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  • 3 weeks later...

Pastors and teachers should carry on an expository preaching and teaching ministry of the Word of GOD.

Yes, there is a teacher in our church who has a teaching ministry and is not an ordained minister.

They cause us to search the Scriptures and to apply them to our lives building us up in the faith.

  • 7 months later...

It is best to see the church as a'body'. The body needs to have nutrition , the work of the pastor is to provide a balanced diet and at the right time. The pastor also has the responsibility of prunning and preening the body.The pastor does not have to know every member ,but God has a way of making known to the pastor those he wants to use for his purposes.

  • 7 months later...
4a.) (Ephesians 4:11) How do pastors and teachers work to build up the Body?

4a.) Making people strong in the Word, in the points of salvation, by grace through faith. This is all the more apparent in our church family who has had several members drawn into a non-trinitarian pentecostal church which teaches a salvation which is different and contrary to the Bible. Strong Bible teaching would help make those in doubt more sure.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Pastors and teachers do alot to build up the Body in that most of the time they the one who make sure that believers in the congregation are feed well with spiritual food.

We believers do little in visiting other believers to see their well being , this work is left to pastors and teachers, even when they are sick we never visit them in hospital .

In my Church there are many brethren who have the these gifts and they do alot in building the Body , they are very good in encouraging others in spiritual matters

  • 6 months later...

Pastor: A minister having charge of a church or a congregation.

Teacher: To cause to learn, pointing to the truth, to direct, instruct and guide.

Both words have the same root meaning in Greek.

I see both of these in differing roles yet with much in common.

Both have an educational function. Both interpret the revelation of Jesus Christ and how to apply that in daily living. It is especially important to have a willingness to live the Word for Pastors and teachers as actions speak louder than words.

Individually, I see Pastors as having more responsibility in overseeing and shepherding whole congregations as well as small groups of people. They are teachers, but may have callings for the sick or poor or the hurting in their congregation. They are shepherds who come alongside and guide and encourage when needed. I see them as more authoritative in their calling over a larger group. I am especially drawn to pray for Pastors. This is a very vital role in the Body of Christ. One that is many times unappreciated for the gentle, tender yet strong qualities needed to win others to Christ. These are the ones with the great gift of mercy who are deeply committed to show us the love of Christ as well as teach the truth of the word. I thank each and every one of you who read this.

A teacher has the vital role in ministry to reach individual people or smaller groups and equip them in the correct interpretation of the Word. They teach/shepherd smaller groups such as in Sunday school ministry for children or special needs ministries or men/women groups. This to me is such a vital often overlooked role too. There is so much out there being taught that is not the Word. Teachers have a consuming love for the Word.

Both Pastors and teachers build up the body by equipping them with the truth in the Word and how to apply that truth into our lives. They raise up others to spiritual maturity.

  • 6 months later...
Q4. (Ephesians 4:11) How do pastors and teachers work to build up the Body? Do you recognize anyone in your church who has a pastoral or teaching ministry who is not an ordained clergyperson? What effect do they have upon the Body? What do small group leaders and Sunday school teachers do to build the Body? Exposition

Pastors and teachers both lead and teach the people. Pastors lead by preaching, comforting, helping and being a servant first of all to God and secondly to the people God has placed him over. Teachers teach. They bring the word to a level and understanding that the student can understand and be challenged by. The ultimate goal of both is to help the sheep grow and step up to the plate to go forth in their own ministries. Most teachers are not ordained clergy. We do however have several lay ministers that are not ordained by anyone other than God, because He ordained them when He called them. Group leaders and teachers work together with the pastor to help the people understand the Word and to grow. They all lead by example and Word.

  • 5 months later...

Q4. (Ephesians 4:11) How do pastors and teachers work to build up the Body?

Pastors and teachers work to build up the Body by preaching and teaching the Word of God. In his capacity as Pastor, he is also charged with exercising other pastoral duties such as caring for the congregation.

Do you recognize anyone in your church who has a pastoral or teaching ministry who is not an ordained clergyperson? What effect do they have upon the Body?

Yes I do. They bring sound preaching and teaching of the Word of God. Members look to them for spiritual advice and counseling.

What do small group leaders and Sunday school teachers do to build the Body?

They teach the stories of the Bible. These stories stay with the children as they grow into adulthood and they relate God's workings in the lives of the Biblical characters and when faced in tough situations they can rely on a God who is the same yesterday, today and forever.

  • 4 months later...

Q4. (Ephesians 4:11) How do pastors and teachers work to build up the Body? Do you recognize anyone in your church who has a pastoral or teaching ministry who is not an ordained clergyperson? What effect do they have upon the Body? What do small group leaders and Sunday school teachers do to build the Body?

