Pastor Ralph Posted April 8, 2010 Report Posted April 8, 2010 Q2. (Colossians 1:26-27) What is the mystery that Paul talks about? In what sense was, Quote
pickledilly Posted May 8, 2010 Report Posted May 8, 2010 Paul was speaking about a work the Jews could never have imagined that Yahweh had planned all along, reserved until the right time in that plan, and had now revealed -- the riches of God's glorious covenant and promises are for all people, both Jew and Gentile, and the indwelling presence of the Spirit of Christ is the hope of glory for all. The very life of Christ permanently living in us had never been given before to anyone. And the prophesied promises of the Spirit within and a changed heart (inner work of grace replacing outer works of the Law) had only been revealed to the Jews up to this point (Deuteronomy 30:6; Ezekiel 11:19). God's will to bring this "hope of glory" to all the world through the Jews was hidden from human view until Jesus broke everything wide open and that temple veil was torn from heaven to earth. I am one grateful Gentile! The use of "glory" here is in the sense of the heaviness/saturation of the weight, fullness, splendor, and magnificence of God's divine presence with us and the riches of blessing with Him in eternity. In giving Himself to us, God hasn't given us just a little bit. He reserved nothing of Himself! Verse 27 specifies that our reason to expect glory is "Christ in you". The person who repents of sin with confession that Christ is Savior and Lord receives the fullness of the Spirit of Christ to live within. That living presence of God in us is our hope - our joyful confident expectation - of the ability to live lives for His glory and His kingdom, and of the full and complete realization of our salvation for eternity! Paul was saying that God's hidden truth was now revealed through the Gentiles. Quote
Vincent Paul DiMino Posted May 8, 2010 Report Posted May 8, 2010 The best is yet to be told.Even now,more of God's glory is being revealed through the grace of Jesus Christ Our Lord.There are yet people in the world who have never head the Gospel of Truth or even the name of Jesus.People,are persecuted,tortured,jailed,and killed for proclaiming the Truth,and the life of Christ,within them triumphs and dispels the evil that lives,even within the lives of their persecutors,some of which are forever changed by that contact.The Glory of God is revealed in the hearts of men through the person of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit.The pure of heart will see God and even more of his infinite and unimaginable glory. Quote
charisbarak Posted May 9, 2010 Report Posted May 9, 2010 The mystery is that the Gentiles would be chosen too--not just Israel. and that God, the Holy Spirit would come to live in us. The Holy Spirit's work in us was pretty much hidden until Jesus' resurrection. Glory as seen as a reflection of Jesus--the fruit of the Spirit at work in us. Hope of glory is that He will completeHis work in us and we will see Him one day. Quote
iam4-1god Posted May 9, 2010 Report Posted May 9, 2010 Q2. (Colossians 1:26-27) What is the mystery that Paul talks about? In what sense was, Quote
masika Posted May 9, 2010 Report Posted May 9, 2010 Q2. (Colossians 1:26-27) What is the mystery that Paul talks about? In what sense was, "Christ in you, the hope of glory," hidden prior to this? In what sense is "glory" used here? What does "the hope of glory" mean in this context? The mystery is this: that God had designed to grant the Gentiles the same privileges with the Jews, and make them his people who were not his people. God Quote
RodR Posted May 9, 2010 Report Posted May 9, 2010 Scripture is often its own best interpreter. Paul's letter to the Ephesians describes this mystery in Eph 3:2-9. This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 3:6 NIV) "Christ in you, the hope of glory" was hidden in the sense that even Paul (as Saul) thought that God's glory was only available to the Jews as God's chosen people. Though part of God's plan from the beginning, Christ's shed blood for the sins of mankind revealed His intention to make salvation and restoration available to all. "The hope of glory" is the desire and the expectation of a restoration of our relationship with God and eternal life with Him through Jesus' sacrifice and the indwelling Holy Spirit. In writing to the Romans, Paul explains the reason for this hope we now have. Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. (Romans 5:1-2 NIV) Quote
iam4-1god Posted May 9, 2010 Report Posted May 9, 2010 Q2. (Colossians 1:26-27) What is the mystery that Paul talks about? In what sense was, Quote
Delivered Posted May 9, 2010 Report Posted May 9, 2010 Q2. (Colossians 1:26-27) What is the mystery that Paul talks about? The Messiah is united with the Gentile people also, not just the believing Jews. In that rest our hope of glory, of receiving everything good that God promises to those who are "faithful" Q. In what sense was, "Christ in you, the hope of glory," hidden prior to this? The Gentiles had no hope of reflecting the glory of God, being a people who did not have fellowship with the one true God, the God of Israel. In what sense is "glory" used here? What does "the hope of glory" mean in this context? To me the hope of glory means - I a Gentile have living in me the Hope of Glory, therefore the glory of the hope that lives in me will be revealed to the world; As sufferings and trials come my way putting to the test my faith, Gods glory will be seen, my life will exhibit what is in my heart, praise, honor and glory to the One who has given to me hope for tomorrow. I am striving with all that is in me to remain faithful to the end - A faithful bride, revealing His glory, watching and waiting for him to come for his bride (faithful church) to dine with Him, our Hope of Glory Quote
