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Q1. (Colossians 2:8) Philosophy refers to a prevailing belief system. How can a belief system be empty and false? Unless it is based on Christ, any belief system will be empty and false.

Have you ever personally experienced being captivated by a belief system only to find it deceptive and hollow? Yes, before Christ found me I believed that the ultimate fulfillment and happiness was to be found in more and more material posessions and a higher and higher social status. God and Jesus did not feature in this belief system at all and I can tell you, it was empty and false.

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Q1. (Colossians 2:8) Philosophy refers to a prevailing belief system. How can a belief system be empty and false? Have you ever personally experienced being captivated by a belief system only to find it deceptive and hollow?

A prevailing belief system is empty and hollow if it from false teachers who don't agree with the Bible and Jesus Christ. Yes many years I was decieved by the evil one that there was no God. Today I know that I know there is my Savior Jesus Christ is alive and well.


Q1. (Colossians 2:8) Philosophy refers to a prevailing belief system. How can a belief system be empty and false? Have you ever personally experienced being captivated by a belief system only to find it deceptive and hollow?

A belief system can be empty and false when it does not have a firm foundation. The principles/teachings all sound good and promising but they cannot hold when the time comes for these principles/teachings to be tested. Also, the teachers and those who subscribe to such a system will lie and become defensive when challenged.

I was born into a Buddhist family but fortunately I was never captivated. Even as a young child, I could not believe the teachings. Unfortunately, as a new believer in Christ, my leaders in the church i attended made christianity deceptive and hollow. I was always waiting for God to hit and strike me. I felt I was being judged all the time.


Philosophies have always been "invented" by man. Today, post-modern thinking has much to do with prevailing philosophies. The mind set that says, "If I think it....it makes it true." is one of the worst destructive ways of thinking we can participate in. Unfortunately, it is rampant in our churches as well as society. Even in churches, many have come up with their "philosophy" and have applied Bible verses to support them and what they want to do. They ignore the context of the verses and the fullness of the Bible and what it teaches as a whole. Instead of teaching truth and living that, they promote a lie for gain and try to justify with half truths or twisted truths.

Philosophies are ever changing to suit any present need or want and are usually misleading as they satisfy "self" and do not support truth. Some only satisfy certain "groups" of people and many are invented to make money or control others.

Many times in my life I have experienced being taken in by half truths and philosophies, but as I grow in my relationship with God and know His Word and truth more and more, I experience the falseness of these ever changing philosophies and ultimately learn the security of our unchanging God and His indisputable truths and am filled with them to live life very differently than the world.

Philosophies always change and crumble and you'll soon see it.....but the Word of God stands forever.


Q1. (Colossians 2:8) Philosophy refers to a prevailing belief system. How can a belief system be empty and false?

If the philosophy is not based upon the Word of God and His truth, it will be flawed. Cults are one example....They are based upon man's attempt to define God, apart from Scripture, or upon the parts of Scripture which appeal to the philosopher, but prove to be empty and false, because they are not THE TRUTH!

Have you ever personally experienced being captivated by a belief system only to find it deceptive and hollow?

I was raised in a main stream denomination of Christianity which teaches infant baptism. Later, at age 10 or 11 I was confirmed by the laying on of hands by the Bishop of the State in which I lived. This was supposed to bring me salvation (baptism) and the baptism of the Holy Spirit (confirmation). However, neither is true. This is false teaching, in that my parents made the decision FOR me,( which would have made me God's grandchild, not His child) and I was neither born again, nor was I filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. This teaching delayed my new birth experience because I thought for years that I was already a Christian....however it was hollow and deceptive. It wasn't until age 30, when I was at the end of myself and cried out to the Lord to change and comfort and save me, that I was born again.

This denomination is based upon much truth, but is flawed and misleading. It also teaches that when a person dies, there is still opportunity to pray "for the repose of their soul that they find peace with God"......implying that there is a second chance after death to decide whether to follow Christ.....that too is unscriptural. And yet every Sunday I heard scripture read from both the old and new Testaments.


I was raised in a main stream denomination of Christianity which teaches infant baptism...

I was raised similarily, but am thankful that I was given a foundation that enabled me to grow into the truths found in scriptures. There is no substitute for reading and studying the Word - it led me to a heart-changing relationship with Christ. Praise the Lord!