Pastors and teachers systematically preach and teach the Word of God and it application.

A person is gifted as a pastor and/or teacher who is not ordained can be recognized by the fruit of their ministry, as well as the love and passion they put into their ministry.

Their effect upon the Body of Christ is the measured spiritual growth and maturity on that Body as a result of their ministry, i.e. greater understanding of God's Word, increased involvement in ministry beyond the walls of the church, a desire to actively serve the Lord, etc.

Small group leaders and Sunday school teachers are facilitating and teaching God's Word and its application. The result is stronger, more spiritually mature Christians that want to actively serve the Lord.

  • 5 months later...

Pastors and teachers are to work as a cohesive unit, as we all should, that they are on the same page. Pastors preaching should edify the body while the teachers convey understanding of what is being said.

While there are those who may be called to preach or teach who are clergypersons those gifts should be nurtured but not given the leeway to do what is not their job. This causes divisons. If it be God's will they will develope a ministry of their own, whether it be an outreach or perhaps even succession. This applies to the next question as well as these are positions that could be filled by the wanna be's.


Pastors and teachers build the body by shepherding, guarding, praying, nurturing and nourishing the flock. They tend to or oversee the needs of the people.

I am new to my congregation, only been here for three weeks- certainly have not met everyone yet.

Those who have pastoral or teaching ministry that are not yet ordained, like the small group leaders and Sunday school teachers, are important keys to the foundation of a church. They too build up the body with knowledge, encouragement, prayerful guidance to truth and understanding and stand ready to divert false teaching, wolves, confusion, anything not of God. It is a concerted family effort to ready ourselves and the world for Jesus' return.


Pastors and teachers build the body by shepherding, guarding, praying, nurturing and nourishing the flock. They tend to or oversee the needs of the people.

I am new to my congregation, only been here for three weeks- certainly have not met everyone yet.

Those who have pastoral or teaching ministry that are not yet ordained, like the small group leaders and Sunday school teachers, are important keys to the foundation of a church. They too build up the body with knowledge, encouragement, prayerful guidance to truth and understanding and stand ready to divert false teaching, wolves, confusion, anything not of God. It is a concerted family effort to ready ourselves and the world for Jesus' return.


Pastors and teachers build the body by shepherding, guarding, praying, nurturing and nourishing the flock. They tend to or oversee the needs of the people.

I am new to my congregation, only been here for three weeks- certainly have not met everyone yet.

Those who have pastoral or teaching ministry that are not yet ordained, like the small group leaders and Sunday school teachers, are important keys to the foundation of a church. They too build up the body with knowledge, encouragement, prayerful guidance to truth and understanding and stand ready to divert false teaching, wolves, confusion, anything not of God. It is a concerted family effort to ready ourselves and the world for Jesus' return.

  • 1 year later...
Q4. (Ephesians 4:11) How do pastors and teachers work to build up the Body? Do you recognize anyone in your church who has a pastoral or teaching ministry who is not an ordained clergy person? What effect do they have upon the Body? What do small group leaders and Sunday school teachers do to build the Body? Exposition

Our word pastor comes from the Greek word which meant Shepard or one who serves as a guardian or leader. This person definitely would stay with a local group believers to help them grow in loved. Teachers on the other hand are concern with helping people understand the word of God. Pastors, especially in our church structure today, often find themselves being teachers more than shepherds or leaders. Also more often the church becomes this two tear structure of "pastors" and "teachers" at the top level and everyone else in this second listening level. But all believers are called to service for the purpose of building the body of Christ. Pastors and teachers should be training and providing the people with opportunities to be part of the church.

  • 1 year later...

Pastors and teachers work to help build up the body in that they oversee a group of people, know them, their strengths, weaknesses and areas of concern. They teach the word and guide their "flock" into applying the word to grow them into maturity. They see them through trials, tribulations, temptations and love them continuously. True Pastors and teachers have great love and connection with those given to them. A shepherd will lay down his life for his sheep and I have seen some give so wonderfully and unselfishly, but I have also seen some called Pastors or teachers that are so administrative or just seeking a "position" that they have no heart for the sheep. Like the hired worker, they will neglect and do as little as possible to maintain the health of the sheep. They are not really theirs, so the real love for them is not present.

Yes, I have seen these gifts in lay people. Often God will put a few people together and a Shepard will see the connection that God has intended for that group. There is a common bond and there are always some who need help and guidance out of some bondage or hurt and there are always others who can share their testimony also in that area. The word of God is taught in these settings so true forgiveness and freedom are won and new lives in Christ are planted and grown. Small groups of Bible Study are excellent for this and relationships are established comfortably. I'm always amazed when I'm in these groups to see how people become connected through the Holy Spirit. Our Good Shepherd is always shepherding us!!!