Debbisu Posted May 10, 2010 Report Posted May 10, 2010 On 4/8/2010 at 8:59 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Colossians 1:26-27) What is the mystery that Paul talks about? In what sense was, Quote
Seeking His Face Posted May 10, 2010 Report Posted May 10, 2010 On 4/8/2010 at 8:59 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Colossians 1:26-27) What is the mystery that Paul talks about? In what sense was, Quote
bower Posted May 10, 2010 Report Posted May 10, 2010 On 4/8/2010 at 8:59 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Colossians 1:26-27) What is the mystery that Paul talks about? In what sense was, Quote
Marloes Posted May 10, 2010 Report Posted May 10, 2010 On 4/8/2010 at 8:59 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Colossians 1:26-27) What is the mystery that Paul talks about? In what sense was, Quote
s8nfighter Posted May 10, 2010 Report Posted May 10, 2010 On 4/8/2010 at 8:59 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Colossians 1:26-27) What is the mystery that Paul talks about? In what sense was, Quote
hanks Posted May 10, 2010 Report Posted May 10, 2010 Q2. (Colossians 1:26-27) What is the mystery that Paul talks about? In what sense was, "Christ in you, the hope of glory," hidden prior to this? In what sense is "glory" used here? What does "the hope of glory" mean in this context? Paul is speaking about the fact that Jesus Christ indwells not only in the chosen Jewish people, but also in the Christian Gentiles. This truth was not known in the OT period. The church began on the Day of Pentecost, and this truth of the church was revealed by God. Glory is to be present with Jesus in Heaven and have never-ending bliss. I have the hope of participating in God Quote
OLD GARY Posted May 10, 2010 Report Posted May 10, 2010 The mystery is revealed. The Gentiles are also eligible to be saved. Christ has included the Gentiles in the plan of salvation. What a wonderful disclosure of Christs plan of salvation. It is amazing that for all history the Jews were the chosen and now the message has changed or been revealed. Christs Glory is revealed that even the Gentiles can be saved and Go To Heaven and be part of the Glory and the Light. It is amazing to me that this is such an earth shaking event and yet today the Jews are the ones who generally do not accept the Christ as the Savior. Perhaps Christ could foresee that the only hope for this new Christianity was to include the Gentiles who have today traveled and spread the Word. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted May 10, 2010 Report Posted May 10, 2010 The mystery that Paul talks about here is Salvation for Gentiles, where up to that point, the Jews considered themselves the only chosen people. Now....all could come to Salvation through faith in Jesus. Now for Jews as well as Gentiles, through the saving work of Jesus, our hope of sharing in eternal glory is now possible with Jesus living in us. We are in Christ and He is in us. Christ in us, is our hope of experiencing God's glory. Through sharing with and in Him on Earth, we reflect who He is and what He is about and we are being transformed to be more like Him all the time. We are achieving "eternal" glory through our trials and suffering here on Earth. We have the hope of eternal life where His "full glory" will be revealed! Awesome! Prior to this I think this mystery is hidden by dependence on a legal system. On human abilities. In many ways, it is still hidden today that way. Our faith in Christ's atoning for our sins transforms us into heirs as children of God and co-heirs with Christ. What once separated no more. We are in Christ and He is in us. I love John 17: 20-25! The most beautiful prayer from Jesus for us! Complete unity! By faith. The Holy Spirit guides us no matter where we come from, education we have, lifestyle we are in, or have been in and are giving up.....wherever we are! All have hope of attaining glory through Jesus, reflecting Him, and being transformed in ourselves with Him in us. Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted May 10, 2010 Report Posted May 10, 2010 What is the mystery that Paul talks about? The mystery is that the gospel of Christ is for Gentiles as well as the Jewish people. In fact in Colosae they make up the majority of church. In what sense was, "Christ in you, the hope of glory," hidden prior to this? Before this, God was given to the Jews, in His promises and covenants. After this, salvation was offered to all. In what sense is "glory" used here? I think that glory is used in a transformed nature, before Christ we walked as humans with only the hope of this world, after the glory of Christ has been opened to us. What does "the hope of glory" mean in this context? The hope of glory is to know that one day we will stand with Christ Jesus and be declared His child. Quote