A belief system built on anything else than Christ is a failure--sure to bring failure & hopelessness.

Like others, I was raised without much real Christianity--very liberal beliefs--even questioning what was in the Bible. I felt that emptiness & hollowness & asked God to show me. And through a series of events--always drawing me closer to Him--I found a Bible believing church--one where the Holy Spirit was active!! Praise Him!


Q1. (Colossians 2:8) Philosophy refers to a prevailing belief system. How can a belief system be empty and false? Have you ever personally experienced being captivated by a belief system only to find it deceptive and hollow?

A belief system can be empty and false as it is based on traditions, man-made laws, fear and false teaching. After a while, some people will experience dissatisfaction and start to question that belief system. Others who are blinded will continue to follow such beliefs without fully understanding it but yet is held in bondage by it out of fear and ignorance. Even within Christianity, there are preachers who choose to intepret the Bible according to their own fleshly thinking and manipulate it to suit their needs. The "Once-saved-Always-saved" concept could be one such belief system.


Q1. (Colossians 2:8) Philosophy refers to a prevailing belief system. How can a belief system be empty and false? Have you ever personally experienced being captivated by a belief system only to find it deceptive and hollow?

When I think of beliefs systems in families I think of stories that get passed down from generation to generation. The stories always change over time taking on the flavor of the story teller. So the true story eventually becomes a fable. I was born into a LDS family with a set belief system. When the Lord called me to his true council, I found out how empty and false the things I had been taught for 35 years really were. I had no idea how captivated by it all I had been until I had to face the truth. I now realize how dangerous it is to believe in man without seeking God's council first.


The false prophets claimed to offer grand philosophies but their ideas were nothing but empty. Faith in Christ is key and no other way leads to eternity.


Q1. (Colossians 2:8) Philosophy refers to a prevailing belief system. How can a belief system be empty and false? Have you ever personally experienced being captivated by a belief system only to find it deceptive and hollow?

a belief systems that offers you this that and the other, only to get your hopes up and then the system does not deliver.a system that will get you to believe and trust but the motive behind is truly not in your best interest.yes, and i was left mad and hurt because i allowed my emotions to get in the way of the spirit man.


Q1. (Colossians 2:8) Philosophy refers to a prevailing belief system. How can a belief system be empty and false? Have you ever personally experienced being captivated by a belief system only to find it deceptive and hollow?

Colossians 2:8 - 8See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.

In a commentary that I was reading, it stated that "Paul was counteracting the Colossian heresy, which, in part, taught that for salvation one needed to combine faith in Christ with secret knowledge and with human regulations concerning such physical and external practices as circumcision, eating and drinking, and observance of religious festivals." (Source-Barker, Kenneth L. Zondervan NIV Study Bible. 1850. Grand Rapids: Zondervan,


Q1. (Colossians 2:8) Philosophy refers to a prevailing belief system. How can a belief system be empty and false? Have you ever personally experienced being captivated by a belief system only to find it deceptive and hollow?

a belief system can be empty and false when it offers you nothing to rely on but has you believing in false doctrines and too many gods or false gods. we can believe in god who is all consuming and controls everything but if we do not believe that he came to earth in the form of his son Jesus, and died for us then we are lost. i have not personally experienced being captivated by a belief system to find it deceptive and hollow, but i have often heard friends or people i know say, "i believe in a god and i believe in spirituality", but they seem to go with the new age theory that there is a god or someone controlling the universe and spirituality is what it is all about and that is the extent of it. if Jesus is not the centre of our universe then our belief system has no value at all.


The way that a belief system could be empty and false is to believe in something that has no merit like believing that the government can provide you with everything that you will need in this world.

Yes, I have personally experienced being captivated by a belief system only to find it deceptive and hollow. That was when I was tied up in legalism thinking I had to do things for God.


Q1. (Colossians 2:8) Philosophy refers to a prevailing belief system. How can a belief system be empty and false?

The belief system Paul was referring to is the philosophy of the world, a system based on the


A belief system can be empty and false as it is based on traditions, man-made laws, fear and false teaching. After a while, some people will experience dissatisfaction and start to question that belief system. Others who are blinded will continue to follow such beliefs without fully understanding it but yet is held in bondage by it out of fear and ignorance. Even within Christianity, there are preachers who choose to intepret the Bible according to their own fleshly thinking and manipulate it to suit their needs. The "Once-saved-Always-saved" concept could be one such belief system.



