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Paul told the Colossians of his call to sacrificially minister to the church, so intense and compelling that he willingly suffered much for them. Now he identifies the ultimate reason/purpose - that the members of the Body may be presented to Christ with complete teleios in Christ. This is the state of full-grown spiritual development and consummate maturity of holiness. The Spirit develops the character of Christ in each believer through a process that lasts a human lifespan, using people along the way to teach and admonish us in our growth. Throughout that journey we should see increasing evidences of this development, but the state where nothing is still required for total completeness won't be realized while we're bound in human flesh on earth. Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is (1John 3:2). When we're presented to Christ, we'll be perfect like Him!

Paul worked tirelessly to accomplish this goal through proclaiming Christ and His gospel, through warning and admonishing believers of perversion of truth and its consequences, and through teaching believers how to live out faith in wisdom. Even though he was unable to minister to them in person, he engaged in a "great…struggle" (ESV) for them through intercessory prayer. The word translated "struggle" in 2:1 is in the sense of the conflict of a battle or contest for the prize of victory. I think he was the ultimate warrior of prayer, taking on the burden for these people in a way few of us are willing to do.


Paul's labors are at one with Christ's own.He fights against spiritual death.He kindles the fire which Our Lord will set to blaze upon his glorious return."Prefect" means as God has intended us to be,and that includes our effort,prayers,and his infilling of the Holy Spirit and the blessings conferred upon us through the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ.It's no accident that Paul mentions his efforts on the part of the church in Laodicia,which has become a byword for lukewarm or useless faith.This is what he's struggling against:legalism,ritualism,veneration of man-made practices,honoring of ourselves,self-delusion and spiritual laziness or avoidance of our responsibility to the Truth.


The purpose of Paul's labors is to proclaim Jesus, admonishing & teach everyone that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.

It is the perfection that can come only from God--Christ's work on the cross.

Paul is teaching & admonishing them--helping them to grow & mature. He is struggling in preparation to teach & lead, being patient & faithful, and actually fighting the spiritual fight in prayer for these people. It is a struggle for the learner and the teacher. Both need to be praying. He is doing all this in the energy the Spirit provides.


Paul's purpose is to present all of his hearers as "perfect" or "complete" in Christ. His letter to the Christians at Ephesus explains this perfection in detail.

It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-13 NIV)

Paul accomplishes this goal by "struggling" in God's strength for his readers through preaching (proclaiming) Christ, warning them of false teachings, and teaching them the truths of the Gospel.

This is a good outline for us to follow as well. We should also notice that Paul's efforts were "with all wisdom" and "with all His (God's) energy." We accomplish very little on our own. wink.gif


Q3. (Colossians 1:28-2:1) What is the purpose of Paul's labors according to verse 28? What does "perfect in Christ" mean? How does Paul accomplish this goal? In what way is he "struggling" for them?

The purpose of Paul

  On 4/8/2010 at 9:00 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Colossians 1:28-2:1) What is the purpose of Paul's labors according to verse 28? What does "perfect in Christ" mean? How does Paul accomplish this goal? In what way is he "struggling" for them?

As we grow in our Christian walk we are becoming more and more like Jesus. Paul's purpose is to bring believers to a level of maturity in their Christian walk to which they will no longer be tossed about with doubts and uncertainties. He wants them to stand strong in their salvation of Jesus and not be led astray by strange doctrines. We won't be completely perfect until heaven, but we can reach a place of maturity in Christ. That is exciting to me!! I want to get there. I struggle, not with WHAT I believe, but in living it out. I cave under pressure so many times and just feel like quitting my work for the Lord.

Paul's methods for helping believers achieve maturity included three levels: preaching, admonishing, and teaching. Paul was also an intercessor in prayer, which involves struggling in the spirit for the believers, persistence, and deep concern through prayer. It is a gift.


Q3. (Colossians 1:28-2:1)

What is the purpose of Paul's labours according to verse 28?

What does "perfect in Christ" mean?

How does Paul accomplish this goal?

In what way is he "struggling" for them?