JanMary Posted May 10, 2010 Report Posted May 10, 2010 Q2. (Colossians 1:26-27) What is the mystery that Paul talks about? Prior to this time, a relationship with God was an external one, based on prayer, listening, obeying His word to the best of one's ability, and depending upon sacrificial offerings of innocent animal blood shed to temporarily cleanse sin, and was limited to the Jews. The mystery Paul is talking about is that Christ now dwells IN every believer, regardless of ones race, occupying the place created for God alone to fill, but which died when Adam and Eve sinned bringing death to all. In what sense was, "Christ in you, the hope of glory," hidden prior to this? I believe Paul is referring to the fact that until Jesus came and died for all, God's glory dwelt in the temple in Jerusalem. Now through faith in His Son, Gentiles are grafted into God's family, and have the glorious privilege and responsibility of carrying the Good News of the Gospel to the world. His glory now dwells in each believer rather than in a building and individual believers have become the "stones" which make up the Church. In what sense is "glory" used here? I believe Paul is referring to the fact that at salvation all the fullness of the Godhead dwells in each believer, and God is glorified as we live a life surrendered to the Holy Spirit, allowing Jesus to live His life through us. Also, that we share in His Divine nature and attributes as we are born again and allow His nature (the fruit of the Spirit) to be cultivated in us, and in surrendering to the manifestation of His Spiritual gifts through us....which also reflects His glory. Restored to relationship with Him, all the rituals of the temple are obsolete, in that Jesus fulfilled each and every one. What does "the hope of glory" mean in this context? The mystery is that Christ is within and among us...the Hope of realizing the richness of a life in Him and of eternal life, for he has blessed us with every spiritiual blessing in the Heavenly realm. (Eph. 1:3). Quote
Patricia A Posted May 10, 2010 Report Posted May 10, 2010 On 4/8/2010 at 8:59 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Colossians 1:26-27) What is the mystery that Paul talks about? That Christ, the Messiah, would indwell not only the chosen Jewish people, but also the Gentiles who made up the bulk of the church at Colossae and elsewhere In what sense was, "Christ in you, the hope of glory," hidden prior to this? But for Gentile believers in the first century, who were being enticed to adopt Judaism, to realize that the Messiah came for them, too, was truly marvelous. In what sense is "glory" used here? To rejoice triumphantly What does "the hope of glory" mean in this context?"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." (1 Peter 5:10) Quote
DrD Posted May 10, 2010 Report Posted May 10, 2010 The mystery that Paul talks about is that Christ dwells with the Gentile Christians as well as in the Jewish Christians. . . Prior to the Day of Pentecoat the Spirit of God did not dwell with the spirit of the believer - but since the Day of Pentecost the Spirit of Christ endwells all born-again- believers. . . Acts 2:1-4 (NKJV) 1 When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts 10:44-47 (NKJV) 44 While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word. 45 And those of the circumcision who believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also. 46 For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. Then Peter answered, 47 "Can anyone forbid water, that these should not be baptized who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?" Quote
Stan Posted May 10, 2010 Report Posted May 10, 2010 Q2. (Colossians 1:26-27) What is the mystery that Paul talks about? In what sense was, Quote
Jean @ Rosehill Posted May 11, 2010 Report Posted May 11, 2010 On 4/8/2010 at 8:59 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Colossians 1:26-27) What is the mystery that Paul talks about? In what sense was, "Christ in you, the hope of glory," hidden prior to this? In what sense is "glory" used here? What does "the hope of glory" mean in this context? The mystery Paul is talking about is that salvation is provided through Jesus for the Gentiles, and not only to the Jews. The hope of glory refers to the presence of God which is so magnificient that it is really beyond description. Someday we will live continuously in God's presence, after we have suffered here on this earth for "a short time." When we finally live eternally in His wonderful presence our suffering will be only a distant memory, and it will all be worth it. Whenever we are in deep trials, when we seek God desperately with our whole being, He will meet us by sending the Holy Spirit to comfort us and give us a glimpse into what is in store for us someday. Right now we are "looking through a glass dimly", but someday all things will be made clear. Even here on earth, if we seek God's face, He will give us a magnificent glimpse of what is to come, and it brings us great comfort and joy to help bear us up and sustain us through our trials and temptations. Quote
sylverd Posted May 11, 2010 Report Posted May 11, 2010 On 4/8/2010 at 8:59 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Colossians 1:26-27) What is the mystery that Paul talks about? In what sense was, Quote
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