Q1. (Colossians 2:8) Philosophy refers to a prevailing belief system. How can a belief system be empty and false? Have you ever personally experienced being captivated by a belief system only to find it deceptive and hollow?

Any belief system that is devoid of Biblical truth leads to destruction. Jesus said in John 17:17 that God the Father's Word is truth. If God's Word is truth then every other belief system is empty and false. God's truth as expressed through Biblical writers is about human reconcilation with Him. It is about salvation from eternal separation from God. It's about eternal life through His only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but through me." John 14:6 Biblical truth is about completeness, wholeness, connection, and eternal salvation in Jesus the Christ. Where is this taught in any other belief system. It is not.

I accepted Jesus the Christ as my savior and was baptized when I was eight years old. I grow up in a Christian home. In fact my father was a pastor. However, as a teenager I explored various belief religious and political believe systems. As I explored, a thought keep popping up in my mind, do you really believe this stuff, will you stake your eternal destiny in it? I found in own exploration of ideas that what made sense to me about life and creation and living and purpose was clearly found in the Bible. I eventually made Jesus my Lord as well as Savior. Today I am a Pastor. In my opinion, the world is a pretty shallow place.


Q1. (Colossians 2:8) Philosophy refers to a prevailing belief system. How can a belief system be empty and false? Have you ever personally experienced being captivated by a belief system only to find it deceptive and hollow?

How can a belief system be empty and false? There is no personal relationship with anyone. The belief system is not going to help with the "spirit war" that rages in people. Also, no one is going to be able to provide salvation and save from sin. The only one who can do this is Jesus. Without Him we are nothing. In Col. 2:10 we read that we have everything when we have Christ."

Fortunately, I have not experienced being captivated by a belief system.


Q1 When one is new in the Lord or who has no Spiritual depth he will likely fall into

the trap of deceptive by the false teachers. Their motives are self glorification,

they are not benign but to capture and rob you of the treasure you have in Christ

and replace you with offers that are hollow and empty. (empty promises).

I must praise the Lord that I have personally not been deceived by the false

teachers although I have a few encounters with some. At that time I have grown

with the Lord and could discern their motives and questioned them thoroughly.


A belief system can be empty and false when it depends on the human traditions and basic principles of the world,instead of on Christ.

I personally haven't been caught up in any deceptive or hollow belief systems,but sadly I know people who have.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. (Colossians 2:8) Philosophy refers to a prevailing belief system. How can a belief system be empty and false?

A belief system can be empty and false when its foundation is based upon traditions that is devoid of truth and influences by the gods of this world.

Have you ever personally experienced being captivated by a belief system only to find it deceptive and hollow?

Yes, before I accepted THE Truth, found only in Christ Jesus, I believed in horoscope, and that I could pay someone to read my future. Thank God I have been set free of that deceptive belief.


A belief system is just that, a belief! It has no substance or validity, just what you make of it and put into it. I personally have not been captivated by a belief system. I have been captivated or charmed by myths and fairy tales such as your typical Wizard of Oz and King Kong movies, Santa Clause, fairy tooth mother etc. Whereas these things have their place in life, after reach a certain age, I was able to discern the truth.


Q1. (Colossians 2:8) Philosophy refers to a prevailing belief system. How can a belief system be empty and false? Have you ever personally experienced being captivated by a belief system only to find it deceptive and hollow?

1. Philosophy refers to a prevailing belief system. How can a belief system be empty and false?

Your belief system will always be empty and false if you do not practice what you believe and only tell others what should be done. Then all your words are for nothing, they are empt.

2. Have you ever personally experienced being captivated by a belief system only to fine it deceptive and hollow?

Maybe not the system but the people who run it.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. (Colossians 2:8) Philosophy refers to a prevailing belief system. How can a belief system be empty and false?

When the teachings are man made, and not of Christ, it will be empty and false.

Have you ever personally experienced being captivated by a belief system only to find it deceptive and hollow?

I'm sure we have all fallen prey to this at least once in our lifetime. Superstitions, making it a point to read our horoscope every day and believing what it tells us. Not trusting in the one true God. :rolleyes:

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