The purpose of Paul's labors was to teach, proclaiming Christ to everyone, admonishing against what was false, or ungodly and teach with all wisdom, so that everyone could be presented perfect in Christ.

Perfect in Christ means mature in our faith. We can't be perfect here, but we can ask God for wisdom and we can know the truth of His word. By the Holy Spirit, we can be free of those things that hold us back from Spiritual maturity and from living Godly lives. We ask for help and depend on God with trust in Him during our struggles. He will set us free and He never turns away an honest seeker. There is hope through Christ to over come anything holding us back from living Godly lives or understanding more to set us free....because the victory is ours in Christ! We don't need to be afraid anymore either. He's our defender and and our rock. He goes before us, on each side and behind us. He's the one who reveals of all things when we question. He's our wisdom to turn to when we doubt or want to know why. He's everything. He's our peace, our patience....just everything.

Paul accomplishes the goal to present everyone perfect in Christ by teaching truths. He corrects falsehood. He preaches and teaches Christ.Christ. Christ. He knows Christ is their resource and rock. Their hope of salvation and purpose in life. Their way to eternal life. He labors in prayer....that they would come to know the grace and knowledge of Christ. That they would live their lives for Christ and look for coming eternity with Christ. Life in Christ was the goal from the beginning of creation and he wants them to experience this life in Christ free from human striving or rules and regulations. All for Christ. He labored by the power of Christ, with all God's energy. He showed them and told them Christ was his power and could be theirs too. He struggled for them. Put himself out on the line for them. His labor was an all out giving to see them free. He knew the truth so profoundly he would have done anything for them to have it too. Because he knew what he knew could have a profound affect on their lives.

  On 4/8/2010 at 9:00 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Colossians 1:28-2:1)rolleyes.gif

What is the purpose of Paul's labors according to verse 28?

"28 We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. Paul wants everyone to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

What does "perfect in Christ" mean?

"Perfect in Christ means one know Christ as his Savior and has been made perfect by the blood of Christ.

How does Paul accomplish this goal?

Paul witnesses about Christ, he prays and interceeds for others and admonishes wrong behavior and teaches about Christ.

In what way is he "struggling" for them?

He struggles in prayer as he interceeds for them. Paul wants so much for them to know Jesus as their Savior that his prayers come as he struggles.


Q3. (Colossians 1:28-2:1) What is the purpose of Paul's labors according to verse 28?

The purpose is that Paul may present to everyone a way that they can be a people having reached the goal, being united with the Messiah.

What does "perfect in Christ" mean?


Q3. (Colossians 1:28-2:1) What is the purpose of Paul's labors according to verse 28?

Paul is a man after God's own heart....he longs for every believer to be presented to God, mature, complete, full-grown, fully initiated and perfect in Christ.

What does "perfect in Christ" mean?

I believe he means all that God desires for us to become in Him....filled with His love, His spirit, His nature....our flesh in submission to Him so that we are obedient and others see Him before they see us! Since each has a preordained destiny to fulfill, his desire is that we complete the work He has for us.

How does Paul accomplish this goal? In what way is he "struggling" for them?

Paul wrestled in prayer for the saints, preached the Word in season and out, proclaiming Christ, warning and admonishing everyone, instructing in all wisdom into the ways and purposes of God. Paul labored physically unto weariness, striving to meet the goal with super human energy supplied by the Holy Spirit.


Paul's struggle was to bring those that were involved in his ministry to maturity or perfection in Christ. . . It appears that Paul's struggle for the people to progress and mature in Chriat was in three basic areas; (1) publicly; (2) privately; and (3) within the community of the Church. . .

"PERFECT IN CHRIST" means to progress or mature in our walk with Christ - to meet the highest standards - and to become fully developed as Christians. . .

Paul's attempts to accomplish this goal through proclaiming or preaching the Gospel; by way of admonishing or warning believers to discontinue any and all activities or lifestyles that were contrary to or opposing the God will, plan and purpose for their lives and through instruction, teaching the Word of God. . .


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