. iii Her work unites people together as they study the Word. Her preparation advantages her class greatly (but she herself probably has the greatest advantage!) Her lifestyle is exemplary and her personal ministry much to be desired. iv Small group leaders and Sunday School teachers have an extraordinary function in building us into a functional temple for the Holy Spirit. Teachers of children set the stage for the rest of their lives and are vital within the church, ministering to its future stability and expansion! Quote
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