4a)Pastors are shepherds to the flock,&watch out for them & oversee all ministries etc. They are also teachers able to explain & communicate the scriptures,helping us to be strong in the Word, preparing us to do His work & see it

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (Ephesians 4:11) How do pastors and teachers work to build up the Body? Do you recognize anyone in your church who has a pastoral or teaching ministry who is not an ordained clergyperson? What effect do they have upon the Body? What do small group leaders and Sunday school teachers do to build the Body? Exposition

Pastors set the general line.

Teachers explain the Bible.

They all teach people how to be a part of the Body.

The more people they teach, they bigger the body becomes.

But teachers to small groups are just as valuable.

  • 2 months later...

Q4.(Ephesians 4:11)

How do pastors and teachers work to build up the Body?

They guide and enrich us with the Word. They are there to help keep us on the narrow road with their wisdom, encouragement, correction, and comforting.

Do you recognize anyone in your church who has a pastoral or teaching ministry who is not an ordained clergyperson?

Yes. We are in between pastors and in the interim several believers have taken on the responsibility of teaching us. All of them are doing an outstanding job and have taken their responsibility seriously.

What effect do they have upon the Body?

Our new pastor will be taking office in a few months time, in the meantime these men together with the elders are keeping the church fully functional.

What do small group leaders and Sunday school teachers do to build the Body?

They perform a valuable service in explaining the Word to the different Bible study groups. The Sunday school teachers, of course keep our youth informed

  • 7 months later...

Q4. (Ephesians 4:11) How do pastors and teachers work to build up the Body? Do you recognize anyone in your church who has a pastoral or teaching ministry who is not an ordained clergyperson? What effect do they have upon the Body? What do small group leaders and Sunday school teachers do to build the Body? Exposition

1. They keep us focused on God, salvation. They teach new members and visitors about the Bible and Gods word

2. Yes, we have several teachers that help us by encouragement, making Bible passages clear, pointing us to Bible statements as God leads them.

3. They strengthen us, unite us,

4. They encourage us to use our gifts, help us see God in others.


A pastor is a shepherd. A pastor makes sure that the flock is safe from false teachings or doctrines, provides for the spiritual well-being of the congregation and guides the flock to follow the Good Shepherd by encouraging them to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. A teacher really does does many of the same things perhaps with an emphasis on teaching the stories and truth of the Bible. A pastor or teacher or combination of the two do not necessarily have to be paid however one that is not may have to divide his or her time to make a living. I know many people who are pastors and teachers who are neither full-time or are paid. They are called and are vital to the body of Christ.

  • 2 months later...

Pastors and teachers build up the Body by teaching the bible and by everyday experiences that we all have. We have got people in the church that has a pastoral and teaching ministry who are not ordained clergyperson. The effect that they have on the Body is that when a teacher or a pastor is gone, then they can take over. Sometimes it is good to hear another person speak to us.

  • 3 years later...

Pastors are to be the shepherds within the congregations. They are to build up the people to take over the mission of Jesus and the apostles to share the news of salvation to all the ends of the earth. Teachers are also to arm those students with the knowledge of the armor of Jesus and God. I see a few people who help guide the congregation. They act as the inner voice for the congregation to do the right things. They are there to help those that are struggling with their faith. Small group leaders and Sunday School teachers are the front line for teaching relavent parts of the bible to people.

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (Ephesians 4:11) How do pastors and teachers work to build up the Body? Do you recognize anyone in your church who has a pastoral or teaching ministry who is not an ordained clergyperson? What effect do they have upon the Body? What do small group leaders and Sunday school teachers do to build the Body?


Pastors and teachers care for and teach a individual community. Jeremias argues, "The absence of the article before didaskalous which follows shows that the pastors and teachers form a single group, obviously because they both minister to the individual congregation."( notes) However we must care for people before we can teach them. Generally pastors teach from the pulpit and the teacher from a chair.


No doubt.


A building effect.


These develop Bible skills  and literacy, develop, expand and promote faith and hope. Strengthening is also an important part of the teachers work.



  • 5 years later...

The Pastor and the teacher are the same becsause their are the leaders of the church.Their duties is to teach the church about the word of God.They are also the spiritual councillors of the church.By that they are building the body of Christ.

Do you recognised anyone in your church who has a pastoral  or teaching ministry who is not ordained clergyperson?

Yes, we do recognised them,as long as we see the gift from God to him or God.They work hand in hand with the senior Pastors or Teachers  grow the church spitually.

What effect do they have upon the body?

To grow the church spiritually by bringing Bible study groups and home cells groups. 

What do small group leader and Sunday school teachers do to build  the body?

Those they are grooming our children to know Jesus so that  by the time they become grown ups their are already matured with the word of God.



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